You Have Guts!

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

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“Shan Shan, it really is you.” Feng Zi Jun said recognizing her good friend and immediately closed in for an embrace inside the elevator.

Zhao Dong couldn’t refrain from touching his nose, frankly, he never expected Ms. Feng Zi Jun to have such a cordial side,  from their past encounters. Feng Zi Jun exuded an indifferent impression that seemed noble and virtuous but it turns out she can be crazily enthusiastic that he thought what his prudent big boss would think about such a display…

Feng Zi Jun’s reaction really surprised Zhao Dong but he soon recovered. Regarding this unusual 28 floor building, Chu Shi is quite popular; so much that even Big Boss Chu’s popularity was soaring, because even if his cold exterior makes him unapproachable he is respected even by his superiors. It also helps that the big boss was handsome and easy on the eyes, even in dreams, it would be hard to chance upon him and knowing the president, he would leave at once. Being his executive assistant is a dream come true… That’s why he was very proud to be working for the company. Come to think of it, Junior Assistant Liu ShanShan shares the same dream.

As for Shan Shan, seeing her friend that she hasn’t seen in a long time, her eyes were sparkling but kept her composure when she realized that Zhao Dong was with them, “That is, Executive Assistant Zhao, Long time no see!”

Zhao Dong chuckled, “If the time between yesterday and today is long, well… It certainly must be long time no see.”

Shan Shan smiled sheepishly but did not meet his gaze, Feng Zi Jun noticed her reaction and waved a hand in front of her, “Hey, Shan Shan you like him.”

Shan Shan suddenly remembered how transparent her friend can be, while she was certainly smart in some ways, she was an idiot in many things. After meeting Feng Zi Jun, she’s convinced there’s a fine line between those words.

Shan Shan couldn’t help but depend on Feng Zi Jun’s sense, “Can you be more stupid? Some words even if they were true one would understand not to say?. You shouldn’t ask me again otherwise I’ll die.”

Feng Zi Jun winked at her before turning to Zhao Dong, “You heard that. She really likes you. Shan Shan is skilled. She’s a good cook and washing clothes. You might want to consider her.”

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Zhao Dong was astound by her words. Cooking… washing clothes are skills?

The elevator dinged but Feng Zi Jun didn’t move. Shan Shan became curious of Zi Jun’s reason for coming and met Feng Zi Jun’s gaze, “You… You’re not here to see our President, are you?”

Feng Zi Jun looked puzzled by her question, Zhao Dong answered instead. “She’s here to see President Chu.”

“No, you can’t.” Zhao Dong and Feng ZiJun looked at her. “Well… that is… Do you have a death wish… What I meant to say is… the President can be a bit strict and Zi Jun can be somewhat silly. It might be better if she doesn’t go up and end up upsetting the President.”

Zhao Dong laughed loudly, ” It’s fine. Boss Chu certainly appreciates Ms. Feng.”

Feng Zi Jun looked at Zhao Dong, remembering Chu Yan Shen’s stoic face from last night , she couldn’t help but think the way he shows appreciation is special…

But Shan Shan was all worked up and tensed, all these years of working for Chu Shi has taught her what Executive Assistant Zhao means with his words. Basically, Zhao Dong meant that Boss Chu is interested with Feng Zi Jun.

Remembering the matter from six years ago, Shan Shan looked at her friend who’s come back. Does she… Would she possibly know and told… No way! They barely saw each other six years ago, and she left and disappeared.

Then her brother came to work with Chu Shi all the while that Executive Assistant Zhao was moving heaven and earth to find the woman. If they got found out, Shan Shan couldn’t imagine the consequences…

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Because Feng Yue doesn’t want the world to know about his family, nobody in the outside world knows that he has a twin sister except for her, since she’s known them even before. She had forgotten how this brother and sister are…

This siblings were quite fortunate, if not fully, Feng Yue can be considered mixed in those higher circles and Zi Jun…

Shan Shan looked at her friend, more like stared at her clothes. These were the clothes she was looking longingly at the magazine yesterday. They were just released and the price was more than two months of her salary…

However, Zi Jun didn’t know how expensive the clothes were. After what happened to her clothes from last night, she was told this was a reimbursement. She would have ran to the trash in the morning to look for her clothes had she not been so worn out…

The omnipotent housekeeper gave her the set of clothes: a white linen shirt, beige pants and a pair of white shoes as well as small accessories like scarves…

Zi Jun wasn’t picky with her clothes, at home or outside, she preferred to weat a big t-shirt and a simple bottom. After she had her son, she didn’t need to worry either because Feng Yi took care of those…

The color and style of clothes she wore now were the same as the clothes that have all been picked by Feng Yi. He said dressing Jun Jun elegant and charming clothes would allow her to attract certain kind of man who will support her forever but that was Feng Yi’s plan alone.

And so, Feng Zi Jun just wore the clothes she was given oblivious of the price and misunderstanding in Shan Shan’s mind.

Looking at the expensive clothing, Shan Shan’s mind immediately thought that Zi Jun is the President’s lover. It seems the Big Boss hasn’t caught on how muddle-headed and clumsy her friend can be. Her thoughts suddenly changed at the realization that maybe Zi Jun had deceived her about not knowing him before, meeting again after six years and Zi Jun’s appearance…

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She pulled Zi Jun to her side and said to Zhao Dong, “Please, please… Help me stall for Zi Jun. I just have something to say to her.” Without giving Zhao Dong an opportunity to say “No,” she pulled Zi Jun until they were out of the lift and ran to the floor’s bathroom. “Zi Jun be honest with me. Were you together with the President these past six years?”

“Six years? What six years? You mean Chu Yan Shen, I don’t know him well.” “You don’t know him?” Shan Shan suddenly remembered that her friend is one of those people who had face blindness. She had to introduce herself every single day they were together and it took her a year. How could she expect her to remember when  it happened on a single night six years ago …

During these six years, Shan Shan had been bothered by guilt at what happened six years ago. She remembered the two people extremely drunk that night. Zi Jun had told her that she wanted to have a healthy daughter and wondered if she knew anyone. She was just suggesting one of the many new employees of Chu Shi but she saw the Big Boss and thought him perfect. Big Boss looked like an image of health and would probably have healthy children. So she made sure that Zi Jun will be able to cross paths with him. Then she saw Big Boss take Zi Jun upstairs…

She had asked Zi Jun what had happened but her friend didn’t say anything. Instead, things resumed as if nothing happened until Zi Jun started cancelling her phone, the lease contract of the house and in the end, disappearing. She would have never imagined reuniting with her six years later at the elevator of Chu Shi with Zi Jun being the president’s lover…

Shan Shan never imagined this situation but Zi Jun’s next words scared her, “Shan Shan, I wanted to ask you. Do you remember who the guy was six years ago? I don’t really remember because of my illness but I want to know since my son has been ridiculing me for not knowing who his father is.”

Shan Shan lost strength in her legs and leaned against the wall and almost sat on the floor, “Son, Zi Jun, What do you mean? A… a son? You have a son? With… with who?”

Zi Jun looked at her incredilously, ” Are you really asking me that? I should be the one asking you because I’m the one who doesn’t know. I haven’t been here this last six years because I was afraid of getting into trouble.”

Shan Shan needed to confirm her thoughts, “You… You’re saying… that your son is six… six years old and that you don’t know that man from the 28th floor?”

“Shan Shan these six years had severely lowered your IQ.Could you be having some early-onset dementia?”

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“I probably have something worse.” Shan Shan said. Even more terminal than your face blindness. While he doesn’t know about the child, she can live. When he finds out about his son, the result….

ShanShan couldn’t keep herself from shuddering and grabbed Zi Jun, “That… Jun Jun… You can tell me the truth. You’re not just using your son to enter into a rich and powerful family, are you?”

Zi Jun rolled her eyes, ” Fat chance. I don’t even remember who he was, moreover, you said I had to be stealthy about it. I don’t remember who he was but I remember what happened. I knew he was bad news so I left for six years for fear of stirring up problems with him.”

Shan Shan was completely silent. Even when Zi Jun hid for six years, here she was courting death as soon as she came back. Shan Shan faced Zi Jun seriously, ” Listen very well to what I am saying. Stay away from our President; the farther away, the better.”

“Feng Zi Jun.”

“Oh, that is our Big Boss’ voice.” Shan Shan heard Chu Yan Shen’s voice making her shudder inside.

Her heart was telling her to come clean of that shameful deed from the past. After what happened six years ago, hearing his voice scares her even if she couldn’t see him, afraid that he’d give her a lingering death. Knowing the Big Boss, she will surely die miserably…

Most wretchedly…


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