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Selling point is a unique quality in you that will attract people to you. It is certain that it is an advantageous feature that appeals to the prospective buyer of a service, product, and the like, but it is not only in business that you can devise selling point strategies, like making your goods to be of better quality, making them cheaper, making them easily available, and so on. You can equally advertise your trait in such a way that people will get attracted to you. Your personality matters a lot, and a well-groomed personality is the key to success.

You need to make yourself more relevant, because, relevance is the only job security that exists in today's uncertain business world. The tsunami of change is hitting everyone. We live in a time of vast and uneasy change, where economic, social and political turmoil has become the order of the day. To be relevant means you have to be an integral part of your organisation, company, economy, and environment. You will be the kind of person on whom others depend, whether for leadership, expertise, acumen or emotional support. You will be valued. Identifying and making optimal use of your special trait will be a selling point for you, if objectively utilised. Your selling point is your own power.

What Do You Wish To Sell?

It is yourself you wish to put up for grabs. You wish to highlight your strengths and special attributes, for others to cherish and consequently, make you excel in life. Your selling point may be your specialty, or it may be a perceived difference that may be appealing to someone. Your moral disposition may be your selling point. A situation may arise when they will need people of your character. You will be taken up.

There are traits that need to be upheld and even used as selling points, for example - politeness, generosity, fairness, honesty, loyalty, humour, compassion, patience, courage, and so on. A generous person, for instance, stands tall in his community. People always prefer the company of a generous

giver to the company of a selfish hoarder. People are naturally attracted towards others who have an open heart to share with others. In fact, this is a great selling point! Generosity, in turn, makes the person happier and healthier. It equally increases your life satisfaction, improves your relationship with others, and alleviates fear. When we share what we have, we feel our abundance, it becomes real to us, and that diminishes our fears.

Another great selling point is humour. There is a saying that 'laughter is the best medicine'. If you can initiate this as your selling point, then, your relationship with others will be enhanced. With your ability to make others laugh, you will be much empowered to heal and renew, because, this is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems and supporting both physical and emotional health.

As Paul E. McGhee stated: "Your sense of humour is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health." McGhee, President of the Laughter Remedy, Montclair, New Jersey, was a pioneer in humour research, laying the ground work for the current interest in the health benefits of humour, and internationally known for his own humour research. Come on, supporter of good health, do not relent.

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Loyalty is a great virtue that people, especially in the offices, adore. It simply means faithfulness to a person or cause. Anyone with this special attribute is easily attracted to the boss. You may be put in a certain advantaged position because of the fact that you do not disobey the constituted authority. Many people have used this trait to excel in their jobs. Loyalty is a strong bond. Research has shown that employees, who are loyal and remain faithful in their jobs, are more productive. This explains why employers have much flair for loyalty. This can definitely turn to be a great selling point for someone, as well.

The saying that 'honesty is the best policy', brings us to understand that this virtue can make a wonderful selling point to someone. The fact that you will always stand for the truth, will definitely ignite a strong relationship between you and others around you. This means that you will be trusted and can be a confidant. You will be dependable. We all know that human beings need people to trust, people they can rely on, people who are courageous to tell them the truth. This is why honesty can develop into an enviable selling point to someone.

Apart from the traits mentioned above, there are others you can initiate, and you will be good to go. Your decision takes you to your goal. The choice is entirely yours. I believe that everyone has one or more positive traits to sell out to people, which, in turn, will contribute to making the world a better place to live in. Your personality is entirely up to you. Your decisions and actions are the determinant factors of your personality. The only way to change your personality is to take active steps to become the person you want to be.

Necessary Steps To Take
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Before you can initiate an acceptable selling point, you have to, first of all, list out the characteristics that describe you. From the list, you can conveniently select the one that is most appropriate for any particular situation. Check the skills and experience you have. These will determine your ability to take up a particular selling point you wish to initiate. Find out who you are at the deepest level. You need to appear to others as you are, without pretence. If you do not understand who you are, and where you are coming from, you cannot lead or influence others.

Take action to change you and change the world. Without action, even a great and brilliant mind remains entirely irrelevant. Identify aspects of your life that others around do not have. Groom them to perfection in such a way that people will be attracted to you. A great way to become well-rounded to improve your personality is by taking a hobby. Many hobbies exist, ranging from crafts, arts, sports, volunteering and writing. As a matter of fact, reading a book can push you to be better.

You should recognise and share feelings (such as sadness or happiness) being experienced by another person. You should have the desire to help others and to care for them. This is relevant, because it creates the deep connection that brings people together.

Mastery is essential because, if you are not competent in what you wish to uphold as a selling point, you cannot be useful to others. You can achieve mastery through a process of continuous improvement of your talents and abilities. This requires the ability to put first things first, and to stay mindful while taking action. Of course, this requires a clear view of reality, a willingness to get beyond deeply rooted beliefs, awareness of your subconscious desires, and commitment to truth. According to Frank Zappa, "Art is making something out of nothing, and selling it." Zappa was a self-taught composer and performer, a highly productive and prolific artist. He remained a major influence on musicians and composers. You can think of something that is completely new, and generate a new idea from there with a view to creating a great selling point.

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No Room For Negative Traits

You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people, as Joel Osteen observes. No negative character poses as a selling point. For instance, if you are a cheat, nobody likes to be cheated. This is because cheating destroys life. Cheating in academics, business, or social life, is never a tolerable act. Once you are found to be a cheat, people will be harsh on you, and no one can trust you, even when you try to do the right thing. Cheating can lead to financial ruin, family ruin, and shunning by others. People will avoid and reject you.

How does it feel being near an antagonistic person? Irritating, right? There is no way people will be endeared to someone who is antagonistic, because, he will always be hostile and disputing with others. This results to low turnout of productivity. This trait is quite repellent, rather than attractive. Avoid antagonism if you are to be considered and revered by others. If you are hot- tempered, people will run away from you, so, anger should be cast away from you, for people to be endeared to you. One who is hot-tempered is one who is quick to anger or who does not control his emotions very well. It is a bad trait and can never project you positively.

You need to flee from avarice, if you do not want people to run away from you. This act is an insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth. Anyone who is avaricious has the tendency of looking for ways of looting an organisation's treasury. Since he is insatiable, he is never content with what he has. Generally, people dislike associating with such persons. It is not a selling point at all.

I have not yet seen people who feel comfortable with cowards. Cowardice is lack of courage. It also means timidity. Finally, it is a brutal conduct towards the weak or undefended. This is a negative trait, when it comes to social acceptability. Since success demands taking risks, how can a coward venture into risk-taking? The heroic acts are simply impossible for him, as he will, under no circumstances, endanger himself, and may even betray close friends and family in an effort to save himself from being harmed. So, being cowardly can never be a selling point.

A child who is notoriously stubborn can never be accepted or welcomed by anyone. What does it cost to be simply obedient? Thomas S. Monson, an American religious leader and author, stated: "The great test of this life is obedience." This brings peace of mind. It brings happy relationship in the family, at the workplace, and with God. This goes to explain that stubbornness does us much harm. It can never make one to be popular; rather, it brings scorn and curses.

The practice of smoking is not a good trait, because of its negative effects on the body, especially, the heart. It does not portray someone positively, too. People may identify you as 'that man who smokes more than three packets of cigarettes everyday'. A nice opportunity may come, but, due to your smoking habit, it may be given to another person who will not have the tendency of 'burning sticks' inside his office. No wonder hotels tag some rooms as 'non- smoking' rooms. This is to demonstrate how unacceptable this trait is.

Rudeness is another negative trait. This is an act of being discourteous, impolite, uncultured, rough, harsh, or ungentle. This calls for serious concern. People will detest you when you display such trait. You will be unbearable and intolerable. In fact, Bryant McGill asserts "No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy." McGill is an American author, aphorist, and speaker in the fields of self-development, personal freedom, and human rights. The list of negative traits is endless, so, brush aside any one of them you have been nursing, and bring out the positive ones, so that you can proudly choose one that will be your selling point.

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Your Attitude Matters

You cannot initiate a selling point when you are having a bad day. Everything boils down to your attitude towards life. Every day, we have a choice about how we see the world. We can open our eyes wide with wonder, and decide to be amazed and thankful, or, we can choose to approach life with dampened spirit: with our eyes half-closed, we see only the worst in people, circumstances and situations. Every natural course, including the timing for everything, has to go through the same process. The only difference is how we approach it. Making every situation dramatic does not make it easier to deal with. A child may drop a cup on the ground, one may shout: "why are you playing with that cup?" Another person may simply smile, and say: "I hope you're enjoying yourself over there." You may be caught in the rain and may start cursing God for sending the rain to pour on you, while another person may feel the touch of the drops and start enjoying the sensations.

Your attitude is simply your mental outlook on circumstances: your temperament, mood, or viewpoint. It is a powerful sentiment, and it affects every part of your life - self-image, relationships, business, and, even your health. This attribute is a key component in defining one's personality. It affects how people see you – whether they like or dislike you, whether they want to be around you or avoid you, whether you gain or lose influence with them. It is reflected through the tone of your voice, the expression on your face, and your body language. Examine yourself to know if your attitude is hurting or helping you. If your family, friends and co-workers were to describe your attitude, what would they say? If you were an employer of labour, would you go for someone with good attitude or bad one?

Try to learn from your failures, and stop complaining. Force yourself to stop thinking about them. Continuing to think about mistakes you have made will affect your self-esteem, self-confidence, and ultimately, your attitude. Your success does not depend on how often you fall, but on how often you get up and try again; on how much you learn from each experience. If you complain from the beginning of your problem to the end, you cannot change the situation, rather, you are aggravating issues, therefore, no progress or improvement will be made. Most people do not want to be around those who complain.

Your attitude is a choice, and that choice is 100% within your control. The choice you make will influence every aspect of your life. Changing your attitude changes everything. When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, complaints and nagging cannot solve problems, as they will only make time drag on. Just resort to either singing or even humming your favourite song. That does the magic of relief from anger and frustration. Be a pleasant person, to enable you unfold your heart's needs. Once you are able to understand your personal traits, you are on your great way to start the journey into self-discovery.

Your Selling Point Distinguishes You From Others.

Being distinguished is really good. Distinguished people have impressive reputation to match. This is a state of having an air of distinction, dignity, or eminence. When you are distinguished, you will have more connections, admirers and self-confidence, to pursue whatever goal you have in life. The particular trait you have chosen to uphold as your selling point, if well- developed, will make you well-known and respected, especially for achievement in that particular field.

~ You Are Unique ~

1. You are equipped to be a champion And not to be a mere onion

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You're here with specific vision To come and achieve your mission.

2. An urgent call to be familiar With things that make you peculiar Avoid what makes you unfamiliar

strive not to be a liar.

3. If life should be so hilarious You have to become very humorous For your own fans to be numerous As your actions are so marvellous.

4. To deeply express our passion We have to show compassion

In an acceptable fashion To reflect our sincere action.

5. You don't need a big boutique To showcase your own technique

Flee completely from antique Because you are quite unique.

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