Episode 18: The New Short Story Receives Rave Reviews from Everyone

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Voice actress Yurie and singer Alyssa came to visit my house.

That evening, thanks to my mother’s invitation (and my father’s prostration), the two of them ended up having dinner with us.

“Big brother! I read your short story! …Wait, huh? It’s Alyssa-san and Yurie-san?”

My younger sister Utako, by the way, is the ace of the basketball club.

“Good evening, Utako-chan!”

“Good evening!”

They did high-five, Alyssa and my sister.

“Yurie-san too!”


She hangs her head and remains silent.

“She’s shy around new people.”

“I see… but that’s not the point! Big brother! The short story!”

Utako throws her bag aside and thrusts her phone at me.

“[Devote My Heart to You]… I read it! It was absolutely amazing!”

The short story I wrote back in elementary school, by some twist of fate, was posted on an online platform.

“It’s incredible! Everyone in the club read it and cried!”

“Well, really… Isn’t online novels a niche genre?”

“You’re wrong, Yuuta… Kamimatsu-sensei’s work became popular with the Digimass boom and is loved by a wide range of people regardless of age or gender! It’s not just otakus like me, but also the sparkling youth who participate in clubs. It’s perfectly normal!”

My father passionately defends it.

By the way, he was tied up with a rope and left in the corner of the living room.

The reason was that Alyssa and Yurie couldn’t concentrate on their meal, according to my mother.

“Yuuta, you’re truly amazing. A story you wrote in just a little over an hour has touched so many people.”

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“Well, thank you, Yuta-san. You’re wonderful, the ultimate entertainer.”

Alyssa and Yurie praise me.

Well, compared to being the world’s top super popular idol and voice actress, I’m just a tiny speck…

“Yuta! You’re truly an incredible person! Look at the nightly rankings on Narou!”


I open my phone and take a look at the Narou ranking page.

“No way… seriously…”

“Let me see~”

Yurie stands next to me and peeks at it.

I’m taken aback by the sweet scent of her hair and her beauty!

“So… it’s 30,000 points!?”

(TLN: syosetu,kadowaki similar websites does exist in IRL with the same points system,top light novel and web novel authors started their writing journeys as an amateur in such websites)

Yurie exclaims in astonishment.

“Oh my, is something amazing happening?”

“Hahaha! Let me explain, Mom…”

My father proudly speaks while still tied up.

“The daily ranking is determined based on the points earned in a day. With the current ranking, if you can get 7,000 or 8,000 points, you can definitely secure the first place. It’s rare to get 10,000 points.”

“Oh my… So, getting 30,000 points is really incredible, isn’t it?”

“Exactly! Short stories are indeed easier to earn points with, but getting 30,000 is clearly extraordinary. And to top it off, it was posted just this afternoon! To achieve this in just a few hours is unprecedented!”

“Well, well. Amazing job, Yuu-chan! You’re incredible.”

My mother praises me with a smile.

“Yuta, if you can achieve this much, you must have received offers for publication, right?”

“Yeah, about 30 offers for novels and manga adaptations.”

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“Hahaha! As expected! But too bad! Your novel will be published by my company! I won’t let anyone else take the credit!”

My father works for a major publishing company.

He had already received an email with offers from my assigned editor, Mei-san.

“I can see it… I can see it! [Devote My Heart to You]… or let’s call it BokuShin! The book will be a huge hit! An anime adaptation and a movie are a given! It’ll even receive a live-action film!”

My father is in great excitement.

“Well, thank you! Yuta has created a masterpiece, and my evaluation is skyrocketing! Hahaha!”

“You… What?”

“What is it?”

“Either stay silent for a while or stay silent forever… Choose.”

My father closes his mouth.

My mother… is scary.

“Oh my, what’s the matter, everyone? It’s Yuu-chan’s celebration, isn’t it? Don’t look so gloomy~♡”

She tries to cheer everyone up.

By the way…

On the dining table, there is a homemade pumpkin pudding, a dessert made by my mother.

“But, big brother, what are you going to do from now on?”

“What do you mean…”

“Of course, you’ll continue writing, right?”

“Well… I wonder what I should do…”

[Devote My Heart to You] is a story I wrote back in elementary school.

Can I continue it now, after all these years?

I write with a lot of momentum.

I often let myself be carried away by the impulse of “Oh, this character is great” or “This development is cool!” (That’s why I’m often told to watch out for typos and mistakes.)

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On the other hand, I have lost the passion I had when I was writing back then.

Can I really continue the story…?


My sister, father, Alyssa, and… Yurie.

They all press me with an intense determination.


“Ah… darn it! I-I spoke up! N-No, Mom! Ugh…”

My mother, who appeared behind my father without notice, silenced him with a chop to the back of his neck.

Did he… die? Is he still alive?

“Um… well… Yuta-kun, I think you should continue writing the sequel.”

Yes, yes, Alyssa and my sister nod in agreement.

“…I also think so. This work will undoubtedly shake the world once it’s out there.”

“T-That’s a bit too much.”

“No… I understand. I can sense the incredible potential this work holds.”

Alyssa possesses the power to move people’s hearts through her songs.

So, maybe she can understand the impact this work may have on others.

“Big brother, please write a serialized version of ‘My Heart Is Yours’! I’m dying to know what happens next!”

They all shower me with praise.

My father and Mei-san, the professional editor, also give their seal of approval.


“Please, Yuta-kun!” “Y-Yuta-san, please continue!” “I don’t want it to end like this! Write more!”


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And then, it happened.

Someone claps their hands.

“Everyone, let’s calm down.”

My mother smiles and looks at the three of them.

“It’s nighttime already. If you raise your voices, it will disturb the neighbors.”


The three, who were caught up in the heat of the moment, regain their composure.

“It’s too late now, so both of you can stay overnight.”



“Well, if you want to write it, go ahead. If you don’t feel like it, it’s fine too. You haven’t given a response to Mei-san’s offer yet, have you?”

That’s right, I’m still undecided about the offer from the editorial department.

“In that case… it’s perfectly fine to decline. If you received an offer and then turned it down, it might inconvenience a lot of people, but…”

“But if I don’t write it, it feels like I’m letting Dad down.”

“You don’t have to worry about your father and his… well, never mind.”

Wait, wasn’t Mom about to say something negative about Dad?

“You’re the one who writes the novel. Your own desires matter the most, that’s what I believe, Yuta. Don’t think about other people’s expectations or the dirty intentions of adults… you don’t need to bother with those unnecessary things.”

Mom shuts off the water and dries her hands with a towel.

“Ultimately, it’s about whether you want to write it or not. That’s what matters the most.”


Mom gently pats my head.

“Take your time and give them a thoughtful response. Whatever answer you choose, Mom will wholeheartedly support you… no matter what anyone else says.”

TL notes: what a kind mother.

Sorry guys I was busy with my assignments

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