With this in mind, Yan Luqing suddenly let go of the pillow in her hand and sat up from the bed at once.

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“What’s there to be afraid of?” She showed a serious expression and said it eloquently, “A try is a try then.”


These words were very clear in the quiet room.

Yan Luqing’s eyes were wide open, just like the chibi version of the panda printed on the clothes on her body, and she stared at him without blinking.

Gu Ci suddenly remembered that a month ago, when she returned home with her head down in despair and handed him a flower with that aggrieved look, her wet eyes reminded him of the kind of squeamish, beautiful and coquettish small dogs.

Strangely, he did not have any special liking for small dogs, but he had to admit that at that moment, as well as now, he felt that… Yan Luqing’s eyes were very beautiful.

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The room fell silent for a few seconds.

Yan Luqing still did not get a reply.

She watched Gu Ci stand there for a while before he suddenly smiled, then without saying a word, he picked up the coat he had just taken off and walked to the door of the room.

Yan Luqing was dumbfounded: “Eh… No, what are you doing?”

After asking the question, Yan Luqing’s brain also flashed with countless guesses.

What is that for? He doesn’t want to try anymore?

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She is willing already, but he wants to run away instead?

Is it just a verbal desire?

Gu Ci happened to be halfway through the door, and when he heard the words, he stopped and turned to look at her with a half-smile.

“Of course it is to…” His tone is casual, but somehow it made people daydream, “take a bath and get ready.”


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Gu Ci gently closed the door and Yan Luqing, who sat on the bed for a long time, had red color climbing up her cheek little by little. It took a while for her to move again——she inserted her head into the pillow like an ostrich.

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Aaaaahhhhhh can’t he just say he’s going to take a bath?!

Why did he have to say to get ready!

Get ready for what? What’s there to get ready for?

When her mind was in the middle of a barrage, her stomach suddenly suffered another pain, Yan Luqing hurriedly lay down honestly on the pillow and stopped moving.

She is hissing like a snake spitting out its tongue, sucking cold air to try to relieve the pain, when the sound of electricity sounded and Makabaka’s voice appeared in her ears.

“Maria.” it sounded a little aggrieved, “It was garbled again… When Gu Ci came back, it was garbled and it was still full of garbled characters in your mind even after he left. Your brain was occupied by him!!!”

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“What can I do?” Although Yan Luqing was very ashamed because of Gu Ci’s words just now, she was still very clear, “I like garbled characters, and I think that I can only be more comfortable when I think of garbled characters. If I didn’t think about garbled characters, do you have a way to relieve my pain then?”

Probably because she was too frank, there was really no way to refute it. So Makabaka immediately admitted its mistake: “I was wrong, wuwuwu. Then, if you are still in pain now, I can talk with you…”

Yan Luqing thought for a while that Gu Ci won’t be back for a while anyway, so she nodded and said: “Okay. Didn’t you say that you were the first in the internship? Then tell me about the world you have experienced during your internship.”

Then Makabaka briefly told her the stories of the hosts it had accompanied. Yan Luqing went to the bathroom halfway through and was a little absent-minded when listening to it. When she returned to bed again while holding her lower abdomen, she called a pause and began to ask questions related to the world:

“This world seems to be quite complete and it seems that everyone is living a normal life… So do those people who didn’t appear in the book really exist?”

Makabaka: “You can understand it as two worlds. They are independent, but they are both real. It’s just that that they have connection now, and that’s why you crossed over——”

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