Episode 9: Discovering the True Identity of Beloved Novelist Childhood Friend

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While Yuta Uematsu was attending a party, meanwhile…

His childhood friend, Michiru Ookuwa, went to a nearby convenience store to buy some sweets and returned.

“Hmm? A taxi in front of Yuta’s house at this hour…?”

Michiru’s house is located very close to Yuta’s house.

The person who came out of the yellow taxi was Yuta’s father, Uematsu Shoji.

“Oh, Yuritan! Miss Alyssa too! Please come and visit our house!”

Michiru suddenly stopped in her tracks.

“Yuritan… Alyssa…?” she repeated.

Normally, she would ignore it and go home. However, she heard some intriguing words, so she decided to investigate.

Michiru hid behind a telephone pole and observed the taxi parked in front of the Uematsu residence.

Yuta’s father seemed to be in high spirits. And the person who came out of the taxi was Yuta, Michiru’s childhood friend, dressed in a suit.

“What’s with that tie… It’s so lame.”

Yuta’s tie today was an incredibly tacky camouflage pattern.

“That outfit… Were you attending some kind of event? If so, it’s the worst. Too lame. That tie is just awful.”(TL notes: why am I getting mixed feelings that this would change in future i don’t know i didn’t read raws much further)

It was a tie of “unforgettable lameness.”

With a disdainful snort, Michiru mocked him.

Despite their different social statuses, Yuta had confessed to Michiru not long ago. Yes, she thought that such a lame and introverted guy was from a completely different world than her.

…But in the next moment, she would come to realize that they were truly from different worlds, in the literal sense.

“Well then, if you don’t mind, may I take you up on your offer and intrude upon your home?”

“What!? A-Alyssa Senba!”

The person who came out of the taxi was none other than Alyssa Senba, a popular female singer with blonde hair.

“N-No way… Why? How… Why is Alyssa here?”

Since Michiru is involved in video streaming, she has a decent amount of otaku knowledge.

She is familiar with Alyssa Senba.

Alyssa is known for singing anime opening songs.

She has also appeared in the prestigious New Year’s Eve singing competition for two consecutive years, making her quite famous.

As Michiru is perplexed, another new person appears.

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“Oh, so this is Yuta-kun’s house. What a lovely home!”

“Isn’t it, Yuritan!”

Yuta’s father is completely infatuated.

Standing next to him is a black-haired beauty.

“Huh!? Ko…ma…gane… Yuri…e?”

Yurie Komagane, the most popular female voice actress at the moment.

She has appeared in multiple regular anime series.

She also voices the main character in Michiru’s favorite anime that she is currently watching.

“No way… Why? How… Why are Alyssa Senba and Yurie Komagane at Yuta’s house?”

Numerous question marks pop up in Michiru’s mind.

“No, no… It must be a look-alike! They just look incredibly similar, I’m sure!”

Yuta insists that he is just an ordinary introverted high school student.

There’s no way he could be acquainted with such popular voice actresses and singers.

Meanwhile, Yuta talks to his father.

“Uh, Dad… It’s late at night, and it’s not appropriate to bring girls to the house of a guy who knows nothing about them, right?”

“What!? What are you saying, Yuta?”

His father raises his voice.

“This is a big opportunity to have Yuritan, the super popular voice actress, and the actual famous singer Alyssa-sama visit our house! We may never have such an opportunity again!”

…Michiru slumps to the ground at that moment.

“…Is…is that so? Are they…really real?”

Come to think of it, Yuta’s father works at a publishing company.

Moreover, he holds a significant position as a deputy editor.

Based on his position alone, Shoji, Yuta’s father, appears to be an impressive person.

If that’s the case, then those two women must indeed be real.

“Why? How…? In what kind of relationship are these two famous people connected to Yuta’s house?”

Just when one mystery seemed to be solved, more mysteries come rushing in.

Yuta and the others are unaware of Michiru, who is caught in the whirlwind of confusion.

“You, be quiet. Welcome back, Ayayu-chan ♡”

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The person who came out of the house was Yuta’s mother.

“Mom! It’s perfect timing. Do you have any autograph boards!?”

“Didn’t you take plenty of them with you?”

“I’ve used them all already I’ve been getting autographs from voice actors like crazy with Yuta’s power!”

“…Really, you’re so pathetic…”

Alyssa Senba bows her head to Yuta’s mother.

“…Nice to meet you, Mother. I am Alyssa Senba. I have come to Yuta-sama’s house with the intention of becoming his bride.”


Yuta, Yuta’s father, and Michiru’s voices overlap.


Alyssa, of all people, declares that she wants to become the bride of Yuta, an introverted high school student.

Even if the world were turned upside down, such an event would be unimaginable.

“H-hold on a moment…!”

Yurie stops her.

“Oh, who are you?”

“Nice to meet you. I am Yurie Komagane. I am Yuta-kun’s friend! That’s all for now!”

Blushing, Yurie says.

She claims to be a friend, but her affection is pouring out.

At this point, Michiru no longer knows whether this is reality or a dream.

An unpopular, unremarkable, hopeless high school student like Yuta Uematsu… having famous people and beautiful girls show interest in him?

“I see… I understand, Yu-chan.”

Smiling, his mother says.

“Both of you, please come inside.”

“Is that alright!?”

“Yes ♡ They are potential wives brought by Yu-chan. I need to thoroughly… thoroughly… examine them… yes…”

Her eyes sharpen.

She is probably scrutinizing the marriage partner her precious son has brought home.

“M-mom, no! It’s late at night, and besides…”

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“Tomorrow is Saturday. It’s perfect. Both of you can stay overnight.”

“Is that alright!?”

…Alyssa and Yurie are both incredibly delighted.

…It’s evident that both of them have feelings of affection.

“Well done, Yuta! A super famous singer and a voice actress are going to be your wives! They’ll call me ‘Father-in-law’ every day ♡ Oh yeah! This is the best! Let’s marry both of them!”

His mother quietly smiles.

“You ♡”

“What is it?”

“Shut up.”

With a fierce expression reminiscent of Hannya, the mother delivers a yankee-style kick to her father’s weak spot.


Yuta’s father collapses.

The mother looks down on him with contempt in her eyes.

“Now, all three of you. Come inside quickly.”

Michiru returns to her room and collapses onto the bed in astonishment.

“It can’t be true… It’s impossible…”

She recalls the events that just took place.

Uematsu Yuta brought two famous people with him.

That alone is an abnormal situation, but the problem lies in the fact that those girls seem to have feelings for Yuta.

“Why…? How…? What qualities does that introverted guy have…? What is there to like about him?”

(TL notes: i feel that author did make us hate her intentionally,no matter how bad a person is no childhood friend will bad mouth this much,what are your thoughts?comment down below.)

Michiru desperately searches for answers.

But no matter how much she thinks, no conclusion comes to mind.

“Maybe I should search the internet.”

Michiru looks up Alyssa Senba and Yurie Komagane.

She hopes to find any clue that connects the two girls to Yuta.

“No… There’s nothing written about them.”

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However, since both of them have well-managed agencies, no private information seems to have leaked.

…But a clue comes from an unexpected source.

“T-This is…!”

Michiru finds a photo on the internet.

It’s a screenshot of a voice actress’s Twitter page.

“I went to the celebration of Digimass! I even met the author, Kamimatsu-sama ♡”

…Along with that tweet, there is one photo.

Next to the voice actress (not Yurie), there is a person in a suit.

The face is hidden with a stamp.

(TL notes:most of you might already know that famous authors generally keep there identities anonymous to avoid getting cloged up,even their genders)

So, the face is not visible.

But… Michiru knows.

She knows because they are childhood friends.

The body shape, the atmosphere, and above all…

“This god-awful camouflage tie… T-This means…”

It’s the same as what Yuta was wearing when he got out of the taxi earlier.

The tweet mentions the “author Kamimatsu-sensei.”

Evidence is laid out before Michiru.

And she remembers the confession from that day.

-That’s why… I’m the author of Digimass, Kamimatsu.

At that time, Michiru thought Yuta was telling a silly lie.

But if it wasn’t a lie and it was the truth…

“…No. No way. Of all people… Yuta being Kamimatsu-sama?”

Michiru curls up in her futon.

“Yuta couldn’t possibly be Kamimatsu-sama!”

She strongly tells herself.

Enough with these absurd delusions. She’ll forget about them as soon as she falls asleep!

…However, Michiru couldn’t sleep at all that night.

TL notes: time will tell….

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