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To err is human; to forgive is divine', goes a popular saying. A mistake is an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgement, caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, and so on. It is

equally a misunderstanding or misconception. One big problem with some people is that they take failures or making mistakes as the end of life. It helps to realise that as humans, we will definitely make mistakes and when we do, we have to move on. The issue does not lie in making mistakes, but on learning from the mistakes made, and consequently, building on them. Success comes after the realisation of our mistakes. It is like the saying "Success comes through rapidly fixing our mistakes, rather than getting things right the first time."

One of the most recognised and influential pastors in the world, Rick Warren, reminded us that we are products of the past, but that we don't have to be prisoners of it. Equally, Albert Einstein8, the German-born American physicist, Nobel laureate, and most famous scientist of the 20th century, whose greatest brainchild was the Theory of Relativity, and who discovered the hugely important and iconic equation, E = mc,2 clearly asserted that: "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." We should note that the word 'correction' would not have existed if there were no mistakes.

No One Is Above Mistakes

No one is above mistakes; therefore, we are all bound to make mistakes at one time or the other. I remember when I was very young, my father, through his actions, made us think that fathers could not make mistakes. If anyone mistakenly hit a chair, he would ask the question: "Can't you look?" But, if he was the one who mistakenly hit the chair, the question would turn to: "Who kept this chair here?" He was simply trying to defend his ego. The fact was that he did not want us to make the same mistakes, but mistakes, we should know, are inevitable even if they do look avoidable sometimes.

Another experience of people not acknowledging their mistakes was when I was in primary school. It was during an English lesson. Our teacher was writing on the chalkboard, and spelt one word wrongly. I innocently pointed it out to him, but, rather than acknowledging the mistake and correcting it, he told me to shut up. I felt demoralised and confused, because I was sure of what I was pointing out to him. His reason for telling me to shut up was quite obvious – he did not want us, the pupils, to believe that he could ever be wrong. What an obsession!

Incidentally, this is still happening in some schools today. Teachers should own up their mistakes and let the pupils know that they are equally human beings, just as the pupils are. Let the pupils understand that when one makes a mistake, he or she should try to correct it. In the offices too, some bosses can never admit that they are making mistakes, or that they are wrong. They are always 'Mr. Right' or 'Mrs. Right', and that is why people dare not proffer useful advice, for them to function more effectively. Do not forget that two heads are better than one. It takes a second person to point out your mistake, and you just have to acknowledge it. After all, no one is perfect.

Corrections Are Needed

This is one of the reasons educationists insist that children in schools should do corrections on failed areas, before any new subject matter can be effectively handled. I have never heard that it is possible to count number two before counting number one. This is a very serious deal in the school system.

It does not matter the way and manner you may wish to correct the wrong notion, but let the right answers be proffered. A teacher who wrongly gives an answer to the students in the class owes them the responsibility to go back and correct that mistake; otherwise, the children will grow with the wrong stuff in their brains. It is a common thing that our egos become our worst enemies when it comes to failing. We are tempted to do what we can to save our faces, but unfortunately, this wreaks havoc on us, because the result is not productive.

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Mistakes Are Challenges When a mistake is made, it gives you the opportunity of reassessing your action, with a view to correcting the errors. This, consequently, challenges you to improve and get the correct result. A student, for example, who fails in an examination, has the obligation to build on the mistake made, in order to succeed next time. You just need to challenge the status quo of your own making. Since others could make it, you too, can make it. That mistake now becomes a challenge.

In the area of politics, it is not the end of life for a politician to lose an election. The politician, through the loss, will have the opportunity to critically examine himself, to know areas of amendment in his or her political life. When that self-realisation is gotten, he will be on a smoother terrain of the race next time he makes an attempt. Stop chasing the losses, and gain more ground.

Mistakes Pave Way For Improvement

In all spheres of life, there are opportunities for people to build on their mistakes. A civil engineer can improve on the quality of building he has been delivering; a teacher can improve on his instructional approach which the students have been complaining of; a spouse can redirect his/her thought on how to correct the past mistakes of their marital life; a government official can build on the errors he has been making in the office; people in the entertainment industry can equally improve in their performances, through building on their mistakes.

For you to successfully build on your mistakes, you should explore more ideas with various new approaches, noting that failure is common. You need to recognise where you have not done well, because it is disastrous for one not to know what is wrong, or if he is wrong. The saying that "he who does not know, and does not know that he does not know, is a fool," is a reasonable saying. Cast away fears, and detach yourself emotionally so that you will be able to look at the advantage of moving further from where you are.

One essential factor of getting yourself back on track is through feedback. You need to reach out to people to get their thoughts on a particular idea. You can reach them physically or through social media, to get the comments by such people on certain ideas. By so doing, you are paving way for improvement.

Trial And Error

The constant fact in life is the issue of trial and error. By trying and making mistakes, and having one correcting oneself, he or she eventually gets to the right answer. All the electronic gadgets we are enjoying today are products that went through many mistakes, before they came to perfection.
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The most effective approach for innovation is through trial and error. Sir Isaac Newton, a celebrated master of Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Theology, went through thick and thin, to arrive at perfection. He is regarded as one of the foremost scientific intellectuals of all time, an English physicist and mathematician, most famous for his law of gravitation. Before the final invention of electric light bulbs we are using today, Thomas Alva Edison had his challenges. Many other inventors who went through challenges and

series of mistakes include: George Stephenson, who invented the first Locomotive Engine; Bill Gates, who helped invent MS-DOS, which later developed into the Windows OS, which became the system used in Windows 98, 99, ME, 2000 and XP.

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Equally worthy of mention are Alexander Bain, who invented the first electrical clock and fax machine; Blaise Pascal, who invented the mechanical calculator; James Maxwell, who presented the first durable colour photograph and the concept of electromagnetic theory. If these renowned technocrats did not build on their initial mistakes, they would not have come up with the concepts they are known for, today.

Acknowledge Your Mistakes

If you accept full responsibility for your mistake, rather than blaming others, you are on the sure way to building on your mistake, and heading towards success. Blaming others for your mistake is very wrong, and it creates tension wherever this is practised. You will not, consequently, be able to recognise the real problem.

Strong leadership can only be demonstrated through holding yourself accountable for your mistakes. By so doing, you are projecting yourself positively, and this will earn you enormous respect. Sharing your mistakes, with others, will enable you uncover them, for the benefit of the growth of your company or other members of your family, as they will help identify where you may have gone wrong. With the acceptance of the other people's perspective about the situation, and their consequent advisory role, you are better off.

Be A Team Player In order to effectively build on your mistakes, you have to be a real team player. You should possess the ability to work well with others, because there is strength in unity. You cannot do everything alone. Involve others. If you take advantage of a group's collective energy and creativity, the team can accomplish much more in less time.

Having the skills to work together with your co-workers is part of being successful at work. This will help you develop worthwhile relationships with co-workers. In every aspect of life, teamwork is wonderful, and produces great result. In football, for instance, it is never possible for one person to pass the ball, blow the whistle, and be a goalkeeper. Various people are involved, and each person assists the other one to pass on to another one, who may eventually score goals for the team.

Teamwork is a vital way of completing projects that are worth developing. This can have a major impact on your career. If you are a valuable team member, there is the likelihood of having more career opportunities. Being a team player gives you and your team members the opportunity to share what you already know, analyse the situation, and then, decide on what needs to be done. In the school system, team teaching enables each person to teach the aspect he knows best in a particular subject. Being a team player involves being co-operative, dependable, and adaptable. You should learn to listen, and equally, be an effective contributor.

Teamwork makes the dream work. In leadership, it does a great work, because effective leaders do not act solely as individuals. If you realise that the purpose of a leader is to work with people to find solutions that work best collectively, then you will imbibe team play in your leadership style. Leaders are meant to bring people together. Studies have shown that the best leaders do not act with a sense of superiority; they act with a sense of empathy.

Make Use Of Support Groups

One of the effective ways of building on your mistakes is to use the services of some support groups like mentors, counsellors, advisers, who can provide you with guidance you may need to deal with the mistake. Unfortunately, some chief executives feel too proud to make use of the counsellors attached to them. This causes much damage to those organisations, as no one can advise on what is best for the growth of such organisations, schools, offices, or industries. Let it be stated here that their advice does not, in any way, undermine your authority. It will rather enhance your personality as 'one who has a listening ear.'

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Every quality leader has a purpose. He needs to be passionate about what he does. Without enthusiasm, he will lack success in that profession. Knowing well that his employees look up to him for extensive field knowledge, as well as his ability to take risks and move forward, he is bound never to dismiss his mistakes as just an error. When he understands how to learn from his shortcomings, he will strive for perfection and definitely, success will be the end result. Be guided.

The Good News

The good news in Nigeria in the area of improvement can be cited in the local manufacturing of vehicles, by Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. With the improvement of some initial concepts, the company has grown tremendously. Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company (IVM) is the first indigenous motor manufacturing company in Nigeria and is a world class

company. They manufacture buses, Sports Utility Vehicles (SUV's), trucks, pick-up vans, and cars. The visionary chairman, Dr Innocent Chukwuma, is a resourceful and accomplished entrepreneur and has been able to come up with a company that carries out optimisation design and assembly as to produce suitable products at affordable prices. He used the auto company to boost the Nigerian economy as well as generate employment.

The Innoson Group equally comprises of Technical and Industrial Co. Ltd. which produces very high quality plastic products in the country. These are various types of plastic chairs, drums, plates, jerry cans and tables with high quality. They also specialise in the manufacture of quality motorcycles and parts. The Innoson Tyre Manufacturing Company produces premium tyres that most car owners buy. The Chairman, Dr Innoson Chukwuma, has consequently empowered many Nigerian youths in the area of skill acquisition and employment. This aspect of touching people's lives stands him tall in the society. The secret behind this huge success lies in his ability to build and improve on what he originally started.

For the mineral drinks, attempts have been made by the various stakeholders to improve on them, for the greater acceptability by the populace. The mistakes that were made in the past are being worked on, and better products have emerged in the market. Some ingredients that were not suitable for the body system are now being replaced with nutrients that the body requires. A great improvement is being made, thereby building great confidence on the consumers.

Interestingly, at the national level, the move to 'rebrand the country' as a result of mistakes made in the past, was made by the then Minister of Information, Professor (Mrs.) Dora Akunyili, of blessed memory. Due to the previous bad image associated with Nigeria and her people, as a result of fraudulent acts of few Nigerians at home and abroad, there was a call that Nigeria needed image rebranding, to help change the perception of outsiders, and even some Nigerians. This programme aimed at value re-orientation and attitudinal change. This move was made to ensure that we did not continue to wallow in the thoughts of the past mistakes, but to think positively towards moving the country forward.

Another Chance For You

At every level or point in life, there is the need to correct the mistakes already made. Until we do that, there is no way one can move forward to record success. As Mary Pickford, a Canadian-American motion picture actress, a significant figure in the development of film acting, and the first star of

American cinema, advised: "If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down."

If you grow with the feeling that your mistake is your failure, then regard that attitude as the mistake, not the error you committed. It is only when you challenge what you feel is perfect that you can be regarded as progressing. Rather than visualising a mistake as a problem and feeling defeated, you just need to challenge yourself and those around you, to see it as an opportunity to continue to innovate. If you mistakenly fall down from a slippery staircase, then you will develop a new strategy of managing a staircase with floor tiles. You will equally develop more carefulness in using the bathtub. These are similar circumstances.

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In whatever angle you deal with issues, either in business, or academics, or office work, you need to embrace your mistakes as learning experiences, and build on what you have learned, to move forward, minimise damage, and even prevent them from happening again. Let us be guided by the fact that mistakes lead us to the pathway of creating a better future for ourselves.

~ A Great Lesson ~

1. Identified formerly as a prisoner But later emerging as a winner Your own mistakes, you forsake In rightful thinking, you partake.

2. Focusing on your real need Will distance you from all greed Using genuine type of approach Will not draw you to reproach.

3. Forgetting about the past Will not make you come last

As you enhance your performance With the necessary conformance.

4. Following the clear directive Will give you the right perspective Bearing in mind that minor error

Can never be a terror.

5. Pursuing the ultimate amendments Following the stated commandments

Drives away the entire commotion And ushers in your promotion.

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