You Have Guts!

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 

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JunJun? Chu YanShen was stunned. “You call your mother JunJun?” The boy’s face looked serious as he nodded, “She won’t let me call her ‘mother,’ so I can only call her JunJun.”

Chu YanShen raised an eyebrow, “Why wouldn’t she let you call her ‘mother?” Feng Yi looked straight at him. ” Uncle, you are changing the topic instead of answering my question.”

Chu YanShen suddenly thought that being a very clever child sometimes is not a good thing, especially since this little guy can easily see through things easily. 

He wasn’t avoiding the boy’s question on purpose, he just doesn’t know how to speak with the boy that his real purpose with this meeting is simply because he wants to sleep with Feng ZiJun. Hoping that by doing so, he’ll find out why he’s been having the dream he’s had for six years and maybe put an end to it. Then, he’ll return to being his usual self.

But regarding this matter, in front of this little boy, he couldn’t say and he doesn’t want to lie. As a result, he can only evade talking about it.

Just as Chu YanShen was considering how to explain the situation to Feng Yi, the boy’s eyes brightened up. “Uncle, you don’t need to feel embarrassed. Actually, regarding grown-up matters, I completely understand. Aren’t you interested in JunJun?” Afterwards, the boy nodded his head in understanding, “My JunJun is easy on the eyes.”

Chu YanShen didn’t know whether he was imagining things. It seems in this boy’s words, there was a hint of sigh. It was a good thing the boy had refrained from asking further questions…

Chu YanShen touched his head, ” What about you, do you agree to act in Uncle’s film?”

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The boy looked at him for a moment, if Chu Yanshen wasn’t aware that the boy in front of him was only five years old, he’d think that the boy was cooking up something behind that look on his eyes. Chu YanShen shook his head, he felt himself a little bit panicky[1] because of a five year old boy…

Actually, he was right to feel that way. Feng Yi was really planning something. Feng Yi was quite satisfied with the results from their initial contact. If this Uncle Chu felt like those men who stuck to his mother and said he liked her, Feng Yi thought he would consider giving up easily, because if Uncle Chu got wind of his mother’s EQ, his mother would only have those men with glib tongues to choose from and she’d be cheated.

Of course, this was all in Feng Yi’s mind, ZiJun doesn’t consider herself stupid, that’s why Feng Yi is more worried. Regarding this extremely unreliable mother of his, Feng Yi felt he doesn’t only need to be matured but she’s causing him to age prematurely. Thus he needs to find a suitable man who can be entrusted with her and he was already feeling the pressure…

Particularly in front of this intelligent uncle, Feng Yi can distinctly feel his brain stretching. Among the various people he’s met, he was always quick to categorize them and Chu YanShen is the first person that he acknowledges as “intelligent.” Feng Yi felt, perhaps having him as a stepfather would not be bad, provided that this Uncle loves his JunJun unconditionally.

But how could such an intelligent man like an absolutely foolish woman? This is his biggest problem now. Suddenly, an important question popped in his mind, Feng Yi’s eyes twinkled as he asked, “Uncle Chu, you aren’t married, are you?”

Chu YanShen felt amused but answered seriously, “I’m not married nor do I have a girlfriend. So, is Uncle Chu qualified to invite you to dinner?”

The boy nodded and looked at him. “I want to eat Mongolian hotpot, the one cooked on a copper pan.”   Chu YanShen smiled.

The auntie served the vegetables last, the hotpot was already boiling on the table. Chu YanShen cooked the mutton well and placed it on Feng Yi’s bowl. The boy’s table manners were impeccably good for a five year old who grew up overseas. His chopsticks skills were very good. He didn’t speak when he had food in his mouth. When he finished his meal, he placed his chopsticks on the table neatly and asked, “Is this your home?”

Actually, Chu YanShen had told Zhao Dong to make reservations at a good restaurant. Because of his pickiness, he rarely dines out, especially to eat hotpot. In fact, he isn’t particularly fond of hotpot.  He vehemently hates having a group of people sharing a meal from one pot, but the boy wanted to eat this. In the end, Chu YanShen had no other choice but to bring the boy to his house and let his chef prepare the food. At least he was sure about the food’s cleanliness.

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The little boy was obviously very curious since they came in but he remained well-mannered, just looked around with his eyes and hasn’t asked a question until now. Chu YanShen asked, “Do you like my house?”

Feng Yi took a sip of his freshly squeezed orange juice, in his mind gave Chu YanShen 100+ points. Most rich men were fickle in love affairs but this Uncle Chu doesn’t seem like those men especially since Feng Yi discovered that this uncle has extreme mysophobia and paid very close attention to his quality of life.

He gave Chu YanShen bonus points but at the same time he lost all confidence for his JunJun. Feng Yi looked at the spotless house and remembered their house overseas. One can say that JunJun could be very well living in a garbage dump if no one helped her do the cleaning.

Thinking of the situation, Feng Yi could not help but sigh. ” I like it. Uncle’s house is really neat.”

Chu YanShen raised an eyebrow, “Neat?” He didn’t know whether the boy understood the meaning of the word but it was used appropriately. The thing he cannot stand the most were dirty and messy… But that wasn’t the point to this meal, the point was how can he use the boy to get to his mother? He doesn’t want the dream to continue.

As if reading his mind, the little boy jumped from the chair. “It’s late. I need to go home. If it wouldn’t be such an inconvenience, can you take me home?”

Chu YanShen realized he was laughing, he could not remember how many times he’s laughed today, this boy is very smart…

Before they left, Feng Yi deliberately borrowed Chu YanShen’s phone to call ZiJun and tell ZiJun that a guest will be coming. The boy’s use of words made Chu YanShen laugh again.

After ending the call, Feng ZiJun frowned as she began clearing out her things. Due to her son’s constant nagging she mastered the skill to bring her mess inside her room. At least the house appears decent now. Her son had said to her that her room was a representation of herself thus she needed to keep it clean.

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ZiJun began picking up the drafts that were scattered on the floor and the couch; arranged them in a stack over her notebook and hid the notebook to her room. Then she came down and cleaned up her snack plate and the half-filled cup of coffee from the coffee table.

ZiJun regretted her decision to work downstairs today, she should’ve just stayed in her room today. If she’d done that, there will be no need for her to hurriedly clean up for a guest.

With great difficulty, she cleaned up the living room and headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up. She patted her face until it was rosy instead of putting on makeup and tied her hair casually, away from her face. She put on a casual dress, looked at her reflection and thought that her preparations were enough.

Just as she finished, the doorbell rang. ZiJun took one last look at her reflection before walking towards the door. She opened it and saw a man. She couldn’t understand why her son brought a stranger home.

Feng Yi’s eyes quickly scanned his mother’s appearance. Even though she didn’t have time to put on make-up, she still looked good because of her natural beauty.

Chu YanShen’s gaze drifted from ZiJun’s face to her neck. Against the casual black dress, the cinnabar mole became very clear. His gaze darkened and felt his attraction for her grow stronger now that he was so close to her. Chu YanShen became more sure of his purpose, this woman looks delectable. Her no-make up face was clean and made her look years younger. Chu YanShen felt she really resembled the woman from his dream. But this woman looks as if she doesn’t recognize him. They just met yesterday. If she’s acting coy like other women, there was no need… He liked being straightforward.

Feng Yi looked at his mother, then at Uncle Chu, and felt that perhaps his goal wasn’t unattainable.  Feng Yi spoke, “Uncle Chu, this is my mother.  You met her yesterday at the restaurant.  My mother doesn’t remember people well, I hope uncle doesn’t take offense… JunJun, this is Uncle Chu who’s sending me home.”

“Oh…” ZiJun was at a loss, she doesn’t understand where this Uncle Chu popped-up from, but he was sending her son home and it’s not polite to keep him standing outside so she had no choice but invite him to the living room and then went to the kitchen to prepare to cups of coffee only to come back and find her son gone.

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Chu YanShen started, “Feng Yi said he goes to bed at 9 pm, it is now 8:50 pm.”

“That’s right.” ZiJun unconsciously looked at the clock that hung on the wall. She knew how her son is, since he turned four years old he started to follow a daily schedule of when he should do a certain thing never messing up the schedule. She suspected that this strict disposition of her son has been there the moment he was born…

ZiJun really had no urge to acquaint herself with this type of man. Otherwise, if she entertain him, he would try to find some common ground with her.

While ZiJun was thinking about trivial matters, Chu YanShen was feeling extremely dissatisfied to the point that he was doubting his own charm. From the moment he came in, this woman had been looking at him indifferently. Now that they were left alone, she was still indifferent. Even as she stood in front of him, her eyes were empty. He doesn’t know what to make of it. It is as if the one sitting in front of her was air.

Based on Chu YanShen’s past experiences, this woman seems to be playing coy but he couldn’t find a trace of pretention in her face. In case she was really acting, he genuinely will consider signing her on as an actress. After all, her acting skills are top-notch.

Thinking that perhaps she really doesn’t know who he was, he re-introduced himself. ” I am Chu YanShen.” He didn’t need to say anything else, these three words represented him and should elicit a reaction from her. But this woman just blinked her eyes, opened her mouth and said, “Hello.”

Chu YanShen began to doubt whether this woman was an idiot or not. He had no choice but to say a few more words. “I am Chu Shi Media’s president. I want to sign a contract with your son.” This should be enough for her to understand, right?

Chu YanShen never imagined that he would have to introduce himself in order to receive a favorable impression from a woman. He felt he had already given this woman enough face. If she wasn’t similar to the woman from his dream, he would have already stood and left…

He wanted to receive a response from her that didn’t include “Oh… or Ah…” He wanted this woman to appear ambitious, only this way will he be able to achieve his goal. But she continued to answer him in the same manner. “Oh…If Feng Yi already agreed, I won’t object.”


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