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The word 'humility' signifies lowliness or submissiveness. It is that by which a man has a modest estimate of his own worth and submits himself to others. It is the quality or state of not thinking that you are better than other people. When this attribute is possessed by someone, the person will be in a more comfortable terrain to excel, thereby making his natural attribute a source of his power. Humility is a worthy virtue to be maintained and one I admire so much.

There is little or no gain from being proud. Realising that God who created you can change your condition at any time will make you always bow. So, do not feel superior to other human beings created by God. It is in the light of this that Ernest Hemingway, one of the most famous and influential American writers of the 20th Century states that "Humility is not disgraceful, and carries no loss of true pride."15 Good talk.

Equally of relevance is the saying that, "on the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom," as affirmed by Michel de Montaigne, a French philosopher, famously regarded as the 'Father of Modern Skepticism'. Montaigne showed great impact on the writers worldwide. He was an influential and key figure of the French Renaissance. He is best known for his essays which are considered to be the best of all times. His huge volume of essays, Essais, is still considered to be the finest collection of essays which influenced many other notable writers, such as René Descartes, Isaac Asimov, and William Shakespeare.

The earlier we accept that it is only through humility that we shall realise our worth, the better for us, in order to be realistic about life. Even if one has a mighty mansion, he needs to acknowledge the raw fact that he can only sleep in one room at a time. Inside that room, he can only lie on one bed at a time. On that bed, he can only occupy one side of the bed at a time! It is therefore pertinent that we succumb to the realities of life, so that we can come to terms with the potentials in us.

Pride Goes Before A Fall

This means that, if you are too proud and over-confident, you will make mistakes leading to your defeat. If you allow yourself get too proud, you will find yourself humiliated. Jesse Jackson,16 the American civil rights activist, and one of the fiercest and outspoken political figures in the USA, warns thus: "Never look down on somebody unless you're helping him up." The problem with some people is that they are too proud to associate with others. They feel that it is too degrading mingling with other people who may not have had same opportunity of greatness with them.

Nobody is sure of tomorrow. Those people you are rejecting today may eventually be the ones that will save you in future. You should be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down. This is a popular saying, and it needs to open our eyes, if we wish to achieve success in life. Nobody is an island. If you make yourself an island, no one can approach you or even make suggestions to you, as you will definitely reject all. "Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self," as Charles Haddon Spurgeon affirms. Spurgeon was British best-known Baptist minister. By the age of twenty-one, he was the most popular preacher in London. He remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations among whom he is known as the 'Prince of preachers'. People are positively touched by his teachings.

The case of a man who did not realise he was wearing his shirt the wrong way, is testing ground for smooth relationship with others. The fact that nobody could talk to him made the people who saw him dressed badly not to point it out for him. Incidentally, the man was going to serve as the Chairman of an occasion. He got the embarrassment of his life when the Master of Ceremony picked the microphone and funnily remarked that the chairman of the occasion dressed like one poor man in his village who used to alternate his dressing mode from front to back whenever he noticed that one side was dirty. It was only then that this proud and arrogant Chairman noticed that he dressed wrongly. That gave him the shame of his lifetime, because, everyone laughed at him in such a way that he quickly excused himself to go and 'ease himself'. From there, he never went back to the occasion. It was thenceforth that he started making consultations, without limitations, in all his actions. He was surely humbled.

Equally, Mr. Geoffrey, a business tycoon, who felt he had succeeded in life, attended an occasion, and, rather than wait to be called up to the high table, walked straight to that place. Unfortunately, he was called out from where he was seated, and was duly informed that the place was reserved for another person. Because he could not humble himself, he stumbled out of the hall, disgraced.

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You Will Be Exalted

From the religious point of view, "Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted" (Mathew 23:12). A man, who humbly goes down to sit with others, even when he knows that his social status does not accommodate that, will surely be located. Of course, "a golden fish has no hiding place." According to William Temple, an American statesman and essayist, who successfully negotiated the marriage of William, Prince of Orange, and Princess Mary of England, "Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all."

Sometimes, people try to force their ways through, but that does not solve any problem. The result is always provocative, as such people feel 'wounded' when they do not get what they want. Allow things to flow naturally. 'Que sera, sera' (Whatever will be, will be), a popular song written by the Jay Livingston and Ray Evans song-writing team, brings us close to this reality. It is not really by making noise that you will be noticed.

Humility is not meant for a particular group of people alone. Whether you are rich or poor, humility matters a lot in your life and this attracts love and respect from people around you. It unlocks every potential in you. I am always excited about the humble nature of some people who are truly great achievers. They do not mind the social status of the underprivileged who come close to them, as they freely give them listening ears and even solve their problems. Prince Arthur Eze, the Chairman/CEO of Atlas Oranto Petroleum International Nigeria Limited, displays this attribute that rarely comes from achievers of such magnitude. Despite his enormous wealth, he is not arrogant. People get surprised when they see or meet him, because of his non- sophisticated physical appearance.

His simplicity and meekness clearly demonstrate his openness to people, irrespective of their races or religious inclinations. He welcomes people with open arms, and is always ready to render helping hands. As a true man of the people, he feels obliged to respond to as many invitations as possible, to make his positive contributions. His packages are astonishing, as many common people gain from his benevolence. What gladdens the hearts of many in his character is that he does not like seeing people suffering. With a humble heart, he offers limitless opportunities to people who come in contact with him. The more he humbles himself, the more he is exalted. This is a powerful virtue, worthy of emulation, if we wish to be influential.

Be Willing To Follow Others

Do not insist on you leading all the time. During conversations, be willing to follow another person, even if you do not get to talk about your idea. Just have a listening ear. It makes the other person feel that you are interested in his talks. It is not only your decision that will be upheld all the time. You need to consider the feeling and contributions of others. When necessary, give credit for other's ideas. When you ask others their opinions, they will feel satisfied that you are carrying them along. Some people are never satisfied unless it is their own suggestions that are being carried out. But human beings are meant to understand and follow one another. So, imbibe this quality.

Don't Be Boastful

The need for us not to be boastful about our successes calls our attention. After all, everything we have been able to achieve was made possible by God. We can simply use our achievements to motivate others to work as hard as we have done, to equally give them room to score their own high points. Boasting means that no other person can do that thing except you.

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Let us strive to move others into action by letting them know how we registered some successes. That action is not boasting, but inspirational. I remember when I started my driving lesson in Grenoble, France. The person teaching me narrated how he was able to drive perfectly within a period of one week only; he therefore gingered me by saying: "if I could do it, then, you can." That threw a challenge to me. I felt I could equally do what my fellow human being did. To me, he was not boasting, but rather, inspiring me to succeed, as he did. So, let our achievements be discussed in such a way that the person listening to us will be moved into working harder. Of course, you can still narrate those achievements in a humble manner, for the message to be well assimilated.

Give Opportunities To Others

Since everyone has his own individual gift, ask others to join in conversations and contribute. Note that your skills can be developed, with the help of others. You have to value other people's time as much as your own, and help them with their goals. Try to rate other people as first, and be less significant. It is disgusting having talks with someone who will never allow others to talk. Get other people's opinions and join to your own, so that you will increase your knowledge. It is wrong to claim to know everything. Of course, it is impossible.

Allow others to praise you, rather than you, praising yourself. As you discuss with others, you need to listen more and talk less. Ensure that the other person is done, during a conversation, before adding your own talks. Do not be carried away by intolerant principles, which may result to explosive reactions. Rather than that, you have to subdue aggression when dealing with others. Teach all that you can, for the benefit of others. They will love you for that. If you recognise the fact that you know little and that there is always more to learn, you will always wish to learn from others.

Pleasant Remarks Are Cherished

How do you feel when you appreciate somebody for a great thing he did for you, and then receive this remark: "It's my pleasure"? Equally, when you invite someone for a little assistance, the person will say: "I'm honoured to render this assistance," or "I'm honoured to be invited." That is pure humility, and these are soothing comments from the mouth of a humble person. The practice of the use of such soothing comments will draw a lot of people to you, because, they will feel cherished. Remember that relationship is all about cherishing each other.

Don't Neglect Your Faults

When you recognise that you have faults, admit when you are wrong and accept corrections. Do not answer Mr. 'Incorrigible' or Mrs. 'Incorrigible' Accept new ideas and change, not being stuck on what you knew before. Forgive those who have offended you, and move forward, without revenge. It is human to be wrong, so, admit it when you are wrong.

Criticise Constructively, Don't Condemn

It is wrong to see only faults in other people. Seeking avenues to find weak areas in people is a negative trend, and should not be practised. No one is perfect, therefore, be free to use constructive criticism to make corrections, rather than dampening the morale of someone who has dared initiating an action. This, sometimes, creates the impression that you are not happy with the progress that the person is making.

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Do not be a fault finder, be an assistant to someone who is trying to do something. Your own encouragement might make a huge difference. Share

your own knowledge to pass on what you have learnt. Appreciate others when they do well, and learn quickly. Criticise less, appreciate more. It is healthier for you.

It Pays To Be Humble

Humility offers social benefits. Humble people, according to studies, are more effective leaders, and are valued in social settings, due to their tendency to behave more generously and selflessly. It brings about excellence in leadership, as humble leaders are not only better liked, but are more effective. They make better managers and better employees, and this results to better work performance. Humility enables freedom. It means learning to value yourself in a way that is not dependent on outperforming other people, and being the best at things you do. It allows you to feel okay with yourself as someone who is ordinary or average. It soothes the soul.

It brings about higher self-control. Studies indicate that humble people have high self-control, which is a successful key in life. It gives an individual an honest and accurate sense of which areas that truly need to be improved. This creates self-awareness, as the person will come to terms with his true personality. Better relationships are equally brought about by humility.

Humility promotes learning and growth, because, one will be open to new possibilities. Students in a classroom, or people learning to live better lives, cannot open to new experiences if they lack humility, as they believe they already know everything they need to. When they open to new experiences, there will be record of higher grades.

The importance of humility cannot be overemphasised, as Rick Pitino, an American basketball coach who has achieved a measure of success as an author and a motivational speaker, states: "Humility is the true key to success. Successful people lose their way at times. They often embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Humility halts this arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success." Surely, humility pays.

~ What Am I? ~

1. Bringing myself to lowliness Draws me closer to holiness Realising that I am mere sand

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Operating on bare ground.

2. Rating me as being superior Rather makes me to feel inferior 'Nothing is gained by arrogance

I still crave for relevance.

3. I need to be pursuing All things that need reviewing

I might stumble

I will stay humble, and never grumble
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4. Why should I be boastful When life's gain can only come from

the hopeful?

Life demands much tolerance To bring out the best performance.

5. A humble living, I admire To reach the peak, I aspire To get that cherished quality Through my dear life of jollity.

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