After she finished speaking, she felt all the more sleepy and even yawned.

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Gu Ci: …?

“Don’t keep your eyes open anymore.” Yan Luqing stretched out her hand from the quilt and accurately covered his eyelids——

Gu Ci reflexively closed his eyes and felt that her warm fingertips still hadn’t left. Her voice then comes from beside his ear: “Gu Ci, go to sleep now.”

The ending sound is soft, like coaxing children.


Yan Luqing didn’t keep her fingers on it all the time. She found that after she moved her fingers away, Gu Ci still closed his eyes quietly.

At this time, it has reached the tail of dusk.

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Yan Luqing did not have Gu Ci’s habit of tightening the curtains in broad daylight. She has always left it completely open wide. At this time, the warm orange light outside the window sprinkled on the white quilt, and Gu Ci’s face that was against the light was so good looking, as if it was a painting.

She looked at it and began to be in a trance. After waiting for some time, Gu Ci’s breath has become lighter and more even. His eyelashes hardly moved, and it looked like he had really fallen asleep.

“Gu Ci, are you asleep already?” Yan Luqing probed in a very low voice.

No response.

“The last time we slept face to face like this, we were still in the tree hole,” she continued with a weak voice, “Speaking of which, do you still remember the time when we were in the tree hole?”

He still did not respond.

“I asked you at that time whether you were happy that we would be saved soon.” She sighed slightly, “What you are telling me was probably the truth, right…?”

After a pause, Yan Luqing finally revealed the secret that she had not told him at that time.

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——”But I lied.”

——”In fact, when I left that place, I was not happy at all.”

It doesn’t matter whether he is asleep or not. The scene in front of Yan Luqing right now just touches the memory of the past, so she just has to get it off her heart.

It may have something to do with the medicine she took just now. Yan Luqing also began to feel really sleepy. Once the brain is not clear, all kinds of strange small theater will pop up in her mind——

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She once again enjoyed her wife’s beauty in the heyday for a while and sighed in her heart that, alas, the faint king actually coaxed the Princess of the Bamboo Shoot Kingdom into the bed. This is a small step in history but a big step in Panda Country.

Yan Luqing felt that the impact of facing this face was a little big, so she turned over and went to sleep.

It happened that the pillow was put on the other side by her, so she hugged the pillow tightly as usual, and habitually clamped her legs before falling asleep within a few minutes.

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When she woke up again, it was dark before her eyes.

Yan Luqing felt that her body was a little lighter, and the belt around her waist seemed to be missing, but miraculously, her stomach did not hurt much, and her body was also very warm.

Yan Luqing recalled many of the memories before she fell asleep. She thought of the moment she took a nap with Gu Ci in the afternoon, and thought of the moment she turned her back to him, and hugged the pillow instead…

When Yan Luqing wanted to stretch out while holding the pillow, she suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the touch of her hands.

…Can a pillow be so hard?

There is a disadvantage to sleeping with a pillow. It is indeed soft, but it will become hot after sleeping on it for some time.

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Why is the one she held today still warm and cool?

It seems, as if, more comfortable than a pillow.

Before she could understand what happened, a familiar voice suddenly came to her ears.

“How is it?”

“……” Because the distance was too close, Yan Luqing was stunned for a few seconds before asking in a daze, “Huh? About what?”

Just after asking, she felt that her leg was moved. And the ‘pillow’ that she was holding——also moved a bit!


Yan Luqing’s arms around the pillow have also become very stiff at once.

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