Episode 7: Opening Ceremony, Confession of Love from a Super Popular Female Singer

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I am attending the celebration party for the anime movie “Digimasters.”

The event is taking place in a grand hall, the ceremonial venue, at a luxury hotel.

I have been waiting at the edge of the stage.

“Now, we will commence the celebration party for the theatrical release of ‘Digital Masters: Infinite Skies Tournament Edition.'”

The opening ceremony of the party is underway.

I am supposed to be introduced as a surprise guest at the beginning.

“Uh… I’m getting nervous…”

I sneak a glance at the venue from the side of the stage.

It seems that today’s attendees are mainly the cast of the movie.

External publishers and sponsor companies’ representatives are not present… or so I’ve heard.

“So many people were involved in this movie…”

As I observe the glamorous voice actors and staff members gathering on the stage, I can’t help but feel nervous.

“Now, we would like to invite director Makoto Mitakeyama to say a few words.”

The emcee calls out, and a tall woman appears from the other side of the stage.

“Yo, I’m director Makoto Mitakeyama. Not Mr. Ontake, got it? You understand, right?”

The director… is a woman.

I had always assumed it was a man… She even speaks in a somewhat masculine way.

“I’ll keep my speech short since long speeches aren’t my thing. Thanks to the amazing source material and the incredible staff, this movie has been a great success. We’ve achieved victory together. Today, we celebrate! Let’s drink up! Cheers!”

Under the lead of Director Makoto Mitakeyama, the staff members raise their glasses.

“The amazing source material, huh…”

Even if it was just flattery, it still makes me happy…

“So, we’ve prepared a special surprise guest for you today! Who do you think it is, everyone?”

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Could it be me?

My moment is finally here… I-I’m getting nervous…

“Alright, let’s bring her out. Hey, Alyssa!”

My turn… Huh?

It seems like it’s someone else…?

“Alyssa…? I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before…”

Then the stage lights dim.

In the center, there stands a beautiful woman.

“…I remember now. It’s Alyssa Senba… the singer!”

She was a very tall woman.

Slender limbs and ample bust.

Gorgeous blonde hair and fair skin.

She looks no different from a top-notch celebrity.

But her main profession is being a singer…

Even I know that.

She is Alyssa Senba.

A highly popular young singer who sings the opening theme song for my anime!

Within just about two years since her debut, she has already participated in the prestigious year-end music show… She’s an amazing female singer.


Alyssa starts singing quietly at the center of the stage.

It’s the ending theme song for the movie, “Flames of the Heart.”

It has a different taste compared to the opening theme song of the first season, “Flaming Flowers.”

Unlike the intense opening theme of the first season, this song has a calm melody.

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However, it contains a subdued intensity, like a quietly burning flame.


It’s Alyssa singing live. The sense of presence is different.

After she finishes singing, she bows.

The people in the venue applaud and cheer.

I found myself clapping without even realizing it.

“Thanks, Alyssa. That was a great song.”

“…Thank you, Director Makoto Mitakeyama. However, this song is not something I created on my own.”

“That’s right. Both ‘Flaming Flowers’ from the first season of the anime and ‘Flames of the Heart’ from the movie are fantastic songs, but they are made possible by the amazing source material… That’s what I mean.”

Director Mitakeyama takes a breath.

“Now, I want to bring out the real surprise guest here! Hey, Sensei! Come on out!”

Oh, is it my turn?

I quickly step out onto the stage from the wings.

“…Who’s that boy?” “…Young, high school student?” “…Sensei… Could it be?”

The people in front of the stage start murmuring.

Oh no… Everyone’s eyes are on me.

Wait, the lights! They’re too bright! It’s hot!

“Well, you’re all seeing him for the first time, right? It’s my first time meeting him too. So, let me introduce him.”

The director gives my back a pat.

“The creator of this amazing work… the parent of Digimas, Sensei Kamimatsu.”

There is a moment of silence.

Everyone’s eyes widen, and their mouths open in surprise.


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Cheers erupt from the audience, shaking the venue.

“Amazing! It’s Sensei Kamimatsu!” “It’s the real-life Kamimatsu-sama!” “Kyaaaah! Kamimatsu-samaaaaaaa!”

The staff members are looking at me with astonishment.

“It’s understandable that you’re surprised. Originally, Alyssa was the only surprise guest, but with Sensei Kamimatsu joining, we hastily fit him into the schedule,” the director explains.

The director approaches me and bows deeply.

“Nice to meet you again. I’m Director Mitakeyama Makoto. Thank you for lending us your exceptional source material.”

He switches from his previous masculine tone to a polite bow.

Next, Alyssa comes up next to him and also bows.

“…Nice to meet you, Sensei. I’m Alyssa Senba. It’s truly an honor to meet you…”

Huh? What’s happening…?

Then I notice that Alyssa… She’s crying!

“Hey, hey, Alyssa. Why are you crying?”

“…I’m sorry. I’m just… so happy…”

“Oh, I understand. Alyssa mentioned it. She wanted to meet her beloved Sensei Kamimatsu.”


What does that mean…?

“Sensei, listen to this. She’s a super fan of yours.”

T-This person too?!

Not just Yurie…

“When the plan for the anime adaptation came up within the company, she was the first to step forward and say, ‘I’ve composed a song. Please use it as the theme song for this amazing work.'”

“Is that so…?”

Alyssa nods in confirmation.

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“…I was deeply moved by Sensei’s incredible story. I had never read such a beautiful tale before. Before I knew it, I had composed a song for it.”

“It’s amazing, you know? She didn’t make the song for someone else or for money; she made it exclusively for your work. Her passion is genuine.”

To think… she loved my original work so much…

“Sensei… Thank you so much.”

Alyssa, while sobbing, embraces me tightly.

Wh-What’s happening!?

Why all of a sudden!?

“…I wanted to meet Sensei so badly, but I thought I would never be able to… So, I’m incredibly happy now…”

“I-I-I see… I-I’m sorry.”

I didn’t even realize how desperately she wished for it.

“…It’s alright. I’m happy that I could meet Sensei like this. I’m really… happy… Ah… Sensei…”

And then, something unexpected happens.

Alyssa cups my cheeks with her hands.

And… she leans in closer.


The director, myself, and everyone in the audience are bewildered…

When suddenly, the immensely popular singer Alyssa Senba…

Kissed me… 


I was kissed.

Alyssa’s face turns bright red, but she smiles and says,

“Sensei… I… I love you so much. Could you… be in a relationship with me?”

TL notes: sorry i was busy with my assignments

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