You Have Guts!

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

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“Wha… What?” ZiJun stared blankly at him as if she didn’t understand what he just said. The favor she was asking was quite easy. Could it be he doesn’t want to lend me the money?

Chu YanShen’s expression remained indifferent, not even changing, merely opened his mouth to speak, “For which reason?”

ZiJun understood what he wanted to say, that is He would not lend her the money! Then, why was he asking her that question? It seems he really was bullying her. She was smart but she had twice the temper and it was starting to flare up. She looked towards the fence, looking at the man’s face on the other side…

Chu YanShen raised his eyebrow, “You mean my reason?” ZiJun’s mouth curled, inside she was cussing at him. This man looks clever so he should be good at understanding. He really is a businessman, such a small amount… he didn’t want to lend her.

This man really had no intention of lending her money. She went back to considering spending the night in the garden. Thinking, she looked all over the place trying to find a place that would shield her from the wind. She found Qiao Yun’s excessively chaste plans for Xiao Yue Yue’s garden. It was basically a vegetable garden! Over here were Chinese cabbages and over there were two plots of leeks. The day before yesterday, she saw her scattering loofah/luffa seeds. The only exception were the place on the edges near the fence where Japanese roses were sprouting…

ZiJun was quite lucky. It was early spring. The Japanese Rose had just started sprouting and wasn’t at all tall yet. If the rose had already grown and climbed on the fence, she’d be a mass of bruises and cuts…

To summarize, to think that she could stay in the garden to escape the cold wind was wishful thinking. So, for now, the only person who can feed her and shield her from the cold wind was outside this fence, the person who didn’t want to lend her money.

ZiJun suddenly remember her son’s words, she had a cunning face. Especially for men, was the best weapon. Coupled with a meek posture and a pitiful countenance, no man will be able to resist. And after the man has completely been fooled, she can smoothly accomplish her goal. This was the first trick on the emergency handbook that her son gave her especially…

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So to say, this mother didn’t know who was more tricky. Thinking of this, Feng ZiJun produced a pitiful expression, and blinked her eyes cutely a couple of times. Her son said, if she blink this way for a moment, it looks innocent. And if she made a fist, and put it under her chin, it can receive the double result…

Because she was cold and hungry, Feng ZiJun in a moment of desperation, IQ suddenly increased a lot and followed as her son directed. Waiting anxiously on Chu YanShen, expecting him to lose his head over her, and then lend her the money, letting her be able to survive tonight without any problems.

Chu YanShen’s mouth slightly pursed, looked at her and said, “Is there something wrong with your eyes?” Feng ZiJun slumped on the ground, it seems she’s met a really heartless person… Not only heartless but also stingy, someone who probably regarded money as his own life.

At that moment, Feng ZiJun started to despair. The man outside suddenly said, “You should first come out.”

Feng ZiJun eyes lit up and she blinked a couple of times looking toward the man outside. While she was pondering what he was trying to say, he said, “If you want, we can talk in there while looking at the landscape…” He didn’t finish what he was going to say because Feng ZiJun who was slumped on the ground stood up quickly, “No… There’s no need to look… I’m coming out. Stay put.” At once, she grabbed the fence and began to climb up…

Feng ZiJun’s athletic gene was severely underdeveloped. As her son puts it, his JunJun’s daily activities and personality isn’t really that of a person’s. Instead it was more consistent to say that she was like an animal that is fattened for slaughtering. Still, she was his mother. In order to take care of his mother’s reputation, Feng Yi, with all his sincerity, has not said anything to anyone about it…

At that same time, Chu YanShen who was holding onto the fence from the outside looked at her as she clumsily climbed the fence. Suddenly, an image of an animal climbing up came to his mind. Particularly when he looked up and accidentally saw under her skirt a print of a small pig cartoon character on her undergarment, What the…?

He couldn’t help but wonder whether he made a mistake. Besides from her appearance,  she was so different from the woman from his dream.  Any normal and average men would not be interested in a woman wearing a cartoon underwear. Besides, he preferred them black, lacy and almost see through… Sexy.

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Because of his train of thought, he suddenly began imagining her with those kind of clothes on… He began feeling aroused. But looking at her struggling to get down, all he was feeling turned to amusement…

Chu YanShen knitted his brows together pondering, if she really became his woman, the first thing that he would ask her is to have more finesse. After she does that correctly, that would depend on Feng ZiJun’s principles…

But according to Feng Yi’s words, this idea was originally impossible to accomplish. His JunJun was simply like an animal fattened to be slaughtered. If she was willing to be killed, perhaps the initial investment might be returned… Otherwise, the outcome would simply be a loss…

So Feng Yi could only rely on Chu YanShen, he felt, this uncle had too much pride to make such a public move and his personality would generally just make him give up on her. But if he doesn’t, besides eating and drinking, his JunJun will have hope. Feng Yi sighed again, Being the son of this household is not easy… Being JunJun’s son was especially not easy… So to say, just who exactly is scheming something was already quite clear…

However the parties involved in his plan were still outside. The instant when Feng ZiJun landed, she discovered that the iron fence had caught and torn her skirt. It was already a skimpy dress to begin with… now it became two pieces of worthless rags except for the upper body part that remained intact. Feng ZiJun bent down to try to fix her skirt. However she forgot to take into consideration the person looking at her, because of the style of the dress’ shoulder, as she moved that way, Chu YanShen who was in front of her could effortlessly see the things he should not be seeing…

His gaze was fixed at only one place, as if in deep thought. After a long time and with a satisfied look, Chu YanShen elegantly took off his jacket and closed the space between them. He carefully tied the jacket around her waist…

Feng ZiJun couldn’t help but be secretly delighted, she didn’t know why he was suddenly displaying  friendly disposition, finally, tonight’s matter is getting resolved, unexpectedly, his actions were gentlemanly and then he turned to go. Feng ZiJun hastily attempted to stop him from leaving, “You… You’re leaving?” Chu YanShen nodded looking towards her hand that was grabbing onto him.

Her hands were pretty to look at, it was quite slender, as if you could almost see the delicate joints, Chu YanShen looked from her hand to her legs, his gaze traveling downward, his suit coat was quite big, wrapped very tightly, barely exposed her fair and translucent legs, but still allowed him to stop in his tracks and began to imagine those legs wrapped around his waist…

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Even when his mind was imagining those things, Chu YanShen’s face remained stoic resulting to ZiJun becoming more fidgety. She thought that he probably didn’t like that she grabbed him… but she also couldn’t just give up. Because, she had hardly managed to climb out and she didn’t want to climb in again. She was tired and hungry… Just like those times when Feng Yi was useless, they were impoverished and were in a miserable plight.

Thinking, she tightened her grip on his, “That…That… Are you lending me money?

With great difficulty, he averted his gaze from her calves. Looking at her in the face, said some words for her to think over. ” I am a businessman. Businessmen don’t invest if they know it would be a losing business. Even if the amount of money is small, as far as I’m concerned it is still a transaction.”

“Wha…What do you mean?” Feng ZiJun looked at him, she was definitely on a different frequency as this man. What was he trying to say with his words?

YanShen looked at her seriously, “You can borrow the money but you must have something to exchange with. You said you needed 200 so think… What do you have with you that would interest me and is worth 200?”

Feng ZiJun then understood, he was a businessman through and through. She opened her bag and took out her cellphone and prepared to hand it to him, “I bought it when I got here. I’ve been using it for a month so the value would be less than 200.”

Chu YanShen made no indication of receiving her phone. “I’m not interested in your phone.”

Feng ZiJun smartened up. This stoic man most likely was mentally unstable even if he doesn’t look like it. So, it’d be useless to ask him again. Feng ZiJun sighed and let him go. She also removed the coat that he put on her waist and threw it to him. Whether her skirt was enough to cover her from the cold or not, maintaining her dignity should’ve come first…She should’ve stuck to it.

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Chu YanShen caught his coat, took one look at her and turned away. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked as he opened the car door shattering the last bit of hope she had. She pouted and began to blame her son. He said doing those things would work…

At the moment when she’s decided to give up she heard him say, “Why are you still standing there? Get on.”

Get on the car? For a moment, ZiJun thought she was imagining things until he repeated again and very gentlemanly opened the door. ZiJun was quite surprised at the gesture even if it was a little late…

She hurried over afraid he’d change his mind. She was seated in a flash and comforted herself. Facing hunger and cold, what use is integrity?

The car finally left the neighborhood. ZiJun couldn’t stop herself from yawning. Inside the car was nice and warm and the car seat felt comfortable. She adjusted her sitting position, her exhausted mind was beginning to relax. While thinking about borrowing some money from him, she fell asleep.

Chu YanShen slowly parked the car to the curb, and leaned in to watch her for a while. Her sleeping posture was not bad, but he lowered the seat. His gaze noticed the coil of her hair loose from when she turned from side to side. It was already quite messy. He carefully lifted her head and uncoiled the bun, her hair falling gracefully. Chu YanShen thought she was breathtakingly stunning.

His gaze fell from her face to her delicate jaw and further down to where her cinnabar mole was. He couldn’t help himself and planted a light kiss on top of it…


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