You Have Guts!

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

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Feng Yue wore boss sunglasses and after several times of hiding, finally got to the “Arrivals” area[1], his agent Qiao Yun right behind him carrying a board bearing three characters in large font: “Feng ZiJun”.

 Qiao Yun felt very strange, in the three years since she became Feng Yue’s agent, she was never aware that he had a sister. If not for him wanting to pick her up when she arrives… She asks him again to make sure: “Sister? A blood-related sister?”.

 After coming to the other side, Feng Yue haughtily said: “Of course she’s my real sister. We’re blood-related. We have the same father, same mother… replacement guarantied if not genuine[2]. Not only that. In fact, we’re twins.

 “Twins?” Qiao Yun heard him say. She cannot help but look at his exceptional face[3]. Feng Yue can be regarded as the person who defeated Xiao He[4]. At sixteen, he shot to fame[5] precisely because of his feminine facial features that can shame the whole city. During that time, flower boys were very popular. Thus, he immediately rose to fame and got a “pretty face” [6] reputation.

This degrades women. Definitely, not pleasant to hear. Feng Yue is a man that piques the curiosity. He attended drama school as advanced studies for two years. The year before last year, he received a “feng gu[7]“ leading role. In one move, achieving international recognition and smoothly became an actor.

 Qiao Yun saw him and was captured by his acting and began to worship him crazily to the extent that she decided to apply as his agent. However, when she became his agent and “nanny” her admiration for him was completely crushed.

Away from the spotlight, this person is different. This person in real life is 100% an idiot. He is a mess! Originally, Qiao Yun thought he would have possessed a rich yet reserved personality because his eyes wore a certain depth. When she was only seeing him through the screen, Qiao Yun can’t help but blush. After she was able to see him at close range, Qiao Yun learned that this man’s childishness can make one’s hair stand up in anger[8].

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He likes to eat snacks and his home are at sixes and sevens[9]. He likes to play and read manga. Whenever she sees him that way, she can’t help but laugh. She thinks to herself, “Rich personality, eh? Reserved?” She can put up with everything but what Qiao Yun finds most intolerable is his muddle-headedness.

During the three years of being his agent, he acted as a ‘Daye’[10] and expected her to wait upon him. He actually didn’t say anything about having a sister or that he was a twin! In addition, he still expects her to continue holding the stupid sign! Between twins, will a name-card really be useful in identifying each other? This was some setup! Unless… this sister of his is as muddle-headed as he was!

As soon as Qiao Yun thought about the possibility of another Feng Yue, she felt her head was going to explode. If Feng Yue’s sister is exactly the same as Feng Yue. Can she possibly consider resigning?

Qiao Yun thought how to inform him of her resignation… tell him herself or write a resignation letter… All of a sudden, she felt Feng Yue forcefully grab her arm. Qiao Yun couldn’t help but frown and whispered a bit of protest: “What are you grabbing my arm for?”

Feng you who has been indifferent so far suddenly spoke, “Qiao Yun, are my eyes deceiving me?” He asked as he pointed his trembling finger ahead. “Is that my sister?”

Qiao Yun turned to look at the direction he was pointing to; he was starting with a blank expression. Certainly! Her brows and eyes were just like Feng Yue’s. She is without a doubt Feng Yue’s sister! How can a person be so pretty? Maybe because she’s a woman, Feng Yue’s sister looks more gentle and beautiful than him. Feng Yue’s sister walked towards them. She becomes more beautiful as she comes closer.  Even at such a short distance, Qiao Yun can see someone beside her was trying to make small talk with her; she can already see his sister’s charm.

But that wasn’t what he was concerned about, Feng Yue was referring to the child who sat on the baggage car. He looks about five or six years old, exceptionally dressed properly in a suit and tie with a gentleman’s cap on top of his attractive cute face. Qiao Yun was unwilling to look away.

Qiao Yun is definitely a woman. Regarding this five or six year old cute kid, she can’t resist. Even though she doesn’t know who his father is, just looking at the child’s face, he can’t be worse off. Where did such a cute kid come from?

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While Qiao Yun was deep in thought, Feng Yue left her side and rushed forward and pointed at the little cute child.

“Where did he come from?”

Feng ZiJun looked at the brother she missed for six years; her brother that she has continuously deceived… Should she tell the truth or continue her deception?

She turned her gaze downward at the same time her son looked up, her son looked at her with his big innocent bright eyes and said a sentence: “JunJun, tell the truth.”

Feng ZiJun felt that this son of hers was a complete work of failure. Even though people thought her son was just bursting with cuteness, she still felt, on her son’s forehead grew two horns.

Feng ZiJun continue to regret her lapse of judgement. She wanted a daughter. A daughter. Nevertheless, she gave birth to him and raised him. Her son can absolutely tear her apart, occasionally, she would say a few lies… “What’s strange about that, ah? This world is full of lies!” She would tell him.

But her son is exceptionally principled: “JunJun, when you lie, who are you trying to fool? It is better to tell the truth. There is a saying, ‘Beauty is more useful that a lie.'”

Is it normal for a five year old child to utter such words? But her son understood what he said, because he is a child prodigy. Something that he inherited from her while he was in her womb. Just as she robbed her brother of his IQ, she was born a genius, jumped through grade levels and at eighteen years old completed university education. She excelled [11] in whatever she studied; whether it was studying sciences or designing, she did it skillfully and with ease[12].

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Of course, being a genius has its downside. For example, daily living. By herself, she’s just like her brother; always manages to make things messy. Now, she couldn’t believe that her son was born just a few years ago. How was she able to manage? Basically, following her son’s fourth birthday, their household situation was immediately reversed. In their household, her son decides regarding big, serious matters. She herself has been reduced to following her son’s directions.

Even though her son is only five years old, he can sometimes display his temper, making someone feel intimidated. Furthermore, at four years old this boy refused to call her ‘Mom’ making ZiJun feel depressed. She wasn’t sure how things ended up this way. How did she manage before her son came?

Feng Yue gazed at this small yet grown up boy who resembled his sister’s face. Since their childhood , she’s been stubborn. The year their parents died in a car accident, they were only fourteen years old and came to live with their grandmother. At sixteen years old, their grandmother also left so the two were to take care of themselves. On his sixteenth birthday, he made a promise to look after his younger sister his whole life.

When ZiJun turned eighteen, she suddenly requested to leave the country, she even applied to a good school. Before he can object, she had already booked her air ticket! This made him really angry, causing them to have a big fight. They didn’t speak to each other for a year. Then New Year came and ZiJun called: “We only have each other. Let’s stop giving each other the cold shoulder.” They reconciled.

He flew every year to see her. She didn’t have a boyfriend. How can she have a child? Feng Yue tried to console himself, maybe she’s temporarily helping someone take care of their child. But ZiJun’s words shattered whatever idea he had…

ZiJun reluctantly began introductions: “This small person is my son, your nephew. Feng Yi greet Uncle.” Feng Yue looked at both at them with a petrified expression.

With the child-seat in the car, Feng Yue focused his yes on Qiao Yun seated in the backseat playing with the tablet with his nephew. Then he glanced at his seemingly innocent sister, took a deep breath and in a low voice began to speak: “How can this be? I came to visit every year. How did I not find out about your son?”

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While ZiJun remained silent, his nephew at the backseat replied: “That’s because whenever you visited, Mom sends me to Susan’s house, Susan is our neighbor. Uncle, each of those times, I played a game at the terrace, if you only looked up, you would have seen me, but you never looked up so even if I wanted to give you a hint, I couldn’t.” The boy said with a shrug.

Qiao Yun couldn’t hold her laugh, she was mistaken. Feng Yi was only five years old yet the child’s emotional intelligence is higher than the sum of his uncle’s and mother’s combined, Feng Yue’s nephew had also covertly complained in a few words. As if feeling guilty, Feng Yue stretched his hand to touch Feng Yi’s head: “It is Uncle’s fault.”

Then he turned to stare at ZiJun, in a quiet voice asked: “The child’s father…” Before he finished his words, Feng Yi put the tablet down, looked at ZiJun and sighed heavily: “Uncle, Do not ask. JunJun doesn’t recognize faces, she won’t remember people she doesn’t see more than ten times. As for who my dad is, I was told she only saw him once, and it was late; so regarding this matter, I do not have any expectations.”

Qiao Yun couldn’t help but smile because of these hilarious brother and sister and this adorable ‘grown up’ child. Qiao Yun decided then and there as she looked at the little ‘cutie’s’ face, she definitely will not be resigning. As for Feng Yue, she finally learned where he would disappear to for a month every Chinese New Year. Anyway, he can really be frustrating[8]. His nephew is already five years old and he didn’t even know. The day before yesterday, people from Chu Shi Media asked him whether he had a nephew or what, he firmly said ‘no’. This should be good. This would come in handy for the ‘Father and Son’ script. The child being such a cutie pie is even better! Although she doesn’t know what Feng Yue’s sister have to say about that.

Feng Yue began to remember, it appears this is his sister’s shortcoming. Even before she started school, her teachers noticed something amiss. For this reason, their parents took her to a specialist. It turns out his sister can only recognize people she continuously sees; but she is, to the letter, a genius despite her illness. Since then, Feng Yue felt it his duty to look after her, countless times he’d ask her to come back home but she did not agree.

In fact, Feng Yue didn’t know. It’s not that ZiJun didn’t want to come back,  she’s scared, she doesn’t remember her son’s father yet that fateful night left her with a deep impression that she can almost remember. That man was not someone to be trifled with, she took the wrong medicine and ate a bitter fruit[13].

Then later ran out of the hotel, awkward and scared, feeling naïve about what she’s done, thinking she acted impulsively, fortunately the man didn’t seem to recognize her but she was still afraid so she went to hide overseas for six years…

Another reason in returning after six years is that living in a foreign land didn’t really give her a sense of security thus she decided to return home and take up a domestic case.

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