A few minutes after closing the door, Lu Xici immediately regretted it.

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Encountering this kind of situation, Jun Youyue must also feel uneasy, and perhaps even afraid. It was wrong for her to show her displeasure.


Thinking back to Jun Youyue's various reactions just now, and the very soft "thank you" at the end, Lu Xici poured herself a glass of wine, sat on the balcony, and gazed at the night sky in a daze.


Does she still care about her a little bit?


Lu Xici tried to convince herself.


When Jun Youyue recognized her just now, was that expression one of joy or fear?


Lu Xici had played many roles, analyzed numerous characters, and subconsciously treated Jun Youyue as a character from a movie, analyzing each frame of memory.


She wished to find some evidence, some reasonable explanation to justify why she couldn't let go.


Thinking and pondering, the expressions and words in her memories faded away, and once again, that extraordinary face started to flash in her mind.


Ugh. Lu Xici didn't want to deepen the progress of self-strategizing. She shook her alcohol-numbed, somewhat unclear mind, attempting to shake away Jun Youyue's overly distinctive appearance.


The brain is unreasonable, especially when influenced by alcohol.


The more Lu Xici tried to avoid it, the clearer the moments they spent together, the moments that touched her heart, became clear in her mind.


Even when Lu Xici was completely drunk, Jun Youyue couldn't slip out of her thoughts.


* * *


The marital home had three floors. Perhaps due to the reason for their agreement marriage, Lu's mother helped choose a small villa with multiple rooms.


The second and third floors each had a large bedroom, convenient for two children to have separate beds.


At this moment, Jun Youyue was still nestled on the sofa on the first floor, struggling with how to express her feelings to Lu Xici, completely unaware of someone approaching from behind.


It wasn't until that person hooked her arms around Jun Youyue's neck from behind that she became alert for a moment and turned around, bumping into Lu Xici's arm.


"Jun Youyue!" Lu Xici let out a sound of pain and released her grip.


However, upon closer listening, there was no trace of anger in Lu Xici's tone, just a hint of playfulness, as if they were bantering like a couple in love.


Before Jun Youyue could react, Lu Xici, like a playful fish, slipped to her side and looked at both sides of the sofa, seeming to be undecided.


Should she sit on Jun Youyue's left side, or on her right side? 

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Lu Xici gestured for a moment before finally grabbing Jun Youyue's hand and sitting on her lap.


Jun Youyue was bewildered by Lu Xici's sudden change in attitude.


But she rarely showed her emotions on her face, and at this moment, her pupils only slightly dilated as she stared at Lu Xici's captivating peach blossom eyes, trying to see something.


"It's been a week since I last saw you. What have you been busy with this time? You didn't come home either."


Lu Xici played with Jun Youyue's left hand, seeing her fingertips still round and smooth, her nails trimmed to the point where they couldn't leave any marks on the skin even with force. She didn't hide her satisfaction, and their fingers interlocked.


"Busy with a project, I..." The woman in her arms was soft as water. She had just taken a shower, and her body still emitted a slight warmth, flowing out with every breath.


Her scent, combined with the rose fragrance of the shower gel, wafted towards Jun Youyue's nose.


The elegant fragrance, like the vines of roses, took root from the tip of her nose, extending its fine branches until it wrapped around Jun Youyue's heart.


Jun Youyue's breathing intensifies, vaguely detecting a hint of alcohol, thinking it might be coming from herself, she furrowed her brow.


If she wasn't distracted, she would have noticed that Lu Xici seemed a bit tipsy.


However, the intoxicated Lu Xici was unusually proactive, and Jun Youyue had no resistance to it.


Lu Xici reached out and touched the bump between Jun Youyue's eyebrows.


With just one movement, she pulled Jun Youyue's head up, gazing at her, her eyes refusing to blink.


The woman's body temperature was also slightly high, and the warmth spread to Jun Youyue's face, warming her cool skin caused by her low emotions.


Their tightly held fingers felt hot, and as the fingertips brushed over the back of the hand, layers upon layers of desire surged like waves.


At that moment, she couldn't find the words to speak.


Thirst and heat surged from the depths of her heart, and in the brief interlocking of their gazes, Lu Xici occupied Jun Youyue's mind.


She couldn't help but recall their intimate experiences together, with Lu Xici's various lovable gestures filling her thoughts.


Her rosy cheeks, the tender voice she used when unwilling to bear it, the gentle entwining of her eyelashes...


The woman was right in front of her, just a reach away, just a few words, and she would be hers.


Jun Youyue gathered her courage, focused her mind, and met the perennially smiling peach blossom eyes, only to see the lingering blush at the corner of Lu Xici's eyes.

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Right, she hadn't apologized yet.


Jun Youyue temporarily suppressed her distractions, and as the apology was about to be uttered, it turned into a strange question.


"Aren't you angry anymore?" After saying that, Jun Youyue immediately shut her mouth. She felt like hitting her own uncooperative lips.


"I'm still angry," Lu Xici opened her cold eyes filled with joyful glimmers and her words lacked conviction.


"Why did you go to that kind of place? Why did you accept that drink?" She asked softly, her voice trembling uncontrollably.


"I couldn't refuse the social engagement, and the glass was a weapon," Jun Youyue explained two questions in a single sentence, speaking more than ten words in one breath, feeling a bit tired.


Seeing Lu Xici so worried about her, Jun Youyue acknowledged her fault, feeling rare to find herself inadequate, and spoke again, "I'm sorry. I made you worry."


Lu Xici let out a sigh. She was completely drunk at the moment.


In her drunken state, she wasn't as timid and cautious as when she was sober, worrying for a long time about a glance or a gesture from Jun Youyue.


Alcohol could embolden her, allowing her to express her thoughts more openly, rather than being overly concerned about Jun Youyue's possible displeasure and saying nothing.


"No more next time. And if you encounter danger again, call me," Lu Xici poked Jun Youyue's face, and the wind brought by her hand made Jun Youyue close her eyes.


Her curly, fluttering eyelashes trembled along with her blinking, brushing like feathers against Lu Xici's heart.


"Mmm, um..." Jun Youyue's lips were touched, and she couldn't help but sigh.


The two of them had done many more intimate things than this, but after properly apologizing and receiving Lu Xici's forgiveness, Jun Youyue still felt a little joy.


Even this playful touch became incredibly comfortable. She took the initiative to lift her head, closing her eyes and leaning in.


She was inviting a kiss. Lu Xici's heartstrings trembled, and her fingers couldn't help but slide along the slightly parted soft lips, teasing her.


Jun Youyue didn't get the kiss she wanted, feeling a bit disappointed. She opened her mouth to ask, and accidentally licked Lu Xici's finger.







Like being electrocuted, she quickly pulled back, her ears turning red.


Lu Xici, however, was at ease and quite fond of her shy demeanor. She let her finger linger on her tongue for a few moments before slowly withdrawing it.

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So soft. Lu Xici's hazy mind gave her that word, and with her leaning over, she finally kissed her bashful lover.


This kiss carried the sweetness of roses, the richness of alcohol, and the hearts of two young individuals, making it addictively sweet and intoxicating.


Under Lu Xici's advances, Jun Youyue soon softened her body and felt a bit different.


Initially, she would be shy about her reactions, but after a few times, she got used to this... blush-inducing response.


"Here?" During halftime break, Jun Youyue's voice was slightly hoarse as she held Lu Xici close, asking in a muffled tone.


"Do you not like it? We can also go to the bed," Lu Xici teased, lifting Jun Youyue's hair with her fingers, playing with it in curls. "You can hold me."


Jun Youyue readily complied and, in this position, carried Lu Xici to her own room.


Before Lu Xici could press her onto the bed, Jun Youyue swallowed and held her back. "I haven't showered, and you haven't trimmed your nails."


Lu Xici blinked, and for the time being, she gave up.


Receiving the slightly puzzled look from the woman, Jun Youyue guiltily turned her head away.


She didn't know that Lu Xici was always drunk when she teased her like this. She only knew that Lu Xici's skills were so lacking that it left her with psychological scars, making her unwilling to let her get her way.




Lu Xici was awakened by a phone call.


She struggled to open her eyes, which were swollen and difficult to keep open.


The strong headache from the hangover also pulled her towards slumber, and she tried for a while but failed to sit up.


She decided not to answer. Lu Xici let her eyelids stick together again and prepared to fall back asleep in a daze.


Until she felt the warmth beside her.


She suddenly opened her eyes, instantly sober, looking at her side with a frightened expression.


How did Jun Youyue end up sleeping beside me again?! No, wait, why am I the one sleeping beside Jun Youyue?!


Wait, why did she use "again"?


Does this situation happen often?!

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Lu Xici almost jumped off the bed. Before her instinctive action, the woman next to her woke up.


Meeting Jun Youyue's sleep-filled eyes, Lu Xici's ears quickly turned red.


Perhaps not fully awake yet, Jun Youyue's usually sharp, slender eyeliner seemed less distinct. Her amber pupils were not aggressive but softened by the mist, giving her a different aura.


Lu Xici remembered that she did seem to occasionally find her wife in bed like this.


When Lu Xici got drunk, her memories tended to be fragmented, and she would create wild imaginations.


In her memory, she had gotten drunk last night and simply went to sleep. She had no recollection of how she ended up going downstairs to "question" Jun Youyue, nor how they spent such a wonderful night together.


She couldn't remember, so she couldn't understand. Could it be that she had a habit of sleepwalking and ended up on Jun Youyue's bed from time to time?


Glancing again, Jun Youyue's gaze was as sharp as a knife, scaring Lu Xici. She grabbed her phone, redialed, and hurriedly left.


Jun Youyue lay on the bed, not wanting to get up for now. Last night...she accidentally fell for Lu Xici's tricks.


Her body still felt sore, so she didn't want to deal with Lu Xici for the time being.


When she recovered a bit, finished washing up, Lu Xici was still on the phone.


Frowning, Jun Youyue thought about not disturbing her and left with her bag.


She had many things to handle today and couldn't afford to be late.


Lu Xici had already finished her call with her mother, who had asked if she was coming home tonight.


After the brief conversation, her mother hung up with an attitude of not wanting to talk to her rebellious daughter.


Seeing Jun Youyue coming her way, Lu Xici was scared and quickly pretended to be busy on the phone.


Once Jun Youyue left without saying a word, Lu Xici felt her chest tighten, making it hard to breathe. She was left panting for air.


She must be angry with her. Being sneaky and entering her room at night...


Lu Xici lowered her gaze, emptied her mind, and let the pain engulf her senses.


Author's Note:


Lu Xici: She glared at me!

Jun Youyue: Ouch…

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