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Being friendly is all about making people feel comfortable and loved, wherever you find yourself. It is a great means of paving way for the manifestation of your gift. Some people think it is a very difficult task, and so, do not co-operate with others. Some others are too proud to open up to

other people, to share joy with them.

It costs relatively little to be friendly. Friendly environment makes you not to get heated up. As a matter of fact, it takes much more muscles for you to express your anger than your joy, so why go for the stress?

You Have To Be Approachable

For you to be friendly, you need to be approachable. Looking at some people's faces will scare you from getting close to them. They squeeze their faces. It is not a way to attract love from people around you. A little smile on your face does the magic. Go further to laugh easily, when you feel people need a boost of support or confidence.

When you ask people questions about themselves, you are already showing interest. That is the friendliness we are talking about. Show that you care. For instance: "How was the lecture today?" "How are your children doing at school?" "What television features do you like watching?" Questions of this kind are endearing and bring people together while creating a social air. Why don't you try it when next you find yourself around people, especially strangers?

Show Keen Interest

In a bid to make people feel your friendliness, try not to engage yourself in unnecessary distractions. During a conversation with someone, do not 'show off' by trying to punch on your iphone, ipad, and the like. It is also not nice to make unnecessary phone calls. It is rude and socially wrong. Drop all those distractions, for you to be able to show more friendliness. If need be, take excuse before you use any of your gadgets or make a call. It is not only polite but also shows respect.

A Little Compliment As Morale Booster

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Some people never compliment others for their good deeds, and this is really discouraging. Good deeds deserve compliments. So also does the physical disposition of the person close to you. This helps to make the relationship flow more smoothly. What is wrong in saying: "I like your hair do," "Your handbag is really pretty and nice," "You are a bright student," "I like your method of teaching," "Your programme on the radio is superb," "I think you are a fantastic writer" and so on? Such compliments move the person to perform more. There is an old adage that says: "when you praise someone for what he has done, he will do yet another one." If you do not readily see what to compliment, just pause and think of one awesome quality the person has that appeals to you. It is important to only pass honest compliments. Anything else will be false and can dent your image… So, be careful.

Your Body Language Matters

Mastering of open body language will move you into friendlier atmosphere. You will not expect someone to come close to you when you cross your legs, cross your arms, lean backward, or maybe, stand with arms akimbo. Try to lean forward toward other people, have a good posture, keep your legs together, and be always ready to offer a handshake.

Your eye contact matters a lot, for a friendly environment. This makes people around you realise that you care and that they are not really wasting your time. Staring on the floor when you are supposed to be fully engaged in a conversation with someone, can put that person off. The more people see the beauty in your eyes and looks, the more they are attracted to you. Some may even feel 'you are hiding some cockroaches in the cupboard', by removing your eyes from them.

Get Closer

Do you wonder why some people insist on knowing your names? It is simply to get closer to you. By using your names when you are conversing with people, you feel some kind of closeness between you and the people with whom you are conversing. You can easily differentiate the expression, "How is the weather treating you today?" from "Uche, how is the weather treating you today?" I feel the second one sounds friendlier. What do you think?

Not only does it create a friendlier environment. It also makes the people conversing distinguish themselves as individuals, and they will be happy to note that. Surprisingly, some people live together without freely calling others by their names! They simply draw close to them and deliver the message they wish to convey. This practice is not encouraging at all. You should call the real names or pet names you wish to use. That's being friendly.

Being friendly, does not, in any way, mean being fake. You just need to show genuine interest in people, as it is one of the keys to being a friendly person. For you to be actually called a friendly person, you need to be concerned about the psychological dispositions of people around you, knowing when they are upset or happy. Some people take delight in seeing others feeling unhappy. Such people even go to the extent of talking to people to become cooler. What will you gain from such a practice? Practically, nothing positive.

Upholding self-confidence and overcoming your insecurities will open you up to be a friendlier person. Rather than confining yourself to your bedroom or corner, due to fear of unacceptability and distrust, leaving yourself to rot away, without gathering people around to make your life more cherishing, feel courageous to walk into people, not minding about what you think of yourself, and establish a relationship.

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Check Your Social Life

How is your social life? This is a genuine issue to consider, if one wants to work on being a friendly person. You need a bustling social life if you want to be more friendly. You need to get used to meeting people and talking to them. Your social engagements should be richer. As a matter of fact, if you don't attend social engagements like weddings and birthday parties, for instance, how will you be able to organise your own when you ought to? Many other activities exist, which can take you out on a social spree – swimming, cycling, football, and so on. Your work or other commitments should not fully deprive you of other social engagements, because, you equally need them, to balance your lifestyle.

Have you ever tried to initiate a talk with a new person? This demands caution, anyway. When you have studied the disposition of that person, go on and initiate a conversation. That is a way of being friendly to a stranger. The stranger may be a new neighbour, a new class mate, someone sitting next to you in a party, in a taxi cab, in a plane, and so on.

Being a friendly person demands that you focus on positive topics during conversation. Rather than keep on complaining about power failure, lack of good roads, hike in prices of goods, and all those negative issues, try to uphold topics that will uplift the mind and give you awesome and relaxed moments.

What about that interesting TV show you watched? How about that child that knows how to show acrobatic displays in the school? What about that delicious meal that makes you feel real good? Put more fun into your conversations.

Avoid Cold Shoulder

There's nothing as nasty and embarrassing as giving someone a cold shoulder! Someone may pleasantly be greeting you, only for you to simply say 'hi', and continue walking! Consider yourself being treated like that. As a human being, you are bound to have people who are less advantaged than you, and, of course, some others who are greater than you. Politeness and humility pave way for you in this case. Do unto others what you wish them to do unto you. That is the golden rule.

Give Out Invitations
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You can open up room for more friends through invitations. To be friendly means that you need to spend some more time with other people. You can give out invitations to people for a birthday, a little concert show, or even a house get-together. Just be brave to do that, and you will be surprised at the type of response you will get. Through that means, people can get to know more of other people through introductions by you. That makes life to go on more smoothly and pleasantly.

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Apart from inviting people, you should equally be ready to accept more invitations from people. That is a great way of making you friendlier. Some people are so glued to their work or business that they find it difficult to say "yes" to an invitation. How do you expect to grow when you cannot even honour other people's invitations? That is the difference between a human being and an animal. An animal can never meet another animal to scratch its back; rather, it will scratch it on a tree or a wall. But, a human being will simply ask a fellow human being to scratch his back. Too much excuse will not solve problems when it comes to real human intimate relationships. Prove your worth by making yourself available to the person who invites you. You're simply showing friendliness.

Show Love

You have to show love, which is the greatest virtue. Nobel laureate, Bertrand Russel, a British philosopher, logician, historian, mathematician, educationist, social critic, essayist, and political activist, had this to say: "The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile."

Being friendly cannot be restricted to any particular group of people. If, for example, you are a boss in the office, nothing stops you from chatting with workers when they are not too busy. It does not reduce your personality in any way. As long as you humble yourself doing that, the response you will get from them is a standing ovation. If you are in business, your friendly disposition will naturally attract more customers to you. I remember one woman whose goods would always be exhausted before her fellow market women would sell theirs. This is because of her friendly strategy towards all who come in contact with her.

More Open Doors For You

Being friendly attracts open doors for you. A friendly person can never be stranded, because at every point in time, he will see people who will be of assistance to him. The most successful people in life are those who are friendly and kind. Their courteous nature attracts people to them rather than dispel them. If you are a friendly person, you will, naturally, have a lot of friends. You can never be alone, as a matter of fact. Loneliness is a disaster of its own, because it has many disastrous impacts on our lives. So, with many friends at your door, you will never experience a solitary life. Your life will always be a busy one.

Being friendly is rewarding, because, you will be more relaxed. You will not pay attention to all the little annoying things around you, as your friendliness gives you opportunity to enjoy life at its fullest. In fact, it improves your mental health greatly. You will bother yourself less, as you will be striving to see mainly the good aspects of life of someone to comment on. There is no doubt that one earns respect to one's self as a result of being friendly. People will surely appreciate your kindness, and that, consequently, will boost your self- respect. Nobody around you will like to pull you down because of the friendly way you have been dealing with them.

It is really good to be friendly, because it keeps you in the know. People will always spot you out for that needed encouragement, smile or fun. You too, can equally get unexpected benefits, especially at your trying moments. A friendly person always feels good about himself. This is because he will always be experiencing a feeling of fulfilment that he is actually nice to someone. Whenever I do good things to people, my inner self will always be having a positive vibration that some productive experiences are going on in my heart. In fact, I experience a feeling of satisfaction when I show friendliness to people. Richard Stallman, a software freedom activist and computer programmer, the most forceful and famous practitioner/theorist of free software, says: "Anything that prevents you from being friendly, a good neighbour, is a terror tactic." A friendly environment, devoid of tension, is what we need in our families, our offices, our schools, our markets, our business areas, and the like, because, that brings out the best in everyone. With that, we are assured of a very healthy and successful future.

People are more productive when they find themselves in friendly environments. A boss who is always shouting at his subordinates can never have much production, because of lack of co-operation from the staff. Brains respond positively to kindness, of course. One of the pills to swallow, during impatience, is being friendly. It is good therapy for running away from the intricacies of lack of patience. This attribute gives you opportunity to exercise your ability to be patient. Someone who may appear impolite or the like may come your way, but, making use of your friendliness will simply make the person bow for you.

~ It Costs You Nothing ~

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1. Becoming friendly

Saves you from things that are deadly… Put laughter and shy away from moaning This will save you from mourning.

2. What do you gain by frowning When you can begin smiling

And pose in healthy meekness To have the desired closeness.

3. Working on the expectation Results in huge consolation

Through your own commitment You'll get the achievement

4. Having all emotions endured Add smiles, for sweet life to be assured

Devoid of any tension

It brings a beauty to change any malfunction.

5. Living in friendliness Will yield you much cleanliness And you will be so comfortable

That your life becomes really honourable.

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