[Fleeing Princess]: I just arrived.

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Gu Ci still hasn’t let go of the previous questions.

[Fleeing Princess]: What do you mean when you say it’s been three hours?

[Fleeing Goddess]: It means that it has been long enough

-Three hours.

-Have you arrived yet?

It’s simply a perfect explanation.

When Yan Luqing finished typing, she saw that Gu Ci didn’t reply, and then she asked again: What’s wrong?

[Fleeing Princess]: Nothing. I thought it would have some other meaning.

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Yan Luqing just finished her meal and ran to the TV happily, waiting for today’s update of the dog blood drama.

After Gu Ci said that, she didn’t chat with him anymore.

After all, after listening to the report yesterday and knowing their itinerary, they should be going to a dinner party with the boss now.


Dinner party.

Since it’s a dinner party, one usually has to drink alcoholic beverages, right?

Yan Luqing typed a message and sent it to him again: That’s right.

The Fleeing Princess replied with a question mark.

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[Fleeing Goddess]: I am prohibited from drinking, and you must also do so too.

Yan Luqing sent it out but didn’t receive a reply from him. She was still wondering if Gu Ci wanted to say something like having to drink at a dinner party. However, when she was staring at the dialog box, an invitation for a video call suddenly popped up in front of her, which scared her a lot.

——It’s from Gu Ci.

A! Video! Call!

Yan Luqing subconsciously sat up straight from the sofa and straightened her hair, but the next second, her fingers slightly paused——does it matter what she looks like? Anyway, it’s not like she is in a beauty contest with the princess.

Anyway, what kind of appearance of her that Gu Ci has never seen?

With this in mind, Yan Luqing fell back to the pillow, nestled on the sofa, and directly clicked the green answer button.

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The moment it was connected, it was stuck for a while, and then the two of them saw each other’s appearance.

The light on Gu Ci’s side is dim, like it’s outdoors, with the outline of a hotel in the background. He was wearing a trench coat with a suit collar. It was pure black, which made him look tall and straight. Yan Luqing saw several people standing behind him, all dressed formally, but only Gu Ci who was too young and dazzling.

On the other hand, on her side, the light in the camera is warm and bright. Yan Luqing is wearing her favorite black and white panda pajamas. The pajamas also have a hat with two round panda ears on top of it. Lying on the sofa in a paralyzed position that only lazy people understood, she looked extremely comfortable.

Two completely different styles.

When Yan Luqing saw this comparison at first glance, she suddenly felt that it was quite memorable, so she reached out and took a screenshot to save it.

Then she asked: “Why are you calling me?”

As if he didn’t want to be heard by others, he began to walk away from the people behind him.

Yan Luqing didn’t know why he could be so handsome in this kind of light. She originally wanted to take a screenshot, but now she just wanted to record it.

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“I am calling you to ask,” Gu Ci stopped at a place, looked at her through the camera for a few seconds, and then said, “why do I have to follow you to be prohibited from drinking?”

“Is there still any need to ask?” Yan Luqing talked as if it is a matter of fact, and said earnestly, “Although you are young, can you take more care of your old stomach?”

Gu Ci smiled lightly. He seemed to be in a good mood, and then asked in a leisurely manner: “Why should I agree to it?”

“…” Yan Luqing paused, and her head became hot: “You don’t want to listen to the order of the Owner?”

A moment of silence.

The corner of Gu Ci’s mouth widened, and he nodded with a smile: “Okay, I’ll listen.”

Then his uncle seemed to be calling him. Gu Ci turned his head back and whispered to her like joking with her before hanging up: “I comply with your wish, Owner.”


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