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Intimidation implies the use of violence or threats to influence the conduct, or compel the consent of another. The victim is frightened or threatened, and usually persuaded to do something that may not be his wish. Rather than express one's self, one may find himself in a timid situation, prone to easy destruction, by someone else. This should not be your best disposition, because, you have every opportunity to be what you wish to be. It is you, and you alone, that can allow others to intimidate you, because you are the one to create room for that. You are the owner of yourself. Lack of self-

confidence, courage, or bravery can lead someone to his doom.

Some people are easily frightened when it comes to taking decisions and making contributions. Such people are usually introverts. They would prefer not to be heard, to being criticised. "Don't be intimidated by the impossibility, be motivated by the possibility," so says Jim Craig on Twitter. Craig was best known as goalie for 1980 USA 'Miracle on Ice' Hockey Team). Intimidation traits are serious setbacks in the pathway of unlocking one's potential, so, they should be avoided by all means.

Fear & Lack Of Self-confidence

These are easily manifested when someone is intimidated. It is the fear of being bullied in the school, for instance, that will make a child feel intimidated about going back to the class. It is the fear of losing a job that will make an employee allow herself to be molested by her boss.

When you lack self-confidence, you cannot stand on your own. That is why you can be easily intimidated. The socio-psychological concept of self- confidence relates to self-assurance in one's personal judgement, ability, and power. Confidence is a tool you can use in your daily life. You use it to manage your fears, and become able to do more of the things that really matter to you. Being confident is not an end that you reach and then stop. You have to keep playing to the best of your ability, and your confidence will always be there to support you. Seeing progress gives you self-reinforcement. Rumi, a 13th century Persian poet, regarded as one of the greatest spiritual masters and poetical intellects, was one of the world's most revered mystical poets. He once stated that one should chart one's course. In his words, "Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth."

Fear is a powerful enemy, and it can come in all shapes and sizes. It may be as a result of bad experiences we had in the past, or simply fear of the unknown future, or fear of failure, fear of public speaking, but, whatever your fears may be, they can stop you in your tracks. This can easily lead you to be a victim of intimidation. Try to be bold, because there is magic in boldness. You will use it to conquer social anxiety. The greatest challenge with fear is that it can hold us back from achieving our goals, but it does not have to. We need courage in times of fear, to surmount it.

Cases Of Intimidation

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In the school systems, it is common to hear cases of students being intimidated by others. Some are intimidated by fear of bully by some senior students. This practice is witnessed in schools where the authorities may not be fully aware of what the junior students are suffering in the hands of the senior ones. Even when the authorities take action, the senior ones may still intimidate the younger ones with further threats.

As a Vice Principal in charge of Administration in one of the senior boarding secondary schools, I was opportune to witness and handle some of these ugly experiences the junior ones used to have. They were quite pathetic, because, some came into the boarding school at a tender age. Any conscientious administrator would never love to give chances to those bullies. The practice was that the senior boys used to wait for the junior ones to come back from night prep, for them to start 'pouncing' on them, with their belts, forcing them to kneel down, ordering them to go and fetch water for them, breaking their lockers to collect their provisions, and so on. In some cases where the senior students decided to go and fetch water, they would never allow any junior student to fetch until they were fully satisfied. Even when they fetched, they would order the junior ones to carry the water to the hostel for them.

That was a bitter pill for the junior boys then. However, the school management at that time, waved into the situation and acted in a responsive manner, to rescue those young boys. Many stringent measures were taken, to curb the practice, to the extent of making the senior boys realise that the ugly practice would lead them to their doom. When we made the stubborn ones understand that 'iron must bend', they came to terms with the reality of life: 'Do unto others as you want them to do unto you'. Today, most of those students have confessed that the discipline instilled in them then helped them to be better products of the school system and indeed, better people.

There are equally incidences of girls being intimidated because of their refusal of 'friendship' advances by the male students or male teachers. When that situation arises, the poor girls will be faced with the music of constant harassment, embarrassment, and failures in the school. In some cases, it is the teachers that are being intimidated by the affluent parents of some students. They are threatened to the point that some parents would never want to hear that their children are punished in the school for offences, which, definitely, they have committed. Their children are then regarded as 'sacred cows' by these poor teachers. In such cases, how do you expect productivity from that school, since the teachers in whom those children are entrusted, cannot take disciplinary measures against them? This question needs an objective response.

How about the intimidation of lecturers by students, causing them to fear their jobs and fear going out in public? Those high school teachers are intimidated by some occult students and even some of their parents when they are not satisfied with a grade, or when the need for discipline arises. Of equal note is the workplace intimidation. This is the practice of a repetitious mistreatment of someone, which can cause that person some major health, emotional, and psychological problems. Some of these intimidating behaviours include: verbally abusing you by yelling and screaming, putting you down and ridiculing you in front of others, along with sabotaging or stealing credit for your work. It can equally be characterised by offensive non- verbal actions, like creating circumstances that limit your ability to do your job. There are other instances of intimidation found in everyday life, like in the hospitals, parks, banks, houses, and in the streets.

Feel Free

When you feel timid, you are underrating yourself. Others will easily climb on you and even frighten you. That is why, in the school system, extroverts can never be intimidated, especially when it comes to various club activities. They are everywhere. Associate with others as if there is no threat to your life.

Regrettably, some people are agents of intimidation, just looking for someone to frighten, in order to get what they want. Beware of such people, and stand on your feet against such odds. You can equally intimidate such threatening people with your uniqueness, and they will bow for you. There are certain striking qualities like academic prowess, humility, high skill acquisition, honesty, and the like, you may have, which those agents of intimidation may not possess, so use that quality to 'knock' them down. Always shoot back with what you have, in a positive way, to flee from being intimidated.

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Fight Back

I see situations where some illiterate rich people try to intimidate the poor ones near them, by boasting of their wealth and their ability to use money to call everyone to order. But, unfortunately for them, those poor but intelligent ones are equipped with academic power and technicalities. They are pushed to use 'big grammar' to pursue the rich but illiterate ones, from very important events.

Do not allow circumstances to swallow you up. You are the engineer of your destiny, so construct the bridge in such a way that you can easily cross it.

In the film industry in Nigeria, we witness the success story of the popular actors, Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme14, who have vowed never to be intimidated on the basis of their heights. Rather, they have used that as God's given uniqueness in them, to attract fans. As smallish as they may appear on the screen, they have created a commanding appearance that has attracted high admiration from fans across the world. Instead of adjusting to discuss with people who are much taller than they are, they 'command' others to 'reduce' their heights, to be on the same level with them, for discussions! Apart from taking the centre stage, they are adored on the streets, at events, at airports, and other related places. They are treated with respect everywhere they visit, because they have succeeded in putting smiles on people's faces during relaxation times. Today, they are heroes, and no one dares intimidate them. Get it?

We have to mould our talents to work for us without letting anyone make us feel belittled due to any challenge we might have, physically, socially, economically or in any respect.

Do Not Become Your Own Worst Enemy

The only person who should have influence on our self-worth is the one we see in the mirror everyday. Do not become your own worst enemy. Instead, become your own best advocate. If you come to terms with the fact that nothing in life is constant, you will appreciate the fact that there is neither absolute happiness nor absolute sadness. When you expect only contentment, then you are looking for trouble for yourself, because, life is such that humans must know misery to identify times of elation. You have to accept reality instead of fighting it. Sometimes, you let what you expected to happen blindfold you from all the good things that are happening around you. Just drop the needless expectations, hope for the best, but expect less.

Do not limit your beliefs in your capability. Since you are the one who controls your thoughts, the only person who can hold you down is you. Eleanor Roosevelt's quote reminds us of this: "No one can make you feel inferior, except yourself." Try to do what you think you cannot do, and you will be surprised to see that you can actually do it. Step out of your comfort zone and make more exploits. People are reluctant to pursue growth because they already feel complacent with their situations. That is simply not living, but mere existing, because living is about learning and growing through excitement and discomfort.

Another way you become your own worst enemy is through obsession with examining personal failures. This is to say that you are busy recounting what has not worked in the past. This is detrimental to your growth. You should channel your thinking to the positive influences in your life. That is the most efficient way to enjoy more successes in life.

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Changing Your Thought Pattern

You can control intimidation through the ways you think, especially, about yourself. Through some negative self-talks, some people initiate intimidation into their minds. For instance, certain people might have such thoughts as "How can I face such a crowd?" "I don't think I can compete with that student", and so on. Stop thinking that things will go negatively with you. Rather, be positive in your thoughts.

Stop avoiding situations where you become intimidated, by so doing, you cannot easily overcome that fear. It is when you take the bold step of facing the music, with deep breathing, that you will have defeated intimidation. Do not think of how others will feel about you or your actions. Hold the power to your side and believe that you are the one holding the cards, not those around you.

Coming Out, Victorious

You deserve to stand strongly amongst even your greatest idols, 'superiors', and authority figures. When you consider certain judgements you will make by yourself, you will come to realise that you do not have to be a victim of intimidation.

When you disallow intimidation in your life, you can freely and easily integrate into strange situations. You will find it graceful to adapt to any new environment, after all, there is the popular saying that, "when you are in Rome, you behave like the Romans." Truly, I experienced it when I travelled to Rome (in Italy). I did not have any knowledge of Italian language or Latin, as to 'qualify' me to follow others to worship at the famous St Peter's Basilica, Rome, but I paved way for myself to partake in the worship. It was true that I did not understand the language, but I still had that devotion and communication with God inside there, without allowing anybody to intimidate or harass me.

If you understand your own worth, then, accept yourself, accept your history, accept the flaws you cannot change, and grow in all the ways you can. The people who intimidate you are not worth more than you. If you start thinking that people you meet may not love you or like you, it is likely this will be the case. They may even hurt you, as you might have thought, but believe in the good in you, and others will see it.

Acknowledge your ego. You are somebody! Do not have a feeling that you are less than someone else you look up to. Clean all the feelings of shyness, anxiety, nervousness, and low self-esteem, if you wish to plant yourself on the path of victory. Of course, as Joel Osteen, a popular motivational speaker, said "You cannot expect victory and plan for defeat."

Just be reminded that the person intimidating you is human, with his own challenges, family issues, societal expectations, insurmounted obstacles, and so on. They are not better than you in any way. They are simply not different from you. With these thoughts in mind, you will overcome that negativity in you.

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~ Lost In The Crowd ~

1. If only you have the mastery To run away from misery And never to be swallowed

But rather to be followed.

2. Seeing the river overflowing I cannot see you moving

How can you leave your name And find someone else to blame?

3. You are moved to the right You follow without might They take you to the left You move on like a guest.

4. It takes bravery

To bring one out of slavery Rather than be intimidated or to intimidate

Focus on you and make yourself great

5. A life devoid of sorrow Will never spoil your morrow

It gives you all the power To reach that mighty tower.

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