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Trends simply refer to a prevailing tendency or inclination at a particular time. It is a 'current' style. The ICT - Information and Communication Technology, which refers to all the technology used

to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audio-visual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions, is now a household name in Nigeria. That is the trend that most people are involved in, and they are using it towards their success. For us to fully embrace this concept, we all need to be taught valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them, and systems that are built with them. The knowledge of these will enhance productivity in all establishments - schools, offices, business settings, religious organisations, and so on. This translates to the ability of someone to commit to greater use of the talents he has.

Sometime ago, a man approached me in the office, while I was transferring files from one computer to the other. Surprised, he asked me: "Lady, so you know how to operate all these?" I looked at him and answered with a smile, "Why not?" He confessed that he had not really made out time to go into such "stressful" actions. I was quick to react: "Stressful?" Unfortunately, he had not yet understood that the essence of going into computer usage was to make my work less stressful. It is true that the beginning of anything is always tedious but the results are always worth it; the ends justify the means. I vividly remember that when I started learning how to use a computer, I felt stressed up, but I thank God for my computer instructor who was always patient with me. The reward for my determination and his patience? Today, I have joined one of the major trends: I am ICT compliant!

ICT - A Necessity

The truth is that computer literacy is a must for everyone if you wish to be comfortable in this century. What can you do these days without that? The ultimate is to move with the trend of events. When others are joining Facebook, for instance, create your own page and use it, but wisely. When others are on Twitter, follow them to tweet. When others are sending mails via emails, sign up, and create your own email address. You are simply making your life to be smoother and much easier.

It was in the year 2000, under the Obasanjo administration, that Nigeria developed a policy on Information Technology (IT), with the aim of making Nigeria an IT adapted country in Africa. It was further aimed at making Nigeria a leading player in the use of ICT as an implement for sustainable development and global competitiveness13. This has changed the lot of the country for the better. Many people have keyed into this perspective. From indications on the way people are moving, the world may leave behind anyone that is not ICT compliant.

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Easier Lifestyle

There is no doubt that the use of ICT has changed our lifestyles. You can visualise a lecturer delivering lectures through power presentations. The students are having access to better perceptions of what is being discussed through the slides used in these presentations. The lecture is even made more interesting and the students can take these presentations to study later.

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Our daily financial transactions online (through online and mobile banking) are really giving a whole lot of people relief. One can sit in the comfort of one's home to send money to loved ones or conduct business transactions without going to the bank. One can also easily book flights without driving to the airport; send mails without going to the post office; chat with loved ones without travelling to their places of abode. How else could life be easier?

ICT – Playing Great Roles

ICT has an impact on almost all aspects of our lives. It has impact on our social lives, our learning methodology, and our working environment. The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, network, seek help, access information, and learn.

The current young generation are now an online population, and access is through a variety of means, such as TV, computers, and mobile phones. People communicate via social media, such as: Skype, MySpace, 2go, WeChat, Badoo, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Buddy, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, and so on. Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share, or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. It is defined as "a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user- generated content." It has been broadly defined to refer to "the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enable anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build relationships."

The ICT is a great tool for change. We are all witnesses of the growing number of websites and help lines as forms of technically mediated service delivery. ICT has transformed career information and guidance services. Service delivery in other sectors such as banking and health services are equally transformed through this means.

In the school, ICT is a very necessary tool for the support of schools, in sharing experience and information with others, increasing a variety of educational services, promoting technology literacy, developing a system of collecting and disseminating educational information, implementing the principle of life-long learning and education.

Negative Influences

There is no doubt that, in anything that has advantages, you will find some disadvantages. Moving with the trend here implies moving with the positive trend, not the negative. The lives of students are highly influenced through the use of the open source tool - the internet. They are unfortunately prone to browsing the negative, such as pornographic sites and wasting their time on multimedia or online games. Eventually some get addicted, and devote just a little time to study, while some do not even wish to attend lessons.

These ugly practices, the school authorities can eradicate, by equipping the students with educational games. There are a lot of educational games which enhance the brain and have the capacity to make students more active in class. These are mathematical games, construction games, and the like. These will intellectually occupy their minds. The children can equally be motivated to have their own blogs on the internet, where they can be posting their articles, poems, news, and short stories. It will be an avenue for them to share their experiences through their own blogs. They can even create innovations in web design, which will be useful to their future.

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The use of ICT has many benefits. It has high speed delivery and wide reach, at low cost. In fact, there is instant delivery of information. Unlike in the olden days when it was taking a very long time to deliver information, with the use of ICT, most deliveries are instant. It does not matter where you are or how the weather is, you can always access and learn from ICT. When people access the same information across the world, there will be a uniformity of learning all over the globe.

ICT individualises learning, since it is not obligatory for the teacher to stand in front of the student before learning can take place. Each learner relates to the medium and its content. This equally reduces the cost of education. Rather than going to special centres to pay exorbitant fees for just a few hours, you can comfortably get educated through ICT, without paying so much. It can serve multiple teaching functions and diverse audiences, as they are used to diagnose and solve problems, access information and knowledge about various related themes. Officers and trainers get information through the vast available solutions to the questions that may have been posed. It is a reliable means of getting quick solutions to questions.

The importance of ICT in education cannot be overemphasised. Learners are motivated and purposely engaged in the learning process when concepts and skills are experienced with technology. And as technology becomes more and more embedded in our culture, we must provide our learners with relevant and contemporary experiences that allow them to successfully engage with technology and prepare them for life after school.

Most media operations were via analogue means, once upon a time. These days, the ultimate is to go digital. In broadcasting, for instance, most of the media houses are transforming from analogue to digital, to meet up with the demands of the jet age. One of the advantages of digital television is that it offers a growing range of fully interactive applications, allowing for interaction between viewer and broadcaster. It provides better picture and sound quality, improved flexibility of use, because of better portable and mobile reception, and a wider choice of programmes from a greater number of channels and radio stations.

Play Caution

I recognise the fact that some people are abusing the use of social media, but that is not a reason for you to dump it and regard it as childish affair. It depends on what you use it for. The people who introduced such have their aims but it is left for the user to use his wise discretion. You can equally send your message and advice through such. You can empower people to do the right thing through that medium too.

Parents and teachers are strictly advised to watch their wards. When you are aware of the societal issues, you will always be on guard for your children. They are your precious gold and silver, your jewels of inestimable value, so do not allow the wind of change blow them off from you. Be conscious and cautious. ICT remains the fastest, easiest, cheapest, and most accessible way of reaching your target audience. The only advice is that we should always be cautious. .

Moving With Other Trends

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Apart from ICT, there are trends that abound that one should adopt, particularly if one wants to move ahead. Once upon a time, having a Degree was the ultimate. These days, it is only the starting point. To be successful in any profession, even business, it pays to have a Degree in at least one course. To become more effective and increase one's employment opportunities, one has to get a

Master's Degree or pick special skills like ICT discussed at length above, adding foreign language skills or even getting a professional certificate from the abounding professional organisations like that of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) or the National Institute of Management (NIM). These skills and the extra educational certificates enhance one's viability in the job market. More than that, the experience that leads to acquiring them increases one's knowledge. It helps you have more knowledge of the field in which you have studied.

Other trends of the moment include the entertainment sector. A lot of artistes are making a lot of money and acquiring fame due to their hard work. Lots of comedians and musicians have become household names as discussed at length in Chapter two. There are more opportunities open to the willing mind.

This chapter has sought to give an insight, touching only lightly on the various trends that one can key into if one is to be successful. As you do more research, you will find the one you can identify with. These days, there is no excuse as there is something for everyone. Follow what aspect of today's trend you feel can work for you.

~ Keep Moving ~

1. In this era of Facebook

You have a chance to showcase your outlook But be wise to get a guidebook

That will give your life a greater look.

2. Your real romance with a computer Will surely make you greater

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It might be hard, but do not titter Go on, learn, relearn, never be a quitter.

3. As the cursor obeys the mouse So bricks of thoughts shall hold the

mental house That will help espouse

Ways that will many life fires douse.

4. In a bid to edify What we need to modify We surely need to clarify

Things on which we shall surely testify.

5. There is a call to be bright...

If one would reach a greater height...

Forge on in the fight Stand firm; you will find the light!

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