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Time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of duration of events and the intervals between them. It helps us structure our daily lives and activities so that we can live more organised and productive lives. We are all dependent on time. Time is applied in our every activity, from morning till night. Consequently, it is our companion and friend. We are all obliged to move with it, since it does not wait for anyone.

If you avail yourself to time, it will provide all its services to you. As long as there is time for everything, you can do everything within the time allotted to it. The proper management of time is required, for one's gift to empower him. It is the only thing that is impartial. It cannot cheat you.

There Is Time For Everything

Time is the most important commodity in our lives. It is needed for everything. There is time to be born and time to die; time to eat and time to rest; time to play and time to work, and so on. It cannot be stored, because everyone, no matter how rich or poor, spends it the same way. It cannot speed up for the rich or slow down for the poor. It never comes back.

Once the time for any calling comes up to you, you just have to obey. Your gift has a time to fully unfold, and no one can stop it. This is why we are always warned to do the right things at the right time, for them to be meaningful. You cannot expect a toddler, for instance to start riding a bicycle. It simply does not make sense because the time is not right for that. Time creates experience that enables one to accomplish certain tasks and feats.

Time Is Impartial

Everyone has the same number of hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, years. Why then should someone complain that he does not have enough time? It is simply because of abuse of time - mismanagement. Every activity takes time to accomplish. So, why the rush?

Albert Einstein, the most influential physicist, stated: "the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." Even the Biblical quotation that, "to everything, there is season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..."(Ecclesiastes 3:1) wonderfully captures the essence of time. In fact, time is the most precious thing in life; it influences every single moment and everything we do. Consequently, we need to value it.

Of great interest here is the quote by Leonardo Da Vinci, an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, artist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, philosopher, and writer, widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps, the most diversely talented person ever to have lived, and, who has often been revered as a man of 'unquenchable curiosity' and 'feverishly inventive imagination'. Among his works, the Mona Lisa, is the most famous portrait, while The Last Supper is regarded as the most reproduced religious printing of all time. Da Vinci, revered for his technological ingenuity, stated: "Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it." We can affirm that this is always available to use at our discretion, if only we can make it our friend. Time has no holiday, as it exists always, hence, our full disposition to make good use of it. Since it is a free force, it moves without any control, by anyone, and no one can ever get back the lost minute or second. You just have to strike the iron when it is hot. Time flies without returning, and if you waste it, it wastes you.

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Time Heals Wounds

Time plays a great role in our lives. It is taken to be good medicine, because it heals wounds. You can imagine a situation whereby someone is bereaved. The pain continues to disturb the bereaved, but with time's aid, the pain of the loss disappears. The case of suffering from a particular sickness is another reason to see the goodness of time. With time and good treatment, the sickness is healed.

Jim Henson, an American puppeteer, an influential children's entertainer, best known for creating The Muppet Show, a US television series, has another admirable quote on time. His characters were a key component of Sesame Street, the children's educational television programme seen worldwide. According to Henson, "only time can heal your broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs." Time gives you the opportunity to forget the past, forget the mistakes, and focus on what you are doing in your life today. The fact that you are able to unfold new opportunities, new breakthroughs, new achievements in life, is because time has been made available to you. The pain you were experiencing before has now been brushed aside by time. Your deep thoughts on those ugly experiences have begun to fade away, because of the passage of time. How great time is! "My pains are no more there!" – That is your new song.

Time Is A Reminder

The saying that experience is the best teacher, is attributed to time. The passage of time allows an individual to grow, and be reminded of certain important events. Since this enhances people's decision-taking ability, it can be considered as a counsellor, because it reminds one to act wisely. Because of time, we are able to make plans of action, thereby coming up with year planners, proposals, birthday celebrations, commemorations, and so on. Through these, we are constantly being reminded to act accordingly and promptly.

Complaining about lack of time makes you appear as if you are not part of nature. It only becomes imperative then that you plan wisely, because, there is time for everything to take its course. Since we know that time is powerful, and conquers all, we have no better choice than to make it our friend. Be a friend of time, so that you will not 'miss the train'.

Manage Your Time Skilfully

For you to be a true friend of time, you need to manage it skilfully. You have to prioritise your actions and know which ones are urgent and which needs to be treated first. You may have up to four activities in a particular day, for instance: washing your clothes, going to the market, cooking food, and visiting a friend. Of course, the priority should not be visiting a friend, because, that may take the whole day, and that will make you complain later that you did not have enough time to finish washing your clothes.

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Every task demands its own time. Even the washing machine in the house allots time to the quality/quantity of clothes you pack in there, for laundry services. Mere sleeping has its own time, so that you do not sleep from the night till 11:00am the following day, wasting the time you are supposed to use in going to work or to school, or conducting one business or the other.

Time Affords You Better Organisation

With proper time management, you will see yourself being more organised. Your thoughts will not be scattered, because, you have already allotted time to each activity and consequently, done a good planning. Each task will have enough time to materialise, and this will help you finish more jobs with less stress. Since we have limited time for every activity, the need to manage time cannot be overemphasised. It helps you make better decisions, and consequently, earns you more success in your endeavours. Time management creates discipline in you, as you are led to restrict your time to any ventured activity, rather than procrastinating. It equally makes you learn more.

The ability to learn more is a product of time management. Some students in the school indulge in truancy and other vicious activities throughout the period of studies, only for them to start 'burning the midnight oil' during exams. However, the wise ones start preparing for the exams right from the onset of the academic year, creating time to play, and time for serious studies. That is why you see well-prepared students going to sleep as early as 8:00 pm during exam period, because, they are ready for the examination.

Some people may wish to attend a particular occasion, scheduled to start by 10: 00am, only for them to set out of the house by 9:55 am. Such people end up rushing and speeding and start beating the traffic lights here and there, and even causing accidents on the roads. Time use, calls for caution. When we plan well and adhere strictly to the schedule, we notice that there is really no need to rush anything. The availability of time gives us opportunity for better organisation. To meet time, work towards setting early and reaching targets.

Waiting For Tomorrow?

Procrastination is said to be an enemy of time. Why postpone what you can comfortably do today till tomorrow? In essence, why leave till later what can be done now? You have the ample opportunity to improve your life today and start being creative, but you keep on postponing when you will unfold your talent. The language of 'till tomorrow' can never help you out, rather, it will compound your problems.

Time makes your bed, so you simply have to lie on it and enjoy it. Waiting for tomorrow means you are wasting so much of your life. Tomorrow might be late, maybe even too late. This is because you would not know what will happen in the next moment. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, puts his thought on time thus: "Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, and no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Nothing, of course, is guaranteed in life, so you need to make good use of any available opportunity today.

People who wait for tomorrow to start living life and/or start improving on their lives fail to understand that tomorrow starts today. Try to do something today, to prepare for tomorrow. Remember that you will never get today back into your life, after it has gone.

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This Is Your Opportunity

For the youths, this is your opportunity to make great use of your time. This is a period that one's life booms, and the best is unveiled. One inspirational quote on youths is from Kofi Anan, the Ghanaian diplomat, who served as the 7th Secretary General of the United Nations (from 1997 to December 2006). According to him, "Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies." He goes on further to say: "No one is born a good citizen; no nation is born a democracy. Rather, both are processes that continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people must be included from birth. A society that cuts off from its youth severs its lifeline."

Young people are better when it comes to execution, rather than counsel. They are the ones to comfortably execute new projects. They are more disposed to inject new ideas into a system than older people. How do they perform when given the task or given opportunity in government? We cannot know their worth unless they are put to test – which is not often the case in Nigeria. Of course, the saying goes that 'the taste of the pudding is in the eating'. But maybe we should let time decide on when these young ones will also be given the chance to head.

The adults who are privileged to be in certain high ranking positions, how are you using the opportunity given to you? Remember that the clock ticks every time, indicating that time moves on and on without waiting for you to perform the required task from you. Time is related to history for the present quickly becomes the past and history. When you do nothing, time will judge you and woe betide you if the judgment passed is not favourable.

The fact that the work in various offices are somehow correlated, calls for caution on the use of our time. Most actions are dependent on previous actions. Why do you sit down on a file that needs to be treated, realising that the next officer cannot treat such file without your releasing it? Conscience should be a watchword in such circumstances. You have opportunity to rearrange your thoughts, and focus on positive touch towards humanity, using your opportunity. So, wherever you are, whatever you do, ensure that you let the job you are doing pass through so that the next person can move on. Time depends on you!

Time Is Not Your Enemy

To manage time is to manage life, so you need to play the game of time carefully. Some people complain that time is their enemy. This is because of the fact that they allow distractions to set in when they are about to achieve something: they do not use organiser, which helps them to plan their activities; they do not peg a time limit to each task; they do not set reminders; they do not focus on a particular key of each time; they do not delegate; they do not prioritise; they do not have a clock visibly placed before them; they do not create a daily plan.

You need to plan your day before it unfolds. This helps a great deal, so that you will not shout: "I ran out of time." When you follow the prescribed steps, you will definitely find out that time is your friend. Time is so faithful and strong that you cannot tame it, you only ride it; you cannot fight it, you can only follow it, for the friendship to be truly established. It is impartial, as it is always available to everyone. It has never disappointed anyone, since it does not change its way of operating. The way it functions on a Sunday is the same way it functions on a Friday. The same number of seconds make one minute each day, the same number of minutes make up one hour for all the days of the week, and the same number of hours make up each day. It is not, and can never be, your enemy.

~ My Impartial Friend ~

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1. I call on you, dear Time Come, come, walk with me

In you I see no crime Much trust, I place in thee

2. You have your special measure In our daily activities

For everyone to treasure During all our festivities.

3. You are known to be impartial Even with all your force

And you will never be partial Right from your genuine source.

4. As we accord you right management You reciprocate with reminders

Pulling us out from all banishment And making us great providers.

5. Your ability to heal Makes you to be highly cherished
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