Episode 6: The Popular Cute Voice Actress is My Biggest Fan

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At night, I changed into a suit and found myself inside a hotel in Shinjuku, somewhere undisclosed.

I had come here to attend a celebration party with the movie cast.

But… a few minutes later.

“I am lost.”

I muttered in astonishment in the hotel corridor.

Clearly, this wasn’t the party venue.

There was no one around.

Today, I came here with my father, who accompanied me.

He was supposed to guide me to the venue! But, as a result, I got lost.

“I should ask someone for directions!” I said, but I was left alone and it led me to this point.

“Sigh… What should I do?”

That’s when it happened.

A girl’s voice came from nearby.


She was incredibly beautiful, to the point of being surprising.

Long, glossy black hair.

Slender arms and legs, with a large chest.

Her face… it was surprisingly well-proportioned and small.

But her eyes were big and round.



“What’s wrong?”

“Ah, um… Well… you, you’re talking to me, right?”

I was stuttering…!

Oh no, this is the kind of situation where I’ll be laughed at… mocked…!

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“Yeah, I’m talking to you.”

Oh, wait?

Even though this girl can see my introverted aura… she’s not laughing or making fun of me?

“Are you, by any chance, here to attend the Digimas Party?”

“Y-yeah… Are you here too?”

“Yeah, I am. Oh, you don’t have to use polite language. We’re probably around the same age… right? High school students?”

“Ah, yes… well, um, yeah. I’m in the second year of high school.”

“Wow…! What a coincidence! I’m also a second-year! We’re the same age!”

Despite her mature appearance, this girl is the same age as me.

“You’re lost too?”

“Yeah. My dad was supposed to come pick me up.”

“In that case, can I wait here with you? I got lost too.”

“S-sure… please go ahead.”

We stood side by side, facing the wall.

…Seeing her up close, she’s really beautiful.

“What’s your name?”

“I-I’m Uematsu.”

“Not that, your first name.”


“Then, Yuta-kun. I’m Yuri Eri. Call me Yuri♪”

“No way! It’s too soon to use your first name like that! It’s disrespectful!”

“Ahaha! What’s disrespectful about it… Oh well… You’re funny, Yuta-kun.”

She laughed genuinely, not just flattering me.

Ah, she’s so cute when she laughs… Huh?

“Yuri Eri…?”

Hmm, I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere…

“Yeah, yeah, call me by my first name like that.”

“Oh! No, the one I just said was different…”

“Don’t worry about it. We’re around the same age anyway.”

Wow, this girl’s social skills are off the charts…

“Yuta-kun, since you’re here today… you must be involved with Digimas. What’s your relation?”

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“What relation…?”

Should I tell her that I’m the original author and see if she believes me?

“Oh, sorry. Did I push too much? You don’t have to say if it’s difficult.”

“Oh, no… Yuri, do you… know Digimas?”

“Of course! I’m a huge, huge, huge fan of Digimas!”

Her atmosphere suddenly changed from a slightly mature vibe.

Yuri said with sparkling eyes and a smile like a blooming flower.

“I’ve been a fan of Digimas since the first web episode was posted!”

“Wow… Really? What do you like about it, by the way?”

Yuri’s eyes shone mysteriously.

“Do you… want to hear it from me? It’s going to be long.”

“S-sure… I’d love to.”

Yuri took a deep breath and began to speak.

“The best thing about Digimas is undoubtedly the charming characters, starting with the protagonist, Ryo. Ryo, Chobi, Shiro-chan… they’re all so lively and captivating!”

From there, Yuri enthusiastically listed all the things she loved about Digimasu.

Listening to her, I came to one conclusion.

She was a genuine fan.

The content she talked about required knowing everything from the first web episode to the latest.

I… was happy.

Not just as a fan, but to meet someone like this in person, other than my editor Mei-san and my family.

It was the first time I had encountered such a devoted fan right in front of me, and it made me happy.

“So, um… Oh, sorry! I talked too much! It’s creepy, right?”

“N-no! It’s not like that! I was really happy that you love it so much!”


Ah, no…

“If the original author could meet a passionate fan like you, I’m sure they would be happy.”

“If that’s the case… I’m happy♪ Yuta-kun, do you also like Digimas?”

“Well, of course.”

“What do you like about it?”

We got excited talking about Digimas.

We passionately discussed our favorite characters and the best parts of the story.

“You’re amazing, Yuta-kun! I thought I was a longtime fan, but you’re an even bigger Digimas fan! You understand the work so deeply…”

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“Oh, ahaha… thank you.”

Well, I am the original author, after all.

“I’m glad I met a big fan like you. I did my best to voice-act for people like you who would be happy.”

“Voice-act? Are you… a voice actress?”

“You got it. Well, I’m a rookie.”

“That’s amazing! By the way, which character do you voice?”

“Hmm? It’s Ryo.”

“Oh… Ryo, huh?”

Wait a minute?

She’s the voice actress for Ryo?

And… her name is Yuri Eri…

“Could it be… Komagane Yuri Eri-san?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“That’s… incredible. My little sister told me you’re a super popular cute high school girl voice actress!”

“Ahaha. Thank you. But really, I’m just starting out and not that big of a deal.”

She’s popular, yet so humble… This person is amazing.

But… I was just talking to her without knowing she’s this incredibly famous.

Oh no… I feel so embarrassed!

“Hey, Yuta-kun. If you’re okay with it, can we exchange contact information?”

“Huh…?! Why?”

Because I’m the original author…?

No, that’s not it.

Unlike the others, Yuri doesn’t know that I’m Kamimatsu, the original author.

“Because I want to chat more with you about Digimas. Is that okay?”

…If it was just because I’m the original author, I would be wary.

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But if it’s simply because we share a common interest and want to discuss it…

“Y-yeah! Definitely!”

We exchanged our LINE IDs.

And right at that moment…

“Oh, there you are! Yuta! Hey, Yutaaa!”

My dad and the staff approached us.

“You’re late. What were you doing?”

“Sorry about that. Well, let’s go, Yuta. It would be a problem if the author is late…”

My dad and Yuri froze as they looked at each other.

“Y-Yuta-kun… your father… the author… huh?”

Yuri’s eyes widened, completely stunned.

“Oh no! It’s you, Yuritan! The real Yuritan!”

My dad was ecstatic like a child.

Come to think of it, he was an avid fan of voice actors.

Unlike me, it was only natural for him to know Komagane Yuri Eri.

“Nice to meet you! I’m Kamimatsu’s father, Uematsu Shoji! I’m a big fan of your work! If possible, could I get your autograph…?”

“U-um, excuse me… Can I ask you something?”

Yuri, with wide eyes, approached me cautiously.

“Yuta-kun… Are you by any chance… the original author, Kamimatsu…-sama?”

“Ah, yeah. I’m Kamimatsu.”

Yuri’s mouth hung open, trembling, and then…


Her face turned bright red, and she collapsed right there on the spot.

“W-what’s wrong!?”

“…Being able to talk to Kamimatsu-sama… I’m… ecstatic…”

TL notes: lmao

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