Chapter 6: Have Fun

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This time, the project theme for Jun Youyue is still related to the metabolic system.

Because she wasted an hour during the day, Jun Youyue is still busy at her desk, listing all the experiments for the project.

Her phone is in the resting room, and usually, she lives a secluded life. 

However, after having intimate contact with Lu Xici, she sometimes opens the Weibo Chaohua during her free time to follow Lu Xici's updates and unconsciously saves her photos.

She stores all kinds of pictures of Lu Xici, whether they are taken spontaneously, have pink-tinted filters, or have been carefully edited.

Her entire album is filled with Lu Xici's photos.

Writing hasn't been going smoothly for her.

Jun Youyue is feeling a bit tired and glances at the time. It's almost midnight, and she hasn't finished her planned tasks for the day. She doesn't plan to go to sleep like this.

But it's okay to rest for five minutes. Jun Youyue locked the door of the laboratory and entered her own lounge.

Her phone is ringing. When she opens it, she sees three missed calls, all from Lu Xici.

Before Jun Youyue could react, another call came, and she quickly answered it.

"Hello? Yue- jie~ Why haven't you come home?" Lu Xici's voice sounds sweet and playful, with a touch of teasing charm. Listening to her voice feels like savoring fruit wine, sweet but not cloying, very intoxicating.

Jun Youyue's heart softened like cotton. "I'm busy... there's a new project." She unconsciously softened her tone, though still somewhat cold, not enough to freeze anyone from responding.

Although "fear" is not in Lu Xici's dictionary, when she's drunk."It's already early morning, still busy? Won't you take a break?" 


Thinking that Lu Xici finally called her, Jun Youyue added, "I'll go when I'm done."

"What time will that be? I can ask the driver to pick you up. I want to wait for you."

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Lu Xici on the other end of the phone pouted. Staying up late is not a good habit. She really wanted to press Jun Youyue's head to let her sleep.

"It will be very late..." Jun Youyue wanted to refuse Lu Xici, she didn't plan to go home today.

"But I miss you very much. I haven't seen you for a day. I want to hug you and talk to you for a while." Lu Xici's mood was obviously depressed, and her voice became aggrieved.

"I want to smell that woody fragrance on your body, can I get one of your clothes?"

"Is it okay? Fine?" The woman's frank thoughts touched Jun Youyue's heartstrings, and she couldn't help but imagine Lu Xici hugging her clothes and sniffing them, searching for her body fragrance.

Lu Xici would shrink into a small ball and try to put on her coat, or she would spread out the clothes, spread them directly on her bed, and bury her head in them.

Just like that, the fire of desire was planted, Jun Youyue swallowed, and couldn't speak clearly.

Lu Xici was silent for a second. Perhaps it was because the environment where the two of them lived was very quiet, and the sound transmission effect of the phone was exceptionally good, Jun Youyue could clearly hear the woman's breathing.

She recalled the passionate Lu Xici from their intimate encounters, her breath uneven and short, completely different from the gentle and lingering breath she sensed now.

Last night, the two of them only had one complete round, and it was Lu Xici on top. It cannot be considered fully satisfying.

Jun Youyue has never realized that she has such a big need, but just listening to Lu Xici's voice, she has some thoughts.

"But I really miss you." Lu Xici felt a little sad in her heart, and her emotions became exaggerated when she was drunk, and even a little sadness could trigger tears. She sniffled and continued.

"I want to kiss your neck, collarbone, and wrist." These words are already expressive.

Lu Xici paused for a moment and pulled out her killer move: "Wife, I want to be with you..."

The last two words were almost breath-sounding, but Jun Youyue could still hear them clearly, her ears burned up instantly as if being blown by Lu Xici, and the crimson spread down continuously, sinking into her clothes.

"I..." Turns out she also wants to. Taking a deep breath, Jun Youyue silently calculated how long it would take to finish and then come back.

Her project was also hitting a snag, so she might as well go back and indulge with her wife for a bit.

"Wait for me for half an hour." After saying this, Jun Youyue hurriedly hung up the phone, afraid that Lu Xici would say something teasing and make her lose control.


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* * *


As Jun Youyue left, the research institute was still brightly lit, and many people were busy.

Suppressing a slight sense of guilt, she drove towards home.

Unlocking the door, she pushed it open.

Jun Youyue's eyes blurred as she was embraced by the warm and fragrant Lu Xici. She couldn't help but lower her head and hold her tighter, planting a kiss on the woman's forehead, surrounded by the sweet scent of roses.

She faintly smelled a trace of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking?" 

Jun Youyue rarely took the initiative to speak, and Lu Xici accepted this concern, lingering in her embrace for a while before pulling back.

She recalled for a moment but had no relevant memory, so she looked at Jun Youyue with her black eyes misted from the bath.

"No, I didn't drink. I just took a bath." She lifted her wrist to smell it again and then extended her wrist towards Jun Youyue. "Would you like to smell it again?"

Jun Youyue carefully and closely sniffed again. The alcohol smell was already faint and completely masked by the strong scent of shower gel.

Jun Youyue indeed didn't detect any alcohol smell, only the refreshing aroma of roses and a hint of sweet and tender womanly fragrance that tantalized her senses.

Only after confirming that Lu Xici didn't drink, did she realize that their posture seemed somewhat ambiguous.

The woman's skin flushed slightly pink due to the warmth, and the thin skin on her wrist became notably evident.

Lu Xici's blood vessels were slightly visible, and blue veins could be seen on the back of her hand and wrist.

One willow and one wisp, the plump blood vessels became clearer, and while the pulse was beating, the heat dissipated into the air again, and fell on Jun Youyue's face, making her a little hot.

Lu Xici's hands are also very cute. Jun Youyue looked at the bare hands with sharp bones, tilted her head, and planted a kiss on Lu Xici's wrist.

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As if she could feel her wife's young and lively heart, she kissed a little more, the tip of her nose even rubbing against her wrist, and she refused to end this skin-to-skin kiss for a long time.

She was like a pious knight, greeting her princess, wanting to protect her and please her.

The little princess smiled. The knight took her hand, and placed another precious kiss on the back of her hand.

"No more, it tickles." Lu Xici smiled brightly, and took a step closer. She wanted to have a good kiss with Jun Youyue. However, in this position, she casually pinches Jun Youyue's chin.

Jun Youyue usually has no expression, but now she has a smile on her face, her eyebrows and eyes are curved like a new moon, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised.

Her smile is like a snow lotus blooming on the ice field, it is a rare temperature in the cold wind, and it is also the highest elegance in the snow.

A beautiful woman's smile is capable of making fish sink and geese fall, causing the moon to hide in shame before the flowers.

It turned out to be such a smile. Lu Xici's heartbeat accelerated, and the throbbing at that moment was so beautiful that she was a little dazed, and instinctively stroked Jun Youyue's lips.

If a smile is like a clear snow lotus, then a woman's lips are like the clear sky.

Soft and dazzling, it can come from the cold sun or warm moon, and it can always deepen that beauty.

Jun Youyue was aroused by this inadvertent action.

She closed her lips tightly, and opened them again after brewing a good mood, as if imprinting a kiss on the jade finger.

This kind of kiss seemed to be innocent. But Jun Youyue stuck out her tongue again, tapped Lu Xici's fingertips, and licked it lightly.

The fingertips were wet for a while, and the lust was obvious and flamboyant, reflecting the most shy red under the warm light.

"Jun Youyue..." Lu Xici didn't move, and let Jun Youyue continue to play with her fingers.

Looking closely at her, she was a little dazed. She was dizzy from the heat of her body and the alcohol. She didn't know what to do. She just kept calling Jun Youyue's name intermittently.

Jun Youyue sucked on that finger. In their intimacy, such teasing was almost inevitable between them.

She skillfully wrapped around the first joint of Lu Xici's finger, her tongue gliding over the nail in an arc, then letting the finger enter her mouth until it felt uncomfortable.

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Lu Xici swallowed her saliva.

Jun Youyue licked it so carefully, as if she was treating some delicious food, Lu Xici's face was blushing and her heart was pounding, but she couldn't interrupt it loudly.

Perhaps it was thanks to Jun Youyue's cold and fairy-like appearance, even such a thing brought a sense of elegance.

Jun Youyue can't talk about love, so naturally she has put in more effort in other aspects.

After a few teasing movements, Lu Xici couldn't bear it anymore. Blushing and a bit embarrassed, she withdrew her finger, turning her face to the side, unable to meet Jun Youyue's gaze.

Her shyness was evident with her hazy eyes, blushing cheeks, and trembling fingers. Was she hinting at something to herself?

Taking a step forward, Jun Youyue lifted Lu Xici's chin, forcing her to look at her.Lu Xici closed her eyes.

This is a signal. Sparks were instantly ignited, Jun Youyue lowered her head slightly, and kissed her waiting lips.

It's like tasting a lovely pastry.

The packaging is extremely delicate and beautiful, and when you pick up a piece with a small spoon and put it in your mouth, the sweetness will explode in your taste buds.

The cake batter was infused with some citrus juice, and the cream was blended with roses, creating a sweet and non-greasy taste that was also not astringent, providing a pure taste delight.

Going further, they cut it in half, revealing a smooth pudding and fruit filling that could burst with flavor.

The chewy and smooth texture was irresistible, so they rolled their tongues, trying to capture that fleeting sensory pleasure.

From the entrance, they continued their kiss until they reached the second floor. Once inside the room, the main course was about to begin.

Looking at the windbreaker on Jun Youyue, Lu Xici whispered in her ear, "Tonight, keep the lights on, and don't take off your clothes, okay?"

Jun Youyue hesitated for a moment, blushing, and finally agreed, beginning to help Lu Xici remove the burdensome layers of clothing.

Author's Notes:

They were just wiping each other's hands! It's all descriptions above the neck! Hands above the neck, is above the neck!

I was still locked once (sigh). The problematic part was just the kissing, and I feel like the reviewer misunderstood and thought it was leading to the next step of R18.

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