She finally realized where her legs were!!

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At that time, she slept with him in the tree hole all night. Yan Luqing remembered that early the next morning, Gu Ci showed her a video recording of her various actions after she fell asleep.

But after all, she didn’t see it with her own eyes at that time. And now it seemed that the scene of the tree hole reappeared again, but this time, instead of listening to Gu Ci’s narration, she bumped into her own social death scene——she really stuck to Gu Ci firmly like a giant panda holding a bamboo shoot!!!

After Gu Ci answered her earlier question, his clear and cold voice resounded again in the room.

“Of course I am asking, how does it feel to hug a real person?”

“…” Yan Luqing was about to suffocate. Why, why, why? She clearly fell asleep with the pillow in her arms. She thought that this kind of scene would never happen!

But Gu Ci is still not over yet.

When she was holding her breath, enduring embarrassment, and planning to quietly retract her arms and legs——

“Don’t you like your pillow so much?”

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He continued talking, with a smile in his voice, “Then why is it on the ground now?”


If Yan Luqing is clear-headed, she should be able to realize that in this conversation, before and after, Gu Ci cares too much about the pillow. Not only is there a sense of comparison, but there is even a feeling of ‘competing for favor’.

But she didn’t even have time to think.

Because she just slept with the person she likes.

It’s literally——sleeping together.

The dark room was extremely quiet.

Gu Ci’s voice seems to be circling over and over again with a looping sound effect.

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Yan Luqing thought, did the pillow fall? And it even falls to the ground?

Did she push the pillow down and then turned back to hang on Princess Bamboo Shoot?

So… when did he wake up?

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Yan Luqing found that she did not even dare to ask this question.

If he said he already woke up a long time ago, how would she reply to him then? Wouldn’t she be extremely embarrassed that she had hugged him for so long?

And even so, will Gu Ci just say ‘I already woke up a long time ago’? He will definitely speak softly in a gentle voice and add a little bit of details too.

So this idea of hers was instantly dismissed.

“The reason that it is on the ground, is, is probably because……” Yan Luqing was entangled by it and explained with a little stuttering, “I just knocked it off…… because I usually do this when I sleep by myself.”

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Shit! The bed is so big that even if she wakes up without hugging the pillow, the pillow will never be kicked to fall to the ground too.

But she can only think hard like this to find a reasonable explanation.

This scene can’t be thought about carefully, because the more she thinks about it, the more embarrassed she feels——She hugged the pillow to sleep, but because there is a real person lying beside her, she threw the pillow instead and spontaneously hugged the real person.


She can’t stay any longer.

After Yan Luqing finished that vague explanation, no matter what Gu Ci was going to reply to, no matter how awkward her posture was, she quickly took back all her arms and legs, lifted the quilt and rolled over to the side.

Then she got out of bed, stood on the floor and went straight to the bathroom.


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Right now, it’s already nine o’clock in the evening, the room is brightly lit again.

The pillow that was lying on the ground was picked up by the person whose face was printed on the pillow. He looked at it for a while, patted the dust that didn’t exist, and put it on the stool on the side.

And Yan Luqing is still in the bathroom.

While washing her hands with warm water, she looked in the mirror and waited for the blush and temperature on her face to subside.

Just now… in the dark, she couldn’t see anything clearly, but she still remembered where she was closest to Gu Ci.

Arms, and legs.

In what position did they embrace?

Yan Luqing likes to lie on her side when she sleeps. When she lies on her side, it’s best to put the leg on top of something, or like ‘riding’ something.

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