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Simply put, a role model is a person whose behaviour, example, or success, is, or can be, emulated by others, especially by younger people.

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have, and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. A role model is the one being looked up to, and revered by someone else. An individual aspires to be like that person, either in the present or in the future. Through role models, one can unlock the potentials in him. Equally, by being a role model, one will perform excellently in such a way that his own potential will be fully unlocked.

Sometimes, we do not recognise people we are emulating until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress that they have caused. Your role model may be someone you know and interact with, or may be someone you have never met, such as a celebrity. Common role models include: well- known actors, public figures such as: administrators or political officials, teachers, or other educators, and parents or other family members. Definitely, a role model is admired by the one who wishes to be like he/she is. Through role models, individuals are able to unfold what is caged in them, as they often aspire to behave like such people.

The Child's First Contact

Before a child starts attending school, his first contacts are the parents. Therefore, the first role model of a child is the parent. Children are known for 'imitation', because they are not born with any social knowledge or social skills. Consequently, they follow the examples laid down by their parents. It is therefore pertinent that parents impact positively on the children.

By the time a child enters the school system, he is more exposed, and he starts identifying how some people are behaving in the society. Sometimes, through the media, something may make a child wish to be like a particular person. What really makes a child to shout "Oh! I want to be like Mr. A"? It is the modus operandi of Mr. 'A'. The child may see how active that person is in the society, how the person has touched lives, how the person uses his ability in cherished manners, the leadership quality of the person, his moral disposition, his intellectual aspect, and so on. But, in all, something in that person will definitely strike someone else to make him his role model.

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Any Need For Role Model?

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Is there really need for one to have a role model? You may ask. Of course, yes, because, honestly speaking it takes much courage and self-confidence to chart your own path. Role models are the ones who can define our course of action and the qualities that are required to attain those heights. Your role model can be your parent, your friend, your boss in the office, or any public figure. Role models assist you to succeed in life. They are the tape with which you rule yourself to see how much you have achieved.

A role model teaches someone that there is no shortcut to success, that hard work is the only key to that. A role model relays to you, the ability to stay focused in the face of failures and constant discouragement that comes along with it. Having a role model easily qualifies you to be a successful entrepreneur, as you will be led to follow him relentlessly.

Who Is Your Role Model?

Each person has a role model in his or her life. The role model could be a friend, a teacher, a neighbour, a father, a mother, a grand-parent, a sports hero, an actress, a newscaster, a doctor in your hospital, and so on. Your role model can be an ordinary person or a celebrity.

I can never forget the closeness between my mother and myself, and that is why she remains my role model. When I was young, I used to imitate the way she talked, joked, danced, taught, and encouraged people. She was a very sociable woman and an ingenious administrator. We saw in her, a model wife, a trustworthy friend, a caring mother, and a successful administrator in the school system. I kept on hoping to be like her. Honestly, I remain ever grateful to her for the inspiration I got from her. So, who is your own role model?

Everyone Should Be A Role Model

Barry Bonds, an American, and one of the greatest baseball players of all time says: "Everyone in society should be a role model, not only for their own self- respect, but for respect from others." When each person turns out to be a role model, people would rather concentrate on building themselves up, rather than waiting for others to dictate the pace for them.

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When you aspire to be a role model, you will feel a special burden to perform well; you will always try to bring out good attributes that people will copy. Of course, you can never fight in the public, you will guard your mouth against negative utterances, you will always be mindful of the consequences of any action you wish to take, bearing in mind that your admirers are watching. When each person performs well, the society will be a better place for the growing populace.

Choosing A Role Model

Since role models help us become what we want to be, and inspire us to make a difference, you need to choose wisely. You can choose a role model in your personal life, and/or a celebrity role model. One can take personal life role models who one can mould one's life after. One can also take a professional life role model that one will model one's career after.

For your personal life, it is advisable to choose a role model that you know, because the person will help you mature and grow as a person, through guidance and advice, to achieve your best. You need to identify the people who exhibit the same qualities you wish to achieve. They may exist around you, and they have a more profound impact on you. Since the purpose of having a role model is to improve yourself, it is better to choose someone who makes you feel positive about yourself. You should identify the traits you want to change in you. These negative aspects of your personality will be focused on, when you want to choose a role model for yourself.

You need to find out people who have done something you admire in life. This may include great philanthropists who have given scholarship opportunities to students, some who have saved lives, some who have raised a lot of money for charity, and so on. Check for people who have reliable competence, and who have gained their positions through dedication and hard work. They are the most skilled. It is advisable to learn about the successes and failures of those you wish to emulate, because, the knowledge about their failures will encourage you to move from failure to success. You will realise that, they, like you, are only human, and can make mistakes.

For one's professional career, one needs to take a model related to one's field of choice. It only makes sense that if you want to be a writer, you should model your life after someone like Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Eugenia Abu, Hyginus Ekwuazi or any writer of note who has achieved great successes. For music, you can think of what music you want to indulge in, whether modern or classic, blues or reggae. This will determine whether you want to have Whiz Kid, Banky W, R. Kelly, Celine Dion, Mozart or Beethoven, as your choice model. You can either take a known person (a celebrity) or anyone around you who is dedicated to the profession you desire and has achieved some measures of success.

In choosing a celebrity role model, you need to play extra caution, because you learn about this person through the media rather than through personal observation. He is the hero who excels in a particular area you wish to emulate. Identify the person that is living life the way you would like to. If you want to be an actress, a musician, an author, or the like, then identify the ones whose worth you have clarified. It is important to also learn about their personal faults. For the celebrities, some of their personal lives may not be the ideal type for you, so you do not need to emulate all. After all, you equally have your own strengths.

You do not need to copy your role model completely, because, everyone makes mistakes. Your role models are simply there as a guide for you, so, you do not need to follow them blindly. Develop your own style because it is important to retain your personality. Above all, always stand out to make the best decision for yourself. It is your life and you have to live it.

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Are You A Role Model?

At this point, it is pertinent to ask yourself the question: "Am I a role model?" Whether you choose to be or not, you are a role model to someone - maybe your child or your neighbour, or your student, or even your friend. So, you have a special task to perform well, for that person to be inspired. Rosa Parks, an African-American civil rights activist, whom the United States Congress called 'the first lady of civil rights', and 'the mother of the freedom movement', said: "Each person must live their life as a model for others." You have to be a reflection of your true self. Be practical about your status of being a role model. How is your disposition affecting others? Is it positive or negative? But watch it. You are directly or indirectly changing someone's character. For the society to grow, the changes you are making in someone else should be positive. As a parent, you should teach your children how to make prayer their key to success. As a teacher, you should be handling the students in such a way that they will always wish to be like you. As a Chief Executive, you should not oppress your subordinates, thinking that they can never climb to that height.

As a subordinate, you should not be a saboteur, forgetting that you will climb to the top someday. Everyone has a stake in the business of being a role model.

If you wish to be a good role model, you should think aloud, to allow the children see how you work through issues. Show them the best decision and help them arrive at the conclusion. Make positive choices so that the people who are looking unto you will note the exemplary lifestyle you are living, for them to follow such when they find themselves in critical conditions. When you make mistakes, you have to apologise, and let those around you know you made a mistake, and how you plan to fix such. This is because you are human, and not perfect.

You have to be well-rounded. You can be a parent and equally be a teacher, a musician, and a valuable friend in whom the child will trust. As for the parent, Lawrence Balter, a published author of children's books, advises: "The best way to teach a child restraint and generosity is to be a model of those qualities yourself. If your child sees that you want a particular item but restrain from buying it, either because it is not practical or because you cannot afford it, he will begin to understand restraint. Likewise, if you donate books or clothing to charity, take him with you to distribute the items, to teach him about generosity." This is more of practical than theoretical.

For you to be a good role model, you need to demonstrate confidence, so that others who wish to copy from you will be convinced of the path they wish to follow. The others who are looking unto you as their super heroes are looking unto you to show respect. If you take other people for granted, or refuse to show gratitude to others, you are not showing them the way to succeed. Be yourself, feel confident, stand out, and do the right, so that others will emulate you. Be a role model yourself.

~ I Like To Be Like You ~

1. Oh! What a passion you possess That truly moves me to confess

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That you are one in a million Sitting right there in a pavilion.

2. I wish I could follow the rule And never ever play the fool

In this my little ambition To be like you with passion.

3. With all your traits so uncommon You love those that are so common

Too difficult to get enraged I'll never be discouraged.

4. That opportunity to display The innermost feeling today Moves me to come to you

Seeking earnestly to be like you.

5. How great you are in all your work That's why I will cherish your worth

You move yourself with dignity With every sense of sanity.

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