Chapter 7 - Windfall

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Translated by: Rize
Edited by: Larkspur

"It won't do, it's urgent. Apparently, you must think of other means. Although Wu'er has repeatedly told them to keep a low profile, isn't the situation urgent now? No matter what, we must take care of Furen first, discussions should be left for until later. In this small town, there are two big families, should we look for the Zhang family or the Li family? The Li family's influence is quite a lot, but in recent years, their financial status has declined. Also, the level of their medical skills isn’t too high…… On the other hand, the Zhang family is larger, and the skills of their medical doctors should be relatively high, but there is nothing more to it…… In the end, which family is good - Zhang or Li?" The middle-aged man paced up and down in his room, pondering for a long time, and finally made up his mind.


But when he walked to the door of the Furen's room, he found that the lights had gone out, and the room was dark and silent.

"No, the Furen is not cured yet. Why is her lantern extinguished?" The middle-aged man murmured.


Just as he was about to knock at the door, Chuan Fu stopped him in time and invited him into the room next door.


"Er Laoye, the Furen is already resting."


"What? Rest... Resting? ... What about her illness?"


"Illness? ... It has been cured!"


"Cure... Cured? By whom?"


"By the guniang who came back with Er Shaoye!"

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"That girl... She really can treat illnesses?"


"This small one does not know, anyway, the Furen's nose has stopped bleeding. She drank the medicine and has fallen asleep."


The middle-aged man shook his head and couldn't tell what he was feeling.


Did he really make an error in his judgment? And that silly little girl really can treat an illness?


"Then... Er Shaoye?"


"Er Shaoye sent the lady back!"


The words had barely left Chuan Fu, when the young man's figure suddenly entered the room.


"Er shu, are you looking for me for something?"


"Why are you back so soon? Did you send the person back?"


"En, it's not far, the inn on the opposite side. It's just a blink of an eye using kung fu. Er shu if there is nothing, Ze’er will go to rest first."


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The young man said in a frivolous manner, then, a little proud, he was about to walk towards his own room. This time, his second uncle had no words to say, this time he was able to cure his grandmother's illness.


"Opposite inn?! Could it be..that Tao Zhu Gong… Lu Yuan's daughter?" When the middle-aged man heard him, he was surprised.


"It should be! The entire inn is contracted by the Lu's and it seems that she’s the only xiaojie. Leaving the part that they are surnamed Lu and there is dirty money in hand, there were at least more than 10 secret guards arranged outside the girl's room. It took me a lot of effort to go in."


"Really... Really is Lu Yuan's daughter?"  The middle-aged man wasn’t even listening now, "She is the future..."


(TL: Please complete your sentence... your killing me with the suspense!)


"Ai, Er shu, isn't he just a rich merchant? Look at how frightened you are! How powerful can he be? Can he be as powerful as Da ge? Besides, this matter is a secret, as long as the girl does not speak, even the Emperor will not know!" The young man interrupted the middle-aged man carelessly.


"You don't know?! That surnamed Lu's daughter is not someone we can capture very late at night. If this is discovered, it can exterminate the nine clans big time! Oh…., forget it! You can't understand it, you stinking boy, hurry up and send more money to the girl as medical fees and by all means, she must not tell anyone about this!"


"Good, good... When I came back, I was just about to tell you about this matter. I'm going to send it, OK?"




The next morning, when Lin Yixue woke up from the morning light, she found a pile of silver banknotes next to her pillow, unexpectedly, amounting to fifty thousand Liang.


"Good gracious, I’m rich!" She was so excited that Lin Yixue leaped out from the bed.

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Zhen Zhu did not tell her that most of her medical skills were self-taught. But did I gain some superficial knowledge from that old doctor who often sees me? Turns out that my medical skills are superb and very valuable!


She did not expect that demon personifying pestilence to not only keep his word but to also, give her so much!


“Ha ha ha, since you are willing to give it, then ben guniang will reluctantly accept!"


Lin Yixue was thrilled with the banknotes and kissed them a few times. She was happy as she hid her silver banknotes in her personal pouch. It was the first pot of gold she had earned ever since she had arrived in this world. Of course, more importantly, with this windfall, she wouldn’t be too poor in the future.


The next afternoon, Lin Yixue was aboard a ship returning to Sheng Jing.


She laid leisurely in her room and sifted through the material in her hand. It was an old worn out medical book. Through the vague words on the cover, she could guess that the title of the book should be "Huang di's Canon of Medicine".


Lu Yixue looked at every word in it for a long time. She closed her eyes and could almost recite the contents backward.


(TL: The author sometimes pertains to the MC as Lu Yixue and sometimes Lin Yixue. I will use the surname according to how the author has written. Lin is her modern time soul's surname while Lu is the surname of her host body.)


Lu Yixue sighed and threw the book on the small table beside her. By now the small table had collected five to six such books. She really didn't know how much the original owner loved reading medical books. She had memorized a lot of books in her mind. How could it be so difficult to find a new book?


Suddenly, the door was quietly pushed open, then from the seam appeared a little tiger's head.

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(TL: Not a literal tiger.)


"Xiao Bao, why have you come? Did you miss aunty?" As soon as Lu Yixue saw Xiao Bao, she immediately smiled and greeted the little fellow. The little boy's tiger head was especially cute.


Yesterday, the little boy she saved and his mother, went to the inn to thank her. Lin Yixue liked the little boy the moment they met. She soon learned that the woman's husband is surnamed Li. Her husband was this year's number one scholar, and that they were going to Sheng Jing in order to be with her husband.


In fact, Li Furen herself wasn’t very old, just three to four years older than Lin Yixue. She came from Jiang Nan, from a family with a literary reputation. The two of them happily chatted and soon became friends.


In the end, Lin Yixue made supreme efforts to invite Li Furen and Xiao Bao to journey with them, so that they could take care of each other on the way. Of course, the main reason was that with Li Xiao Bao, this lovely little boy, her journey wouldn’t be too boring.


As for Lin Yixue's proposal, Li Furen, of course gladly accepted. For her, Lin Yixue was like a Bodhisattva reincarnation, a deity like existence, the great benefactor of her family.


At this time, Xiao Bao's wound was already without inconvenience and he had relapsed to his mischievous self. Hearing Lu Yixue call him out, he immediately and eagerly swung his fat hips and bottom as he ran over.


When he came in front of her, he threw himself into Lin Yixue's arms and shouted. 


"Aunty, don't read books, aunty, accompany Xiao Bao to play!"


"Okay okay..., Aunty will play with Xiao Bao! What about your mother? Why didn't she come to play with Xiao Bao?"


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