You Have Guts!

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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Although Feng Yue’s current status is that of an entertainer, Feng Yue was still not in a position that he can offend Chu YanShen. ‘Father and Son’ is one of Chu Media’s investments. Even the managing agency he signed on is under Chu Media. Plainly put, Feng Yue is an employee, another one of Chu YanShen’s hundreds of thousands of employees. And the big boss is their bread and butter, definitely should not cross. 

Feng Yue doesn’t have a lot of chances to run on the big boss. It is Qiao Yun, his agent, who’d be the one to naturally pay attention. Qiao Yun noticed when Chu YanShen entered the restaurant. This was a fairly well-known restaurant. Often, politicians and business elites come here. However, Chu YanShen was not a usual patron here. According to Qiao Yun’s sources, the mysterious big boss has an abnormal compulsion to cleanliness. Therefore, he rarely ate outside. 

Qiao Yun sometimes think President Chu was an eccentric, too eccentric that he must never be slighted. Especially in this situation, he’s coming towards them. 

Though it was strange that President Chu walked over to their table, Qiao Yun kicked Feng Yue under the table and motion him not to patronize the food.

Feng Yue was confused as to why she kicked him. He looked at her innocently but also discovered that Chu YanShen was in front of them. Feng Yue immediately understood why Qiao Yun kicked him and politely stood up: “President Chu, I didn’t know you come here.”

Even though Chu YanShen was the big boss, he was also a performer just not that very skilled. Because of the ‘Father and Son’ production, Feng Yue has seen the big boss a few times  but was rarely able to make conversation. After a polite exchange, Chu YanShen’s eyes involuntarily drifted to the side.

ZiJun is the type of person that is nonchalant so whether the other party is her brother’s big boss or not, she doesn’t really care… There’s nothing wrong if she continue eating! And besides, it was a long six years that she couldn’t eat this authentic local cuisine that she wished she could swallow the plate.

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Even if she was eating quite fast, she knew her table manners and was proud about it. Her son has been training her. Every mealtime he would remind her to wash her hands before and after, even tell her the right cutlery to use. ZiJun sometimes think that she gave birth to a father rather than a son.

So much that even if it is quite malicious to think about, he’d certainly live as a bachelor in the future. What woman would subject herself to such a nitpicking man? Furthermore this child’s mysophobia[1] is abnormally frustrating. ZiJun was thinking he must have inherited that from his father.

“When JunJun eats she’s oblivious of others.” The small mother hen beside her used his chopstick to her nudged her hand. ZiJun looked quite unhappy with her son as she looked at him: “Feng Yi you have to understand the principle that all the rotten fruit were ripe in the morning.”

Feng Yi’s big eyes glared and pouted: “That doesn’t make up for your actions.” They were acting as though nobody else were present that Qiao Yun felt embarrassed. Qiao Yun purposely coughed and then motioned towards Chu YanShen. She hoped he won’t mind the scene in front of him, there can be instances of rude manners at times.

Probably sensing Qiao Yun’s warning, Feng Yi, this small friend, leaned slightly to his side then got off his chair and walked toward Chu YanShen. “Good Uncle, are you here to eat dinner? What a coincidence!”

People will certainly be unable to help but feel tenderness towards such a mature child. YanShen particularly felt such an endearment towards this child. Originally, he greatly dislikes children. He always felt that children were not intelligent beings.. more like a nuisance. Nevertheless, he can certainly be fond of this child.

Whenever he felt such emotion, his face would often be expressionless but his mouth slowly formed a smile that can rarely be seen. This smiling expression made Zhao Dong tongue-tied and wide-eyed. He blinked a couple of times and stared at YanShen’s face as if seeing something out of this world as his President smile at the little boy. Needless to say, the little boy is very pretty… The type of prettiness that would captivate anyone at a single glance.

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What’s more pleasing was the child looked sturdy. The child is wearing a set of Western-style suit, although small, it is certainly pleasant to look at. Looking closely, the suit isn’t expensive nor cheap yet it looked elegant. Zhao Dong looked towards Feng Yue and the people he was with. What was the relationship between him and the child? What about the women next to him?

When Zhao Dong’s gaze fell on ZiJun, he was somewhat taken back. In the many years since he started working at YangZhai, he’d more or less seen most celebrities but there were only a few that made his head turn. In front of this woman, he felt starstruck.  Moreover, as far as he’s concerned, this woman looked exactly as Feng Yue  but more charming… 

While Zhao Dong was looking at ZiJun, Chu YanShen was also staring at ZiJun, Today she wore a white broad-shouldered dress, the dress style was quite simple, looking at the quality, it was not from a major brand, but definitely beautifully suits her,   in fact, he’d guess any dress would look good on her regardless if it was a high-end brand or not.

Chu YanShen couldn’t help but observe her, she must be the type of woman who dressed sensibly, adding to her charm. Chu YanShen rarely pay attention to a particular woman. But the reason why he came over was also because she resembles the woman from his dream, that same chestnut colored hair… He also realized that she has exactly the same face as Feng Yue, with her chestnut-brown hair, he was having a ridiculous idea, she might be the woman from his dreams.

Chu YanShen couldn’t help but gaze at her neck. It is slim and slender. He nodded slightly, her perfect neck had the same graceful arc, same snow-white skin, certainly very similar to the woman from his dream. Her face had no trace of cosmetics, making Chu YanShen feel clean giving him a comfortable feeling.

On her snow-white neck was a thin platinum necklace. Under the ceiling lights, it gave a flattering silhouette around her neck.

Since he was already looking at her, Chu YanShen decided to look down a bit more. His gaze tracing along her pretty neck slightly squinting as if looking for something. To his surprise, there it was! A cinnabar mole exactly the same as in his dream! Not a big birthmark but noticeable because of its color. Impossible to miss!

Why is this woman so much like the woman in his dream, so much that even the smallest details are the same, he found himself disturbed by his observation. He began to speak, “This is…”

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Although Chu YanShen’s gaze lingered on ZiJun, it looked polite and casual that Feng Yue didn’t make anything out of it. But sensitive Feng Yi discovered, it seems as if this helpful Uncle is interested in his JunJun.

Feng Yi always disliked any man that showed advances towards his mother. Overseas, those that were close to ZiJun was rejected by Feng Yi even before a relationship can develop, After turning four years old, Feng Yi had total authority in their house. So these years, ZiJun has been living like a Buddhist nun.

But ZiJun herself also preferred things that way, because that one fateful night from six years ago was more than enough, even if she couldn’t remember that person’s face, the pain she felt was carved in her bones and engraved in her heart[2], so in this life, ZiJun has stopped looking for a man. Thus, when Feng Yi decided to  use various methods to eliminate any suitors, she even felt relaxed, saving her the need to come up with reasons to reject their advances, from her past experiences, when she rejects them, they become crazy. Having this mature and genius child of hers actually have its advantages.

Although he disliked any man who took notice of his mother, he found he wasn’t annoyed with this Uncle, he started thinking, maybe this Uncle can be groomed easily, After all, he wouldn’t be able to take care of JunJun forever, After he grows up, he wants to go to school and later would have to work. He is a man. He will have to shoulder the responsibility of supporting a family. Naturally, he wouldn’t be able to take care of his JunJun forever. But he was really concerned because of his JunJun’s EQ. The best solution is to find his JunJun a trustee. It appears this Uncle is the best option, this Uncle is not annoying.

As soon as he thought of the idea Feng Yi immediately said: “This is my mother Feng ZiJun. She studied Design at Colombia University. She recently returned to the country because of TianYu Group’s resort. They requested my mother to design the interior…” He couldn’t finish what he was saying because ZiJun covered his mouth.

ZiJun felt a bit scared, although she knew that her son was a little nagging, but it was limited to when they were by themselves, in front of outsiders, they were quite well-mannered. Usually her son was the cold-cool type. She doesn’t know what about today was different that in front of the stranger, her son chattered away. It seems he planned to tell everything… from eight generations of ancestors to their current family matters.

ZiJun briefly glanced at Chu YanShen, and quickly looked down, leaned toward her son and in front of his ear, lecturing her son to be reserved around strangers…

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To be honest, the look ZiJun gave YanShen made him feel a little bit slighted, never before had a woman treated him as such. The way she looked at him absolutely not the look of someone playing hard to get, she really was not interested with him the way he was with her, surely he can assume her reaction was because he was a stranger, not necessary to look at, even so to remember.

Moreover, she is already a mother to a five-year old child. Since she has a child, naturally, she’d have a husband. The woman from his dreams turned out to be married and also has a child. How absurd is that!

Chu YanShen realized he was being ridiculous. He regained his composure, nodded at Feng Yue and turned around to walk away. Feng Yue didn’t know what to make of what happened, he didn’t understand why the President came over and said hello so he completely set any thought aside.

Qiao Yun’s eyes fell upon ZiJun and sighed. A pretty face definitely have its advantages. With that face, even the usually cold President Chu stole a few glances. She didn’t know to what extent President Chu’s mysophobia is and in private Feng ZiJun is very sloppy. If they found that out how would things be? The two are polar opposites.

Feng Yi, with great difficulty, struggled free from ZiJun’s grasp. He found himself thinking, maybe he should first observe that Uncle. He watched until Chu YanShen’s shadow disappeared then turned to ZiJun: “What did you cover my mouth for?”

ZiJun shrugged: “Because you were too noisy, my ears started hurting…”


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