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Episode 13: A Date with a Popular Voice Actress

On Saturday, I took the train and arrived in Kawasaki.

“Hey! Yuta-kun! Sorry for the wait!”

Underneath the clock in front of the ticket gate, a beautiful girl ran towards me as I waited.

“Yurie,Good morning.”

It was Komagane Yurie, a popular voice actress, who approached me with a smile.

She was dressed in a thin cardigan and hot pants, wearing a hunting cap and glasses, giving her a boyish appearance.

“Sorry, Yuta-kun. Did you wait long?”

“No, I just got here.”

It was exactly 10 a.m., right on schedule.

Now, why were Yurie and I here?

It happened a few days ago.

“Yuta-kun, is it true that you went on a date with Alyssa?”

Yurie asked me that through LINE.

Since exchanging contact information, Yurie and I have been having frequent conversations, talking about random things whenever we find the time.

“No, I just went to Alyssa’s house to hang out.”

“But people are calling that a date in general! So, it was true.”

Where did she get that information from?

“Yuta-kun… Let’s go out together too!”

And that brings us to the present.

We came to a large shopping mall in Kawasaki.

Since she apparently lives in Kanagawa Prefecture, we searched for places around there where we could hang out and decided on this.

“Now, let’s go!”

Yurie took my hand naturally and we started walking together.

W-Wait, the distance…! We’re so close!

“What’s wrong?”

“N-No, it’s just… I’m not used to this.”

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On the contrary, Yurie took a guy’s hand so naturally.

C-Could it be… she’s used to it?

“Oh, don’t worry. It’s my first time going on a date with a boy too.?”

“I-Is that so…?”

We headed towards the shopping mall.

“I’m used to it because I go out with my younger siblings, you know.”

“Oh, you have siblings?”

“Yeah, I’m the oldest of five siblings.”

We chatted about such trivial matters as we made our way to the movie theater.

To be honest, it was my first time on a date, so I didn’t know what to do.

When I searched the internet, I found advice like “First, go to the movies. It’s okay if the conversation doesn’t flow,” so I decided to follow that.

“Which movie should we watch?”

I wonder what kind of movies Yurie likes…

Since she’s an older sister, maybe it’s something like a mature love story.

“I… I want to watch this!”

“Let me see… Huh?”

I widened my eyes.


“Yeah, that one.”

“But… this is…”

Yurie pointed to where a large poster was displayed.

It was a poster that was plastered all over town and even in my house.

“The Digital Masters… right? Is it okay?”

“Of course! The Digital Masters movies are always entertaining no matter how many times you watch them!”

The currently showing Digital Masters movie was a visual adaptation of the episode called “Sky Infinity Arena Arc.”

Since Yurie voiced the protagonist, Ryo, she probably already knew the story.

Even so, she still wanted to watch it…

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“Is it okay?”

“Well, if Yurie wants to.”

“Really? Yay! I’ll go buy the tickets!”

“Oh, let me… Wait, she’s already gone.”

Yurie swiftly bought the tickets, drinks, and popcorn, then came back to me.

“Here are the drinks and popcorn!”

“Oh, thank you… Oh, the money.”

“It’s fine! I dragged you to watch the movie you wanted. Come on, let’s go!”

Together with Yurie, we entered the theater.

We sat in the middle seats.

“Yurie, can you actually finish eating such a large bucket of popcorn?”

Yurie had a huge popcorn bucket resting on her lap, almost the size of a bucket itself.

There were churros and hot dogs on a tray with the popcorn.

“Yeah, no problem!”

As we were chatting, the movie started.

Digital Masters Theatrical Version: Sky Infinity Arena Arc.

It depicted the episode where the protagonist, Ryo, and his friends visit the infinite arena in the sky.

It was there that he would meet Rei, who would later become his emotional support.

However, Rei sacrifices her life to protect the protagonist after a fierce battle with the enemy.

“Sob… Sniff… Grr… Sob…”

As the scene where Rei dies approached, sobbing sounds could be heard throughout the theater.

I had seen it multiple times already, and I was the one who made it, so I didn’t feel much.

“Uguuu… Sniff… Uuuu…”

But there was someone next to me crying excessively.

I wonder who it is…?

“Rei saaannn… Sob…”

It was Yurie.

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She was sobbing uncontrollably, not acting, but genuinely crying.

By the way, all the popcorn was neatly finished.

Well, that’s a bit unexpected.

The movie ended, and the lights turned on.

And then…

*Clap clap clap clap clap!*

“Huh? What’s happening?”

Suddenly, people in the theater started applauding!

What is this all about!?

“Hey, Yurie, what’s this… Wait, huh!? Even you!?”

Yurie was applauding with tears streaming down her face and a smile on her face.

Wha-what is this all about!?

Shortly after, the applause ceased, and everyone started leaving the theater.

“That was amazing, Digital Masters!””The creator, Kamimatsu-sama, is truly a genius!””The best creator who creates such emotions, as expected of Kamimatsu-sama!”

Everyone expressed their thoughts as they left.

“Sorry, Yuta-kun. Did I surprise you with the sudden applause?”

Yurie and I also went outside.

We entered a café inside the shopping mall.

“What was with the applause earlier?”

“I think the fans were applauding. It was an amazing movie.”

“Oh, really…”

I wondered what caused the sudden applause.

“The Digital Masters movies are so great that people unknowingly applaud in praise.”

“It’s not just because of me. It’s thanks to the staff and the cast who lend their voices and act.”

“Ahaha! Thank you!”

Yurie wore a bright smile as she sipped her tapioca milk tea.

She was disguised, wearing large black-framed glasses and a hunting cap.

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She had tied her long hair up and put it inside the cap.

Even in disguise, her beauty remained intact.

With her tremendous beauty and extraordinary acting skills, it’s no wonder she’s a super popular high school voice actress.

…But seriously, it’s quite a mismatch for someone as introverted as me to be with such a famous person.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, no… I’m sorry. It’s just that I feel inadequate as your date.”

“Yuta-kun, you shouldn’t belittle yourself like that.”

“But… Compared to Yurie, I’m nothing more than a tiny speck.”

Then Yurie reached out and lightly pinched my lips.

“Mmm, huh…?”

“No negative talk allowed!”

She quickly let go of my lips.

I-I was surprised…

“If you keep saying things like you’re a loser, you’ll actually become one. You know? The words we speak become reality.”

“Is that so…?”

Is that the power of spoken words?

“Yeah, that’s right. So smile! I’m Kamimatsu! A capable guy who earned 50 billion yen! Have confidence!”

It’s not easy to suddenly change oneself.

But seeing her bright smile… the gloomy mood I was in until now started to lift.



“Huh? What’s that…?”

“Looks like someone spilled their drink.”

I turned around.

I made eye contact with a girl wearing a mask and sunglasses.

She hurriedly cleaned up and quickly went away somewhere.

TL notes: woooooo.

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