It was said that scars were a man’s medal, but the little polar bear didn’t want his yellow bucket to be scraped up. 

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Fortunately, the thickness of the plastic bucket was good, and the exterior material was tough. It wasn’t damaged by Odis’ rough behavior. 

Qiao Qixi hugged his little yellow bucket and gave a heavy sigh of relief. 

However, it wasn’t long before the fear in his heart rose back up. He saw that the atmosphere between Odis and the single mother bear had become tense. 

Qiao Qixi didn’t understand. Why did the situation change so suddenly?

Was it because of the mother bear’s growling just now?

Seriously… Qiao Qixi sighed. They were both adult bears with children. Couldn’t they be more mature?

Well, maybe he could be more mature…

Anyway, he felt a little hypocritical. Qiao Qixi ran over… He first placed his yellow bucket outside the danger zone before running over. 

On the other side, Odis and the mother bear held their heads high. They looked at each other and roared from their throats a number of times. It sounded like they were quarreling. 

In fact, it was a kind of communication. Odis was defending his dignity and warning the mother bear not to do what she did just now. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be polite. 

The mother bear might have received his warning, but she wasn’t to be outdone. She would also do her best to defend her boundaries. There was no room for discussion. 

This was undoubtedly a provocation. 

As powerful as Odis was, if the female polar bear in front of him wasn’t his mother, he might’ve already used violence. 

However, the fact of the matter was that they were blood-related. Other than a threatening growl, Odis really wouldn’t do anything for the time being. 

However, just these deafening roars alone were enough to make one’s eardrums vibrate and cause dizziness. Not to mention that the two polar bears were directly roaring at each other, so the effect was even more remarkable, like a pair of loudspeakers blasting next to one another. 

Qiao Qixi trembled as he looked at the other little cub. Although it was hiding behind the mother bear, its mood seemed to be very calm, as if it was used to this. 

Since the little polar bear that was a size smaller than him was as calm as an old dog, how could he have the face to tremble?

Qiao Qixi immediately redefined his role. He rubbed his head against Odis, who was still roaring at the fierce mother bear, and made two soft cries to persuade Odis to let it go. It was enough that they were taught a lesson. 

Was he really going to argue with a single mother?

The little bear’s coquettish actions instantly pulled Odis’ attention back. He immediately stopped roaring at the mother bear and lowered his head to pay attention to the cub that had just scolded him. It was as if his vocal cords were changed, seamlessly transitioning into a gentle and deep voice. The mother bear and her cub were stunned when they heard it. 

Qiao Qixi was already used to this. It would be stranger if Odis scolded him instead. 

It was fine, it was fine. He licked Odis’ handsome face. 

“Wu…” This action used to be effortless, but now that half of his face was swollen, it hurt when he accidentally rubbed the swollen area. 

He gave a small cry when the pain hit. At this pitiful sound, Odis’ heart ached. With his heart full of distress for the little bear, Odis didn’t have time to care about the mother bear and her cub.

Although this wasn’t Qiao Qixi’s original intention, he still unexpectedly achieved his goal. It could be said that different routes still lead to the same destination, and it was nicely done too. 

The mother bear and little sister cub were indeed very confused. The two polar bears stared blankly at Odis licking the male cub beside him. His actions were extremely gentle, and his affectionate noises were suppressed softly. Was this still the powerful and angry male polar bear from a few seconds ago?

The two bears couldn’t believe it. 

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The scene that was filled with the smell of gunpowder mysteriously dissipated and was replaced by the warm scene in front of them. 

Odis comforted the little bear whose face was swollen from being stung by a bee. He used all his gentleness to soothe the little bear until the latter stopped crying in pain. He was relieved, and finally remembered his food searching plan to help the little bear feel better. He led the little bear and continued walking forward. 

After the danger just now, Qiao Qixi decided to carry the small bucket himself… because his face was swollen, it would be too uncomfortable to wear the bucket on his head. He decided it was better to hold it in his mouth instead. 

Before following in Odis’ footsteps, Qiao Qixi boldly took another look at the mother bear and her little cub. It was a pity. It would’ve been nice to be able to properly communicate with them and invite the other party to travel together. 

The small polar bear cub suddenly babbled at the mother bear and her cub with the mentality of giving it a try. However, he was quick to run away afterwards. 

In fact, even if Qiao Qixi didn’t do this, they would still travel together. 

The mother bear’s destination was the same as Odis’. The two polar bears were both looking for a place where they could hunt food. This was the goal of all polar bears, but most varied in the direction they chose to search. 

In this regard, the mother bear and Odis were indeed mother and son. Many of their actions were really similar. 

Qiao Qixi looked back and found that the single mother and her cub were still following behind, which made him very happy.

Since the other party could get along peacefully with Odis, following them would largely avoid some dangers. 

For the rest of the journey, the four polar bears, two adults and two cubs, traveled together. 

The drone took an aerial photo of the unusual confrontation between the two adult polar bears that happened to encounter each other. It inevitably gave rise to a little curiosity. 

Why would Odis be willing to travel with the female bear?

Could the female bear be another Alexander?

No, it shouldn’t be possible. 

If one analyzed and compared it carefully, they would find that Odis treated the female bear with an attitude of indifference. 

He didn’t even treat her with 1% the care that he gave Alexander, so the female bear couldn’t possibly be another Alexander. 

There was another possibility though. Perhaps, they were parent and child. People speculated about their relationship and felt that the biggest possibility was that they were parent-child. 

This seemed to be the only explanation. 

It was roughly estimated that it would take about two days to reach the hunting destination that Odis had set his sights on. 

They were all hungry, especially the mother bear and the little sister cub. They were very tired these days. 

Fortunately, there were only two days left. This was still within the tolerable range. 

Endurance and steadiness were the first lessons that the mother polar bear taught her children. Because these were important qualities needed for survival, there was almost no other way to go about it. 

Qiao Qixi: “Huh…?” 

Thousands of polar bears: “Shut up.” 

In the short two days on the road, the four polar bears split into two groups and each did their own thing. 

They tacitly maintained a safe distance from one another and took care of their own cubs. 

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Perhaps, for the mother and son pair, this journey was just a simple encounter in the natural world. 

For Qiao Qixi, he felt that they had already formed a deep revolutionary friendship. Yes, in another two days, maybe he and the other little cub would be able to play together…

How could he describe it? The little polar bear was lying on its mother’s back, shaking its little feet and dozing off. It was really cute! 

The little cub looked as fluffy as a cloud in the sky, but also seemed like sweet cotton candy. 

If only he could touch it, hug it, and kiss it. How nice would that be?

Every time he saw the other little polar bear, Qiao Qixi had the same thought. 

While sleeping, Qiao Qixi poked his head out of Odis’ arms and laid on Odis’ mountain-like body, peeking at the polar bear family behind them.

Wait a second, the dumb little polar bear suddenly realized that Odis was enjoying the dreams and ideas that he could only wish for. 

Touched, kissed, hugged, even his little feet weren’t spared and… those indescribable places, ah! The more the little polar bear thought about it, the angrier he got. He let out a howl and began biting Odis’ back. 

Odis had been dozing off and had not yet lost consciousness. He had been watching over the cub and didn’t expect to be bitten. 

Although he was a little puzzled, Odis wasn’t angry. According to his simple logical way of thinking, he just assumed that Qiao Qixi was hungry. 

After a while, Odis raised his paw to get the little guy off his body. Then, he pulled the cub into his arms, hugging tightly, and pressing down his chin on the top of the cub’s head. 

In this way, only the little polar bear’s nose, which was used for breathing, was still exposed. No, there was also the swollen cheek. 


In the face of this terrible predicament which was comparable to the pressure of a heavy mountain, Qiao Qixi felt that it was ridiculous. Since the hot summer, Odis hadn’t pressed him to sleep like this for a long time. 

It was no different from hugging a small heater. 

The existence of the mother bear today seemed to arouse Odis’ vigilance. In order to prevent the little polar bear from running around while he slept…

He simply pressed Qiao Qixi down in his arms. 

Very helpless and unable to do anything, Qiao Qixi’s desire to play with the little bear was instantly extinguished by Odis. He didn’t even have room to move. 

Only at times like these would Qiao Qixi have the mood to sigh about the sadness of living under someone else’s roof. 

But then again, between running away from home with a backbone or continuing to be sad without a backbone, Qiao Qixi would most likely choose to continue to be sad without hesitation. 

Secret message T-T please read at

During the arctic day where there was no nighttime, polar bears still had to sleep for more than five hours a day, which was their habit. 

Sleep was also an effective way to eliminate fatigue and replenish energy. 

If they were injured, they could also nourish their injuries through sleep. 

Qiao Qixi’s face was a little swollen on the first day, very swollen on the second day, and it was only on the third day, which was the day they finally arrived at the hunting area, that the swelling finally began to subside. 

That was great. Qiao Qixi already lost all his patience at continuing to live while wearing this pig face! 

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Not only did it delay his daily life, but it also prevented him from playing with the little bear cub. 

Speaking of which, the bay where they could catch prey was a sizable tributary. The river bed wasn’t deep, and the light blue seawater was warmer than the deep sea under the sunlight. 

Beluga whales with children especially liked to gather in such places. There were very many of them, and when photos of this tributary were taken from the air, the figures of the beluga whales could be clearly seen. 

People with trypophobia, a fear of small hole clusters/bumps, would probably be resistant to the photos. 

The number of beluga whales was abundant, but it didn’t mean they were easy to catch. 

Polar bears that had been hungry for a while still needed some luck to catch a beluga whale to relieve their hunger crisis. 

Luckily, the mother bear had rich experience. In the face of prey that were close at hand, she appeared to be calm and rational. 

Perhaps, she knew that it was useless to be excited. There was still a hard battle to fight. 

A moment later, the mother bear found a rock on the sea that was suitable for hunting. She lay quietly on it. 

Silently waiting for an opportunity. 

The one year old polar bear cub waited a little cautiously on the shore. Even if Odis, who was nearby, didn’t pay attention to it, Odis’ oppressive aura still made it feel timid and uneasy. 

Odis, who was scoping out the sea, led Qiao Qixi deeper into the tributary while avoiding the mother bear’s hunting spot. 

The tall polar bear silently stepped onto the rock by the water’s edge. The little polar bear behind him also stretched out its small paws to test the waters. However, the further out they went, the deeper the sea became. Thus, the cub could only wait in the shallow water while watching Odis’ back. 

Every time Odis hunted, Qiao Qixi felt that Odis was extremely handsome, both mysterious and charming. 

The patience, calmness, strategizing, and decisiveness in the final blow made people unable to look away. 

If Odis was a human, Qiao Qixi felt that he would definitely be a tall and handsome man with a reserved yet reliable temperament. 

In the unchilled summer sea, the reef under Odis’ paws wasn’t very deep, and the sea level barely covered his chest. 

For the next twenty minutes, he remained motionless, just squatting in the middle of the sea waiting for an opportunity. 

Occasionally, he would wrinkle his nose and sniff the prey. 

Speaking of which, Odis’ hunting method was also taught by the mother bear. However, his male identity gave him better talent and conditions when it came to hunting. 

Compared to the mother bear upstream, Odis caught food faster. The bloody smell spread on the turbulent sea, startling a group of nearby sea creatures. 

The giant polar bear, who bore a ferocious appearance, used his absolute strength to drag the beluga whale back to the shore from the deep water in one breath. 

This time, Qiao Qixi witnessed Odis’ hunting process from up close. However, he still felt that it was incredible and difficult to replicate. 

Such a big beluga whale!

It was necessary to bite it to death quickly and accurately, which was a bit difficult. 

Odis put the food on the shore and shared it with the little bear. As the main hunting force, he was very generous. Before tearing the prey apart, he shook off the water on his body and sprayed a cloud of white mist from his nose. 

The wet look on his face was still very handsome and full of sex appeal, but Odis probably didn’t have this self-awareness. 

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Qiao Qixi gave a concerned look at Odis, who had just returned from hunting. While checking the other party’s condition, he secretly clicked his tongue in his heart. 

In a few months, this strong and handsome male polar bear would be the young springtime lover of a lucky female bear. 

Thinking about this cheerfully, Qiao Qixi squatted on the ground obediently, raised his head and looked up at Odis with a big smile and admiring eyes. 

In his heart, he was fantasizing happily. 

Odis’ today was his tomorrow. 

Odis, who wiped his face with his paws, lowered his head and deeply looked at the infatuated little bear. Then his handsome face moved closer. 

He stuck out his pink tongue and began to lick Qiao Qixi without saying a word. 


The little bear shouted in his heart: Don’t lick the left side, it hurts!

Qiao Qixi reflexively turned to his right face and was stunned when he was licked again. No, his face wasn’t wet, so why would Odis lick the innocent him?

Odis, stop!

Don’t you realize that you’re licking the wrong person!?

He wanted to say something, but Odis didn’t pay any attention to what he had to say.

Qiao Qixi sighed. First, he stabilized his lower body because he didn’t want to fall over because of Odis’ aggressive grooming. 

When this deranged handsome bear finally diverted his attention to take care of his own wet-soaked face filled with sex appeal, Qiao Qixi finally laid down on the prey and began to eat. 

He thought that he could do the small work of tearing open the belly of the prey, but who knew that Odis would quickly squeeze over. The other party attacked him from behind and quickly tore the beluga whale into several pieces. 

The most tender and fatty belly meat was still left for Qiao Qixi to eat. 

It was very domineering and crude. He had to eat it even if he didn’t want to. 

Qiao Qixi wanted to say: Odis, ah Odis, you can use this trick to dote on your wife in the future! I promise with my bear status that all the female polar bears in the arctic will love you to death. 

However, you shouldn’t treat a wanton and free-loving bear like this…

Ahem, to put it simply, he was just an innocent little bear who didn’t like to eat fatty meat.



I know this picture has nothing to do with this chapter but I tried googling cute polar bear and found this picture and couldn’t NOT share it xD

“I’ll take 10 to go please (≧∀≦)” – Qiao Qixi whenever he sees cute cubs

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