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Success is a favourable and prosperous termination of attempts or endeavours, an attainment of higher social status, achievement of a goal, honours, or the like. It is a positive achievement that every average person would like to identify with. It is a sweet experience to have. The great virtue of always being happy is through identification with it. Identifying with success comes with a lot of joy because it is a sure way to progress. It comes after some hurdles must have been crossed. That goes to say that, anyone desiring it

should be ready to work towards that. You cannot just buy it.

If you wish to succeed, you should determine not to fail. This is a sure way to success. Evan Esar, an American humourist, who devoted his life to writing and compiling books of humour, stated: "Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, perspiration, and inspiration." Your commitment to the process of achieving your goal will lead you to success. Many people fail because of lack of determination to succeed. They did not try hard enough to disentangle themselves from failure. When you identify with success, you will definitely succeed.

Who Is Successful?

There are many ways through which we experience success. Unfortunately, some people do not acknowledge that they are successful simply because they feel that they have not acquired massive wealth. Most of the time, people express the feelings of failure. When they are succeeding, they do not feel that, because, they ignore certain little things that are positively happening in their lives. Why is it that it is only when you buy the most expensive car that you feel you are successful? Some think it is only when they build and live in a mansion in the city centre that they can be counted as being successful. Far from that! There are many other things in your life that indicate success.

You are successful when, for instance, you refuse to be a victim. When you realise that you are a co-creator of your life experiences, you will refuse to be kept down. You will keep your heads up. When you do not care what other people think, you are successful. Since you cannot please everyone, you will just keep true to yourself, and love the person you are. If your relationship with people, like your spouse, your children, your parents, your co-staff, for instance, is getting better, then, you are successful.
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Successful people have empathy and love for others. So, when you find yourself spreading love and positive energy into the world, regard yourself as being successful. Some people have been able to assist others in some ways or areas. If you see that the people you assisted are doing well, count yourself as having succeeded.

If you have goals that are passionate to you and you are pursuing them, this excitement drives your life. This is characteristic of successful people, so, you are one. The realisation of the fact that you have passions that you pursue is a clear indication that you are successful, because you have been able to locate your unique talents and gifts, and you can now pursue them.

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If you accept that you cannot change the things in life, but that you can change your negative perspective on situations to a positive one, then, you can be regarded as being successful. The fact that you see yourself not complaining too much is an indication of success for you. This means that you have transcended to the status of expressing gratitude. As life is full of disappointments, the moment you choose to see them as learning opportunities, and look on the bright side, you are successful.

One great inspirational quote on success, by Bessie Anderson Stanley, an American poet and author of the poem Success, is very encouraging here. It states: "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it; Who has left the world better than he found it; Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; Whose life was an inspiration; Whose memory a benediction."

Work Towards Success

You need to work towards success. Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual genius of commanding intellect and power, said: "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." As a way of identifying with success, you should have the right mindset, seek opportunities, identify your strengths and weaknesses, prepare and take action. These are the skills to equip you for the opportunity you are seeking, in order to get better career. I strongly agree with Wayne Dyer, an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of human development, that, "there is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love, there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen."

People need to understand that they can actually work towards their own success, and not just honouring themselves with the credits from their relations who are successful. You can become that successful commissioner, author, minister, ambassador, administrator, governor, or even president. Your success will then attract the close identifications by your own associates. Life should not be made stagnant by you. You can change your situation, and success will be your name.

Success Is The Best Revenge For Failure

If you feel you have failed in life, there is revenge – success! Some people just feel that failure is the end of their lives, because they have not resorted to revenge. The best revenge is success. For you to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Sometimes, we should be happy for disappointments, as they hold the key to our strife to make things work better. The most famous scientist of the 20th century, the 'Father of Modern Physics', the German-born American Philosopher of Science, who developed the general theory of relativity, and best known in popular culture for his Mass-Energy Equivalence formula E =

mc2 (which has been dubbed 'the world's most famous equation'), the

recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, Albert Einstein (who we mentioned previously), inspires us through his saying: "I am thankful for all those who said 'NO' to me. It's because of them I'm doing it myself." What a pronouncement! Nothing can be more sincere than this. There is no doubt about this. Today, all over the world, that name is being revered.

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Take every occurrence in your life (positive or negative) as a challenge to improve your life. Do not rest on your oars, and feel complacent with your situation, because life demands constant change from you; the only constant thing in life is change.

Detect Areas Of Interest

Be mindful of the fact that you cannot achieve success if you do not have desire for that. Parents are admonished to allow their children detect their own areas of interest, their hearts' desires in life, so that they can guide them towards success in such. A situation whereby a child is forced to do a course that does not really interest him may not attract the desired result of success. The child

may end up being a nuisance to the family, and the society at large.

We have witnessed cases of children forced into the area of Medicine, simply because their parents wish to be called 'Doctor's daddy' or 'Doctor's mummy'. At the end of the academic pursuit, the children come out as unsuccessful medical personnel, due to lack of interest in such courses. The lives of patients entrusted into their medical care can only be protected by God. Some die out of carelessness of forgetting some instruments in the body, by the supposed doctor after surgery. Some die due to wrong prescriptions, and so on and so forth. However, a successful doctor is the one who truly desires to be that, and is devoted to that call. This is so in all professions. Success comes when we appreciate it and work towards it.

Rejoice With Others

There is opportunity of being rewarded with success when you are happy about people's successes. Do not be jealous of someone else's success, because it will never help you, and it will not place you in a comfortable situation. For goodness sake, congratulate a successful person, because yours is on the way.

The interesting thing about blessing others is that we end up being blessed. Share in the excitement of the excellent academic performance of your friend, the marriage engagement of your neighbour, the appointment of your relation, and so on. We have to expand our thinking to the point that we realise that other people's gains are not our losses. They have no bearing. We only need to appreciate the journey that got them there, and let it inspire us, and see that there is more than enough for us. Rejoice in others' happiness and your friends will surely enjoy your being happy with them. It is a sign that you care. They may even make you benefit from their successful situation and provide you advices, work opportunities, new acquaintances, and so on.

Reflect upon unselfish happiness. Do not be bitter about the success of your friend or relation; release that bitterness and personal anxiety, and let your joy be expressed. This is one of the secrets of success. Be wiser. The next turn could be yours!

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Personality Refinement

When you achieve success, you will have a full personality refinement. Let the good in you shine in front of others. Remember that if you achieve success, you are no more your old self. You will redefine your social status in terms of manner of approach, life's perceptions, and general attitude towards others.

The mere fact that you feel you have succeeded will make you feel peculiar. By perfecting your personality, you will be able to reveal the beauty

that lies within you. Since this is an external manifestation of your internal splendour, it is important for you to let people understand that beauty is not just about good looks, but the quality of life you are displaying. Be impressive in your character, since you are now successful.

Success Has Many Friends

The reason for asserting that success has many friends is obvious - it is the successful person that will attract friends, while failure loses its own friends. Naturally, success is a positive thing, while failure is negative. There is the saying that a successful man gains the good opinions of those who had no time for him before he became famous. Whereas they snubbed him or ignored him then, now, they seek his company. This is true.

I have never seen people who have boldly come out to be identified as relations to a particular mad person or beggar on the street. On the contrary, a person of influence in the society will easily be known and identified as: 'my uncle', 'my mother's younger sister', 'my childhood friend', and so on. People will affiliate with those powerful people by proclaiming thus: "The governor is my mother's younger brother"; "The president's father is a close friend of my father"; "My sister is a good friend of the First Lady"; "That actress was my childhood friend"; "The chairman was my classmate", and so on. These are claims by people, and some of them may not be true. People are just doing that for them to be identified with successful people.

The Price Of Success

What does it take to succeed? The price of success is "hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that, whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand," so says Vince Lombardi, one of the most successful football coaches in the history of the game.

Many seek success, but few are willing to make the necessary sacrifice in order to secure it. Studies have shown that it is not actually what you achieve, but what you become along the way, and who you help along the way that makes it so rich and rewarding. So, we need to do what is right, necessary, or required in a job, relationship, or career. And we need to do that with love, positive expectation, joy, and gratitude. We should equally be doing it with consistency, integrity, passion, resolve, and commitment. Follow the rules, and you will be successful.

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~ Success, Here I Come! ~

1. Trying to defend my personality By putting off all contempt

And freely unfolding high technicality Will bring to bear, my diligent attempt.

2. Guard me with the needed armour In order to jump the hurdle

To be crowned with the desired honour Of getting the keys to sparkle.

3. I have to forget all anxiety Which are not really impressive

But rather think of a better society And aspire to be progressive.

4. It is quite pleasant to ascend To the throne with so much love

All my ways, I shall amend As I fly with success, like a dove.

5. Success is so much rewarding With it, I'll ever identify

All its traits, I need to be supporting My efforts, I have to intensify.

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