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When they arrived at the hotel, Dan lightly tapped the shoulders of the sleeping beauty in his embrace.

She slowly opened her eyes and tried to focus on the face before her.

"Wake up. Let's have lunch." He whispered to her ear softly.

She blinked twice then she tried to get up and out of his embrace.

He gently supported her up and they went out of the car.

Dan took two parcels from his driver then they both made their way into the hotel. He handed her one of the parcels.

"Let's change first." He motioned to the restrooms before them.

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She looked at herself and understood what he meant. She was still in her cheerdance uniform and he was still wearing his baggy outfit. It would be more comfortable if they could change.

She smiled upon realizing how simple yet fashionable her change of clothes is.

What he prepared for her was a beige V-neck jumpsuit with white inner tube top. Luckily, she was wearing a nubra under her uniform so it was not a problem for unruly straps. The outfit also goes well with her white sneakers. She removed her makeup and exited the restroom fresh with a clean face.

He was waiting for her outside. He wore a white polo shirt and beige pants with his own white sneakers, obviously giving away that he prepared a couple outfit for them.

"Let's go." He reached out his hand to her and she took it so casually.

In fact, it had been common practice for them to do so whenever they go out, though they had not clearly demarcated their relationship through words.

Indeed, it is a bit tricky when you take something for off-label use.

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It was a buffet lunch with both Western and Asian dishes.

After eating their fill, Dan brought her to the hotel garden gazebo.

"Dori..." he softly said as he looked at her intently while holding her hand.

She looked back into his deep hazel eyes. She tilted her head to the side.

"I...about the reward..." he took a deep breath.

Midori smiled at him tenderly. She was not naive. At this point, she understands that they like each other and though they have yet to label what they have, they have this mutual understanding that it is something exclusive.

Dan reached in his pocket and produced a light blue, small rectangular box.

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He opened it for her to see. "Will you officially be my girlfriend?" he asked with his puppy dog eyes.

She looked at him first then looked down on the rose gold necklace with a cursive D pendant with small diamonds coursing through.

She let out a breathy laugh and looked back at him teary eyed. "Yes!" she exclaimed.

He suddenly hugged her, closing the box with his other hand before tightly wrapping her in a tight embrace. His face was filled with happiness, with his wide bright smile flashing his nice set of teeth.

She was initially shocked and was buried in his chest, then she managed to free her arms and wrapped them on his waist. Then she looked up to him. She was not that tall, but was not short either. Her head is just reaching his lips.

Dan met her gaze. He cupped one of her cheeks, then bent his head to kiss her.

It was dinnertime at the Xiu Mansion...

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"I've been gone for a few weeks and you started dating a transfer student?"

Midori glanced at her mother.

Aoi kept eating while she shot her daughter a look, as if saying, 'What?'

"Nii-san, so your definition of a few weeks escalated to almost 2 months."

Their parents exchanged looks. She is not denying it!

"Whatever. I want to meet this boy." Masaichi tried so hard to maintain a stern look and hide his sly smile.

Midori replied indifferently, "Bring your fiancée home first."

Xiu Jin chuckled and raised his eyebrows knowingly, sipping wine while looking at his wife.

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