You Have Guts!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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Zhao Dong bypassed Feng Yue and directly contacted Qiao Yun. After all, Qiao Yun is Feng Yue’s agent and all around assistant. And he’s heard that she was the person who arranged for Feng Yue’s nephew to attend the kindergarten. He figured, it would be faster than contacting Feng Yue. The boss wanted results and as the boss’ assistant he was going to get those results fast.

When she received Zhao Dong’s call, she was right at the entrance of the kindergarten. She looked as he said goodbye to his teacher. Today Feng Yue was shooting a commercial, ZiJun was at home… secluded to make her design drafts. Picking up and dropping off Feng Yi became part of her chores. In fact, she didn’t have to. Since the kindergarten was in the community, it also has the top-notch security. There was no chance that a child would be able to leave by themselves, but Qiao Yun was not assured. She would always imagine Feng Yi by himself… What if a pervert took a fancy on him? What is she going to do then? So she took it upon herself to send and pick him up from school.

Since his first day and every day since then, she picked him up and dropped him off. The kindergarten teachers all thought that she was Feng Yi’s mother and Qiao Yun didn’t deny their misconceptions. She even felt, if she could give birth to a cute child just like Feng Yi, she might also reject marriage, perhaps follow what ZiJun did. Being a single-mother doesn’t seem like a bad idea..

That being said, Feng ZiJun was perfectly capable of inadvertently misleading people, what’s most hateful was that she was actually innocent and was not aware of other’s misconceptions. When Chu YanShen realized she was a single-mother, it was already too late. Fortunately, he was able to turn around his initial misunderstanding because he certainly was interested in her.

Naturally this is another story, Qiao Yun put her phone aside as Feng Yi headed towards her. This little boy is as good as gold, very sensible. If she was in a call, he’ll come quietly to her side and wait for her to finish the conversation. He asked: “Was that Uncle?”

Qiao Yun couldn’t help but smile and takes his little bag behind him. “Why didn’t you ask if that was your mother?”

Feng Yi’s eyes avoided hers, “Mother doesn’t remember Autie Qiao’s phone number.” In fact, his JunJun couldn’t even remember her own number. She even gets confused on the road she’s taken for six years, and would often get lost. Of course, he would not tell anyone that bit of information. After all, he still thinks that his JunJun can deceive a man to take care of her. He knew omission is also lying but if people prematurely found out about her true self, sooner or later people would surely end up hurting her.

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Feng Yi, this small friend, that second was quite happy. It was a good thing that his JunJun’s good looks can still make heads turn. Otherwise, in this lifetime he will never be able to leave the house. During those years, Feng Yi thought that the other person who gave him life and abandoned his JunJun… perhaps that person saw his mother’s true self, got scared and ran away.

Qiao Yun thought of how to broach the topic and decided that being direct is better, “Do you remember the Uncle we met at the restaurant?” Qiao Yun wasn’t sure if the approach she took worked but it seemed it did because shortly after, the boy’s bright eyes widened.

Feng Yi nodded, ” I remember. He is Uncle’s Big Boss, Auntie Qiao you said his last name was Chu. Last time when Uncle was doing the interview, he also helped me wash my hands. That Uncle is a good person.” Once Feng Yi hears Chu YanShen’s name, he immediately transforms into a chatterbox.

Qiao Yun breathe twice. Chu Media’s president was an extremely rich and powerful person, worth hundreds of billions. The most highly eligible bachelor who runs in the world of the elite. Even if President Chu occasionally appears charitable, those are completely done to benefit the image of the company as well as to make profits. Naturally, her belief that she hated the rich has been ruled out. But she certainly believes the old saying, “A benevolent man cannot be rich.[1]“

Of course, she couldn’t speak with the boy regarding those matters. “This good person wants to invite you to eat. How about it?”

Even if she felt that a benevolent man cannot be rich[1], she also cannot help but admire President Chu. She hasn’t spoken with him, but heard from the people around him. He was very efficient and nothing gets past him.

Zhao Dong mentioned nothing about Feng Yi joining ‘Father and Son,’ but a dinner invitation extended solely to Feng Yi… She couldn’t help but question the purpose of the invitation.

Qiao Yun particularly wanted Feng Yi to shake his head and decline. After that, she can definitely turn down the big boss’ secretary. That feeling will certainly be invigorating. So she stared at Feng Yi’s eyes that seemed deep in thought.

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Then, the little guy looked at her and his words made Qiao Yun smile, ” Auntie Zhao, you shouldn’t like me too much. You’re not my type.”

Qiao Yun almost rolled her eyes, “Brat… How big do you think you are right now? Well, if I’m not your type… Do you prefer your mom’s style?”

The little guy looked like he was considering for a bit and vehemently shook his head. “JunJun is a big idiot. I prefer smart women.”

Qiao Yun smiled and rubbed his hair: “Your mother is a clever person. She might tend to be stupid but only in certain areas. Anyway, you shouldn’t talk about your mother that way. Well… You haven’t answered me. Do you agree to have a meal with that Uncle?” Feng Yi nodded his head and Qiao Yun ended up dropping him off at Chu Shi.

Feng Yi came a little early, it was still working hours. Zhao Dong had some time but he decided to bring Feng Yi to the 28th floor. The 28th floor is the Big Boss’ office area. He directed the boy to the guests’ sofa but the boy looked towards the Big Boss’ working area; where the floor and walls were made of glass. The boy pointed his finger to a chair and asked, “May I sit there?”

Zhao Dong stared blankly. The boy was pointing his finger at the Big Boss’ resting chair! Because he knew the extent of big Boss’ mysophobia, he didn’t like anyone touching anything in the room… especially the chair was off limits. However, in front of Feng Yi’s innocent and cute face, Zhao Dong was unable to say no.

He saw the Big Boss’ head nod. Zhao Dong was shocked at the Big Boss’s response. He led the boy to the chair and watched as the boy struggled with his two short legs to climb up the chair. Then the boy stood on the chair, leaned towards the glass wall and looked down. After a few minute, the boy stepped back and sat properly on the chair. Feng Yi looked at Zhao Dong, “Uncle Zhao, don’t mind me. Otherwise, your acrophobia might get worse.”

Zhao Dong was stunned. He was afraid of heights so whenever he had to approach the glass front he felt weak in the knees but he was good at covering that up. At least, so far not a person was aware. How could a five year old figure it all out?

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After feeling a bit flustered, he calmed himself down and asked, “How did you know Uncle Zhao has fear of heights?

Over there on his desk Chu YanShen stopped what he was doing and looked up. Frankly, he was also curious. It took him one year to discover Zhao Dong’s fear of heights. How did this boy realize that matter after just a short while?

The little guy shrugged his shoulder: “It was quite simple. Earlier when you led me to the elevator, you were hesitating before getting in. When you did you step on, you did with your right foot. Then you went towards the back and quickly leaned against the wall and you held on to me strongly. When we reached the top floor and was about to get off, you did the same thing. Started with a hesitant step with your right foot then walked briskly out the elevator. Just now, when you were coming over, you did the same thing. It seems you do that when you are suppressing your fear. You were unconsciously doing it so I concluded that Uncle should be suffering from acrophobia.”

If you ask Zhao Dong, it seemed as if this five year old boy has stripped him bare naked. Zhao Dong felt confused because looking at this five year old boy felt like he was looking at the Big Boss. Moreover, now that he’s looking at the boy closely Zhao Dong suddenly found resemblance between his boss and this little boy.

Zhao Dong shook his head. His imagination was running wild. He brought in a cup of fruit juice for the boy and exited the door.

Watching his executive secretary look embarrassed, Chu YanShen couldn’t help but be amused. He stopped reading, closed the project proposal on his hand and walked over.

When he came to where they are, Feng Yi politely got off the chair. Chu YanShen couldn’t help but think about the boy’s mother. Because of this little boy’s actions, his curiosity towards the boy’s mother continue to grow. Seeing how she raised her son, she must also be a cautious person just like him. He cannot stand carelessness or sloppiness the most.

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In that way, President Chu’s misguided opinion led him astray. He can only blame himself in the future. Letting his impression of Feng Yi  deceived him into thinking that the boy’s mother would be the same. That argument definitely had no validation.

Chu YanShen stood before the glass wall. At the height of the 28th floor, both vehicles and people look like ants. Chu YanShen liked the feeling that the world was in his hands. As long as you’re smart, hard-working, everything will be in your grasp. He dislikes things beyond his control, especially that dream that he’s had for six years. He will definitely find out the reason. Chu YanShen looked towards the boy and stood beside the boy who was looking down. For a moment, Chu YanShen felt he was looking at himself in his childhood…

At that time, Chu Media was not on the same level it is now. Originally, it was impossible to climb up here but now that he has, he still wants to climb higher.

Chu YanShen frowned slightly. He couldn’t understand what he was feeling. Without a doubt, he does not dislike this boy but it was also out of the question to be fond of him. He merely wants to use the boy to get in touch quickly with the boy’s mother to be rid of his six year dream.

Before, he might have hesitated, afraid he wouldn’t be able to communicate well with the boy.  But as Zhao Dong left the room, Chu YanShen was certain. So he went straight to the point. “You know your uncle is shooting a movie, right?”

Feng Yi nodded: “I will look at Uncle’s copy of ‘Father and Son’. I feel like doing this movie. You ought to pay  me a lot of money.”

“How come?” Chu YanShen asked with an amused look.

The boy seriously replied: “Because it would convey to movie viewers that the movie is worth spending money. And perhaps it would be possible to win awards. Maybe this colorless movie will end up with an award.” Then he looked directly at Chu YanShen and said,  “How about you come with me to talk to JunJun? Let’s ask her to let me play the son’s role.” 


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