Episode 8: A Popular Voice Actor and Singer Compete for Me

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At the celebration party for Digimas.

During the opening ceremony, I was kissed and confessed to by the popular singer, Alyssa Senba.

A few minutes later…

“…Sensei, I brought your meal. Please enjoy.”

Alyssa approached me with a smile, holding a plate.

“Ah, thank you…”

I felt too embarrassed to look directly at Alyssa’s face.

I never expected to be kissed in front of such a large crowd…

You can tell when you’re up close, she’s really beautiful.

She’s apparently half British.

Beautiful blonde hair, outstanding proportions.

And she has both popularity and talent, she’s like a celestial being to me.

And she’s still only 18 years old…!

Isn’t that amazing…?

“…Sensei ♡”

Alyssa smoothly aimed the fork at me.

“Please have some…”

Th-this…is she trying to feed me!?

A young and popular vocalist!?

“No, no, no! That’s too much honor!”

“Why are you so modest? You’re an unprecedentedly popular author. I’m the one who should be honored.”

I thought the same when it was Yurie… impressive people are truly humble.

“Well, I can eat by myself…”

“…Am I not good enough for that?”

Ah! She’s looking at me with sad eyes and an upward glance.

S-so cute…!

“Um… it’s not like that.”

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“…Then, aah~”

I let her feed me the meal.

Everyone around us was watching closely.

“Look, they’re so lovey-dovey.” “They’re a couple of super popular author and singer.” “They suit each other so well~♡”

…Somehow, they’re looking at us very favorably!?

“Um…! Excuse me! Could you please move… excuse me, Sensei Kamimatsu!”

Pushing through the crowd, it was the voice actress Yurie Komagane who arrived.

“I’m glad… I found you. Sorry, Sensei Kamimatsu. I was in the infirmary and couldn’t see the opening ceremony!”

It seems Yurie didn’t see the shocking kissing scene between me and Alyssa.

Th-thank goodness…

“…Sensei, the food over there looks delicious. Let’s go and eat.”

Alyssa tightly embraced my arm.

M-my chest!

Her chest is touching mine! It’s squeezing!

“Um, well… I wanted to talk to her alone for a bit, so… wouldn’t it be better if I went by myself…?”

“…Then, I’ll stay here too.”

Alyssa hugged my arm tightly.

Somehow, it feels stronger than before, and she’s hugging me in a way that hides me from Yurie.

…W-what’s going on?

“Sensei… um, there’s something I want to tell you.”

Yurie doesn’t call me Yuta when there are people around. It’s a bit lonely.

But… what does she want to say?

“Sensei… thank you so much for writing Digimas!”

I looked up abruptly.

“I’ve always found courage in your works. Even during difficult and painful times… I’ve always been encouraged by the amazing stories you create.”

Yurie smiled and held my hand.

“I’ve always wanted to thank you, the author. Really… thank you, Sensei.”

My eyes welled up with tears, unknowingly.

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Ah, I’m so happy…

To be thanked by such an amazing person…

I’m glad I write my works…


Alyssa squeezed herself between me and Yurie.

“…The conversation is over, right? Come on, over there.”

“Um…! Wait! I still want to talk to Yuta-kun…”

Alyssa twitched her temple.

“…Yuta-kun? …Isn’t that a little disrespectful?”


Yurie opened her mouth in surprise.

“…Kamimatsu-sensei is the world’s greatest novelist. Addressing him so casually… Isn’t it lacking respect?”

“N-no, Alyssa-san… It’s fine… I’m not that great of a person anyway…”

“No, Sensei. Please don’t belittle yourself.”

Alyssa held my hand and leaned in closer.

Her sweet scent and her amazingly perfect face being so close, my heart was already pounding.

“You are a wonderful person. More amazing than anyone else… I believe you will be remembered as a great figure in history.”

“N-no… That’s too much.”

“…Indeed, Sensei. You don’t boast about your own greatness. That’s what it means to be a top-class intellectual. It’s a lesson to learn.”

Oh, come on! I’m telling you I’m not that grandiose!

“I-I’m sorry, Yuta… Sensei. I’ll be careful…”

Yurie shrunk her shoulders apologetically.

“N-no, it’s okay! Just treat me like you normally do,Yurie.”


Alyssa’s face lost her expression.

T-this is scary…

“…Seems like you two have a very good relationship. What are you to her, boyfriend?”

Huh? Wait, when did I become her boyfriend?

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I-I haven’t even given an answer yet!

“Bo-boyfriend!? Wait, Yuta-kun… Are you dating this person?”

“…Yes.” “N-no!”

Phew… Yurie let out a sigh.

“Oh, I see… That’s good…”

Huh? “Good” in what way…?

“Eh!? N-no, there’s no deep meaning behind it!”

Alyssa grabbed my shoulder and spoke with a serious expression.

“…Sensei, please address me as Alyssa without any honorifics.”

“W-well… that’s a bit…”

“…Please, Sensei.”

The pressure is intense…

I’m in a difficult situation to refuse… I even call Yurie by her first name…

“O-okay… Alyssa. Uh, then I would appreciate it if you don’t call me ‘Sensei’ as well.”

“…Understood, Yuta-sama♡”

It’s getting worse!

Just as we were having that conversation, a girl who had been watching from a distance approached me.

“Uh, um… Kamimatsu-sensei!”

She introduced herself as Murai, the voice actress who played Chobi.

Following her, many other voice actors approached me.

“I’m honored to meet you! I played a character you created, and I’m extremely proud of it!”

“Me too!”

Another voice actress bowed to me with a smile.

“Since I worked on Digimasters as a voice actor, I’ve been receiving more and more job offers! I can never thank you enough, Sensei! Thank you so much!”

They firmly grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously.

“N-no, it’s because of your talents and skills that you’re getting job offers!”

“No! It’s because I was involved in Dejimasu(Digimasters), a big project. It’s all thanks to you, Sensei!”

In that manner, I was constantly greeted and praised by the voice actors.

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“I-I haven’t really done anything significant…”

“Amazing, Sensei!”

“So humble!”

“Sensei is truly an incredible person!”

Cheers and applause filled the air.

Why!? Why are they so impressed?

“You truly are amazing, Yuta-sama.”

“Yes, indeed.”

Alyssa and Yurie nodded with smiles on their faces.

“…Do you really think so? I can’t sense any respect from you. Don’t talk to my Yuta-sama so casually.”

“W-well, you’re not in a relationship with him, right?”


“What’s with that ambiguous smile? Yuta, what does it mean?!”

…And so, I enjoyed the celebration.

It was my first time attending such a big party… and it was incredibly fun.

Being appreciated and recognized by so many people… it truly made me happy.

That’s right.

It wasn’t just my childhood friends who acknowledged me.

I realized that today.

I’m glad I participated…!

While Yuta was attending the party as an author, at the same time…

His childhood friend, Michiru Ookawa, was left dumbfounded after seeing a certain photo circulating on the internet.

“What is this…?”

It was a single photo taken by a voice actress who attended the Dejimasu celebration party.

“I met the original author of Dejimasu for the first time!”

…The face was obscured by a stamp, so it wasn’t clear.

But… Michiru realized.

“…Is this… Yuta?”

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