Episode 15: Childhood Friend Falls in Love with Him (Too Late)

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Michiru was certain that Yuta Kamimatsu, the renowned writer, was the same person as the talented author she admired.

The next morning…

“Y-Yuta, good morning.”

Michiru waited in front of Yuta’s house, eagerly anticipating his arrival.

“Oh, Michiru? What’s up?”

When Yuta noticed his childhood friend, he looked directly at her.

Michiru blushed and looked away, feeling her cheeks heat up.

“N-Nothing… Since we go to the same school, let’s go together once in a while.”

“Huh? Sure, why not?”

Yuta walked beside her, and Michiru followed closely behind.

“It’s been a while since we walked to school together, since elementary school.”

“What?! Y-Yeah, that’s right…”

What have I done… He’s a shy high schooler.

Until a few days ago, I didn’t pay much attention to him.

To be honest, his face isn’t my type.

And yet, today he seems to shine even brighter.

(TLN : bruh…..)


“W-What’s wrong with you… Are you sleep-deprived?”

“Yeah, well, a little. I was working late.”

I know.

Kamimatsu had posted another amazing episode today.

He must have been working hard, desperately writing his novel for a long time.

Thinking that way, his tired expression, his eye bags, all looked like traces of his effort and made him look cool.

…Cool? (TLN: bruh…..)

What am I saying…? Michiru felt flustered.

“What’s the matter? Your face is all red.”

Yuta stopped and peered into her face.

Her body temperature suddenly rose.


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Thud… Michiru accidentally pushed him away.


Yuta slipped and fell on his backside.

At that moment, Michiru snapped back to her senses.

“D-Don’t come any closer!”

“S-Sorry. What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly acting like this?”

Even Michiru didn’t understand it herself.

It’s just that… her body had an exaggerated reaction to Yuta being nearby.

“Are you running a fever? Shouldn’t you take a day off from school?”

Her body temperature rose even more when he showed concern.

“S-Stop… meddling!”

Michiru shouted as she stormed off from the scene.

In the classroom before homeroom started.

Michiru stared intently at Yuta Kamimatsu from a distance.

He was resting his head on his arm, sleeping on his desk.

It was a gesture she wouldn’t have paid much attention to before.

But ever since she found out he was a talented writer, he somehow seemed to shine.

“Hey there. What are you doing?”

A female friend called out to Michiru.

“N-Nothing… It’s nothing.”

“Oh? What’s wrong? Did you finally find a boy you like?”

“Gah…?! I-I-I don’t like someone like him!”

Her friend intended it as a tease.

However, with such an exaggerated reaction, it was as if Michiru had confessed to liking someone.

“Oh, really? Who is it?”

Her friend glanced in the direction Michiru was facing.

This was bad. Yuta was right there…!

“Oh, I see. I get it now… Michiru, you have a thing for [Nakatsugawa], right?”

Her friend smirked.

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“N-No, that’s not it!”

“No need to deny it. Nakatsugawa is so cool, after all.”


Her friend was pointing at the most handsome guy in the class, [Nakatsugawa].

Michiru was actually looking at Yuta, who was behind him, but it seemed like her friend misunderstood.

She let out a sigh of relief in her mind.

“He’s popular and good-looking. You and Nakatsugawa would make a great couple, don’t you think?”

“Yeah… maybe.”

Michiru gave a nonchalant reply.

She hadn’t paid any attention to Nakatsugawa.

“…Hey, Michiru, I have a feeling. Were you actually looking at Uematsu Yuta?”

Thump…! Her heart made an unhealthy jump in her chest.

“W-What?! W-Why would you think that?”

“Well, because… it seems like it’s not Nakatsugawa after all…”

Her lackluster reaction seemed to reveal that she wasn’t interested in him.

“Do you like introverted guys, Michiru?”

“T-That’s not true! W-Who would like someone so creepy…!”

Those words came out instinctively.

It was a slip of the tongue.

She glanced at Yuta.

But… he was still peacefully sleeping with his arm as a pillow.

She felt relieved that she hadn’t been asked about him…


“Yeah, I mean, there’s no way you would match with someone like him, a short and uninspiring guy.”

(TLN: bruh….)

…Before she realized it, Michiru was already standing up.

“What’s wrong?”


She stormed out while shouldering her anger.

When she looked back, Yuta was still peacefully sleeping.

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A little later…

Michiru found herself inside the girls’ restroom.

“Sigh. What’s wrong with me? I’m acting strange since the morning.”

Come to think of it, things had been weird since the morning.

Walking to school with Yuta, something she hadn’t done since elementary school.

Her eyes following him.

Just looking at him made her face turn red…

“This is just… as if it’s real…”

And at that moment…


“What’s this…? A message?”

A LINE message had come from Yuta.

“Are you okay? You weren’t at your seat… Are you feeling sick?”

(TLN: Yuta is too kind)

She suddenly realized that the first period had already started.

“If you’re not feeling well, you should go to the nurse’s office.”

The moment she read that message… she finally realized.

“I… I like Yuta…” (TLN: bruhhhhhhhhh)

Seeing his kind words and feeling happy about it… she finally realized, albeit late.

That’s right.

Yuta had always been kind to her.

He cared about her well-being when she seemed down.

It wasn’t something new; he had always been like this since they were children.

…Come to think of it, he seemed like a really nice guy.

And come to think of it, when he revealed his true identity, there was really no reason for him to lie.

Why didn’t she listen to his story more seriously?

Why did she reject him?

“What should I do now…”

After rejecting him, she realized that she had developed feelings for him.

(TLN: THE HECK,aight aight I ain’t interfering author-sama)

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It felt irreparable…

“…Wait. Is it really irreparable?”

Suddenly, Michiru realized.

“Maybe there’s still a chance to make things right…?”

Certainly, Yuta has been interacting with beautiful girls like Alyssa and Yurie these past few days.

But their relationship was still new.

On the other hand, Michiru and Yuta had almost ten years of history together.

They lived close to each other and had been together since they were young.

That’s right, compared to these random girls, she should be the one who means more to Yuta.

“Yes, he must still have feelings for me… Isn’t there a chance?”

It seemed like a convenient story, even though it shouldn’t be.

But for some reason, Michiru believed she had a chance.

Without wasting any time, she sent him this message:

“I’ve changed my mind. I’m willing to go out with you.”


…Though she had no idea what was so “alright” about it.

Michiru thought that by doing this, Yuta would turn his attention towards her.

She felt excited at the idea of having both a god-like writer and a boyfriend.

“Now, quickly send an okay response! Hehe… If I can get him, I’ll brag about it on the livestream!”

…As she became overly excited, she received a reply.

“Good to see you’re feeling better. I’m relieved.”

That’s it.


“What… Is that all? What about his response to my confession? Hey!”

But no matter how long she waited, no message came.

Growing impatient, she urged him for a response.

Soon enough, a notification arrived.

Jeez, you’re so slow. Just say it already. Let’s see…?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be in a relationship.”


TL notes: yeahhh chadd

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