Episode 10: My Childhood Friend Keeps Sneaking Glances at Me

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The week after I attended the Digimas celebration party.


I was just attending classes at school as usual.

“… ” *glance*

Sigh… Last weekend was such an intense three days.

“… ” *glance, glance*

I participated in the Digimas celebration party and got to know many people…

“… ” *glance, glance*

I became acquainted with Yurie and Alyssa, and somehow we ended up going home together… and for some reason, they stayed over at my place.

But… it was fun.

In the end, both of them stayed at my house over the weekend.

We played games and talked about Digimas… Yeah, it was just fun.

We exchanged contact information and agreed to meet again.

…I don’t know how to respond to their kindness.

But… the way they understood me, praised me… It’s really enjoyable being with them.

I want to know more about the two of them.

From now on, let’s slowly get to know them…

“… ” *glance, glance, glance, glance, glance, glance, glance*


I can’t ignore it anymore, huh. Yeah.

I secretly glance at the “girl” sitting in a seat a little away from me.

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Michiru Ookawa.

The girl who rejected me has been staring at me a lot since earlier.

Oh, right. Come to think of it, I was rejected.

Honestly, I completely forgot about the epic failure after the confession.

Before confessing, I thought it would be the end of the world when Michiru rejected me.

But it wasn’t like that.

The world is still filled with many enjoyable things that I don’t know yet.

There are people who recognize me, support me, and Michiru is not the only one.

Thinking that way, my feelings for Michiru had completely disappeared.

In short, my feelings for her had completely vanished.

For me, Michiru Ookawa is just a childhood friend.

I no longer held any special feelings for her.

People do change, don’t they?

So… What happened to Michiru, I wonder?

Today, since I came to school, Michiru has been constantly looking at me.

At first, I thought it might be my imagination.

But she’s been glancing at me non-stop, observing my every move.

What’s the deal?

…It’s just too mysterious.

And then, it happened.


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I received a Line notification on my phone.

It was from Alyssa.

“Yuta-sama. Are you free today?”

Alyssa went home on Monday morning.

Since then, she has been contacting me frequently.

She still calls me “Yuta-sama.”

No matter how many times I’ve told her not to, it didn’t work, so I’ve given up on correcting her.

“Yeah, I’m free.”

I read her message immediately, and Alyssa replies.

“If that’s the case, would you like to have some tea? I would like to talk to you alone.”

A line invitation from a girl.

Mei-san, the editor, has also invited me a few times like this.

But I always declined.

I felt bad because of my childhood friend, who had feelings for me.

(TL notes: he used to assume that.)

But now, I don’t care anymore.

After all, she rejected me and made it clear that she dislikes me.

I have already severed ties with Michiru in my heart.

“I know you’re busy with your writing, but I really want to meet you.”

“Yes, I also want to meet you and have tea.”

Alyssa sends multiple stickers.

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They are cute, deformed characters from Digimas, expressing their joy.

Despite her mature appearance, she reacts like a child…


I can’t help but smile.

She’s such an adorable person.

Ah, I’m really looking forward to having tea with Alyssa.

While Uematsu Yuta was excited about his Line conversation with Alyssa, on the other hand…

“What’s this? Who are you chatting with?”

Michiru couldn’t help but be curious about Yuta’s behavior.

Could it be that he is the same person as my beloved Kamimatsu-sama?

That suspicion only grew stronger over the weekend.

For these three days, she locked herself in her room, endlessly pondering.

Her pathetic and uncool childhood friend turned out to be the author of the beloved masterpiece she adores.

If that were true… she rejected his confession.

“What a waste…!”

Michiru held her head and writhed on the bed over and over again.

“But it’s impossible! It’s completely impossible! There’s no way Yuta is Kamimatsu-sama!”

She repeated it strongly to herself.

It was a kind of wish… a prayer.

Because if Yuta really were Kamimatsu, it would mean she hurt her beloved author with her own words.

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The incident of “Kamimatsu’s retirement” from last week flashed back in Michiru’s mind.

Certainly, Kamimatsu announced his retirement on the same day Michiru rejected him.

…She might have wounded the heart of the great author.

And she might have even driven him to retirement…

The thought sent shivers down her spine.

Michiru shook her head.

“Fine, I’ll thoroughly investigate this.”

In solitude, Michiru made up her mind.

The evidence for Kamimatsu = Yuta is incredibly weak at the moment.

That’s why she ends up having all these negative delusions.

So, she decided to investigate every corner and gather definitive evidence that “Kamimatsu is not Yuta.”


Yuta laughed again.

Michiru clicked her tongue.

It annoyed her how he could laugh so happily.

Despite being rejected by the girl he liked, he was laughing so carefree.

She thought he should be more down… that’s what she believed.

She was such a selfish girl to reject him and still think that way.

“That’s right, there’s no way such a creepy loser can be Kamimatsu-sama.”

…Unfortunately, the one Michiru was making fun of was indeed the beloved author himself.

The day she realizes this and deeply regrets it is not far away.

TL notes: only one word from me ‘lmao’

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