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It was after school hours. Dan finally managed to take Midori to the nearby café. However, she brought Mei and Mei brought Shaoting, but he did not mind. She is officially his after all.

"So you're officially together now! Oh my!" Mei seemed like a puppy wagging her tail in excitement.

Midori had a wide smile while showing her necklace.

"D for Dan?" Mei looked at the pendant interestingly.

Dan cleared his throat. "For Dori."

Shaoting snorted. His friend is too cheesy!

Mei sneered at his reply and jokingly showed shivering disgust.

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Laughter came from their lovely table.

Not too far from them at a corner of the café, two girls seemed annoyed of the noise.

"Rushi, she took another good one from you again!" The shorter girl was speaking in hushed tones.

The girl called Rushi smirked. "It won't be long when I'll take one from her." Her eyes were glimmering but with a sly nature.

These girls have attended the same school as Midori as far as they can remember.

Ming Rushi is a madonna to every class she is in. Her skin is flawless and fair like porcelain. She has thin, straight brows, dark brown eyes, tall nose, and thin lips. Her beauty is sort of sophisticated and her aura is mature.

However, even with such appearance, Midori somehow surpassed her in appeal throughout the years, gaining leading roles in school plays and the latest being cheer captain.

In facf, she was the first to notice Dan in school during his first day. Unluckily for her, her grades can only land her on Class D.

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Meanwhile, in a classy restaurant outside the city, Xiu Jin was sipping tea in front of a woman.

"So, to what do I owe the presence of XCG's CEO?" the woman casually asked.

"Su..." he cleared his throat. "Linyu."

"Oh, so this is a casual conversation..? Fine. Speak up, Jin." She took her coffee and drank some.

"It seems your boy took a liking on my girl." He looked at her with a faint smile.

"I won't mind. In any case, they won't be the first generation to break an engagement between our families." Her lips curved into a smile but her eyes had a bit of disdain on them.

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"Linyu...I'm very sorry that it didn't work out between us..."

"Between us? There was nothing, right? Truthfully, Jin, I was not upset that you chose someone else over me. I was just disappointed because you did not even give me some face. Would it have killed you to tell us beforehand instead of announcing it during our engagement party?"

"Linyu, I..."

"Don't worry. I will not take anything away from your daughter. I will act as I did with you and Aoi."

"Thank you, Linyu. My daughter's happiness means so much to me." He smiled sincerely.

"I raised my son well, so rest assured that he won't do what you did. I just hope you raised your daughter well." With that, Su Linyu stood up from her seat and exited the establishment.


In the Zhou household...

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"Verdan Zhou, there is something we need to discuss." Madam Zhou stood up and walked out of the dining table.

Dan looked at Vanessa and his father, but they were confused as well. His father motioned for him to follow his mother to the study.

"Ma, what is it?" Dan took a seat in front of the desk, facing his mother.

Su Linyu sighed, then looked at him sternly. "I heard that you are dating the Xiu family's young mistress."

"That's true. Is there a problem, Mother?" Dan looked into her eyes truthfully.

"Don't get me wrong. It doesn't bother me. It's just that their family is very prominent in the industry. You cannot afford to offend them."

"Ma, I'm serious about her. I am not playing around." He was a little offended by her words.

"Good. Go and take some rest now." Her gaze followed her son's back as he left the room, with eyes squinting while she submerged herself in deep thought.

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