Episode 11: Visiting the Home of a Popular Singer

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After school, I had the opportunity to have tea with the singer Alyssa Senba.

… Well, it happened.

“Wow… this apartment is amazing.”

I was on the top floor of a high-rise building in Shirokane, Tokyo.

The view of Minato-ku from the window looked like a miniature with Sengaku-ji Temple, a nearby private boys’ school, and the urban landscape.

“Living in such an incredible place, Alyssa…”

Well, I’m at Alyssa’s home.

I recall how I ended up here.

“Yuta-sama, I have come to pick you up.”

As soon as I left the school gate, a limousine was waiting.

Alyssa Senma welcomed me, and I got into the limousine as she invited me.

… And so, the limousine brought us to this apartment.

“Yuta-sama ♡ Your coffee is ready ♡”

Alyssa appeared in the enormous living room, carrying a tray.

She had long, fluffy blonde hair and sky-blue eyes like a winter sky.

Her kind eyes matched her ample bosom.

It’s surprising that she’s only one year older than me.

She’s a beauty on the level that could make even actresses run away barefoot.

“Ah, thank you…”

Alyssa placed a glass of iced coffee on the table.

She sat directly in front of me.

I sat on a chair, picked up the glass, and took a sip.

“… It’s not bitter.”

Even though it was black coffee with nothing added, I couldn’t taste any bitterness.

Is it because of the high-quality beans or the way they were brewed?

“You’re so rich, Alyssa… That’s amazing. As expected of a popular singer.”

Living in such a prime location, on the top floor of a high-rise building, no less.

“… Compared to Yuta-sama, I don’t have much. Even though you earn so much, you come from an ordinary family.”

Last week, Alyssa came to visit my house.

She knows that I live in a two-story, ordinary house.

“My mother is incredibly reliable. She manages all the royalties and everything.”

“… That’s something to be jealous of.”

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Alyssa muttered quietly, sounding somewhat lonely.

“What about your parents? I don’t see them around.”

“… I live here alone. The housekeeper comes a few times a week, though.”



I wonder what kind of complex family situation she’s in.

It piques my curiosity, but it’s probably a delicate matter.

Maybe I shouldn’t delve into it too much.

“… By the way, Yuta-sama, I have a request to make.”

“A request?”

Alyssa said this with a serious expression.

I wonder what kind of request it could be…?

Is there anything I, a mere person like me, can do?

“… C-could I have your autograph, please?”

“What? Sure.”


Alyssa’s face brightened up with a “paa…!” sound.

She quickly got up, left the room, and came back.

“Then, please sign this!”

It was the first volume of the printed version of Digimas.

I nodded and borrowed the book and a marker from her.

I swiftly signed it.

“Wow, the autograph was done in no time! You’re used to signing, huh?”

“Well, I’m somewhat of a writer, after all. I often get asked to sign books.”

“I see! That’s amazing… Truly fitting for a popular author!”

“Oh, no… Here you go.”

I handed the signed book to Alyssa.

“Thank you so much!”

She held the signed book close to her chest, her face melting into a soft expression.

“I’ll treasure this for the rest of my life ♡”

“Oh, come on… By the way, can I get your autograph too?”

“Of course!”

However, I didn’t have an autograph board, so I handed her a loose leaf paper I used for class.

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Alyssa ran the pen across it, making a “shushu” sound.


“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, I made a mistake. Can I have another one, please?”

After multiple failed attempts, she finally completed the autograph.

“I apologize for the inconvenience. I’m not used to signing…”

“Is that so? You don’t get asked for autographs?”

“I refuse all those requests…”

“Huh, that’s unexpected. Is there a reason?”

“I’m… not good at interacting with people.”

It’s an unexpected coming-out for a super popular singer.

Quite surprising.

“But how do you manage concerts and live performances?”

“Well… it’s my job. And when I’m singing, it’s fine. I can focus on singing, and I don’t pay much attention to my surroundings.”

Alyssa seems to be quite introverted.

“Is that why you invited me over? Because you get distracted when there are people around?”

“Wow, you’re really good at understanding people’s hearts,sensei.”

Apparently, that’s the case.

Well, it’s not like it matters that I’m a writer…

“But you used to attend celebratory parties and events, right?”

“Of course. It was important for my significant works, important ceremonies.”

Important works… huh.

I glanced at the book Alyssa brought.

It still had the first edition band, but it looked quite worn out, as if it had been read multiple times.

“Do you… like Digimas?”

“Yes. I love it ♡”

Alyssa quietly smiled as she held the coffee cup.

I see… Thank you. I also like your songs, Alyssa.”

Digimas was first adapted into an anime and then into a movie.

Alyssa composed the music for both.

I loved both the first season of the anime and the ending song.

“Oh my…!”

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She exaggeratedly reacted, blushing deeply.

At that moment…

Splash! Coffee spilled onto her sweater and skirt.

“Are you… are you okay?”

“I-I-I’m f-f-fine!”

“I’m fine?”

Alyssa blushed from the tip of her ears to her cheeks, her eyes flustered.

“Umm… I-I’ll go change my clothes.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah…”

She dashed off in a hurry.

“It may take a little while, so feel free to look around the house.”

Saying that, Alyssa left the living room.

“Hmm… I wonder what happened?”

Why did her face suddenly turn red…?

“Did I say something rude?”

I genuinely meant to compliment her music.

Alyssa has sung quite a few anime opening songs.

I’m not as enthusiastic about anime as my sister or dad, but I do watch it.

So I often come across Alyssa’s songs, and they’re all really good. I genuinely like them.

Did she think I was just being insincere?

“But… what should I do? I’m bored.”

She said I could look around the house, so should I take a look?

Well, she’s a young girl, so it would be rude to go snooping around her room without permission, right?

But… I probably won’t get another chance to enter a famous singer’s house…

“Maybe I’ll just take a quick peek.”

Leaving the living room, I entered a long hallway.

There were several rooms lined up along the walls.

“Huh? The door is open…”

Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked inside, speechless.

“Wow… this room is incredible…”

I guess it’s a soundproof room.

The ceiling and walls were covered in soundproof panels.

There were large pianos and various musical instruments.

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But what caught my attention even more were the “sheet music” spread all over the floor.

They seemed to be rough drafts, hastily scribbled with a pencil.

“She writes so many of these for composing… amazing…”

And then, it happened.

“N-No! Stop!”

With a loud noise, Alyssa entered the room in a hurry…

Wait, what!?

“Alyssa!? What’s with that appearance?”

She was… wearing only a bath towel!

Wait, was she taking a bath!?

Oh no, no, no!

I can see through the towel!

Through the towel, I can see her large…!

“Yuta-sama, please don’t look at me with such an embarrassing sight…”

“S-Sorry! It was rude! I shouldn’t be looking at a girl’s naked body!”


Alyssa’s mouth hung open in surprise.

Wait, wasn’t she angry because I saw her naked…?


Just at that moment, the towel slipped off… Ahh!?


…The towel fell, and before me was Alyssa’s bare body.(TLN:oooooooo)

…I found my gaze fixated on her body.

Her smooth, white skin gradually turned red before my eyes.

From her body to her chest, and up to her neck, it all turned bright red…


With a thud, she fell right there on her backside.

“…………….It’s such an unsightly sight.”

She murmured in a frail voice.

That’s when I finally regained my ability to move.

“I-I’m sorry… I’ll leave right away!”

I hurriedly left the creative room.

“Phew………… That was a shock.”

The image of her, the embodiment of beauty, became ingrained in my mind and wouldn’t leave.

No, seriously… she was incredibly beautiful… Wait, what am I thinking!?

I was in a state of turmoil for a while.

But then I started to wonder…

“…But if it wasn’t being seen naked that she found embarrassing, then what was Alyssa so ashamed of?”

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