Chapter 7: Good Night's Sleep

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Maybe it's because the atmosphere is so good tonight, it took only half an hour for two sessions to end.


And Lu Xici fell asleep in seconds after it was over, as if she wouldn't want to be intimate with Jun Youyue for a second.


Jun Youyue gazed at her sleeping face for a moment, lightly pinched her well-maintained, collagen-rich face, tidied up the bed for her, turned off the lights, and left.


It didn't take too long to go back and forth this time, and it let off a lot of pressure. As if Jun Youyue had the help of a god, she made rapid progress after returning to the laboratory.


Lu Xici said goodbye to a good night's dream.


But that dream was so good that when she woke up the next day, she still had that sticky and sore feeling in her body.


She dreamed of doing that kind of thing with Jun Youyue.


In the dream, she was pressed by Jun Youyue, coaxed, and they tried several positions.


She was kissed from her face to her waist, and every part of her body was familiarly touched.


Her skills were quite impressive, whether it was kissing or the main course, Lu Xici was exceptionally comfortable under her care, and in the dream, she also acted spoiled towards her and the two of them sticking together intimately.


After calming down, the unusual feeling on her body had not dissipated, but a wave of loneliness surged in her heart.


It's not that she hasn't had this kind of dream before, but she never had such a clear, detailed, and... greasy dream.


Even in the dream, she understood that she and Jun Youyue were not close, they could perhaps be called friends, but definitely not lovers.


In the previous dreams, she was as timid as in reality, Jun Youyue was also indifferent, and they did it once as if they were just completing a task.


The most important thing is that the past dreams didn't leave such vivid impressions, let alone the feeling on her body.


Lu Xici sighed. Seeing that it was still early, she decided to take a shower.


Getting out of bed, Lu Xici only then noticed she was wearing a nightgown, not the pajamas she had changed into after coming home last night.


She paused for a second. The security of the community is very good, and she is sure that no one else can come in.


It can't be Jun Youyue... Lu Xici vetoed this idea the moment she came up with it.


That big ice block, there's no way she would take the initiative to touch her.


Oh, it seems that she got drunk and soiled her clothes, took a shower by herself, and changed into this pajamas.


Lu Xici gave a reasonable but far from the truth explanation, convinced herself, and went into the bathroom.


The announcement ran for two days. During that time, Lu Xici didn't drink, and Jun Youyue continued to stay in the lab, working on her time-sensitive research.


After "careful consideration" for two days, Lu Xici called He Lan. She decided to take on the script about human modifications

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"Have you thought it through? That script has been shelved for a few years already, and science fiction themes are quite unpopular in China. It's possible that it won't do well in terms of revenue or awards."


Although it's no surprise that her own artist didn't play cards according to common sense, He Lan still reminded her one more thing.


"I'm planning to take on an additional project this year." Lu Xici stood on the balcony, feeling the breeze, not directly answering He Lan's question.


"The script on animal rescue I read is also very interesting, but it's not easy to shoot. Can you help me pay attention to scripts with similar themes?"


"Well, of course I will. Your movie "Bridesmaid" has been set for the Lunar New Year, it will be released in February." 


"Bridesmaid" is the only comedy that Lu Xici has ever made.


Thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. Lu Xici doesn't worry about her food and clothes; she's the kind of young lady who might have to return home and inherit the family property if her showbiz career fails.


She is even indifferent to these fame and fortune, and it's just like her to she resolutely choose to shoot subjects that are likely to be unpopular.


"There's also Ellie's perfume endorsement, and you're going to shoot an ad next Tuesday."


"I know, Lan-jie. Remind me again next Monday, lest I forget."

Lu Xici didn't say how good her assistant system is. Her motherly agent was willing to take the trouble to remind her, so she just listened.


She coaxed He Lan to hang up the phone and with a smile on her face, the agent began to negotiate with the screenwriter of the modified humans.


Sounds of putting shoes away came from the entrance. Lu Xici turned her head cautiously and was a bit surprised to see Jun Youyue.


Isn't this time a bit early?


She thought Jun Youyue would continue with her previous behavior of not coming home for a week like last time.


"You're back." Lu Xici used her acting skills, put away the shock and joy in her eyes, put on a kind smile, and greeted her kindly but not too intimately.


Her attitude was extremely polite, without showing any trace of love, and she dutifully played the role of a contract wife.


Jun Youyue nodded, the tiredness between her brows was obvious and glaring.


The research institute has not been peaceful these two days. She needs a quiet place to rest for a few hours.


Lu Xici subconsciously felt a little heartache.


According to the work and rest of scientific researchers described by Mother Lu, Jun Youyue must be so tired because she often stays up late.


But she didn't reply at all, nor did she show any intention to chat. Lu Xici didn't want to make things awkward, so she turned and started playing with her phone on the couch.


So she doesn't intend to give me a hug?


Jun Youyue was a little disappointed.


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She is not a proactive person. To get close, Lu Xici needs to be the one who takes the initiative.


She is also used to passively staying where she is, waiting for Lu Xici to come to her, express her wishes, and then do further things.


It's just that she also felt that Lu Xici didn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her as before so her heart felt empty, and became a little uncomfortable under the guise of fatigue.


Maybe it's because she's tired from work.


Jun Youyue didn't think about it, and returned to her room with heavy steps.


The door closed with a click, and Lu Xici looked at the time, called the cook at home, and asked her to cook two dishes that Jun Youyue liked.


After finishing all these, Lu Xici touched the corner of her upturned mouth and sighed.


Why is her fondness so unreasonable?


As long as she sees that person, her heart will feel as if it has been soaked in old wine, wrapped in the aroma and very intoxicated.


Her pulse quickens unconsciously, and her whole body brightens up, as if she is the sun, illuminating herself.


Even if it's just a moth flying into a flame, even if there has been no response for so long.


If she continues to be in a daze, her mother's words will start to replay in her mind again.




Lu Xici shook her head, trying to get rid of all her troubles. Anyway, Jun Youyue didn't mention divorce, why should she think so much.


The female star convinced herself and went upstairs for skin care.


Jun Youyue rested for about two hours.


Lu Xici has a quiet personality. Apart from cooking and weekly cleaning time, there is not even a helper in the house, so it is very quiet.


With the door closed, the room became even quieter. providing an ideal escape from the noisy research institute.


When she went downstairs, Lu Xici was already having dinner.


A pair of bowls and chopsticks were placed on the table, and the rice in the bowls was still steaming. It was for Jun Youyue.


She couldn't help but feel pleased, even her perennially cold face showed a hint of barely noticeable smile.


Jun Youyue saw the stir-fried cucumber with scrambled eggs and baby veggies in soup on the table again, her expression became softer, and the arc of the corner of her mouth could already be seen.


They are all dishes she likes to eat, obviously requested by Lu Xici, indicating she cares.


Although she isn't picky with food, after all, her family's conditions were just as good as the Lu family when she was growing up. She wouldn't eat overly coarse food.


And food that's too strongly flavored affects her thinking; Jun Youyue wouldn't touch it unless she has a long break.

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The dishes on the table were mostly light and vegetarian.


Jun Youyue knows that Lu Xici prefers to be a vegetarian. As for her, though she is not yet a vegetarian, she usually eats less meat.


In terms of food preferences, they can be regarded as a match.


Even if she is a wife, she should thank her for thinking so much about her, right?


Jun Youyue pulled away the chair and said thank you in a low voice. Lu Xici glanced at her, Her emotions were hard to decipher, with not much delight in her eyes.


Jun Youyue met her eyes but she looked away again, buried her head in her meal, and looked like she didn't want to say much.


It is impossible for Jun Youyue to take the initiative to find topics to talk about.


She didn't think there was any problem with not talking at the dinner table, and she felt at ease eating a meal.


While Lu Xici has been bothered with her 'thank you'.


If they are unfamiliar it would be reasonable, as she had taken the initiative. If they are intimate, it would mean there was no need for gratitude.


Her best friend doesn't thank her every day, but her wife just keeps saying thank you.


It's just uncomfortable.


Jun Youyue left after eating. Lu Xici knew that she would definitely not go home tonight, so she curled up on the sofa for a while.


She is a very sensitive person with many emotions and it's easy for her to overthink.


If she is immersed in one thing for too long, her bad mood will even affect her work efficiency.


Only by keeping busy did this situation improve slightly.


So, she opened a movie acted by her senior, took out her notebook, and started delving into it.


She didn't drink any alcohol tonight, and the two of them lived in peace and had no interaction.


With the film's plans settled, Lu Xici also became busy.


The Lu family was just her background, her connections and resources were things she had to negotiate on her own.


Lu Tingyi also intends to train her, and will not give her much help in this regard, but will only send someone to ensure her safety.


As for whether things go smoothly or not, whether she encounters obstacles, Lu Tingyi doesn't interfere.


For finding the director alone, Lu Xici asked three or five people.


Her exclusive director, who can be regarded as a childhood friend, currently has no available schedule. Another industry heavy rejected her as soon as he heard the subject matter.


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In the end, relying on the name of the Lu family, she got an appointment with an almost retired old director named Cheng Yi, from the Cheng family.


Cheng Yi is in her 60s but she looks young. Her facial features and posture make her look like a forty-year-old woman in her prime.



She is still full of energy, but in the past two years she has been obsessed with traveling, keen to record beautiful scenery and beauties, and almost switched from a director to a photographer.


Chinese people may not have heard of Cheng Yi's name, but the older generation must have seen her movies, and the younger generation has definitely heard the names of those works that their elders regard as classics.


It's just that Cheng Yi is low-key and a female director, so the outside world doesn't know much about her.


Cheng Yi's works have earned both fame and fortune, and she herself doesn't care about other superficial titles including her own popularity. Her works are the most important.


They are all from the wealthy circle. Cheng Yi has naturally heard of Lu Xici's name, and has also seen her movies.


Plus Cheng Yi was interested in the script, so she agreed to Lu Xici without a word.


On the other hand, He Lan arranged to meet up with the scriptwriter, who is an otaku*.


*term used was 阿宅 (ā zhái) describing an introverted person obsessed with hobbies like anime and video games


The otaku's name is Jiang Minglu, and she is well-known in the industry.


Modified humans is the first script she wrote. She always felt that it was not perfect, so she was not in a hurry to find someone to shoot it.


Later, she was busy writing other scripts and completely forgot about the first one.


"Give me three days. I'll make changes again." Jiang Minglu had a good chat with the director and leading actress today, and slapped the table to boast.


Who doesn't know she's a 'pigeon,' always procrastinating with her drafts.


Lu Xici chased her to make a written statement, and she was persuaded, and changed her words to a week.


He Lan was busy with sponsorship matters, and Lu Xici followed suit a few times.


A week passed in a flash. Jiang Minglu sent the revised script at the last second, and Cheng Yi also contacted the leading actors except Lu Xici.


The movie was titled "Transform Her," and there was an alternate title, "Choice."


The new script was clearer than the old version, with added plot elements. The ending underwent significant revisions, which impressed Lu Xici.


At the very least, this would be a well-received piece of work. Box office success was a separate matter. For Lu Xici, that was enough.


Author's Note:


Lu Xici: My Spring dream* felt a bit real, I’m not sure, let’s have a look


*wet dream

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