Yan Luqing took Gu Ci’s mobile phone and scanned her own QR code, and successfully made Gu Ci add herself as a friend.

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Gu Ci’s WeChat profile picture is black and white, and his nickname is ‘Word’.

Ci[1], Word.

“I added it and remark my name too.” Yan Luqing handed the mobile phone back to Gu Ci again.

Then her eyes were fixed on her own screen in an instant——

Just like the dialog with Jin Qi’an and Yu Xi, although he has not sent a message, his profile picture will hang in the upper left corner.

One second.

Two seconds.


When she counts to 5 silently in her heart, finally——The black-and-white profile picture of Gu Ci’s burst into bubbles!

What does Gu Ci think? What’s the Big Villain’s inner world like? What does Gu Ci think of her now? Does he think she is mentally ill? …Is it all true or not, she will know all of it after this!

Yan Luqing resisted her inner joy and tried not to be noticed by Gu Ci. She bit her lip and controlled her breathing, then looked at the bubbles carefully.

There is no color, and the bubbles are transparent.

Probably this is some kind of new emotion?

Yan Luqing clicked it and a white box popped out——


Only a period appeared in it.

She clicked again, and still only a lonely period appeared there.

Yan Luqing: ?

The Golden Finger broke right after it appeared?

Yan Luqing switched back to the dialog box with Little Black and looked at it. The child was still popping a lot of gray and blue bubbles on his head. She randomly poked them, and it was either 「I am really regretting it so much」 or 「I haven’t been filial yet」.

When she clicked on that idiot Jin Qi’an’s dialog box, it was still popping out bright red bubbles with  「F*ck you」 and 「You motherless child」 curses.

Since it’s not broken, what’s the situation with Gu Ci’s speech bubbles?

Yan Luqing went back to Gu Ci’s chat box again.

She observed it back and forth for about half a minute. This transparent bubble popped out very regularly. It was different from the chaotic scramble of others as it has a fixed time interval of two or three seconds, which made it look so fake.

And no matter how she pokes it, there’s only one 「.」.

Unexpectedly, after a long time of excitement, she could only read the Big Villain’s period.

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Yan Luqing’s mood fell from the cloud to the bottom of the valley. For a moment, she forgot whose room she was in, and couldn’t help but sigh heavily.

Gu Ci’s voice followed afterwards, “What’s the matter?”

Yan Luqing felt suffocated in her abdomen and slandered: What else? I just wanted to see what you were thinking, but you showed me only the period?

But what she said was another rhetoric: “I am thinking about…when will you recover?”

Yan Luqing raised his head to look at Gu Ci. He probably didn’t expect to hear such an answer and blinked. Looking at it from this angle, his eyelashes were really long and distinct.

It’s really worthy of being her favorite paper person. He looks really amazing.

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Yan Luqing continued to ask: “How are you feeling now, is it better than when you first arrived here?”

Every word and sentence spoken was a complete care.

When he heard it, Gu Ci suddenly laughed.

The young man’s still pale lips were curved into a nice arc. “Why did you ask it that way?” He said in a soft voice, “Of course it’s much better. And it’s all still thanks to you.”

“That’s good then. That’s good…” Yan Luqing breathed a sigh of relief, then thought of the things that Big Black was sent out to do today, and her tone became lighter. “By the way, I asked Big Black to contact a very famous ophthalmologist from another province. He should be here in two days.”

The implication is that his eyes are saved.

Of course, Gu Ci could hear it. He still said thanks with a smile, and gave Yan Luqing a line of concern: “How is your head?”

Originally, Yan Luqing’s goal has been set since she clearly clarified her identity on the first day of her crossing. She wants to do the opposite of what the original owner did. She wants to treat Gu Ci well and she wants to save his life.

Being cared for by the Big Villain is an important sign that the relationship between the two is going further!

Yan Luqing was very moved. She originally thought that the Golden Finger was useless after this trip, and the contact information was added for nothing, but she unexpectedly had a joyful surprise instead. So she left happily in the end.

Looking at the door being closed again, Gu Ci slowly put the mobile phone aside, with his palm facing up.

From his forearm, to his wrist, to his fingers, his entire arm was in a spontaneous, mild spasm of uncontrolled muscles.

——Because of the pain.

Gu Ci is familiar with this feeling, because this is not his first time.

From the fingers to the forearms, there is pain like a sharp knife cutting through the blood vessels and then gouged out the skin and flesh——All from the hallucinogenic drugs he had been given on the first day of his arrival in the villa, and the duration of each attack was uncertain and the location was also uncertain.

Therefore, just now when Yan Luqing asked how he felt compared to when he first arrived here, Gu Ci couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Gu Ci lowered his eyes, expressionlessly feeling the small spasm in his hand and quickly recalled through his mind about what Yan Luqing had done in just a few days.

She find him a doctor, take him to a banquet, ask for a mobile phone, and break Jin Qi’an’s leg. In the meantime, she frequently and repeatedly showed goodness to him——And it was all done after injecting him with this kind of thing.

Maybe her bodyguard is right that Yan Luqing is particularly ill this time, or maybe she is just too deep into the play.

But it doesn’t matter.

If this lunatic wants to change the trick, he can also change her way of death.

After Yan Luqing returned to the room, the family doctor who lived here, who was ready to deal with the physical condition of the original owner, came to change the medicine on her forehead.

Yan Luqing’s unconsciousness on her first day of arrival was treated by this doctor, and it was also her who treated Gu Ci. This female doctor has a professional face and looks very reliable. During the dressing change, she asked the doctor about Gu Ci’s current situation by the way.

But the results she obtained are not the same as what Gu Ci said.

The doctor said that the duration of Gu Ci’s infusion depends on the specific situation of his stomach recovery. The medicine he has been injected with also has many side effects that are difficult to find out, and can only be slowly checked and recuperated.

Then the doctor said about his eyes, “His eyes are also injured but it is not in the scope of my treatment. Although I have roughly examined it and found that it was a recent man-made damage, I am not sure about the specific causes and symptoms. You’d better find a professional doctor in this field as soon as possible. “

After changing the medicine, the doctor left. Yan Luqing lay back on the bed while covering her heart, and muttered several words: “Gu Ci is really too miserable…”

“I am about to be abused into his mother fan[1] already. How could this person be so miserable…”

“Maria, who is Gu Ci? Is it a new guest at home?” It may be that the word ‘Gu Ci’ appears too frequently, and the artificial mental retardation on the side suddenly asked.

Yan Luqing thought for a while: “It can be said like that.”

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Not only a guest, but also a guest she wanted to make offerings to.

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The robot said again: “My system did not detect the relevant information of ‘Gu Ci’, do we need to take a new code name for ‘Gu Ci’?”


Yan Luqing also did not know what happened to herself. When she thought of giving Gu Ci a nickname, her mind was filled with beautiful and miserable fairytale princess’ images, so she blurted out: “Princess Ci, Sleeping Beauty Ci, Cinderella Gu Ci, Mermaid Ci Ci…Just pick whichever one you like.”

Then she opened WeChat, clicked Gu Ci’s personal information, and changed his remarks.

——【Fleeing Princess】

However she sees it, this remark is very pleasing to the eye.

Yan Luqing was also not satisfied with her WeChat name: YLQ. Those who don’t know, will think that it was an acronym in the entertainment industry.

She thought about it, and changed it into something that matched with Gu Ci’s.

——【Fleeing Goddess】


In the next two days, Yan Luqing added the WeChat accounts of many people in the villa in order to test the golden finger, which created a sense of panic in the villa.

By observing a certain number of examples, in addition to blue, gray and red, she has identified two more colors——Yellow and pink.

Yellow represents feelings such as happiness.

Pink is a bit complicated. At first Yan Luqing thought that it was a ‘fondness’, but later discovered that this is the color that only comes out when the person has expectations for something——Maybe liking something, or simply just made a wish.

However, she has added so many people, all of which only have five colors appeared on them. Gu Ci is the only exception: He has no color.

Even with Yan Luqing keeping a watch at it from early morning to sunset and whenever she had the time, she would open the dialogue box with Gu Ci, the bubble on his head had no color at all from the beginning to the end, and the content was an eternal period.

Until two days later, the day when the ophthalmologist agreed to come.

Early that morning, a new permanent member came to the villa——Big Black brought back a man dressed like him, but without sunglasses. Yan Luqing sat on the sofa and watched Big Black introduce the man to herself: ” Miss Yan, this is your new personal bodyguard arranged by your family.”

The word ‘family’ made Yan Luqing raise her eyebrows.

The original owner lives by herself. If it weren’t for Big Black’s words, Yan Luqing would have forgotten that the original owner still has a family.

The newcomer is thinner than Big Black, more handsome, and looks gentle. After Big Black took the person away, Little Black comes to chew the tongue[1] with Yan Luqing: “I heard that this new elder brother is very famous.”

Since Little Black discovered that Yan Luqing had no plan to get rid of him, he began to act like there’s a splendid spring again.

Yan Luqing: “What kind of famous?”

Little Black: “They all say he has a very good temper.”

What kind of famous is this? Yan Luqing was curious: “How good is it?”

“They said this elder brother never gets angry when he plays Honor of Kings[2].”

“… That’s not called having a good temper.” Yan Luqing immediately felt a deep respect towards this elder brother, “People who are not angry when they play Honor of Kings are the living Bodhisattva.”

When the two of them were conversing aimlessly, the ophthalmologist from another province that Yan Luqing had spent a lot of money on, the one who can finally vacate his time for an appointment, finally arrived at the villa.

They came in a group. The white coat, who looked to be the leader of the group, came to greet Yan Luqing first. He is a very kind-looking middle-aged man with a Mediterranean Sea[3] head. He narrowed his eyes and asked her: “Miss Yan, right? My surname is Liu. Just call me Doctor Liu.”

He looked at Yan Luqing for a while. All over this girl’s body, the most brilliant one was her eyes, followed by her beautiful appearance. The key point was that her eyes were clean and bright. She looked very smart and not like ordinary people.

“Your eyes look very healthy. What’s the problem?”

Yan Luqing quickly waved her hand: “Doctor Liu, it’s my friend who needs his eyes treated. I will take you there.”

With that, Yan Luqing took him and his assistants to the door of Gu Ci’s room.

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Treating Gu Ci’s eyes was something that Yan Luqing has been thinking about since she read the book. She had been looking forward to it for so long that she forgot to knock on the door.

She pushed open the door of Gu Ci’s room and the first to enter her eyes was a naked back——Gu Ci was standing on the edge of the bed with his clothes half changed, just hanging on the top of the beautifully shaped butterfly bones, plated with a layer of light in the morning, highlighting his thin and youthful figure.

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment. Her action preceded her brain’s reaction and before Gu Ci turned his head, she slammed the door uprightly and with great speed.

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Because Yan Luqing was walking in front of Doctor Liu and his party, she should have been the only one who saw the scene just now.

This is too…

Before she could make any complaints, the door was pulled open again after a few seconds.

Gu Ci’s face appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. He looked down slightly and it seems that he had just washed his face because his eyelashes were wet. He just happened to be facing towards Yan Luqing’s direction.

Even though she knew he couldn’t see clearly now, Yan Luqing still moved her gaze away very awkwardly.

“Morning.” Gu Ci said with a smile as if nothing had happened. “What’s the matter?”

Yan Luqing turned sideways slightly: “This is the ophthalmologist I mentioned to you before…”

She started it, and the talkative Doctor Liu went to introduce himself to Gu Ci. Listening to the meaning of his visit, Gu Ci naturally nodded his head very cooperatively, and all the following check ups were carried out smoothly.

Yan Luqing is sitting on one side of the single sofa, still not forgetting the thing that she has been paying most attention to in recent days——Gu Ci’s WeChat bubble.

But unfortunately, in the course of such a major event concerning the eyes, his heart still has no ups and downs.

An hour later, while Doctor Liu’s assistant was writing the medical record, Yan Luqing wanted to go over and see what the disease was.

As a result… She gained more weird knowledge.

——There is a mosaic on the medical record. Except for the patient’s name, all the other words are so blurred that nothing can be seen.

So she asked the doctor again about what’s wrong with Gu Ci’s eyes. The doctor opened his mouth to talk to her, but his voice was also censored and changed into: “Beep——Beep——”

He was clearly speaking human words, and there was no strange reaction from the people around, but Yan Luqing just couldn’t hear the specific content. This Doctor Liu’s opening and closing of mouth is just like a telegraph.

Yan Luqing: “?”

She is about to wear a pained mask herself.

Everyone was sober and I am the only one drunk? Can it still be played like this???

The doctor had no idea what kind of strange scene Yan Luqing was going through. Seeing her with a terrified face, he thought she was too worried and soothed: “Don’t worry. I had taken over such cases in the past and I could recover 90% of vision in two to three months. If the treatment is right, the result may be better.”

These sentences, Yan Luqing indeed can hear it.

Only the place where the condition is involved will be censored. Before, a portion in the memory of the original owner was also censored…

The author of the original book has never written that Gu Ci’s eyes were blinded by a specific drug, and never mentioned the name of the medicine in the book——Could it be that, as long as it is not written specifically, it will turn into something just like now?

…… The unscrupulous author only cares about saving the troubles. Has the author ever considered the feelings of the person who crossed into the book?

Even after she understands this, the scene still feels very strange.

After all, besides the scientific name related to Gu Ci’s eye condition, Yan Luqing could still hear their communication. So the picture becomes——

The doctor said to Gu Ci: “This ‘beep——’ is not as terrible as it sounds. It was basically caused by the ‘beep——’, which was a part of ‘beep——’. Fortunately, you are still young and have a strong recovery ability. Basically, there will be no sequelae.”

What a great famous painting in the world.

Gu Ci nodded and said to the doctor: “Okay, thank you.”

Doctor Liu smiled and pointed to Yan Luqing: “It was the girl over there who called me over. You should have thanked her instead.”

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Gu Ci glanced at the direction where Yan Luqing was standing on the other side of the bed.

He relaxed his eyebrows and smiled a little lazily, “Yeah, I will thank her well.”


Doctor Liu is setting up a treatment plan with his assistant.

Yan Luqing took the opportunity to sit in a small place beside Gu Ci’s bed, and the screen of the mobile phone she was holding in her hand was still the chat interface with him.

The two were relatively speechless for a while. Yan Luqing gritted her teeth and braced herself to open her mouth and called him: “Gu Ci.”


“Didn’t you just say that you want to thank me well?” Yan Luqing asked while enduring the embarrassment, “What’s your plan to thank me well then?”

After saying this, she immediately looked down at the mobile phone.

The profile picture of the Fleeing Princess indeed began to pop out of the bubble!

Yan Luqing clicked it immediately——


In the dialog box, a string of dots slowly appeared.

Is he speechless?

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Although it is no longer a period, Yan Luqing is not happy at all——This is still punctuation marks!

Yan Luqing really will continue to entangle him until she gets what she wants.

She won’t accept this. She must stimulate this Big Villain and let him show a complete sentence.

“In fact, I don’t want you to thank me,” Yan Luqing cleared her throat: “I just want to hear you say something…”

“What is it?”

“Just tell me——” Yan Luqing moved closer to the position of more than ten centimeters away from Gu Ci, and with her lips facing his left ear, she said in a low voice: “Erkang! My eyes can’t see anymore![1] “


After Yan Luqing said this line, she obviously felt that Gu Ci’s breathing paused for a moment.

At the same time, the bubbles that emerged from the Fleeing Princess’s dialog box finally changed color and turned white! Yan Luqing was overjoyed and immediately poked on it——

In the big dialog box, there is a huge 「?」

Yan Luqing was stunned on the spot.

Yan Luqing originally thought that this time with the change of color, it could finally have text, but she didn’t expect it to be a capital question mark.

Gu Ci also did not repeat the lines she said, and even his actions had nothing to do with the previous conversation between the two.

Gu Ci unlocked his mobile phone and handed it to her: “Do me a favor and download a software that has audiobooks for me to listen to.”

“Oh… Okay.” Yan Luqing picked it up and searched the software store for a download, and asked while she was doing it, “What books do you want to listen to? I will add it to the bookshelf and download it for you later, so that you can listen to it later.”

“I will trouble you then.” Gu Ci enunciated the words clearly, “Abnormal Psychology”

Yan Luqing’s finger paused: “……”

Good fellow, are you studying me now?

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