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Idleness, which is a state of not being occupied, is a negative trait that can deny someone a huge opportunity for greatness in life. It is an ill wind that blows no one any good. It destroys the souls of many, due to its resultant negative consequences. It retards the positive functionality of the brain. It comes up with many evil thoughts. A popular Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, Leonardo Da Vinci, shared his view thus: "Just as iron rusts from disuse; even so does inaction spoil the intellect." The body is like a machine which needs constant servicing, to perform optimally.

Idleness does not only tempt us to sin, but it causes a lot of sins and even, depression. It is when we are idle that we feel bored and tend to eat too much, gossip with people, sit too much on the videos, recount old memories, complain of bad moods, and equally, think of committing one negative action or the other, as the saying goes: "the idle mind is the devil's workshop." You need to make great use of your intellect in any way you find yourself disposed to do so. Idleness is a strong enemy in one's bid to empower himself with his own natural gift.

Watch Out For Signs Of Idleness

Many a time, we find ourselves neglecting what we are expected to do at a particular time. Equally, we find ourselves 'trapped' in doing the things we are not expected to do at that particular point in time. People who usually fall victims of such are those who never make plans. Lack of plan of action can seriously lead to idleness.

Many instances of idleness exist. When you see yourself sleeping too much, for instance, when others are either reading or working, it is a sign of being idle. The hours of unnecessary sleep you wasted would have been used for positive productivity by you. Of course, when you are tired, you are expected to rest and sleep, because the body needs rest, after exerting much energy. However, too much sleep can deny you of some other vital things, because idleness has set in.

Some people are engulfed in random browsing, without any specific aim. They are simply 'busy' wasting their precious time they would have channelled into more useful ventures. Both students and some other adults are guilty of this, and this negative trend is eating deep into the society. I do not see why a child in the secondary school should be browsing areas which are morally forbidden for him at that stage. If that child had picked up a novel to read, or engaged himself in an intellectual work that would make him grow, he cannot be said to be idle.

Gossiping is another sign that will prove to you that you are idle. If your mind is preoccupied with some work, you will not have time to be gossiping about another person. Of what good is it to sit on somebody's character, either to assassinate the character or destroy your own soul because of your evil thoughts? Some people cannot stay put in their houses, because of their love for gossip. Their children may not even have food on the table, but those people are negatively engaged in discussing people. Little wonder that Eleanor Roosevelt, former First Lady of the United States of America, an extraordinary and controversial First Lady, known for her outspokenness; and the first First Lady to hold her own press conferences, clearly stated: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

As soon as you notice that you are putting off what you can conveniently do now till later, you are displaying signs of idleness. Procrastination is not in the dictionary of hardworking people. They try to carry out their plans as at when due. In the office set up, there may be piles of untreated files, but the boss may be the idle type. This practice of leaving files for a long period of time, delays the implementation of some actions which will move the office forward. So, when you see a lot of untreated files in an office, the officer in charge is simply being idle and lazy.

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In the school system, the teacher who is reluctant to go and teach at the right time is displaying an element of idleness. This is to the detriment of the students. In the hospital, a nurse and a doctor who are idle are leaving their patients to fate. When you hear your inner mind talking to you about going to steal from someone, that is a sign that your mind is idle at that time. Ordinarily, you should be thinking of how to make your life better, rather than thinking of going to harm someone else. This is a sign that idleness has set in. In fact, idleness can be seen in all spheres of life, and in all actions expected from human beings. So, we simply need to watch out, to know when we are idle. It is an ill wind that blows no good to humanity.

Getting Engaged Makes You Healthy And Fit

Getting involved in sporting activities can remove the spirit of idleness in you. This is because sports make you to be healthy and fit, paving way for positive thinking. Sports are really entertaining, as they catch our attention to give us pleasure as much as we need. Some life conditions may overwhelm us, and naturally, make us downcast and unhappy, but as soon as we get engaged in a sporting activity, we are motivated and refreshed.

You have to choose a particular sporting activity that appeals to you, and you will witness the magic that will make you shout: "Oh! la la." Aerobics, for instance, gives me joy and much fun. It is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythm with stretching and strength-training routines, with the goal of improving all elements of fitness. The music that accompanies it always puts me in high spirit, and I can go any length to express my joy during the exercise. After aerobics and cycling exercises, I feel real good! A little visit to the gym from time to time, performs a lot of magic in your body fitness exploits. At home too, you can go on choreography and other leisure games, with your family members.

Some other people may be interested in football, while others may be interested in table tennis, athletics, volleyball, and the like. The choice is yours, but, be assured that all are good, to put you on the right frame of mind. Just have your fun to the point of people asking you: "qu'est-ce qui se passe?'' ("What's happening?"), and "qu'est-ce que c'est?" ("What is it?").

To quote Brian Tracy, a successful speaker, writer, and entrepreneur, and who is one of America's leading writers and speakers on personal development, self improvement, time management, goal-setting, and a host of other success topics, "the potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channelled toward some great goal." When you are engaged in activities that interest you, you will live healthily, because you will always be living with a feeling of self-satisfaction. This state of mind will drive off worries and unpleasant thoughts from your mind. The feeling of happiness will always be experienced and this, in turn, makes your blood flow freely and smoothly. It will be difficult for you to be downcast, as idleness can cause sickness. I detest dull moments! If you have something doing, you will feel your mind is getting positively focused and, of course, that earns you healthy psychological living.

Value Your Time

Try to fight against procrastination so that you can easily attain your potential. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield advises: "know the true value of time: snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, laziness, no procrastination: never put till tomorrow what you can do today." I believe that the value of time needs to be cherished by all, so that idleness will be completely eradicated.

However, we need to note here that relaxation does not mean idleness. There is definitely time for everything: time to work and time to relax. All work and no play, it is often said, makes Jack a dull boy. We should always take time to relax, when need be, so that our nerves can rest a little, before more energy will be used. In John Lubbock's book, The Use of Life, he stated: "Rest is not idleness, and to lie on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means, a waste of time." Let us always get it right, by allotting time to our various activities, so that the body system will be balanced and said to be in a healthy state.

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When you make a good scheduling of time, you can never be idle. You will either be engaged in doing some work, or engaged in relaxing. With your time schedule, you will know what you can realistically achieve, know how you can plan for the unexpected, provide time for essential tasks, work on your personal and career goals, and have enough time for family, friends, exercises, and hobbies. Once you give yourself a time goal to complete a particular task, you are equipping yourself with healthy tips for life. Time, when valued, removes stress and anxiety from you. This is because you will find freedom from deadline pressure and from general stress. This will result to more productivity, less procrastination, and much more availability of time to relax. There is time for everything, indeed.

Do Not Leave The Iron To Rust

If you do not want to be weak in thoughts, get yourself busy, just as Ezra Cornell, an American capitalist and philanthropist, founder of Cornell University, said: "Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron." When iron is not put into use, there is the tendency for it to rust. Equally, the human mind depreciates in quality, when it is not allowed to function effectively.

Corrosion, which is the deterioration of a metal as a result of chemical reactions between it and the surrounding environment, can be equated with the deterioration of the human mind which is not allowed to function effectively. However, preventive measures against corrosion, such as environmental modifications, coating, plating, and so on, are really working. In the same way, fleeing from idleness plays a tremendous role in rescuing the human mind from decay. In fact, idleness is a disease, and should not be allowed to flow in our veins.

Develop Passions For Great Deeds

We should not allow our interests or passions to die. It is through the determination of developing such that we can record great deeds. If, for instance, you have passion for writing, what prevents you from doing so? If you have passion for painting, of what use are you when you are not engaged in such? You may be interested in photography, then, get a camera, and learn how to use it. Snap pictures at will. Take all kinds of pictures, whether at home or at events. Your skill in that will be fully developed. Some are gifted in teaching others. They should equally develop that by engaging in teaching children and other social groups. If you leave what you have, it slips off from your hands. You need to make great use of your intellect in any way you find yourself disposed to do so.
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I have seen people who are talented in sculpting, and who have put this talent into use. Today, they are great sculptors. Some others who have seen themselves excelling in music have developed their interest in that on a higher scale. Consequently, they are recording success. One thing is to recognise great deeds, but, another is to develop passions to attain such. You need to find your passion and develop it into a real goal. Know your skills and aptitudes. However, for you to meaningfully develop your passion, you need to set specific goal so that you will work towards that. By having a specific objective, you are set to accomplish that within a target time.

Consequences Of Idleness

Definitely, an idle person should know that he is prone to many negative consequences. Idleness provokes a lot of regrets in life, and this lowers self- esteem. The idle person finds himself giving up easily, with little or no efforts about doing something. This results to lack of production. This can also cause irritability. It is irritating for one to see himself idle, when his mates are busy accomplishing much. He feels depressed too, as a result of non-achievement. Depression, in turn, causes deteriorating health conditions. Really, poor state of health calls for serious concern.

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Idleness can cause obesity, which is a very serious threat to life. As long as one does not engage himself meaningfully, calories will accumulate in the body system, and there is the tendency for one to develop one kind of health threat or the other, in his life. When one is largely inactive, the stored caloric energy turns to fat. Sometimes, cardiovascular disease sets in.

One of the greatest sins is the sin of leaving undone those things which we ought to have done. Sometimes, out of idleness or laziness, a husband cannot feign for the family. Out of idleness, the wife cannot take care of the children and the husband. Out of idleness, a student fails to perform well in the exams. An idle administrator cannot make an organisation or school to grow. Sometimes, an idle person finds himself in the list of people on hunger threat due to the fact that he is lazy to go to the farm, and even to cook. He eats more of junk food than engaging in the real nutrition. He suffers social disconnect. He is unable to have meaningful contacts with friends and other associates, because he is most of the time, on his own. Incidentally, without socialisation, much cannot be achieved. Most of the time, he finds himself guilty of not performing the desired tasks.

Overcoming Idleness

The ideal way of overcoming idleness is to think about the drastic consequences. When you think about what will happen when you display the signs of idleness, then you will surely decide to start engaging yourself with meaningful actions. Many people have remained ordinary because they fail to make conscientious efforts to improve their life patterns. You have to make attempt to move from where you are, so that you can move forward.

Get some achievable goals so that you will have something to look forward to. They should be things that will interest you. You can equally make a year planner which you will try to follow. It will help you not to be idle. If you are not naturally inspired, think of what you can change in your routine. The routine may vary from your food or actions. You will surely get something that moves you into action, so that you will not just stay without active moments.

Exercise regularly so that your brain will always be ready to accommodate your thoughts. You will, through exercises, have a healthy living. Keep on reminding yourself that you can do something. Positive affirmation helps you flee from idleness, because you are determined to move forward. Of course, action changes everything. Exercises make you feel more energised, as they get your blood flowing.

Punctuality, it is said, is the soul of business. You have to form the habit of waking up early, to look for something doing. Sleeping too much can never help you. Sleep is meant to revive the hard-working person so that he can return renewed to work. So, to avoid idleness, you should not be glued to your bed.

You should be mindful of the fact that life is not always easy, unless you want to be unrealistic. Life is full of difficulties, as well as excitements, but most importantly, filled with hope. Therefore, being idle will mean that you do not wish to move on with life, and that can be self-destructive. All you need to do is to change your attitude for the better, so that you can enjoy the life's benefits, as it has a lot to offer.

~ Rescued From The Pit~

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1. This dungeon gets me unoccupied When I crave to be occupied Nothing bugs me like inaction

When there is room for attraction.

2. Rescue me from being wrapped In this darkness where I'm trapped

My life, you want to annihilate But no, I'll surely emancipate.

3. How can I be so redundant When opportunities are abundant?

You can never get me caged Nor let me be enraged.

4. I'm out and never downcast Because I'm not an outcast

No matter your tricky surprises I'm filled with many enterprises.

5. You can't get me depressed I'll rather be refreshed

When you are so unjust Resistance is a must.

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