After Gu Ci had done all this, he was not in a hurry to go any further. He continued to lean down in this position, with his hands beside her pillow, and his face was getting closer and closer to her.

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In the end, he stopped at a certain height, and just looked at her from top to bottom.

Yan Luqing repeated the words he said in a daze: “Try… what?”

Gu Ci’s eyebrows moved slightly and he asked softly: “What do you think that we should try?”

As soon as Gu Ci’s voice fell, Yan Luqing also replayed the scene and conversation just now in her mind.

It seemed quite normal at first. It’s just her hugging the pillow and Gu Ci saw it, then brought up the matter about her bullshit reasoning at that time.

She felt that maybe the deity still feels a little uncomfortable when seeing that he was made into a pillow, so she brought up that topic.

The problem came when he asked ‘Will there really be fans who choose a pillow instead of the real person?’, and the answer she gave was——

She said that a pillow can be clamped like that, but she can’t do so with the real person.

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This completely corresponds to the two sentences Gu Ci just said.

– “Are you sure it can’t be done?”

– “Then let us try it.”


She really wanted to ask: Princess Ci, do you know what it means to be reserved?

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At the moment of awakening, all the pain in Yan Luqing’s body flew away. Her eyes widened, and she just stared at Gu Ci’s face like this.

Looking at his deep and beautiful eyes, as well as his charming look with a slight smile on it.

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Yan Luqing hadn’t figured out how to answer or how to behave, but her brain was the first to simulate what Gu Ci’s so-called ‘try’ would be like.

Will he lay on his side or lay flat?

And how will she try it?

Shall she try it like how she clamped the pillow as she lay on her side, or with the pillow lying on her stomach?

The more Yan Luqing thought about it, the more her face heated up. After she had gone through these two methods in her mind, she slowly realized what she was thinking——Then as if something had exploded in her ear, Yan Luqing suddenly woke up and the feeling of shame rose up.

It takes no more than half a minute from beginning to end.

Gu Ci observed her expression and complexion, endured and endured, but still couldn’t help laughing and said: “It’s really wonderful.”

Yan Luqing’s thoughts were suddenly cut off. She looked up and asked him: “What?”

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Gu Ci: “Your face.”

It’s so interesting.

Changes come and go, and the thoughts in her heart seem to be written on her face, and it just lacks someone to record them into a short video.

Obviously she wasn’t like this at first. She wears a mask when facing him, and also wears a mask when facing other people, even when facing Big Black and Little Black. Although it can be seen that there are innumerable complaints in her heart, she still acts conscientiously on the surface.

But somehow, Yan Luqing’s mask in front of him began to disappear.


Seeing how she is now, it can be said that her reaction is not small.

Did he push too hard?

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Is this even hard?

When Gu finished answering, he took back his supporting hand from the pillow and opened the distance again. He straightened up and stood at the bedside looking at her: “It doesn’t matter.” After thinking about it, he added, “If you don’t dare, forget it.”

The moment his knees left the bedside, the mattress slightly raised.

Yan Luqing was lying on the bed, and this feeling was very intuitive——unexpectedly, she felt a moment of disappointment in her heart.

After Gu Ci finished speaking, he did not say any other words or do any other actions. He stood in there casually, as if waiting for her reply, or simply observing her.


Yan Luqing thought that dysmenorrhea can be considered an illness too.

If she can’t be willful when she is a patient, when will she be able to?

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