Jinzhao Hotel, backed by the busiest commercial street in the entire city, stands like a guardian at the boundary of the vibrant world of lights and colors, marking a clear distinction.

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The interior of the hotel is not very clean, especially during this late hour when those unclean things are about to emerge.


These are the informations Lu Xici searched from her own company's database along the way.


Even if she says she wants to let go of Jun Youyue and feels disappointed in her heart, when she sees this information, her eyes can only contain Jun Youyue's safety.


For someone like Jun Youyue, a senior researcher with a scientific mind, coming to this chaotic and messy commercial street is like a lamb entering a wolf's den.


Lu Xici hurried in her footsteps, and her driver who doubled as a bodyguard lagged behind carelessly.


Jun Youyue is a woman, a woman with a beautiful appearance. However, she herself is not aware and neglects her self-care.


Even so, she is still as beautiful as jade and moon, and she is so beautiful that one more look can sting the nerve called heartbeat.

Lu Xici's eyes were dazzled by the bustling atmosphere inside the restaurant, almost losing herself in the noise. She caught a glimpse of the figure that had occupied her thoughts day and night.


She suddenly snapped out of it, only to sink again at the woman's slender neck like a baby eel.


She shook her head, throwing away all the enchanting thoughts in her mind, and walked briskly towards Jun Youyue.


Along the way, her bodyguard intercepted several presumptuous individuals who tried to strike up a conversation.


This place is practically no different from a bar. Lu Xici glanced at the men who kept approaching her, her expression not so pleasant. She was already wearing a mask and had changed her clothes in the car, yet she still attracted so much attention. What about Jun Youyue?


Lu Xici suddenly chuckled. This ice shard probably couldn't distinguish between flirting and normal conversation, right?


The ice shard was banging her glass on the table.


She was usually just too lazy to talk, but she wasn't foolish. How could she not know whether someone was friendly or not?


The collision between glass and tiles produced a crisp sound, and the spilled drinks covered the table. The few men who stood in front of her fell silent for a moment, then burst into laughter, attempting to put their hands on her shoulder.


"Please restrain yourself," Jun Youyue couldn't help but speak up.


She regretted a hundred and eighty times today for not wearing the ring that Lu Xici had given her.


Usually, she was afraid it would interfere with her experiments. But today, when she attended the social gathering with her laboratory colleagues, she never expected they would end up in a place like this.


It was clearly intentional. Jun Youyue furrowed her brows and shielded Tao Sheng behind her.

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If she had known that it would only be the two of them, both women, she would have definitely refused. Even if it meant offending this newly promoted Level 2 researcher.


But until half an hour ago, everything was normal at the gathering. It was only after the newly promoted researcher made an excuse to leave that the situation spiraled out of control.


"Don't be so cold, our Miss 'Suo Hua.'* And your friend, she's also a beautiful woman. We're not looking to do anything, just want to be friends with you two."


*not sure about this one but 所(suo) is a classifier for a place, institution, or hospital 花(hua) means flower, so maybe their resident muse or something


The man speaking was brought by the Level 2 researcher, seemingly holding a minor position within the research institute. He was just a well-connected individual and didn't have the qualifications to introduce himself to Jun Youyue.


The man poured a fresh glass of wine for Jun Youyue. "Here, a toast to you both."


Jun Youyue hesitated and didn't reach for the glass.

Her eyes darted around, calculating the likelihood of being able to escape from this situation through force.


One, two, three... at least five people were watching them from the shadows, while there were three people in front of them.


Jun Youyue is not a martial artist, she only maintains a regular exercise routine. It's for the sake of experiments, to keep her body in good condition, and also for... her intimate life with her wife.


She would have a hard time dealing with so many people alone, let alone having to protect the seemingly fragile researcher, Tao Sheng, who fits the stereotypical image.


She never had any intention of submitting. Besides, she has a wife. Based on that alone, she should stay far away from these people and situations.


"The wine is not poisoned. Just a moment ago, didn't Miss Jun drink so much of it? Why won't you accept my toast? Today's gathering was arranged by Cheng Xu."


 The last sentence meant something, and Cheng Xu was the newly promoted second-level researcher.


Bringing up their backing, Jun Youyue's head began to throb faintly, both from the alcohol consumed during tonight's social gathering and from the research institute blinded by power.


"If you don't know your place, she will suffer the consequences tonight as well." The man finally lost his patience, revealing a menacing expression.


Tao Sheng's face turned pale with fear, but she still made an effort to stand firm. She pulled at Jun Youyue's clothes, afraid that she would accept this obviously problematic drink in order to protect her.


Jun Youyue's expression did indeed change.


She reached out her hand, preparing to take the glass of wine.

Drinking it was out of the question, but using it as a weapon to hold off these three individuals for five seconds was still possible.


As her hand was about to grip the handle of the highball glass, a delicate hand pressed against her wrist.

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The unfamiliar hand exerted some force, prying open Jun Youyue's fingers holding the glass.


Naturally, the glass slipped downward, and along with it, Jun Youyue's heart felt weightless.


Jun Youyue saw the familiar plain ring and her breath caught.




She slowly raised her head, as if time froze at that moment. Her movements, breath, and heartbeat slowed down significantly.


It was as if the woman before her had a grip on her throat, and her affectionate peach blossom eyes stirred her heart.


In that fleeting moment of eye contact, the glass fell to the ground, shattering upon impact. The sound of the shattered glass brought Jun Youyue's world back to normal, or even slightly accelerated.


Just seeing her in such a situation, why did it feel like encountering a valiant heroine descending from the heavens, causing her heart to beat so fast and her nerves to tighten?


She opened her mouth to call out to her long-unseen wife with a single word, faced with that immensely complex gaze, but no sound came out.


Blame, guilt, heartache, anger... so many emotions intertwined in that one look, blurring the original appearance of her captivating peach blossom eyes.


Jun Youyue felt overwhelmed with shame, turning her head away, unable to meet her wife's silent yet accusing gaze.


Lu Xici cast her eyes downward.


God knows how anxious she was when she saw Jun Youyue being surrounded by a bunch of men, especially when this idiot was about to accept that glass of wine.


Does she even realize that if she drinks it, she won't see the light of another day?


After all these years of minimal communication between them, there was no need for excessive words. Lu Xici disregarded Jun Youyue's empty ring finger and Tao Sheng, who was gasping for breath in the chair, and turned her gaze towards the man offering the drink to Jun Youyue.


"Who are you? Are you also a friend of Jun Youyue?"


In front of them was Tao Sheng, who was originally dismissed but chose to stay out of concern for Jun Youyue. Behind them was this woman who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.


The man had been interrupted multiple times tonight, his face growing dark as ink.


Lu Xici signaled to her bodyguard with a glance, instructing her to restrain these people.


"You... You can't touch me! I'm good friends with Cheng Xu!" The man grew anxious, seeing his two cronies being easily taken down by the muscular woman.

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There were signs of movement in the shadows. Lu Xici glanced back and let out a laugh.


"Cheng family? It's not Cheng Jinhang or Cheng Xiaohan. Why should I fear you?" Lu Xici had never heard of this Cheng Xu person; she was referring to the two most outstanding members of the Cheng family in this generation.


She kicked the man in his groin. "My surname is Lu." 


Although, this Lu was not the same as the Lu he was thinking of.


The man trembled, not just from the kick to his sensitive area.


"I, I have eyes but failed to recognize Mount Tai*! I apologize!" Upon hearing that voice, he knew he was done for.


*It means to fail to recognize or appreciate someone or something of great importance, significance, or superiority. Mount Tai, being one of the Five Great Mountains of China.


If he truly had a good relationship with Cheng Xu, then fine, but he was just using false bravado. Besides, Cheng Xu happened to have a dislike for Jun Youyue.


Soon after, Lu Xici instructed her bodyguard to take the bottle of problematic wine while she herself held onto Jun Youyue's hand and led her outside.


It seemed like the situation had come to an end.


Jun Youyue let out a sigh of relief, her heart beating uncontrollably fast. The wrist held by Lu Xici felt slightly warm, almost burning.


She wanted to say something, but "thank you" seemed somewhat inadequate, while "fortunately, I have you" sounded too ingratiating.


"Tao Sheng..." She tried to say something, but that was the only sentence that came out.


Lu Xici suddenly tightened her grip, causing Jun Youyue to cry out in pain.


Although she knew that Jun Youyue's communication skill is almost zero, Lu Xici couldn't help but feel angry.


The anger that hadn't dissipated was fueled even further, pushing her towards the brink of losing her rationality.


Her chest felt heavy, and a sharp pain pricked at her like needles.


She took a deep breath, but couldn't hold back the feeling of her nose tingling, her eyes reddening as she looked at Jun Youyue.


"What about her? Can't she move on her own? Or is she so important that I need to personally invite her out?" She had gone through great lengths to rescue her wife from such a dangerous situation, and yet she still worried about her lover outside. Who wouldn't be upset in such a situation?


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Although, whether the person outside was truly a lover remained to be seen.


Not to boast, but Lu Xici truly didn't think anyone could withstand Jun Youyue's icy demeanor.


Unless that Tao person was just as superficial as herself, only concerned with appearances.


Furthermore, Lu Xici had her own considerations.


As women, even as rivals, she couldn't just leave Tao Sheng in such an environment.


She made it clear that she and Jun Youyue were a team, sending a clear message that no one with a lack of insight should dare to provoke Tao Sheng.


As long as Tao Sheng could move on her own, nothing would happen to her.


Jun Youyue lowered her head once again, filled with shame.


She just wanted to find something to say.


During these busy days, she had been thinking about Lu Xici and was grateful that Lu Xici came to help her.


As for how Lu Xici knew where she was, she didn't want to delve into it.


But if she were to say those words straightforwardly, it would be too embarrassing.


So, the journey back was silent.


Jun Youyue did some mental preparation along the way and finally, when they reached the doorstep of their home, she quietly thanked Lu Xici.


Lu Xici glanced at her without any emotional response.

What's there to thank? Thanking her for saving Tao Sheng, perhaps?


All that was left for Jun Youyue was the sound of Lu Xici's room door closing with a loud thud.


The sound was loud, indicating a great force behind it.


Jun Youyue awkwardly touched her nose, feeling extremely embarrassed.


It seemed like she had truly angered Lu Xici, and the anger seemed quite serious.


She wanted to coax Lu Xici, to apologize to her. But how should she do it?

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