Episode 17: Receiving Numerous Offers After Randomly Posting an Old Short Story

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One holiday, Alyssa Senba and Yurie Komagane came to visit my house.

“Hello there!”

Alyssa, a blonde beauty, and Yurie, a black-haired beauty, stood at the entrance of my house, smiling.

“Woohoo! Yurie-tan! Alyssa-sama too! I’ve been waiting for you!”

My dad greeted the two with noisy footsteps.

“Please, come on in! Sorry for our small house!”

My dad is a hardcore otaku. He must be overjoyed because two super popular singers and voice actors have arrived.

But I must say, both of them are truly remarkable. They didn’t lose their smiles in the presence of my high-energy dad.

“Come on, let’s go to our living room! Please share your stories with us! Hehe! Hey, Mom, bring some tea…!”

With a smile on her face, my mother appeared from the back.

“Welcome, both of you. Please wait in Yuta’s room. I’ll bring some drinks for you.”

“Thank you very much!”

Yurie and Alyssa bowed their heads.

“Wait! Why does it have to be Yuta’s room?”

“You. They came here to meet Yuta. What’s the point of adults interfering with children’s time?”

My mother sighed, seemingly exasperated.

“But… I also want to hang out with a super popular voice actor and singer! I want to brag about it on social media!”



Without wasting any time, my mother punched my father in the stomach.


My father fell to the ground with a thud.

“Take a seat.”


Well, he didn’t exactly sit down… he fell flat on his face…

“I’m sorry for the disturbance. We won’t bother you, so please take your time and enjoy yourselves.”

My mother had a smile on her face throughout. It was rather unsettling… Both Yurie and Alyssa were trembling.

Moving on…

“Wow…! So, this is Yuta-kun’s room!”

Yurie looked around with great interest at the room, which was about eight tatami mats in size.

There was a bed, a study desk—quite ordinary furnishings.


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“Oh, Alyssa? What’s wrong? You suddenly…?”

Alyssa is shedding tears uncontrollably.

“…I’m sorry. I thought that Yuta-san was sacrificing his sleep to create amazing stories for us readers… and it just got me…”

“Well, I do sleep properly at night…”

“…Having a regular and disciplined lifestyle is the foundation of creating great works of art. Yuta-san truly understands that.”

Well, it’s not like I’ve never heard that before…

“Alyssa-san, aren’t you idealizing Yuta-kun a bit too much? Don’t you think so?”

“Yeah, I’m just an ordinary introverted high school student.”

*Sigh* Alyssa lets out a deep sigh.

“…What are you saying? Yuta-san is the greatest creator that the world can be proud of, isn’t he?”

“No… I’m telling you, I’m not that great…”

“…As expected of Yuta-san. Always humble, never flaunting his abilities. I find that very inspiring. I respect you.”

Both Yurie and I look at each other and smile wryly.

“…Is there something funny?”

“Well, not really.”

“Alyssa-san, you’re an interesting person!”

Alyssa tilts her head, seeming puzzled.

“So, this is Yuta-kun’s room. It’s my first time entering a room of a boy same as my age!”

“Oh… I thought Yurie would have entered the room of a close male friend or even had a boyfriend before…”

Upon hearing that, Yurie vigorously shakes her head.

“No! I’ve never had a boyfriend, and I’ve never been in the room of a close male friend… Yuta-kun is the first!”

“I see… I didn’t know that.”

“That’s right! So… don’t misunderstand!”

Yurie vehemently defends herself.

I wonder what’s going on?

“…Of course, for me too, Yuta-san is the first close friend. So, rest assured.”

“Ah, ahaha… It’s an honor…”

“…By the way, that person over there is also…, so please, rest assured…”

Which person are they referring to?

I won’t delve too deep into it…!

The two beautiful girls explored the room, taking their time around. Last time they couldn’t relax much, mainly because of my father (he bombarded them with questions).

And then, it happened.

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“Ah! Hey, Yuta-kun! Can I look at this?” Yurie takes out a notebook that was stuck in the bookshelf.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

The notebook had “Novel Notebook” written on the cover.

“Yuta-san, what is this?”

“It’s a novel. I’ve been writing stories in notebooks since I was a kid.”

“You write novels by hand?”

“I used to. I wrote them by hand in notebooks until my father gave me his old computer.”

I felt a bit embarrassed, as if someone were looking at my childhood scribbles.

Now, regarding Yurie, who is holding the notebook…

“It’s so amateurish… right, Yurie?”

*Sob* *Sniffle* Yurie suddenly burst into tears!

(TLN: lol, gentle reminder again sorry I have to write this in between but if you are reading this on websites other than then leave it quickly please as they are stealing my work,thank you : ) )

“What’s… w-what’s wrong?”

“I’m so… so sorry… this short story… it’s making me cry so much…”

Yurie says while her eyes well up.

The notebook contained a short story I wrote a long time ago.

“Please let me read it too!”

*Sob* “Wait a moment… I want to read it a little more carefully…”

“No! Give it to me! Right now!”

*Clap!* Alyssa snatches the notebook from Yurie.

She reads the story at an astonishing speed.

*Sob* “It’s amazing, Yuta-kun! That short story is a masterpiece!”

“No, that’s an exaggeration… it was just something I quickly wrote during my sixth-grade elementary school days when I had free time… an immature piece of writing.”

“That’s not true! It’s on par with Demigod! It’s the greatest work!”

With sparkling eyes, Yurie says passionately.

Even if it’s just flattery, it makes me happy.

“Wow… to think you could create such a masterpiece since childhood…”

*Sob* *Sniffle* Alyssa starts crying too!

Wait, is it really that amazing?

“Yuta-san, well done. This… *sob*… was the best.”

Alyssa holds the notebook close to her chest and closes her eyes.

“I’ve never read such an amazing short story before.”

“Ah, thanks…”

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“Wait a minute, Alyssa-san! Let me read it again!”

Yurie tries to snatch the notebook from Alyssa.

But Alyssa holds it tightly.

“No, I need to read it at least ten more times.”

“I want to read it more too! It’s my turn!”

“No, I refuse.”

Seeing the two of them arguing like that, I quickly say:

“Oh, then wait a moment. I’ll write it again.”


I opened up the laptop.

“Yuta-kun… You’re going to write it again?”

“Yeah, that short story. Since Alyssa has the notebook, I’ll write it all in Word right now.”

Yurie and Alyssa widen their eyes in surprise.

“Wait, Yuta-san. Do you actually remember the contents of the story you wrote back then?”

“Yeah, isn’t that normal?”

As a writer, you remember the entire content of the stories you’ve written, right?

“Well, I never… Yuta-kun, you can’t possibly… do something like that, right?”

“Huh? Can’t I? On the contrary, can you?”


In shock, they both fall silent. Meanwhile, I opened Word in the computer.

“It’ll probably take about an hour. Just wait a moment.”

I sit down in front of the computer and start typing on the keyboard.

“Wow… Your fingers are too fast! I can see afterimages!”

“…Flawless finger movements… It’s like watching a renowned pianist. Truly the work of a divine author.”

Well, a little exaggerated.

“Okay, it’s done. Here you go.”

I stand up from the chair and give my place to Yurie.

“D-Did you really finish it? It hasn’t even been an hour…”

“Huh? Yeah. It’s around 50,000 characters, so it’s fine, I guess.”

“W-What?! You wrote 50,000 characters in less than an hour?! That’s… incredible!”

“Huh? Isn’t that normal?” (TLN: Man is flexing )

If it’s something you’ve written before and not from scratch, it’s easy to write, right?

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Well, I’ve never seen anyone else writing novels, so I thought this was the standard…

“Well, then… Let me read it.”

Yurie takes the mouse and starts reading the novel.

*Sob* She starts crying. (TLN: they cry to much lmao)

“It’s amazing, Yuta-kun… It’s exactly the same as the content in the notebook. The dialogues and descriptions are the same! In fact, it’s even free of typos and even easier to read!”

“Huh…? Uh, yeah. Thanks…”

I wonder what they’re so surprised about…

While Yurie continues reading the novel, Alyssa speaks with a serious expression.

“Yuta-san, how about publishing this?”

“Publishing…? Where?”

Alyssa points at the computer.

“Could it be… on a platform like ‘Narou’?”

“…Yes. This masterpiece should be released to the world. Right now!”

Honestly, it’s a work from my elementary school days and quite immature… I feel a little embarrassed about it…


“O-Okay. Then let me upload it from my secondary tablet PC.”

I upload the Word file to the cloud and then posted the text to “Narou.”

Since I’m used to the process, it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete the submission.

Before long, Yurie seems satisfied.

*Sniffle* “It’s still amazing… This short story is incredible. It should definitely be adapted into a visual medium!”

“…Yes, of course. Not just as a book, but it should be made into an anime or a movie.”

Well… it’s probably impossible. The world of commercial novels is tough.

Since neither of them is particularly knowledgeable about novels, it’s understandable that they’re quite optimistic.

“But I’m sure there will be offers for a book adaptation. Or maybe they’ve already come?”

“No way… It’s only been about an hour since I posted it. It’s unlikely.”

Saying that, I went back to the main page of “Narou.”


“You see? They’re already here, right?”

There were emails from the platform’s administrators, and not just one but several.

Not only from novel publishers but also from manga publishers.

And most importantly, there was an email from Editor Mei from the publishing industry, showing interest.

“As expected of Yuta-kun! You’re getting attention from editors, and they’re already making offers!”

“…Well, for me, it’s something normal.”

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