You Have Guts!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 

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Because of Feng Yue’s current status, he couldn’t continue living in the same district and moved to a place with a more top-grade security and tight surveillance so even if a journalist was pretty smart or try to force their way inside, they won’t be able to come in.

This year, Feng Yue bought this property according to Qiao Yun’s recommendation. He originally lived far to avoid being in the public’s eyes but that also meant a lot of inconvenience when going to the company especially for Qiao Yun. Just imagine! Who’d be willing to go back and forth from the city to the suburbs all the time? Even if Feng Yue paid Qiao Yun as much as she deserved and buy her a two-door Fox Hatchback, Qiao Yun would still be inconvenienced.

Just then, Qiao Yun heard that a property near her place was open to the market. It was luxurious and was quite perfect. In addition, there was a detached two-story villa and since the company was barely starting, they even offered a garden as a present. After calculating pros and cons, they decided that the property will definitely appreciate.

 He doesn’t remember when Qiao Yun became his financial manager but she had taken care of everything since she became his agent. Thinking about it, the only thing she disliked about his affairs was his muddle-headedness. If that was something that she could fix, he’d bet she’d have done that.

Qiao Yun likes to invest a lot but unfortunately she had no money. It just so happens that Feng Yue had money in his hands but didn’t know how to manage it. Thus, these two people started dancing[1]! Originally, Feng Yue is quite capable at making money… But with Qiao Yun in the equation, Feng Yue now owns five properties in the high-end area of the city. During the renovation, Feng Yue insisted to preserve the property’s interior and the garden except for a room which he wanted decorated like that of a girl’s room… all that pink! Indeed, Qiao Yun was contemplating for some time if he was a pervert but she didn’t observe anything out of the ordinary so she put the thought aside.

Now, it seems this room was prepared for his sister Feng ZiJun. ZiJun led her son inside the room and looked at what his brother prepared. He was talking nonstop, excited to show her: “Look how pretty this is! I remember you like pink, right? Do you see this bed? It’s your favorite style, European with dreamy laces. Also, this curtain… This chair… Even the dresser’s style is your favorite, Hello Kitty… Also, this chair…”

Each of Feng Yue’s expressions were likened to an excited child. ZiJun pursed her lips in silence but her son Feng Yue began his snide comment: “JunJun, I have to say… Your sense of style is quite lower than what I thought it was.”

ZiJun gave her son a pat: “Speak nicely, like an adult.”

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Her son frowned: “Initially, people may be deceived but our family is composed of children.” ZiJun looked embarrassed, Feng Yue seem to be coming to terms with what was just said, stood with a look of disappointment in the middle of the room: “JunJun don’t you like it?

Feng Yi cannot help but to feel ashamed: “Please Uncle! This ‘cute’ expression you’re showing is really not suitable for your age, if I were the one to act that way, I could probably convince people. Even you makes me remember that time when JunJun brought me along to go to Thailand…” Then as if finding a bit of conscience, he decided not to continue. “Eh…” Feng Yue braced himself for the final blow: “Xiao YiYi, you can tell Uncle like a man.”

Feng Yi somewhat annoyed said, “I already told you what to call me. Don’t call me Xiao YiYi. My name is Feng Yi! Feng Yi!

Feng Yue sheepishly looked at Feng Yi. “But Uncle really likes calling you Xiao YiYi.”

Feng Yi’s small face was red, seeing how distressed the boy is, Qiao Yun gave Feng Yue a cold stare and held out her hand to the boy: “How about Auntie give you a tour around the garden? “

Feng Yi looked at his Uncle, and briefly glanced at his mother, considering the suggestion. There’s no way this uncle will take his mother and sell her, is there? Probably not. The answer calmed him. He decided to go with Qiao Yun to see the small garden.

ZiJun spread her hand: “Please Xiao YueYue, I liked this when I was only ten years old, now I’m twenty-four.”

Feng Yue replied: ” What does age have to do with that?”

ZiJun sighed: “I really am wondering how you won that award.” Feng Yue replied, “Don’t insult my intelligence and what about you? Aren’t you the one always in a daze? I’m not the one with a son here.”  and sat on the bed then looked at his sister.

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ZiJun clapped her hands: “For now, this should be okay. Since I’m here now, I can redesign the room .”

Feng Yue gazed at her: “You really don’t remember who Xiao YiYi’s dad is?” ZiJun nodded: “I really don’t remember, he only made a little impression on me.”

Feng Yue was at wit’s end regarding this sister of his. Even from childhood, she was like this. Feng Yue sighed: “Maybe not remembering is good. Xiao YiYi is quite cute. If his dad came back and decided to claim him, I would hate to part with him. It just so happens that there is a kindergarten here. Tomorrow, I’ll ask Qiao Yun to enroll him. Is a class for five-year olds’ okay?

If it were up to ZiJun, her son should start in junior high school.  But in her own experience, though gifted and talented, a step-by-step education is good so she decided to let Feng Yi go to the kindergarten class, but to be honest, she didn’t really have much say in it. Her son decided that for himself.

In life, she is a complete idiot. Her son even says, “When JunJun is outside the house, she looks smart. Inside, she’s just a fool.” And so, to prevent her from becoming a victim, her son always warn her to be alert of her surroundings especially of any man who might want to hit on her.

Feng Yi often thought that if he attended school he felt that he would always worry. If he’s not there, then his JunJun might have met those two-faced[2] men and sell her. Then, he’ll have no mother. So even if his mother is somewhat stupid, he decided not to abandon her.

In the end, the mother and son entered Feng Yue’s household temporarily. Since ZiJun studied interior design she has a case, a resort project. After discussing with her son, once she completes this project and gets paid, add to that their prior savings, they will be able to buy a small two-bedroom house. In time, she and her son can be self-sufficient.

Even if they stay with Feng You for now, ZiJun doesn’t want to stay here forever. Naturally, Feng Yue doesn’t know this since he’s engrossed preparing for the ‘Father and Son’ filming.

Today they went to the broadcasting station for a two-hour recording and interview, the recording finished around six o’clock. Not enough time to drop Feng Yue off and pick up Feng Yi so Feng Yue accompanied her to pick up Feng Yi from the kindergarten first. Since today is a weekend, they’ve decided to go out for dinner after he’s done.

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Seeing Feng Yi refined and courteous with the kindergarten teacher while saying goodbye, the teacher’s eyes were shining Qiao Yun was certain. The teacher was certainly becoming like her defenseless against his cuteness.

But Feng Yi really is cute, even if he always try to act like an adult… which makes him more cute. Yet Qiao Yun had to admit that this kid is absolutely excellent. While he inherited his mother’s genius gene, he rejected his mother low EQ. He has already adapted quite well at the kindergarten making Qiao Yun dumbfounded.

So, Qiao Yun was finally convinced who was dominant of the two, not the twenty-four year old unwed mother but rather this cute yet small child.

Feng Yi deliberately waited until the light turned red to ask Qiao Yun: “Shouldn’t we have Uncle issue a press release? Wouldn’t it be bad if I just show up like this? What if the paparazzi mistake me as his illegitimate son? JunJun said Uncle is a famous celebrity.”

Qiao Yun smiled and pat his head: “A little kid shouldn’t worry about taking care of such things.”

Feng Yi replied with a serious tone: “He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby. We should plan for everything[3]. We can’t possibly let a knee be grabbed or a shoulder be seen!”

Qiao Yun may be a bit embarrassed but she couldn’t say the boy was wrong. In short, the words Feng Yi says often make her think if Feng ZiJun neglected her role as a mother, how could she have brought up such a sensible son? But that brother and sister shouldn’t be looked at through normal standards. Even if they look as normal as any other people, they are absolutely not normal!

With her arms crossed, Qiao Yun watched outside the recording studio. Under the spotlight, the man looked charismatic, intelligent and elegant. But when he comes home, that image is immediately dashed.

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Feng Yi pulled on her hand and Qiao Yun looked at the boy: “What’s up?” Feng Yi whispered: ” I want to pee pee.” Qiao Yun smiled: “From here, walk to the end of the hall and turn left. That’s the toilet. Do you need Auntie to accompany you to go?”

Feng Yi coolly released her hand: “No need.” Briskly walked past and the action made Qiao Yun smile to herself thinking, I really know so little about Feng Yi… What would he be like when he grows up? With a face like that, he’d definitely be a lady-killer! Would he be the same as he is now?

Outside of the recording studio, Chu YanShen also looked at the man on the spotlight thinking. Actually, from time to time towards that man, he felt some lust as in the dream; feeling his body on fire. How can the woman from his dream and this man’s silhouette bear semblance? Even though Feng Yue looks like a woman, he definitely is a man.

YanShen shook his head and glanced at Zhao Dong. He walked towards the men’s room. Inside he noticed a little boy standing beside the sink, jumping a bit to reach the tap. Upon seeing the little boy’s face, YanShen’s footsteps unconsciously faltered.

The small boy appears to be around five or six years old, quite pretty, especially not as noisy as other children of the same age. Rather quiet, he observed. The little guy had big, bright eyes that had radiance in them; radiance that moved YanShen.

He slightly bent over and asked, “May I help you?”

Feng Yi looked at the man from top to bottom, and eventually nodded his head. YanShen reached out to carry him and set him up so he can reach the faucet easily to wash his hands. The little guys washed his hands meticulously. One hand first then the other, then each finger and rinsed his hand well. YanShen is guessing he must have a very strict mother who taught him to be such a well-behaved child.

He let the child down and the kid headed to the side to dry his hands, just then, the kid turned to face towards him: “Thank you, Uncle. I’ll go first.” His eyes followed the child as the small guy left the toilet.

YanShen originally thought that the encounter was casual. Unexpectedly, he saw the boy again that evening at the restaurant. In addition, the kid was seated with Feng Yue and a woman who had her back on him. Remembering the kid’s hand washing habit, he glanced towards the mother.

Only to see that thick and slightly curled chestnut hair that has been haunting his dreams…

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