You Have Guts!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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“Qin Fang, I think I found her…” Chu YanShen took a sip of wine and squinted slightly. The lights at the bar are the same as the lights from the restaurant. He remembered that woman’s name was Feng ZiJun. The name was very suitable to her.

Chu YanShen was a man who had no idea about women. In fact, the women he’s met so far, only a few names can he remember. However, he remembers everything regarding that woman even the length of her hair and the look that she gave him. What’s funny was, this was the first time he felt interested to someone and that someone turns out married and already has a child.

Qin Fang almost spat his wine: “What did you say? You found her? The woman in your dreams? How was that possible? You didn’t even know what she looked like!”

“Yes, I don’t know.” YanShen picked up his wine glass and twirled it. Looking at the glass as the translucent wine swirled around, he continued: “But I think it is her, her hair, her skin, even the position of the cinnabar mole… Not a thing different from my dream.”

Qin Fang carefully studied his friend’s face. Since he was close with YanShen, he was used to YanShen’s stone-cold expression. Today was the same, but Qin Fang noticed the slight difference. His pal’s cold expression seems to be chagrin showing a bit of emotion that was uncommon. Qin Fang was really itching to learn more about that woman but he must figure our first the cause of that chagrin mood. If it was up to Qin Fang, it should be a good thing. His friend was a monk for six years even making up a fantasy during that six years. Now that he finally found the woman from his dreams, what could be so wrong? Whether it was physiological or psychological, from YanShen’s perspective, this is absolutely an unexpected yet perfect ending.

Thinking of this, he placed his arm on YanShen’s shoulder: “What’s wrong? You finally found the leading lady from your dream. Wasn’t that what you wanted? Talk to me. Compared to your dream, is she more pretty?”

YanShen frowned and pushed his hand away, Qin Fang raised his hand: “Sorry, I forgot you don’t like to be touched. Come on, tell me what troubles you… I’m getting anxious!”

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YanShen looked at his eyes: “That woman is married and she has a son who appears to be around five years old.

Qin Fang was silent for a while. In the end, he started laughing: “Man, you have such a lousy luck! So this six year dream of yours was all in vain… Finding out is useless… But don’t be discouraged! President Chu, with your social status and good looks attracting a married woman will not be difficult…” Seeing YanShen’s glare, Qin Fang quickly added: “Of course I was kidding! But are you sure she does have a husband? There are a lot of single mothers these days… And some are divorced….Did you see her husband?”

Chu YanShen who was silent for a moment suddenly stood up: ” I have something to do, I’m going first.” “Hey. Hey. You’re leaving me hanging here. That’s rich, Man!”

Chu YanShen stopped and looked back at him: “I think there are a lot of people wanting to play with you over there. Go.” He put down his glass and turned away. As if to prove what YanShen just said, a beauty came over and asked: “Handsome, how about a drink?”

Qin Fang unconsciously laughed, his definitely did not resemble YanShen’s  boring life, his motto is “Live life to the fullest!” In total, it’s been ten years. He hasn’t done anything that would get him in trouble but fine wine and beautiful women are landscapes a man must not miss. Right then, the beautiful woman beside him smiled, “There’s nothing interesting here. How about we leave?” Qin Fang told her they’ll go to his house and she obviously agrees. The two hit it off and left the back to take a taxi, already hugging each other’s waist, just like passionate lovers.

Although YanShen has been longtime friends with Qin Fang, their personalities are distinctly different. YanShen is an extreme germ phobic but not disagreeable to women. He had had two girlfriends before, but those ended up to nowhere. In addition, he didn’t have any notion of getting married. He can tolerate an occasional exchange, after all, that was good for the health. But he couldn’t imagine having to live with a woman under one roof from morning to evening.

Qin Fang said he had a toxic personality and didn’t want anyone disturbing his life. One of the possible reasons might be because six years ago his body stopped being attracted to any woman, all but the woman in his dreams.

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YanShen had a thorough physical examination but there wasn’t anything wrong. Qin Fang said it might be psychological. Probably due to the extent of his mysophobia, he also unconsciously excluded women from his life. Yet, regarding the six year recurring dream, Qin Fang couldn’t provide a satisfying reason.

YanShen doesn’t find an ambiguous answer acceptable, so, he decided that he will find out the reason.  He always wondered why he had that dream for six years and now that Feng ZiJun appeared, YanShen seemed to have found a breakthrough. The way he sees it, if he doesn’t want his dream to keep disturbing him, he must see her again. Furthermore, he must not tell anyone that he was interested in her until he finds out whether she has a husband or not. That is what his principles states.

After remembering Qin Fang’s words, YanShen was in deep thought. That woman might really be a single mother. Today at the restaurant, it was obviously a family gathering and besides Feng Yue he didn’t see any other man. Even the child made no mention of his father and even actively introduced his mother.

YanShen gave Zhao Dong a call: “Give me information regarding that woman at the restaurant. I want everything.”

Zhao Dong hanged up and can’t help but think about the woman from the restaurant. She was beautiful. Especially because she seems to have the charm of a woman who was both young and mature. But Zhao Dong didn’t think that she can pique the boss’ interest. Even if the boss was acting unusual today, Zhao Dong couldn’t make a connection.

The boss taking interest in a woman seemed ambiguous to Zhao Dong. Certainly ambiguous! These years, even with Yue SiSi, the boss was quite cold. So much that Zhao Dong thought the boss had “problems” in that area. However, the health report indicated in black and white that President Chu’s health is very good and could not be better; his numbers were all great. The boss was certainly of optimum health. However, this “healthy” man didn’t have relations with women at all.

Zhao Dong can only say that the boss’ standard is extremely high to the point that it felt unreal. He ignored the world’s definition of beautiful woman. No one would’ve moved the boss’ heart except if they were a fairy from heaven. But in this condition, a fairy didn’t come down from heaven but a child’s mother appeared. If this was what the boss wants, he could only say that the boss’ preference is somewhat serious. Liking a married woman… Moreover, a married woman with child… Isn’t that a bit immoral?

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However, such details were trivial to Zhao Dong. He understood the gist of what the boss wanted done and he was going to do it. He looked at his watch, it was already dawn. He should sleep soon. He’ll take care of the matter when he wakes up later.

But that same night his boss was having a hard time getting sleep. YanShen was having another dream but this time the dream is exceptionally clear. He can see her head, her body, her neck… and that cinnabar mole. More importantly, he can see her face.  YanShen soon discovered that although their position was the same, seeing her face more clearer than he’d had for six years, he felt excited.

The feeling resembled surfing, that exhilarating feeling of the incoming wave, then riding that wave and repeating the cycle all over again. In his lifetime, he hasn’t felt such pleasure before.

YanShen woke up at six in the morning. He tried to close his eyes to remember the dream, reluctant to wake up. He thought to himself, if circumstances would allow it perhaps he can try to find the woman.

For the first time in thirty years, YanShen was interested in a woman. Naturally, there’s no way he’ll let her slip by him. Especially when Zhao Dong gave him the information regarding Feng ZiJun on his table. He opened and saw the characters that indicated “unmarried.” Then all the traces of uncertainty in his mind was eliminated.

But this woman continue to surprise him. Looking at her profile, he learned that she is a genius and that she changed majors from biological research to interior design. The way her brain works became a curiosity to him. In addition, her son seems to have inherited her genius gene. According to the file, her son had already finished primary school overseas yet when they returned his mother sent him to attend a kindergarten.

YanShen looked at the picture behind the page. The photo was shot overseas. The boy was smaller than he was now. It looked like he wasn’t fond of being embraced and was coerced to pose that way. His face was frowning but his hand was doing the “peace sign” appearing very comical.

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The boy’s mother wore a very bright smile. The background was composed of blue sea and blue skies. The sunlight gently hit her face, causing anyone who saw the picture to feel the happiness she felt. YanShen unexpectedly felt a bit of envy as his finger traced her smiling face. Suddenly, he felt extremely curious as to what role he could play to see her smile that way towards him.

After thinking for a bit, he called Zhao Dong to come in: “Let the agency sign Feng Yue’s nephew for the son’s role in ‘Father and Son’.”

Zhao Dong replied: “That was also what Director Lu wanted. He said that even though the child had no acting experience, but he seems to have a good sense of the lens, and looked very appealing to the viewers. He also talked with Feng Yue regarding this but Feng Yue disagreed. He said he doesn’t want his nephew to be exposed to the media at such a young age. He said he was hoping his nephew would have an ordinary and normal childhood.”

“Ordinary? Normal?” YanShen raised an eyebrow. It seems Feng Yue still did not know that his nephew, from the day he was born, just looked average on the outside.

Thinking of the kid, YanShen said: “Just go to Feng Yue and tell him I want to talk to his nephew.”

After Zhao Dong left, he felt baffled because of what he observed. The boss doesn’t like women and children. In the end, how did this young mother change all that? Then the big boss wanted to speak with Feng Yue’s five year old nephew? If he really wanted to talk to the boy, shouldn’t he go to the boy’s mother?

However YanShen trusted his instincts, between that mother and son, the person which decides ought to be that five year old boy. Although dealing with five year old child was a bit contemptible, still he felt that the child will be the fastest shortcut. For now, he still doesn’t know to what extent will he and that woman end up to but one thing was certain, he will surely get her in bed.

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