The birthday party venue was in a mess, and finally the hotel security personnel began to come in to manage the order and send the guests away one after another. If there’s no one making a bigger fool of themselves than this, then not surprisingly, the singing at this birthday party will become a laughingstock for the next six months.

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Yan Luqing went to the bathroom before leaving.

The restroom of this hotel is in the back garden and it was designed creatively, where one can enjoy the scenery after using the toilet.

Yan Luqing was walking back slowly, feeling that there was no one around and admiring the flowers and plants. Then she suddenly felt her neck tightened, and she was suddenly pulled by a strong force from behind——

The next moment, she felt the sky turn around in an instant. She felt her forehead hit a hard object and made a dull sound, followed by warm liquid flowing down from there.


Damn it. Who is this! ! !

The other party got the upper hand of Yan Luqing, and now what she has is this type of ‘rag doll’ physique. Once restrained, she basically can’t move anymore.

A female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

“Elder Cousin, you got Gu Ci in your hands, right?”

Elder Cousin? Gu Ci?

Yan Luqing quickly turned her brain. The original owner’s younger cousin, Gu Ci… This is the female partner that Jin Qi’an likes!

If she remembers correctly, this female partner’s name is Yu Xi, and she was Yan Luqing’s distant cousin. Jin Qi’an has a secret crush on her, and she has an unrequited love towards Gu Ci.

Yu Xi is the typical little white flower[1] character in the original book. She may have some tea[2] characteristics in her life too. She is supposed to be not very popular, but since she is the female character who scolds Yan Luqing the most fiercely in the original book, and she really likes Gu Ci wholeheartedly, she also gains a lot of readers’ love.

Ironically, Yan Luqing once praised the other party’s words when scolding the original Yan Luqing, and in a twinkling of an eye, she became this Yan Luqing who was plotted by Yu Xi.

If Yan Luqing hadn’t been so bloodshed and couldn’t speak, she really wanted to shout: I’m the f*cking ally of yours!

“Yan Luqing, when will you know that you are mentally ill?”

It’s started. She has started!

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With the ‘you are mentally ill’ as the start, then with ‘do you also deserve to like him’ as the main stem, and with a warm blessing such as ‘I beg you to please die sooner’ as the ending, these are the three essential sets that Yu Xi have to use to insult and scold Yan Luqing with.

Yan Luqing may be more familiar with it than Yu Xi herself.

One thing that Yan Luqing is very clear about is that she will not take this kind of resentment, from the other party against the original owner, on herself——But without saying a word, the other party directly hit her head. She suffered the pain herself, so she had to fight back.

After all, Yu Xi is a girl. Adding to the scolding that diverted her attention, the strength soon became less solid than it was at first.

Yan Luqing’s tried to put strength to her voice, and rashly said a complete sentence:

“Yes, Gu Ci is in my house now. I am telling you clearly now, that we live under the same roof. What can you do anyway?”

Yu Xi stopped all of her movements at once. Yan Luqing seized the moment of opportunity, grabbing the roots of her head before she was ready, and pulled down her hair fiercely!

After Yan Luqing went to the toilet for more than ten minutes and did not return, Gu Ci suddenly said to Big Black and Little Black: “You can go to the back garden to have a look now.”

Big Black was puzzled: “Why?”

Gu Ci leaned on the sofa and analyzed one by one: “I used to be familiar with this place. It takes only five minutes to walk from the lobby to the back garden and back from the toilet. Even if girls walk slowly, it won’t take more than seven minutes. At this point in time, it’s almost impossible to have a queue in the bathroom, so it’s possible that something happened in the back garden.”

The two had to take Gu Ci to go together, for fear that he would not be able to see and it would be unsafe to leave him alone.

So when the three of them arrived in the back garden, Big Black and Little Black were seeing their Young Miss Yan pulling her cousin’s hair with blood on her face.

The scene was really shocking.

Yan Luqing’s blood didn’t flow all the time. She was a little dizzy but it didn’t delay her walking. When she got in the car, Big Black used the medicine box to simply treat the blood on Yan Luqing’s face. While dealing with it, he sighed: “You haven’t seen your cousin for a long time already. Everytime you meet her, you are not her match in fighting or cursing. In the future, it’s better…”

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Yan Luqing said firmly: “No, I won this time.”

Little Black who had no insight, whispered on the side: “But you are bleeding and she is not. It’s obvious that it’s her who won…”

At this point, Gu Ci, who had been silent, suddenly said: “What did your Miss do?”

Little Black: “She made Yu Xi bald on the top of her head.”


Yan Luqing smiled: “You won’t understand even after I said it.”

How painful it is for a girl to lose such a small part of hair by the root at the top of the head, you men will never understand it.


This birthday party was originally a journey of success, fulfilling a dream Yan Luqing had when she was still a reader. But her head bump was really an accident. Although it was not a serious skin injury, the doctor said she would have to lie in bed for a few days.

After helping Gu Ci to get his phone back at the birthday party, Yan Luqing also remembered that she hadn’t touched a mobile phone at all since she had crossed through.

So the early next morning after she came home, she asked Big Black for her lifeblood.

It’s the latest black slab.

When Yan Luqing just got her hands on it, she inexplicably heard an electric current’s sound. She was startled at that time, but then she found that her fingers didn’t feel any electric shock, not even a tingling sensation, so she was relieved again.

After she turns it on, the first thing she wants to see is WeChat.

She took a glance, but did not find the familiar green logo.

There is not much application on the screen of this mobile phone. There are only two pages of screen. Yan Luqing looks at them one by one, and finally fixed her eyes at the first one in the third row——

That bright red app.

“What the f*ck!” Yan Luqing really couldn’t resist the rude words, “Little Black, why did my WeChat icon turn into this?”

Big Black was called to the Yan family for something, so Little Black, who was the second familiar with Yan Luqing, stood guard.

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Little Black quickly walked to her bed and stared wide-eyed: “Turned into what?”

Yan Luqing was stunned and raised her head abruptly: “Can’t you see that my icon is red?”

Is the WeChat in this world set in a red icon?

Yan Luqing had just made this hypothesis in her heart when Little Black beside her suddenly frowned and dialed his phone.

“Oh, hello Doctor Qu. You asked us to observe Miss Yan closely before, and today I discovered that she has new symptoms, color blindness.”

Yan Luqing: “…………”

What the hell…

She squeezed the bridge of her nose, and while Little Black was still rambling over there, Yan Luqing braced herself and clicked on the WeChat icon that was so bright red that one will have eye discomfort when looking at it.

But it turned out to be normal inside. Exactly the same as the WeChat that Yan Luqing knew.

… Does she really have a red-green colorblindness???

Yan Luqing scrolled down the dialogue list and saw the names of two acquaintances.

Jin Qi’an and Yu Xi.

She first clicked the dialog box with Jin Qi’an, and then found that the previous chat records of the two had been deleted and it was blank now.

This person’s profile picture…

Wait a minute!

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This person’s profile picture, on its top, unexpectedly keeps popping out blue bubbles all the time, with a lifelike dynamic special effect.

She won’t really have hallucinations, will she?

Yan Luqing recited the core values of socialism ten times in her heart, recited the belief in science ten times silently, and finally tried to tap the bubble——

A big blue box suddenly popped up on the screen, with a line of words inside the frame:

“Why did Yu Xi ask about Gu Ci again? What’s so good about that little white face? Is this Master no better than him? Damn!”


Yan Luqing’s white eyes almost turned over.

He is so ordinary, yet so confident.


Is this actually Jin Qi’an’s inner thought?


Theoretically, Young Master Jin should be lying in the hospital right now with one leg in plaster cast and can’t go anywhere. When he recalls his birthday party, he would feel better off dead, right?

Yan Luqing typed directly and sent him a message.

YLQ: 【Are your legs healed?】

Then she began to wait.

Almost thirty seconds later, a ‘read’ notification appeared on the far left side of the message.

Yan Luqing: …Isn’t this the fuckin mentally handicapped function that has been taken down for a long time already???

After showing that he had already read the message, a group of bright red bubbles popped up over there, and it all seemed to be scrambling to be on the top very anxiously.

Yan Luqing clicked twice, and two bright red boxes popped up on the screen:

「F*ck, is this crazy woman really a goddamn lunatic?」

「The one who did this to this Master’s legs is definitely you, right? Damn you」

“…” F*ck, it’s really real-time.

That means that she can see what the other person is thinking at the moment without sending a message?

Damn, a golden finger.

Wow~The Golden Legend! ! !

Yan Luqing is excited. The only thing she regrets now is that she didn’t ask for her mobile phone earlier.

Then, what is the meaning of these bubbles’ color?

Yan Luqing exited the chat dialog with Jin Qi’an, and went to Yu Xi’s instead.

The dialogue between the two of them is as blank as Jin Qi’an’s. After waiting for a while, she saw two color bubbles, blue and pink, on Yu Xi’s head. They overlapped each other and unexpectedly, it looked pretty.

Yan Luqing clicked the pink bubbles three times, revealing three pink boxes:

「Want to see Gu Ci」

「Want to see Gu Ci」

「Want to see Gu Ci」

She clicked the blue bubbles three times, showing three blue boxes:

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「Go die, Yan Luqing」

「Go die, Yan Luqing」

「Go die, Yan Luqing」

Yan Luqing: “Pfft…”

It doesn’t have to be so serious, right?.

Yan Luqing became more excited as she looked at it. There are no other familiar names in her address book. She waves to Little Black who was standing by the window: “Little Black, come.”

Little Black walked over in a few steps: “Miss Yan.”

Yan Luqing put out her QR code and stared at him brightly: “Hey, let’s add a WeChat.”

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Little Black opened his eyes in surprise and bewilderment. “No, I can’t… My contract stated that since I’m not a personal bodyguard, I can’t have any private contact with Miss Yan. I don’t deserve it!”

“?” What a strange contract. Yan Luqing waved her hand indifferently, “You are very noble, I say you deserve it. So quickly scan mine.”


After Yan Luqing added Little Black, whose face was full of despair, she found that the bubbles on his profile picture were also quite dense, which were divided into gray and blue.

She first clicked the grey one three times——

「Miss Yan is crazy」

「Miss Yan is crazy」

「Miss Yan is crazy」

And then she clicked the blue one three times——

「Hurry up and pay my salary. I can’t hold it any longer」

「Hurry up and pay my salary. I can’t hold it any longer」

「Hurry up and pay my salary. I can’t hold it any longer」


It’s really not a surprise at all.


In the next hour, Yan Luqing did a long experiment with Little Black.

She said many things to stimulate him, and found that each bubble color represents a different emotion. At present, the most common colors that appear on Little Black are blue and gray.

As soon as Yan Luqing said those kinds of neurotic words, Little Black’s face was horrified, and gray bubbles appeared on his WeChat, showing 「Actually, how sick is Miss Yan?」, 「Does Miss Yan eat people?」, 「She seems to want to eat me.」 And so on.

The blue one changed later.

After turning into a blue bubble, Little Black’s inner drama becomes 「It seems like I won’t live that long anymore…」, 「I want to see my mom for the last time」, and so on.

Based on her analysis of the context, gray is fear, blue is sadness, and Jin Qian’s bright red just now is probably anger.

But what is Yu Xi’s pink? Yan Luqing did not have any guess yet for the time being.

Yan Luqing searched through the WeChat list and found that her address book had no Gu Ci, no guci, no GC, no GC. She searched all over, but found nothing at all.

She wants to go and find Gu Ci! She wants to add him as a friend! She wants to see his bubbles! Immediately, now!

So she immediately got out of bed and said under Little Black’s horrified eyes: “I have something to do. You can do whatever you want.” Yan Luqing thought of his poor inner drama just now and hinted, “If you are homesick, you can make a video call to your family.”

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Then Yan Luqing saw his bubble again.

Gray panic: 「Does she wants me to explain the later funeral?」

Blue sadness: 「She is finally going to deal with me.」

Yan Luqing: “…………”

This child’s brain capacity is not large, but his thinking is really complicated.

Yan Luqing rushed downstairs while regretting why she didn’t look at her phone earlier. Such an important tool for crime, she only got it now!

It’s definitely the fastest walk she’s ever had since she crossed into this body.

——She wants to know Gu Ci’s heart.

——She finally didn’t have to guess the Big Villain’s mind anymore.

After she crossed into the book, she found that eunuchs in ancient times were really having a hard time, speculating on other people’s thoughts every day. This is really something that ordinary people can’t do.

Yan Luqing arrived at the door of Gu Ci’s room and knocked on the door three times.

The voice of someone saying “Come in” was heard from inside.

Yan Luqing opened the door and walked in. She was about to open her mouth and head straight to the subject when she found that Gu Ci was half lying on the bed with one hand playing with his mobile phone and the other hand was on transfusion on the side.

Yan Luqing walked to Gu Ci’s bed, “Why…did you get an infusion this time for?”

“Because I can’t eat.”


Yan Luqing saw that this person could get out of bed, take a shower, and go to the banquet with her before. She thought he was almost healed, and will be fine as long as he recuperated well afterwards.

She only felt that since she had crossed in and became the original owner, the harm that the original owner brought to him would naturally not have occurred, so Gu Ci shouldn’t have a big problem.

For the several days since Yan Luqing had crossed in, she knew how bad her own body was——Her body was as light as a swallow before her crossing. Now she seems to be wearing dozens of kilograms of sandbags all over her body. No matter what she eats or drinks, it all feels a little bit nauseating.

But she can still eat normally.

And Gu Ci’s condition is so serious that he can only be given fluids through transfusion… How hard it is.

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Having only Jin Qi’an’s one leg is really too cheap for him.

While she was cursing inwardly, Gu Ci suddenly raised his eyes and looked in her direction. The expression is mostly very similar to the day when he first came. It looked cold on the surface, but after looking at his eyes for a while, it would make people feel very gentle.

Gu Ci said: “Do you need my help for something?”

Yan Luqing suddenly remembered her intention, and her eyes lit up.

If Gu Ci can see clearly, he will find her eyes that were staring straight at him now were as big and bright as light bulbs.

“Gu Ci, I found that we have known each other for so long, but I still don’t have your contact information.” Without waiting for him to express any ideas, Yan Luqing continued, “It just happened that your phone was taken back yesterday. Why don’t we add each other’s WeChat now?”

If there’s only the first sentence, it’s not strong enough. The last sentence is the key point——Gu Ci’s mobile phone was returned with Yan Luqing’s help. So in this case, whether Gu Ci recognizes her as a friend or not, whether he wants to add it or not, this WeChat will, definitely, have, to, be, added.

This technique is really a superb White Lotus’s skill, but in a special situation at this moment, Yan Luqing is willing to award herself with the ‘Ode to the Lotus Flower’.

Sure enough.

Gu Ci basically stopped the hand that was playing with the mobile phone, smiled slightly, unlocked the screen with his face and handed the phone to her.

“Add it yourself.”

Yan Luqing is holding his mobile phone just like holding her own future.

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