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Sharing one's experience is one of the great ways of forging ahead in life. It is a rewarding fun because, as one shares his experience, he learns more from others and consequently, adds to the existing one. Sharing of experience opens one up to higher opportunities, as he becomes better equipped to face life challenges and fun. Some people are so selfish that they forget that iron sharpens iron. Of course, it takes two to tangle. When others do not benefit from you, of what use is your knowledge? It is only your ability to impart knowledge on others that will make you seem knowledgeable. This is by making them equally know what you know.

You are encouraged not to hoard your experience. Bring it into limelight, for others to tap from that your wealth of experience. If people such as Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and the like, had not shared their experiences, I wonder what the world would have become. After learning from others, teach other people. That is the spirit of sharing.

The More You Teach Others, The More You Learn

I remember when I started attending computer literacy classes. Any new topic taught by my instructor gave me excitement and I was always eager to share the experience with others. The secret with this practice is that the more you teach others, the more you learn. I think that was really what made me progress in my computer work, as I was always eager to 'dish out' my new knowledge on the subject matter. I made it fun, and so, I never bordered what it took me in terms of time and materials.

In the office, some are talented in some areas more than their co-workers, and they vehemently refuse to share their knowledge, and this brings out low turnout of productivity. If everyone should bring out his own potentiality, the performance index of offices and workers therein will be very high.

For the school system, the students are always encouraged to share their knowledge through assistance to the less advantaged ones. Most of the time, it is when you assist fellow students that the remaining stuff gets manifested. You are even servicing your brain through that means. Bring out time; create study groups, whereby you will have the opportunity to share your experience with others. In the class, never attempt to hide yourself, or hoard the answer. Be brighter by showcasing what you have.

Don't Die In Silence

Some may not be as intelligent as others, and they may feel shy to share their own experiences. No! It is not the best practice. When you bring out what is in you, you will have the opportunity for improvement. Nobody can correct you when you have not yet voiced out your opinion or experience. If you feel you have a problem, share it with someone else because, 'problem shared is half- solved.'

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Your experience can be a key to unlocking your neighbour's potential. This goes on to say that, through you, someone else can be empowered. The credit is yours, of course. Equally, your experience, when shared, gives another person the room to empower you. This life is not worth 'dying in silence.' What differentiates us, as human beings, from animals, is that we can reason. Therefore, a fellow human being can reason with you, and proffer solution to your problems. Shared experience reveals to you that you cannot do it all alone. Refuse to give up, but rather, confide in someone, and you are on your path to better life again.

Eleanor Roosevelt, an American Political leader and former First Lady of USA9, encourages us thus: "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." So, let us imbibe the practice of sharing our life's experiences, to create smoother way of handling our ventures.

A Cherished Shared Experience

I will always cherish the story my dad told us when we were growing up. He shared his experience in football, with us. As a disciplinarian, he believed in devotion to whatever course one is pursuing. He told us of his debut in football game: "My children, I was able to secure a job through football game. I used to play very well, so much so that I was seen everywhere, in the football pitch. Due to the skilful way I used to run in the field, I was nicknamed 'V-motor'10. We were the forces to reckon with, in those days. However, that was not the period they used to send footballers abroad, to all these great countries that these younger ones are enjoying now. I played so well that we were sent to places like Port Harcourt, Lagos and Calabar."

He continued, "We didn't go outside the country, but we put interest in that. We were committed to it. I was never found wanting during our regular practices. I was doing this at Enugu, and later, I was invited for an interview at

Lagos, to be employed in the Government Printing Press, so that I would form part of their football team."

He went on further: "I got employment immediately, because I possessed the 'skills' which were needed. Later on, I was posted to Enugu. I continued my football game there and later became the Team Manager of the defunct 'Enugu Black Rocks', which later metamorphosed into the present 'Rangers International Football Club'. So, you can see, it's through football that I got my job. You can equally excel in any area of interest, and place yourself on a smooth terrain in life." That was my sweet dad talking. He shared his experience with us, the children, and we were motivated to note that one's skill or talent could earn him great job satisfaction.

The stories he told us were fully buttressed when his demise attracted a lot of tributes from many great footballers and football fans. Great footballers like Coach Dominic Nwobodo and Coach Christian Chukwu, in their tribute to him, described him as a 'great football administrator'. They lamented that they had been deprived of the great interactions and advice they had been getting from him, (as member of Enugu Football Association).They equally recalled how they used to sit with him to discuss Enugu Black Rocks and Rangers International F.C. They equally recalled the moral and financial support he gave to most of them in the clubs then. They finally prayed that history will always remember him as "one of those great men who started, developed, and promoted football in the then Eastern Region in general, and East Central State, in particular." We, the children, now have that history about him and we are proud of him for having been identified as a great achiever. Thank God he shared his experience with us.

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Touch Someone's Life Today With Your Experience

How do we share our experience with our children, our students, our job associates, our neighbours, our friends, our co-staff, and others? The experience you share with any of these people can change their lives. This may move them into changing their modus operandi, in order to earn success the way you have earned. Touch someone's life today by sharing your experience.

Sometimes, the experience you are sharing may be a worse situation than that of the person you are sharing with. Someone lost a child, but when she heard the story of how a family completely perished in a road accident, she calmed down, because she heard of a worse situation. Let people understand that their situations are not the worse off, by revealing worse situations to them. You are indirectly healing their wounds. We are advised that, no matter how far down we have been, we should see how our experience can help others. It is important to give back and pay it forward with sharing your knowledge and experience with others.

Business Ventures

Experienced people in a particular business tend to do better than those who are just starting. A beginner should always feel free to share his experience with the advanced ones, for them to know areas of assistance. You may be thinking that you are in the right track, not knowing you are planning to fail.

Among business men and women, there is the need for them to meet from time to time, to share their experiences. This will result in better productivity, as each person tends to ameliorate his ways of handling his business. They will even have healthier working relationships. Love will be injected into their hearts, as they proffer strategies on how to move forward. No man is an island.

Is It Worthy To Share Your Experience?

Sharing your experience with others will empower you to look back on what you have done. Most times, people do not realise the extent of progress or damage they have encountered when these experiences have not yet been shared. It is while sharing that you fully appreciate the exact thing that happened.

This gives you the opportunity to inspire others, pass on thoughts and ideas. The person you are sharing it with will say: "if this person has been able to do it, why can't I?" One instance is that of driving. If you share your experience of how you started driving and how you were filled with fear of hitting a tree or a house, and how you later overcame the fear, that will go a long way to giving hope to a learner. His proclamation, surely, will be "Yes, I can." When you share your experience, you will be enabled to use different skills, especially in presentations.

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Sharing reinforces learning, and heightens your awareness. This is noteworthy, especially those who are preparing for examinations, interviews and advancement in their career prospects. This strengthens previous knowledge acquired. The moment you start sharing a particular experience, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the experience, and this gives better meaning to the experience. If it is a group work, sharing of experience will help strengthen relationship with one another. It brings about memorable occasions because the outcome is fun, as there will be shared moments, shared success, and shared adversity.

There's Fun In Sharing

Sharing makes life real. When important events come up, whether good or bad, sharing them with others makes them come to life. In fact, the easiest way to disconnect from people is to avoid sharing. But when we share with others, we have the opportunity to celebrate accomplishments, talk through difficult decisions, and treat our inner dialogue as something of value. When we realise that life is fun, and that we need to show something for it, then we begin to share ideas, problems and successes.

Each time you share with someone else, you develop a feeling of satisfaction. So, sharing feels good. You can imagine sharing the best way of solving a Mathematics puzzle with a fellow student, only for that puzzle to appear in your exam question paper. The fact that you have assisted someone in that knowledge gives you psychological satisfaction. Continue doing good. People's trust in us will surely shoot up, because we are always ready and eager to share our experiences with them. When you do not open up for someone to hear from you, how do you think that the person will trust you? It is only through your own practical demonstration of sharing, that some level of confidence will be established, for people to increase their trust in you.

When we share our experiences, the gesture makes others feel that they are not alone in such circumstances. They will come to realise that some other people have equally undergone such experiences and therefore, they will have hope of coming out of the problems. The more we share the more gratitude we bring into our lives. This is because the people we share with or assist will always be grateful. You too, will be grateful that you were privileged to share with someone else.

Many authors and psychologists have confirmed the need for sharing. As Charlotte Brontë11, author of the classic novel, Jane Eyre, said: "Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness, it has no taste." Equally, Elie Wiesel, a Jewish-American professor and political activist, stated that: "Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing." Then, our popular Brian Tracy, professional speaker, author, success expert, the most listened to radio author on personal and business success in the world today, attests: "Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Sharing your experience gives you the opportunity of finding your voice. You learn how to express yourself, and learn how to think about what has happened in your life, in a way that makes sense.

~ The Best Teacher ~

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1. What a joy we get in sharing And none at all in hoarding

If we are not so selfish We shall not really perish.

2. For us to come to limelight We need to see the sunlight

As the land has to be flowered Our minds have to be powered.

3. Heavy loads, we need to lighten Our hearts, we have to strengthen

From others, come assistance We cannot afford resistance.

4. For one to be knowledgeable And get things that are profitable
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It will turn out to be emptiness If there is no sufficient loveliness.

5. Our experiences, we must share To show we really care

Our dreams, we should realise To ensure we stabilise.

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