You Have Guts!

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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Even though she was tired and simply wanted to go on sleeping, her stomach protested because she was starving. It continued to grumble and she ended up waking up…

Waking up, she found herself at a strange place, she was definitely sitting inside Chu YanShen’s car, and here was… ZiJun’s eyes opened wide and she stared blankly on the ceiling where a big crystal chandelier hang, Could it be that Chu YanShen found his conscience and took her to a hotel? No, that can’t be right! This place has such a luxurious chandelier, this definitely is a five-star standard, how could she stay here?

ZiJun immediately sobered up, and slowly sat up, and looked eye-to-eye with Chu YanShen, ZiJun was  at a loss for words as she looked at him, compared to before, this Chu YanShen in front of her seems a bit gentler, maybe because of the clothes he was wearing, before he appeared too formal dressed impeccably as if he was attending an important feast, he projected an image of ruthlessness and power, now he was wearing house clothes, soft-edges, easy on the eyes, at least from ZiJun’s perspective.

Feng Yi said his JunJun is indeed not bright, furthermore, she can be quite foolish, however her luck was not bad, sometimes her luck was so good, other people would not be able to imagine her situation, for example winning the lottery.

When they were most poverty-stricken, this mother and son almost were unable to rent even a room. His JunJun used the last of their barely remaining asset to buy a lottery card. At that time, Feng Yi was just two years old. At that time, they both didn’t know yet that Feng Yi was a genius. Afterwards, his JunJun proudly brought it up for some time. Feng Yi was really worried how to make ends meet but then JunJun had an unexpected success! Although it wasn’t such a big success, but the prize money enabled them to be able to rent a room, enough to last them half a year! As a result, Feng Yi was a little bit not worried about his mom spending the night on the streets… But then he was extremely relieved when he heard about her encounter with Chu YanShen.

YanShen felt this woman was really lacking in propriety. He couldn’t figure out her reasoning… coming to a man’s house! With her behavior, if he was a bad person, it might be too late for her to regret her actions…

Thinking what might’ve happened, YanShen’s face sank, “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” He asked without thinking, he was on the verge of taxing his ingenuity but came back. ZiJun blinked a couple of times, barely understanding what he meant, she pushed aside the blanket that was covering her and could not help the gasp that came out of her, putting her hands in front of her chest she looked at YanShen who was in front of her, “You… You… My…What happened to my clothes?”

YanShen remained motionless, “If you still want to wear those, you could find them in the garbage can.” “Gar… Garbage can?” Calm down. ZiJun thought to herself, it was a very unlucky dress. Looking at the oversized shirt she was dressed in, the shirt was a bit reliable but who helped her get changed? It couldn’t be… this stingy businessman helped her…

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As if hearing her thoughts, he stood up, squinted as he looked at her and then coldly said, “My taste is not this bad, if you are not hungry, I’ll let others retire…” Then he turned and left.

On behalf of satiating her hungry stomach, ZiJun understood what he said in no time, she hastily jumped off the bed and followed him outside to eat. Is this a restaurant? Although the space wasn’t very big, it was excessively luxurious. And before she could wonder some more, she saw the savory food on top of the table, her observation should be right…

After only eating instant noodles for lunch, and a mouthful of food for dinner earlier, right now, she was extremely hungry. Without a question, she was able to eat the food on the table, her posture while she ate was one that was sweeping dried leaves, hovering over the dishes and stuffing herself. Just now did she realize in front of the food, sitting opposite to her, Chu YanShen’s chopsticks did not move.

ZiJun awkwardly laughed, “That… That is…I’m famished.”

Chu YanShen eyed her unconsciously, he didn’t understandhow she stayed fit without dieting.

After drinking and eating her fill, ZiJun slowly gathered her thoughts. I guess he wasn’t hungry or thirsty… Should I ask to borrow some money? Wait, where is “here“? Looking at his comfortable  attire she asked, “Is this your house?”

Chu YanShen raised his eyebrows and paused before answering, “If you’re done, I’m sure you can find your sleeping accommodation.” He then stood up and left, leaving ZiJun by herself in the dining room…

ZiJun stared blankly as she sat but eventually her soul returned and she snapped out of her trance. Did I get cheated? He didn’t want to lend me money but he offered to let me stay here despite those unpleasant words. What does it matter to him if I sleep on the street? Well… His house is this huge, where should I sleep? Where did we come from earlier?

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ZiJun did not linger very long because suddenly the housekeeper said, “Ms. Feng? I’ve fixed up your room. Please follow me.”

Feng ZiJun sighed in relief and followed the housekeeper to the second room on the left of the second floor. The housekeeper opened the door, ” If Ms. Feng needs something, please just ring the bell. Good night.” The housekeeper was well trained and very professional from what ZiJun saw.

In a blink of an eye, the housekeeper was gone and she was left in the big room all to herself. She had to blink a couple of times to make sense of the room. The room was filled of interesting things but she didn’t have the strength left to look around and she wasn’t really much interested on anything else. For now, as long as there is a bed… That’s all that matters!

So, ZiJun looked and saw the super-sized bed. She moved toward the bed wanting to climb onto it and get her sleep but suddenly, she heard the little devil’s voice nagging at her, “Brush your teeth. Take a shower… Brush your teeth. Take a shower…”

ZiJun felt vexed at the mumblings of her imagination of Feng Yi. Feng Yi’s not here… But she eventually resigned herself. She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took a shower. Afterwards she climbed on the bed and pulled the quilt from one corner and rolled the quilt around her as if a silkworm surrounding itself with the chrysalis. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

As Feng ZiJun slept soundly, the glass door of the terrace landing opened from the outside and Chu YanShen came in. He looked at the big bundle on the bed and frowned. She’s so different from what I’ve imagined her to be… But he walked towards the bed and sat at a nearby chair as he gazed at her for a while. What should I do about her? It didn’t seem so complicated…Rather, he didn’t think she would react like that. It seems unlikely that he could ask her straightforward and he was not going to force her either.


He felt the small changes in his feelings towards her especially after their recent encounters, or rather, he wanted to talk to her about them. The extent… he wasn’t quite sure himself. He also wanted to make sense and be clear about what he was feeling. Especially since he dislikes things left unsettled, women matters included. Maybe he could talk to her and they could figure it out together…

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When he received the president’s call, Zhao Dong almost got into an accident. The big boss of Chu Media was directly interfering with a celebrity’s itinerary. It was somewhat unthinkable. And the big boss had such detailed and clear instructions. What the big boss wanted, Zhao Dong certainly understands. Let Feng Yue not return for half a month. At the same time, let Feng Yue take away the small child…

So, Feng Yue who had just finished the event received the new itenerary with Qiao Yun. They were to immediately, right away hurry to France to shoot promotional materials and that this was going to take at least half a month. There was no time to send Feng Yi back and it was also unthinkable to send him back to his unreliable mother. Qiao Yun didn’t want to… Lately, Qiao Yun already thought of the boy as her own son. So there was no way, she was handing the boy over to ZiJun.


Therefore, in ZiJun’s mind she was innocently cooking up an idea, tomorrow she would try to find a locksmith, perhaps give Xiao Yue Yue a call to ask for his help on what to do… Was shattered. But she found about that the following morning, after she got up and enjoyed a delicious and nutritious breakfast…

The housekeeper who was very professional last night said, “He left you a few words, “After Ms. Feng has eaten breakfast, afterwards, let the chauffeur drive you to Chu Shi building…

Chu Shi? ZiJun wanted to decline, she had to modify some of the design drafts, who had time to go to Chu Shi building? But looking at the housekeeper’s face, ZiJun found herself agreeing, so she gloomily sat as the chauffeur drove the car to Chu Shi…

She had just barely entered the lounge (main lobby) when this cheerful and dashing man welcomed her, “Good morning, Miss Feng, I am the president’s executive secretary Zhao Dong, you can call me Xiao Zhao. The president is at his office waiting for you. Please follow me.”

Feng ZiJun felt this unusually friendly executive secretary would be easy to talk to so she said, “About that… Xiao Zhao, I don’t want to be an inconvenience more than necessary, your president is a very busy person, I don’t want to trouble him, please say “thank you” on my behalf, when my brother returns, we will treat him to a meal, I will leave first.”

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Zhao Dong’s face remained smiling as he replied, “Miss Feng nevertheless still has to go up personally so the president can explain.” He was smiling from ear-to-ear but still had a respectful expression, ZiJun couldn’t say no, in her mind she sighed as she followed Zhao Dong inside the elevator…

There was still a lot of time before work hours, but there were already the employees whose job is to send files from different departments so they used the elevator. Once inside, they would greet Zhao Dong but would also stare weirdly at ZiJun…

Even if ZiJun was thick-skinned, she compared the scenario likened to when people visit a giant panda, she was aware of people’s presence but she doesn’t treat their presence conscientiously, anyway it was unlikely to have any close interaction, they can look as much as they want, and there wouldn’t be any reaction…

But ZiJun never would have expected to meet an acquaintance, because of her face blindness, basically, ZiJun will not take the initiative to approach people, and paying attention was also useless, she simple cannot remember others, so, when Liu ShanShan came in, she didn’t raise her head (pay any attention), until the other person spoke, “JunJun… Feng ZiJun.” She then lifted up her head…

She doesn’t remember a lot of people but ShanShan is a bosom friend and roommate from college who she spent four years with. Naturally, she belonged to the small group of people that she remembers. Although, afterwards she left the country and they lost connection. But even if they were separated for several years, upon meeting each other, they will surely be able to rekindle their closeness. They were friends after all…

Also, these two people were sharing a secret. That time with Feng Yi’s dad… It was ShanShan that came up with that rotten idea. Since she’s met ShanShan again, perhaps she can find out who he was and whether he’s been living well or not. Then, maybe she can peacefully live her life here.

 Author’s Notes: Finally paid off!


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