The picky little bear should be grateful that polar bears didn’t have an echolocation system that killer whales and dolphins use to communicate with. Otherwise, every sentence that he spoke in his heart at the moment, “I don’t want to eat fatty meat” would spread and make him famous throughout the Arctic.

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Of course, Qiao Qixi knew the benefits of eating more fat, so he hoped that Odis would eat more. Although it was important to take care of the little bear, it was also important for Odis to replenish his own strength with more fatty meat.

At present, the family head was still Odis, and there was nothing wrong with the food distribution. 

Alas, a family of bears didn’t need to be so polite. Since they were brothers, they should share this piece of fatty meat. The little polar bear moved the fatty meat he didn’t like to Odis’ mouth and force-fed it to him. 

On this earth, only human beings had stomachs full of bad intentions. The polar bears in the Arctic were as pure as a piece of white paper. How could they even think that little bear’s behavior was bad?

What Odis felt was very simple. That is, the little polar bear gave him the good meat to eat. 

After repeatedly refusing, Odis finally ate the fatty meat that Qiao Qixi fed him. The rich fat tasted very good to him. After enjoying it, Odis looked at Qiao Qixi with a deep and focused gaze. His large and beautiful eyes seemed to be speaking, flickering like a sea of stars that made Qiao Qixi entranced. 

Odis was undoubtedly good-looking. Qiao Qixi admired him very much. Seeing this, he also squinted his eyes and returned his gaze with a smile. 

There was another reason for his happiness. Aha, he secretly fed all the fatty meat to Odis, and only the lean meat that he liked remained. 

Gradually, Odis seemed to have realized that he accidentally ate all the fatty meat under the attentive care of the little bear and his smile. 

The little polar bear could only eat the lean meat that was less nutritious and tasty. Odis rubbed his face against the uninjured side of the cub’s face in annoyance. 

Qiao Qixi clicked his tongue and sighed. It wasn’t that he wanted to say this, but Odis was really childish. He had to be intimate with him three thousand times even when eating a meal. Sigh.

The happy little bear had already eaten meat while the female cub of the other polar bear family was still waiting for her mother to return from hunting. 

The smell of blood nearby seemed to make the little female bear even hungrier. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have overcome its fear of Odis and be unable to resist approaching and watching them. 

Qiao Qixi’s heart softened when he saw the little cub waddling over. He could almost hear the sound of the other party swallowing. 

Compared with Qiao Qixi’s figure, such a small bear cub was undoubtedly starving. 

Only its eyes were still so big and bright. It was still a very cute little creature ah!

Would its close presence provoke Odis? 

Qiao Qixi was extremely worried at the moment. He had already decided that if Odis showed signs of wanting to eat the other cub, he would bravely stand up and sacrifice himself to save the little bear. 

Fortunately, Odis’ attitude towards the other cub seemed to be okay. 

He only raised his eyelids to glance at it and did not lose his temper. 

Qiao Qixi wasn’t surprised by this result. It seemed that he had already expected it. 

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If Odis hated the other cub, they wouldn’t have been able to travel together. As domineering and fierce as Odis was, he wouldn’t have allowed a strange polar bear to share the hunting ground with him. 

Since the other party could move around freely under Odis’ nose, well, Qiao Qixi boldly believed that Odis had a good impression of the mother bear and her cub. At least, he wouldn’t hurt them. 

The two bears ate the remaining bits of meat and were satisfied. Qiao Qixi licked his paws in satisfiction and thought to himself: Do I dare to do something big, such as feeding the bear cub?

He dared.

No, he dared not. 

The mother bear looked so fierce. It wasn’t that Qiao Qixi liked to gossip, but he felt that the little bear was too pitiful under its mother. 

Qiao Qixi had seen it clearly along the way. The mother bear didn’t dote on her cub half as much as Odis, a male bear, did. 

Three points, at most. 

To put it bluntly, he felt that the little bear was very pitiful. 

Qiao Qixi thought about it for a long time. In the end, he couldn’t bear it. He resolutely used his small yellow bucket to collect the leftover bits of meat that he and Odis hadn’t eaten and gave them to the little bear next door. 

The clever little bear next door hid when she saw Qiao Qixi coming over.

It waited until Qiao Qixi left before coming out to eat the meat.

From the way it wolfed down the food nonstop, it was obvious that the cub had been starving for a few days.

Speaking of which, Qiao Qixi had generously given away the meat. He was worried that Odis would overreact, so he used his ‘tall’ body to block in front of Odis. 

If Odis was angry, then he… he would act like a spoiled baby. 

The other party was still a cub, the future generation of the polar bear population. Besides, saving a bear’s life was better than a seven-story pagoda. A bear should do more good deeds in its life. Perhaps, it might even be reincarnated into a good family in its next life?

Secret message T-T please read at

Qiao Qixi leaned against Odis, who was cleaning his claws, and clung to the other party’s thigh. He used his body, which weighed a few hundred kilograms, as a stumbling block at any time. 

He really thought it could be true. In his next life, he wouldn’t want to be a polar bear. It would be better to be a tree by the roadside or a small animal in the zoo. 

Small animals in the slaughterhouse were exempt. 

He couldn’t be human either. 

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Qiao Qixi rubbed against Odis with the unique laziness and sleepiness after a full meal. He thought: Dear Odis, let me tell you, being a human is very, very tiring. If you have a choice, don’t be a human. 

Aiya, going to kindergarten at the age of three, studying for ten years, taking the college entrance exam, buying a car, buying a house, and marrying a wife. There was no room for mistakes. It’s even more tiring than being a polar bear…

As he thought about it, Qiao Qixi fell asleep with his head tilted. 

The little bear’s soft body slid down from the thigh he was hugging. Odis stretched out his arm to catch him at the right time. Then, he laid down very naturally, hugged the little bear, and licked the sleeping cub’s left cheek all at once. 

At this time, the mother bear, who was upstream, also finished today’s first hunt. 

She carried her prey to the shore downstream, located her child, and found that the cub had already eaten the meat shared by the kind bear. 

Such a rare situation undoubtedly made mother bear a little puzzled, but she didn’t think too much about it. After all, she still had memories of Odis. 

Sharing food only existed between parents and children. 

Therefore, the mother bear had never understood how her first child, a male polar bear, suddenly had a baby polar bear. 

Even so, she accepted this fact. 

Leaning down and tearing open the belly of her prey, this female polar bear had the habit of eating fat due to her natural instincts. 

This was because she had to maintain enough nutrition and energy. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to survive and neither would the little bear. 

Qiao Qixi was right. The mother bear didn’t spoil the little bear. Usually, when a cub was about one year old, she would let it bite its own prey, learn how to hunt, and fight.

In short, the mother bear would teach the little bear all kinds of survival skills in a limited time and then drive them away. 

This proved that motherhood had a time limit. 

The mother bear’s love for the little bear would slowly fade over time. 

This was nature written in the genes. 

The mother bear, who was seventy-percent full, looked up at the shade of a nearby tree. Odis was one of her previous children, who was now a strong and mighty adult bear. 

This wasn’t the main point, however. The main point was that the little bear in Odis’ arms looked to be freshly two years old. Strictly speaking, he was already at the age of leaving the nest. 

The mother bear, who seemed at a loss, was probably thinking: ‘Why is he still so clingy when he’s already so big?’

She didn’t know when Odis would drive the cub away. 

The beloved little bear, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a chill down his spine. 

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So he quickly turned his head and buried himself deeply in Odis’ arms. 

After being hungry and tired for a few days, they had finally filled their stomachs and needed a long and beautiful sleep to make up for their mental and physical losses. 

Polar bears, like humans, needed more than seven or eight hours of sleep a day when conditions allowed it. 

With a comfortable environment and no longer worrying about food, the polar bears relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. 

The bleak summer situation of most arctic animals had been flooding the forums for a while, and every update was shocking. 

Even though the protection agency worked very hard, there were still some accidents. 

The unnatural decrease in the number of polar bears was inevitable. People wanted to say that they had done their best, but they really didn’t have the confidence to say this with a clear conscience. 

What should be done, what could be done, was still not done well. 

People’s environmental awareness was still too weak. 

It was still a huge task to convince seven billion people in the importance of the natural environment. 

#Odis’ Family and New Neighbors#

The original person, who often posted about Odis and Alexander, suddenly sent a very healing picture. 

The polar bears were sleeping in pairs, keeping a safe distance from one another. They had become veritable neighbors in their new permanent location. 

This confirmed the speculation that the two adult bears were related by blood. 

: Not bad, not bad. The polar bears have finally found a suitable bay for hunting after a long journey. Now they can be rest assured and fatten up. 

: Odis has finally found a place to settle down. Alexander’s hungry and thin. His movements are too funny. 

: New neighbors! Does this indirectly mean that Odis and Alexander are really friendly? They actually accepted other polar bears to share hunting grounds. 

: That mother bear also has a little bear cub. It doesn’t make sense to say that opposites attract. I can only say that Odis is really not like an ordinary bear. Hahaha, I really want to send him a good bear card!

: Dear netizens, don’t make wild guesses. The original poster said that they might be related by blood. Besides, isn’t Odis gay?

: Odis: Don’t believe in rumors, don’t spread rumors. 

: It’s just a rare single father. How did you guys spread the rumor that he’s gay? Seriously. 

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: I just want to ask Odis, isn’t it hot to hug a small stove on such a warm day?

: I just want to ask Alexander, isn’t it embarrassing to hug a parent to sleep when you’re already so big?

: Oh my god, your focus is all skewed to no end. Am I the only one who’s happy for Alexander? He finally has a friend!

: Upstairs, you’re thinking too much. It’s impossible for polar bears from different mothers to play together. 

: My focus is also skewed. Speaking of which, what about seniority? If that mother bear is really Odis’ mother, does Alexander have to call that little bear uncle or aunt?

: Sigh, I have to explain every time. Alexander is Odis’ younger brother, not his son, okay?

: Yes, they’re not related by blood. Other than respecting Odis, Alexander can ignore all the polar bears in the Arctic. There’s no need for uncles or aunts. 

: This is the best joke I’ve heard this year. Alexander respects Odis. Haha, it’s good enough that the mischievous Alexander doesn’t make Odis suffer. 

: I feel that Alexander has super good luck and affinity. No one can stand to starve him. Haha, even if it’s not Odis, there will be other big bosses who love and pamper him. 

: Upstairs, be careful not to be hunted down by Odis. Alexander can only be his. 

: Yes, yes, you want to take a sack to steal Alexander, but you don’t even know what color sack Alexander likes?

: Ask Odis to help you. He will also chop off your head while he’s at it. 

The analysis of the netizens on the forum was right. These four lucky polar bears would live peacefully on the shore and treat this place as their temporary home for the summer. 

Just think about it, a bay with beluga whales and shade on the shore. It was undoubtedly an ideal summer resort. 

The mother polar bear could also teach the little polar bear how to hunt beluga whales. After all, this was an inevitable event. 

Time waits for no bear. Every mother polar bear eagerly wished for her cubs to grow up as soon as possible. 

This way, when they left the nest, the chances of their children dying prematurely would be reduced. 

Even human-recorded data showed that no parent in this part of the Arctic spoiled their children as much as Odis. 


QQ: Hello, I am the Arctic’s cutest spoiled polar bear cub!

Little cub: …

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