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Episode 12: Meeting a Creator Friend for the First Time

I am visiting the house of singer Alyssa Senba.

By chance, I saw her after she had taken a bath…

A few minutes later, in the living room.

“I’m really sorry…”

She has changed into a thin shirt and a skirt, and she is blushing and looking down…

Ah, they were so big… her breasts… Why am I even conscious of that?!

“It’s not… It didn’t bother me at all! It was amazing… beautiful!”

W-What am I saying?!

But it’s true that she was beautiful…

“…Even if it’s a flattery, I am happy♡.”

“It’s not just a flattery. It was really beautiful.”


Alyssa’s face turns extremely red.

“…Please stop. It’s embarrassing.”

She’s beautiful, and I thought she was used to being praised, but apparently not.

“Ah, um… yeah… sorry…”

Since then, we fell silent.

I-It’s awkward!

I need to change the topic… That’s right!

“Hey, Alyssa. Um, about that room earlier…”

She flinches and stiffens.

“Is that… a new song?”

“Yes. It’s the opening song for the second season of Digimasu.”

“Second season!? Isn’t it too soon!?”

It was just recently announced that the second season was confirmed.

The timing is still undecided, and isn’t it too early to start preparing?

“In my case, it takes quite a long time to create one.”

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“I see. Did it also take a long time for the first season and the movie?”

Alyssa nods.


I remember the scattered sheet music on the floor.

So many were created and discarded, and the songs were born through that process.

“It’s amazing, being a professional singer. Putting so much effort into one job.”

“Well… The music is like a flower accompanying the work. If you slack off, it will ruin the image of the work. I want to create something good by taking my time.”

Led by Alyssa, we go to that room again.

She sits in front of the piano and starts playing.

Her long white fingers gracefully strike the keys.

I can’t help but be mesmerized by her movements and the music she plays.

…It’s amazing. It transports me.

The world of Digimas…

Eventually, Alyssa stops playing.

“It’s amazing! It’s really good!”

“…Thank you. I’m most happy when I receive praise from you. But…”

Alyssa’s shoulders slump.

“…I’m having trouble coming up with good lyrics.”

She picks up an empty sheet music and starts writing again.

But then she stops and sighs.

I see, that’s how unfinished works are created.

“But… why are you working so hard?”

“…I am in a position where I borrow Yuta-sama’s works. That’s why I want to create something good, so as not to tarnish the amazing works you create. For the people who love Digimas… and above all, to make you, the author, happy.”

She has been doing all this for my sake…

I’m such an idiot.

I only thought, “This is a good song,” and nothing more.

I couldn’t imagine how much passion was poured into it.

What can I do for her, who puts her feelings into the music…?

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Hey, Alyssa. Um… can I help? With composing the music?

Huh…? I-Is that okay?

Yeah, I want to help too.

Well, I don’t know what I can do, though…

I’m glad.

Huh…? Wh-What’s wrong?

Alyssa starts crying uncontrollably.

“…I’m sorry. I never expected to receive help from a creator I admire… I couldn’t help it…”

I think you’re the amazing one. You put so much dedication into each piece of work. It’s an honor for the creator.

Alyssa’s eyes well up with tears as she becomes overwhelmed with emotions.

She stands up and embraces me directly.

“Thank you… so much…”

She hugs me tightly.

Feeling dizzy from her sweet scent, I nearly collapse.

But seeing her cry with happiness, I couldn’t push her away.

A little while later…

At night, I’m riding in the same limousine as before.

“…Thank you, Yuta-sama. Thanks to you, the song is getting so close to completion.”

Alyssa smiles as she sits in front of me.

After that, we worked on composing the music.

Well, it was more like she asked me questions about Digimas, and I answered.

I talked about the emotions I put into the characters and the intentions behind the story.

From there, Alyssa started creating lyrics that would fit the melody.

Occasionally, she would ask me about certain lyrics, and I would suggest what might be better.

“…I wanted to finish it today.”

But it’s already dark, and it’s nighttime.

“Sorry, I have school tomorrow too.”

“…I wish you had stayed the night.”

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“N-No, that’s a bit…”

A young girl and a beautiful one at that…

That’s just… too much to handle!

“…It’s fine. I would dedicate everything to you, Yuta-sama.”

She sits next to me and hugs my arm.

Against her chest…! My arm is sandwiched between her breasts!

Th-They’re so soft… I mean, not that!

“Um… Alyssa. If possible… I’d like us to interact more normally.”


“Yeah. Because we’re creating the same work… comrades, right?”

There’s no hierarchy between us.

Both she and I look in the same direction and strive for the same purpose.

“…But Yuta-sama is the greatest creator I respect…”

I respect Alyssa too. Isn’t it a tie?

Alyssa’s eyes widen in surprise.

But she smiles.

:…You’re an interesting person.”

“Do you think so?”

“…Alright. Then, Yuta-san…”

She smiles warmly and bows her head.

“…Let’s keep doing our best together.”

Yeah, let’s do our best!

Eventually, the limousine stops in front of my house.

“…Well then, Yuta-san. See you.”

Yeah, see you next time!

She also gets out of the limousine and approaches me.

With a gentle smile, she cups my cheeks with her hands and kisses me.

“…Good night♡”

Leaving me dumbfounded, the limousine drives away.

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Yuta had a secret meeting with the singer Alyssa.

That night.

His childhood friend, Michiru, lies on the bed, recalling what just happened.

On her smartphone, the latest chapter of Kamimatsu’s “Digimas” is displayed.

It was another interesting chapter.

What caught her attention was the afterword.

“I’ll increase the update frequency a bit starting today.”

Kamimatsu usually uploads a new chapter every three days or so.

The pace slows down a bit as the release of the printed book approaches.

Normally, Michiru would be happy about the increased update frequency.

But… there was a reason why she couldn’t be genuinely happy about it.

Next, Michiru opens Twitter.

Kamimatsu promotes the novel on Twitter after uploading a new chapter.

In the replies, a reader asks, “Why is the update frequency increasing?”

Kamimatsu replied, “I met a creator I respect and thought I should work harder!”

“No way…”

Michiru knows.

After school today, she witnessed Yuta getting into a limousine and going somewhere.

At that moment, she saw it.

The person who welcomed him was… Alyssa Senba.

If this respected creator is Alyssa…

“No, no! This… it’s just a coincidence!”

(TLN:bruh,what the fuck)

━━━ This confirms one piece of the puzzle that Yuta = Kamimatsu.

TL notes: well well….Michiru’s IQ never disappoints me.

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