Episode 14: “Yuta is Kamimatsu-sama, I’m certain”

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After that, we wandered around the shopping mall.

We didn’t particularly want to buy anything, but we looked at clothes and books.

At the bookstore…

“Wow, they’re selling the latest volume of Digimasu’s comic! I’ll go buy it real quick!”

Komagane Yuri swiftly grabbed the manga and headed towards the checkout counter.

“What should I do…”

Since I had some free time, I browsed through the magazine section.

There was a magazine featuring voice actors.

“Woah, there’s a photo of Yuri on the magazine cover…”

It said, “The most popular idol voice actor right now!”.

She’s really popular…

“But, well, how should I put it… She seems like an ordinary girl.”

Yuri doesn’t boast about her appearance or excessively show off her achievements.

She gives off this feeling of being an ordinary girl in a good way.

Well, her communication skills are top-notch, and her looks are outstanding…

“By the way, she’s taking a while… I wonder what happened?”

Yuri is taking a long time to come back.

I wondered what was going on, and as I searched for her, I immediately found her.

“Waaaah… Mommy… where are you?”

Yuri was squatting down in front of a crying child.

“Mommy… Mommy…”

“Seems like the child is lost, definitely.”

Before I could call out to her…

“It’s okay! Your mom will find you right away!”

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…That was a very familiar voice.


Yes, it was the voice of Komagane Yuri, who plays Ryo, the protagonist of Digimasu.

“Don’t cry! The Goddess of Happiness hates crybabies!”

Even though she was incognito and not working, she was voicing Ryo.

Only for the purpose of encouraging the crying child.

That’s the only reason she was acting.

In fact, upon hearing Ryo’s voice, the lost child smiled and nodded.

“Okay, let’s find your mom together!”

“Alright! Let’s do it!”

Yuri took the hand of the lost child and stood up.

“Oh, sorry Yuta-kun! Can you wait for a moment? I need to help find this child’s mother.”

“No… Let’s search together!”

Yuri widened her eyes but then smiled and nodded.

After searching around the bookstore, we quickly found the mother.

“Thank you so much! I don’t know how to express my gratitude…”

“Mom! That girl… she was Ryo!”

The lost boy pointed at Yuri with a smile.

She winked and said, “Don’t cry anymore, okay? It’s our promise.”

Once again, using Ryo’s voice, the boy happily nodded.

And then, it happened.

“That voice just now… Is it really… Yuri?”

People around us pointed at Yuri and said, “Yeah, it’s Yuri!” “No way! The voice actress for Digimasu?”

A murmur spread among the crowd.

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“Oh no… They noticed after all.”

Yuri scratched her head, looking troubled.

Even if she was in disguise, voicing Ryo in a crowded place would eventually lead to recognition.

“In that case, Yuta-kun!”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Let’s run away!”

Yuri grabbed my hand and we started running.

I followed her, and we escaped from the scene in the shopping mall.

“Bye-bye! Miss Voice Actress!”

We kept running and finally reached the bus rotary in front of the station at dusk.

“Phew… It’s so hot. We ran a lot.”

“Huff… Yeah… Uhm, yeah.”

Yuri, drenched in sweat, shimmered under the evening sun.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, well… It’s just… You look beautiful.”

“Hahaha, thank you!”

We sat on the chairs in front of the bus stop.

It seemed like she was going to take the bus home.

“I had so much fun today! Thank you for accompanying me!”

“No, thank you. I had a great time too.”

Somehow, the day felt like it went by really quickly.

Yes, it was simply enjoyable.

“Hey, Yuta-kun. Are you mad?”

“Huh, mad? About what?”

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“I’m sorry for forcefully asking you out on a date. When I heard that Alyssa-san and you were getting along well, I couldn’t stand it anymore…”

Ah, this girl is really kind.

It was the same with the lost boy earlier. Even though it wasn’t work-related, she used her voice acting skills to encourage the lost child.

She’s a considerate and ordinary girl who can show such care.

“I’m not mad at all. I had so much fun! Let’s hang out together again!”

Naturally, those words came out of my mouth.

I wanted to spend more time with her.

As Yuri smiled brightly.


And so, we made a promise to meet again and parted ways that day.

Yuta Kamimatsu went on a date with Yuri Komagane.

…This sight was being observed by Yuta’s childhood friend, Michiru Ookawa, who was sitting at the bus stop, grinning.

She started watching him to find evidence that would refute the Yuta = Kamimatsu theory.

She had been monitoring his actions all day, from the morning until now, watching Yuta and Yuri’s date.

“Alright, let’s go home.”

Yuta finished using his smartphone and stood up from the chair.

Ping! A notification appeared on Michiru’s phone.

It was a tweet from the Kamimatsu account she followed.

“Today, I had fun hanging out with a friend at Kawasaki’s shopping mall! It was so much fun!”


Michiru slumped where she was.

Yuta and Yuri went on their date at Kawasaki’s shopping mall.

And just as Yuta tweeted (presumably), the notification arrived.

…There was no longer any room for doubt.

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“…Yuta is Kamimatsu-sama.”

It had been a week since she decided to investigate his actions.

This whole week, she had been watching him.

And she began to see things.

For example, Yuta occasionally arrived late.

But she noticed a strange coincidence—his late days aligned perfectly with Digimasu update days.

She hadn’t paid much attention to it before.

But this week, Yuta was late every day.

After that, more evidence surfaced to support the theory that Kamimatsu = Yuta.

Conversations with his family, matching tweet content with his actions… etc…

And the icing on the cake was Yuri’s statement.

She clearly stated that Yuta was Kamimatsu.

“That… that kind of… such an introverted guy… is… Kamimatsu-sama…”

Her voice trembled.

What came to mind was the beginning of last week.

Regretting the fact that she rejected her childhood friend, Yuta.

“Oh…! How foolish! What a waste!”

…And so, Michiru Ookawa had come to know the truth about her childhood friend.

The girl who used to belittle Yuta no longer existed.

Now, she could only see Yuta not as a mere childhood friend but as the divine author Kamimatsu.

…But it was already too late.

Yuta had already reached a point where he had no regard for Michiru.

…And now, Michiru’s misguided journey begins.

TL notes: at least she accepted it now…

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