You Have Guts!

Chapter 1

Synopis (from Seoul in love now):

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Being plagued by same dream for the past six years, Chu Yanshen out of the sudden discovered a little boy who looks just like him. It was only then, did he, Chu Yanshen learnt that he has been deceived by the little lass six years ago…..

Here´s the excerpt: 

Chu Yanshen was having a dream again. The scene in dream was as usual  vague. The surrounding also wasn´t clear. He could only roughly make out that location was on the very large-sized bed. He was leaning over the body of a woman. He was able to feel that kind of happiness that gradually piled up inside his body. Near his ear he could, as if, hear the woman´s soft whisper as well as her faint breathing sound.

The woman, unlike him, wasn´t feeling much happiness. Yanshen even thought that maybe she was suffering. He vaguely heard her shouting near his ear a word hurt. But even so, he still stopped only for a little while.

Yanshen thought definition of a little while should be only few seconds. Though even brief seconds were his limit. Even if  he was very proud of his self-control, in that situation he still couldn´t help himself.

The scene inside the dream was very dynamic. So real as if it has previously happened. Yanshen saw himself overbearingly pressing the woman inside his embrace. Apart from his bronze coloured  intertwined muscles he could only see the woman´s snow white like delicate limbs. Even though delicate but still exceptionally alluring. Slender white legs encircled his waist and two arms embraced his neck………

Yanshen couldn´t see her face but he subconsciously knew she should have a thick and slightly curled long hair. The colour of hair should be chestnut. Then he climbed the peak.

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Using his six years´ experience, Yansheng knew following that kind of peak meant dream was over. But just as he thought it was about to finish, suddenly, the scene shifted. He has,as if, seen the woman underneath him. However, he didn´t see straight into her face but lying on the bed, her body plain to see. Although to Yanshen beautiful women never counted as something – even one casually grabbed (woman) around him could be considered as a stunning – yet, he still had to admit the woman on the bed was very beautiful.

Even though her face couldn´t be seen it was still the same. Jiu tou shen´s[1]golden proportion made her legs appear fairly long and slender. Yanshen estimated she wasn´t very tall. She should be around 165 cm. Her legs were, however, straight and long. Owning such a pair of beautiful legs, she could even go to do a leg model. Quite curvaceous buttocks, waist with graceful arc caused her backside line look so beautiful it took breath.  She lifted her arms and propped them up on the pillow, exposing her beautiful shoulder-blade. Going up, the colour of hair is indeed chestnut. They were thick and slightly curled, spread on the snow-white pillow and covered her face, yet, exposed  a part of her neck.

Her neck was perfect. It´s graceful arc even evoked in Yanshen the urge to kiss it, which he also did. He softly moved aside the hair that was wrapped around her neck and kissed her on it.

His kisses were very lingering. From up to down he reached to the part of neck where he caught sight of a bright red cinnabar mole. Engraved on the snow-white skin, it was so bright it seemed like a blood that has just dropped down. Yanshen wanted to desperately see her face and thus he went to move away her hair. Before he had a time to see her face he woke up.

Yanshen raised his hand and pressed it on his forehead. He slightly turned his head, swept a glance to an antique clock on his nightstand. The hand of a clock was pointing to six.  It was precisely the time he got up every day. It was a habit he has grown during his time at college. No matter how late he slept, he was bound to get up at six o´clock in the morning. It has become rhythm of his biological clock. As a result he never use alarm and also would never dawdle in bed. But today he was feeling a little regret. If one gave him more time – even a minute, perhaps, then he could see clearly the woman in the dream.

This dream that had unsettled him for six long years would have maybe uncovered the answer to this riddle. Yanshen went to the bathroom to take a shower. He has just got out of bed. As soon as he bowed the head he couldn´t refrain himself from frowning. Physiological phenomenon that could only appear on fourteen or fifteen years old brat appeared on him – 34 years old mature man´s body. It truly made him not know whether to cry or laugh.

Grabbing mobile on bedside he dialed. It just made a ring, the other side immediately picked it up. From microphone came out clear and respectful voice of Zhao Dong, „Good morning, president Chu.“

„Good morning. Cancel the schedules after 3 PM. Give a call to Qin Fang and tell him that afternoon 3.30 PM I will meet him at his clinic.“

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Half an hour of eating a meal time. At 8 AM he went out. The chauffeur and his assistant Zhao Dong were already outside, waiting. After Yanshen got into the car, Zhao Dong, while instructing to drive a car, was also reporting about today´s schedule: „At 9 AM is executive board meeting, at 10 AM  a new cinema city is opening, at 2 PM is an appointment with representative of US Kai Rui company to discuss about arrangement  of profound cooperation of time-space 2, appointment at doctor Qin has been already made, tonight fashion magazine…….“ Xiao Zhao haven´t even finished, Yanshen interrupted him: „Turn down tonight´s social interactions.“

Yanshen had no interest in this kind of meaningless social interactions. If it wasn´t necessary, generally he wouldn´t attend them. Moreover, since he went over to Qin Feng´s place tonight, there would surely be a drinking.

Xiao Zhao complied and handed him tablet: „This is the date of audition of ‚Father and son‘. Director Liu said Feng Yue is pretty good for the role of father. He is not only photogenical but also a professional. Just last year he got a Gold oak prize. His is quite recognised for his acting skills. Other actors or actresses have already, basically, been given roles.  Only for the son´s role haven´t been found a suitable person. Director Liu found few but they were not ideal. It´s important to keep up with next year´s movie theater schedule. The shooting must begin the next month. Director Liu want to ask president Chu´s opinion.“

Yanshen´s finger moved across the data on the screen of tablet. Just like Liu Fei said. Feng Yue was indeed very photogenical. Though he was not very old, but when he was put on make up he possessed different kind of aura. He should be able to adapt to a huge age gap in „Father and son“. Just 24 years old and to be able to possess such acting skillinside nowadays more and more pretentious showbussinness circle, it´s already rare to see. There are some people who are natural actors – this Feng Yue is one of them.

Yanshen´s finger moved over, his sight fell on the photo of man disguised as a woman. He couldn´t help himself from being slightly in trance. Xiao Zhao hurried to explain: „There´s scene in „Father and son“ where the son is ill and wants to see his mother. Father had no other choice as to disguise himself to look like mother.“ he spoke while couldn´t refrain himself from sighing: „He belongs to acting school, after all. He resembles whatever he plays.“

Indeed. He resembled. Yanshen´s finger subconsciously caressed that slightly curled chartreuse coloured long hair. He remembered yesterday´s dream. There was a moment when he even thought it looked identical with photo. His hand froze. He passed tablet to Xiao Zhao: „Ask his manager whether Feng Yue has nephew from brother´s or sister´s side or whatever. If the age is suitable, he can try the audition. In addition, teaser campaign of this movie must catch up. I don´t expect from this movie to make moneybut it should receive the awards.“

Xiao Zhao complied. Everyone inside circle knew Liu Fei´s reputation. Dramas he made were praised by the professionals but not by audience. Nowadays, with popularity of commercial films, Liu Fei´s art films did not make high box office. It went to the extent that this well-known director was in dire straits. There were many companies that asked him to make commercial films. But he rejected them all. Artists in general had some eccentricity in their bones. This time, ‚Father and son‘ was able to invite him was also because he was handed script beforehand.Only then he complied. Before signing a contract, he laid out a lot of conditions – for example nobody had control over how film was made, film couldn´t be implanted in commercials and so on. In short he had harsh conditions.

Xiao Zhao finally understood why would director with such great reputation like him be in such dire straits. This person absolutely couldn´t catch on the ways of this world. However, maybe only people like this were true artists. The reason why president Chu asked him to leave the mountain[2] was that Chu´s wanted to get a part of the profit in the international market. What president Chu wanted was next year´s big international award. If this happens then Chu´s will, with position as an unexpected winner, advance to international film circles and will fight a beautiful pre-war for seizing an international market share. As a result, president Chu, for the first time, participated in picking roles for ‚Father and son‘.

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Xiao zhao couldn´t help himself and secretly peeked a glance at president Chu. Even though he has already followed president Chu for five years, he still thinks men like president Chu are a mystery.

Chu´s could be regarded as family company. At that time when it was passed on to president Chu´s hands, it´s income already couldn´t cover much it´s expenditure. Yet, just by brief ten years, Chu´s changed from the originally insignificant brokerage company to today´s Chu´s media. It has already become a huge absorbing stone. And barely 34 years old president Chu´s  net worth is calculating to ten billions. Chu´s also were successfully preceded to the list of top five hundred international companies. Moreover, Chu´s was still expanding.

Such man with net worth of ten billions yet unmarried and working in a glistening media bussiness is naturally bound to have many women by his side.  From celebrity to debutantes, there´s no one who wouldn´t, given the opportunity, approach president Chu.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of luck with women, if it was placed on someone else it is uncertain how they would fool around. Yet, president Chu was able to keep his hands clean. He had never seen president Chu being ambiguous with someone. If it wasn´t for health reports being passed through his hands, Xiao Zhao would truly think that president Chu had that kind of defect.

Chu´s sooner or later will have a mistress anyway. According to Xiao Zhao, miss Yue Sisi had a great chance of success. Chu and Yue households already had some friendship in the past. What´s more, president Chu and miss Yue were senior brother junior sister in college. To be able to slightly get near president Chu´s side, beside this miss Yue, there was no one else. Therefore, it is understandable for Xiao Zhao to think like that.

It´s just she still had to endure. Xiao Zhao estimate if Yue Sisi would be able to hold on for another four or five years, when the moment comes, she will surely be Chu´s mistress. Of course, the premise of this all is there would be no accident.

And the reason why accident is called accident is exactly because of it having no warnings and it being out of expectation.  Thus, there´s a high probability it will happen. It will even subvert Chu Yanshen´s always methodically arranged life. This is what Qin Fang told him.

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Qin Fang crossed his arms and from top to bottom measured his good friend. At last, his gaze wickedly fell on Yanshen´s lower half: „Don´t tell me you had a wet dream again? Whatever. This time it went to what extent? Or it was like before. After finishing it was over. You didn´t even see her appearance.“

Yanshen pressed his temple: „This time I saw her hair. Slightly curled long chestnut hair. Furthermore…….“ Yanshen slightly paused, then said: „Furthermore,  she has a cinnabar mole on her right collarbone.“

Qin Fang couldn´t help himself and whistled: „You are of a best quality. You have a quite luck with women.“

Yanshen looked at him with a frown. Qin Fang waved his hand: „Good, good. I won´t comment. Can that be?“ Then he collected his expression and said: „From a scientific point of view, dreams are projections of memory. To continue having the same dream for six years, it could be only interpreted this segment of your memory is quite important to you. Perhaps, you have fallen in love with that woman. Even if you don´t remember, yet, your brain unconsciously didn´t wanted to forget. I will still say the same. Think carefully. Did it happen before?“

Yanshen said unhesitatingly: „I´m sure it didn´t happen.“

Qin Fang waved his hand: „Perhaps, you have forgotten. It´s hard to say. If it was someone else, I would suggest him to try find a woman and balance it a little. This is a typical case of insatiability. And to you I can only suggest to balance it yourself. Who told you to be fed up with women? But your mysophobia reached to the level when you can´t even tolerate the women getting close to you. It´s indeed quite sick. You are just too busy. You don´t have wife, the son´s shadow is even less possible. You are earning so much money. What are you going to do with them? In my opinion life should be used to thoroughly enjoy yourselves. Let´s stop talking about this and go to have a drink to relax. Maybe tomorrow you will remember….“

九头身 (jiu tou shen) – it refers that the ratio of face and height is 1 : 9

 idiom: In ancient times, talented people usually lived in seclusion. However, sometimes their reputation was too great. The emperor asked them to come out to do administrative work, he then would abandon this kind of live (living in seclusion), prepare to display his talent, nicely to do his job. This would then equal to leave a mountain.

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