Chapter 6 - A point of Interest

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"Play tricks? What kind of tricks can I play on your territory?"


Lin Yixue did not want to show weakness so she asked back.


Seeking her to save people, but his attitude is so harsh and unreasonable, who is this? He does not even understand the basic rules.


"Then you quickly treat her!" 


Seeing Lin Yixue was annoyed, the young man's imposing manner went down.


As long as she is treated and cured. The rest, like attitude and so on, he can put up with it.


Lin Yixue turned a blind eye to the young man, bent her head on the paper and wrote the prescription.


"Yuan ginseng 21 grams, 15 grams of raw earth, 12 grams of Paeonia Lactiflora, 10 grams of Winter Wheat, 15 grams of Summer Dry Grass, 15 grams of Hook Vine, 10 grams of Chrysanthemum, 15 grams of Salvia Miltiorrhiza, 10 grans of Common Water Plantain, 10 grams of Raw Hawthorn, and 10 grams of Costus Root…"


(TL: I have no idea what those ingredients are…it feels like Severus Snape, teaching potions while Harry Potter theme song plays on the background lolz)


After she finished writing, she handed the young man the prescription.


"Now go to a medical hall and get those medicinal ingredients."


"But there is no doctor in the only medical hall in town. "


"You demon personifying pestilence is very powerful, right? Can't you just send someone to get it? Now, you only need is to pound the door, take the medicine, make the prescription and let Lao Furen drink it. I did not tell you to find a doctor, okay?"


"Chuan Fu, hurry up and go to a medical hall and get the medicine." 

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The young man glared at Lin Yixue and took the prescription. He turned and handed it to the little boy next to him.


"You, go and find a few pieces of clean handkerchief, and several cold towels. You, give me some clean clothes."


Lin Yixue turned around and did not hesitate to issue instructions to the two servant girls.


After hearing Lin Yixue's orders, the two servant girls looked at the young man's face then prepared to obey.


"What do you want to do with clean clothes?" "


"I'm cold... I'm cold! Do you know?" 


Lin Yixue unhappily replied, pointing her thin coat.


"In the middle of the night, I am only wearing inner clothes. I am a person, not a God, I also get cold! Besides, I can't treat your grandmother's illness by wearing this worn-out cloak, okay? It might influence the treatment, an accident might happen, and the consequences, are you going to take responsibility?"


The young man looked at Lin Yixue. He opened his mouth but in the end, he did not speak at all.


An unmarried woman was captured by him in the middle of the night, it is really a bit unreasonable.


But having him apologize, he is unable to say it.


(TL: Again with pride! tsk tsk!)


Soon, a servant girl came in with the clothes. The situation was urgent, and she could not care about it so much.


The young man turned away, while Lin Yixue deftly put on the clothes, although it was a maid clothes, it is better than nothing. Finally, she does not feel cold.


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Then another servant girl brought the clean cold towels.


"It's so cold. What are you doing by applying cold towels on grandmother? Isn't she too old to suffer? What if she gets cold?" 


Lin Yixue was just putting cold towels on the old woman when the young man worriedly came forward to stop her.


"Am I treating her or are you treating her?.... do you want me to treat her or not?! Why are you meddling so much?"


(TL: I love her spunk!)


Finally finding an opportunity to take revenge, Lin Yixue threw the cold towel to the young man's hand.


"If you don't believe me, release me now. If you want me to treat her, then shut your mouth now. Of course, if you can keep guard on the door from the outside, it will be even better."




The young man looked at Lin Yixue with glaring eyes.


Closing the door from outside, isn't that the same as driving him out?


This stinky girl doesn't just have some medical skills, she also has much temper, at the moment he completely ignored, why the other side is so angry?


Lin Yixue also refused to show his weakness to the young man.


After being in a deadlock for a long time, the young man finally compromised. 


"OK... OK! You continue treating, I won't talk!"


Lin Yixue started the diagnosis and treatment of the old woman.

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She helped the old woman to sit up, and used a clean handkerchief to suppress the bleeding on her nose and then used the cold towel on the old woman's forehead. Then she leaned the old woman's head forward a little and then used her thumb and forefinger to press on the woman's nose.


In fact, the most taboo in nosebleed is having the head lay back facing upward, it is likely to cause choking, coughing or suffocation.


It is estimated that the old woman has been tormented for a long time and is exhausted, so at this time her mind is still calm, allowing her to properly do the treatment.


After taking the medicine, the blood stopped.


"Is that all right?" Grandma, didn't she just vomit blood? Don't you have to check her anywhere else?" 


The young man looked at the old woman sleeping on the bed and looked at Lin Yixue, who was about to leave. He asked, somewhat worried.


"The Lao Furen is not vomiting blood, its because her head is laying back facing upward that caused the nose blood to flow into the mouth. Remember, if the Lao Furen had nosebleeds again, apply cold towel to her forehead, and try not to let Lao Furen lay her head back facing upwards so that it won't easily cause choking, coughing or suffocation. Also, these are the medicine I asked, remember to take the decocted dose with water, 1 dose, twice a day, for 1 month. There should be no more nosebleed during this period."


"Oh, that...... the night is deep. I should send you back. Staying out late at night and letting others know may have an impact on your reputation."


When the young man saw the doctor's prescription was also boiled, and that it was absolutely safe, he remembered that he should send Lin Yixue back to her room.


....... (TL: In the raws, there was no break such as this and I really got confused they were talking in the man's house then suddenly she is back in her Inn so I inserted this ellipsis to make a distinction on the sudden skip.)


"That...... thank you for tonight.….."


The young man had just sent Lin Yixue back to her room and was just thinking about what he wanted to say to express thanks, but he wasn't able to finish. He suddenly felt that while Lin Yixue is in his arms, his arm was suddenly in pain.


"You... What did you do to me?"


"What did I do? In the middle of the night, this Guniang was forced to pay a visit to a sick patient and do the treatment without paying the money, shouldn't this Guniang demand an interest!"

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"I... What am I?" 


Lin Yixue pointed to her nose and asked, knowing the answer.


"I am telling you, your opinions are not accepted. I don't think it is a bit too much, at the very least I cured your grandmother's illness. It's enough for people."


After returning to her room, Lin Yixue finally felt relieved and conveniently asked for a little interest.


The young man looked at Lin Yixue in surprise. If he had not seen his own eyes, it was so hard to believe that there was such a woman in the world, such a fresh, vivid, vengeful, clear on the difference of love and hate…..


It's quite different from those pretentious women he ordinarily meets.


"You can rest assured that your arm is not crippled. It will be red and swollen for a few days. Of course, there may be some pain in the next few days." 


Lin Yixue looked at the young man innocently.


Well, she admits: from childhood to now, she, Lin Yixue is not one who returns good for evil and is not a vengeful person!


Who let him threaten her isn't very impressive, right?


If she does not let him have a long memory of suffering, she is not Lin Yixue.


"The medical fees, I'll send it to you."


The man finally said before he disappeared into the night.


Lin Yixue did not feel like paying attention to him. She planted herself in bed and went to sleep.

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